CDD reglementés: Oui

Motifs autorisés de recours au CDD: aucune limitation

Nombre maximum de CDD successifs: 2


Art. 159 LC stipulates that fact of working after the expiration of a FTC transforms the FTC in an open-ended contract. The same effect is produced by the second renewal of a FTC.

Durée cumulée maximum de CDD successifs: 12mois


Art. 159 LC: Fixed-term contracts may be made for a maximum duration of one year (art 159 LC). One renewal is possible, provided that the maximum cumulative duration does not exceed 1 year.
As an exception, a FTC may last up to 2 years in case of managers or individuals with a professional or technical degree. One renewal is possible, provided that the maximum cumulative duration does not exceed 2 years.

If a worker is employed intermittently for 12 months or more under more than 2 FTC within a period of 15 months (period that starts to count from the first appointment of the worker), there will be a legal presumption of an open ended contract..

Durée maximale de la période d'essai (en mois): aucune limitation


No provision on probationary period in the Labour Code.

Définition du licenciement collectif (nombre d'employés concernés): No statutory definition of collective dismissal.
However, the LC stipulates that an employer can terminate a contract on the grounds of requirements of the undertaking, establishment or service, resulting from streamlining or modernization activities, reduced productivity, changes in market or economic conditions which impose the need to lay off one or more workers.


Art. 161 (1) LC.

Consultation préalable des syndicats (représentants des travailleurs): Non

Notification à l'administration publique: Oui


Art. 162 LC: notification to the Labour Inspectorate at least 30 days in advance. Notification shall take place prior to any dismissal (concerning 1 or more workers) based on operational requirements of the undertaking as defined in art. 161 (1) LC.

Notification aux représentants des travailleurs: Non

Autorisation de l'administration publique ou d'un organe judiciaire: Non

Accord des représentants des travailleurs: Non

Règles de priorité pour l'ordre des des licenciements collectifs (situation sociale, âge, ancienneté): Non

Obligation de l'employeur d'examiner des solutions alternatives au licenciement (transferts, formation...): Non

Règles de priorité de réembauche: Non

Indemnité de licenciement:


- Upon dismissal without cause (by way of desahucio), the workers are entitled to a statutory severance pay -Indemnización legal por años de servicio - (unless an individual or collective agreement is made with more favourable terms) equivalent to 30 days of the last monthly remuneration earned, for each year of service worked and fraction greater than six months. The upper limit is 330 days for workers with a contract in force for one year or more (sec. 163, LC). This applies to persons occupying positions of trust and persons representing the employer having general administrative competence. However domestic workers are entitled to a different indemnity.
- The same amount is payable to a worker whose contract is terminated on the basis of the requirements of the undertaking (see below redundancy payment)
- Upon termination of employment, regardless of the reason for termination, domestic workers are entitled to an indemnity to be funded by the employer's contributions to an insured pension fund equivalent to 4.11% of the monthly remuneration. The employer's contributions shall be paid for a period of 11 years which shall run from obligation to pay such contribution shall be for a period run from 1 January 1991 or the start date of employment, whichever is later (art. 163 LC).
- There is a possibility for an agreement on a substitute termination indemnity (see below - "Notes / Remarks")

Note that dismissals based on the worker's conduct (art. 160 LC) do not give right to severance pay.
Similarly severance pay is not payable in the event of termination upon expiry of the agreed term of the contract or completion of the service for which the contract was made, termination due to force majeure or unforeseen event, resignation, mutual agreement, resignation or the death of the worker.

ancienneté ≥ 6 mois: 0 jour(s)

ancienneté ≥ 9 mois: 0 jour(s)

ancienneté ≥ 1 an: 30 jour(s)

ancienneté ≥ 4 ans: 120 jour(s)

ancienneté ≥ 5 ans: 150 jour(s)

ancienneté ≥ 10 ans: 300 jour(s)

ancienneté ≥ 20 ans: 330 jour(s)

Indemnité de licenciement pour motif économique:


Same as severance pay.
*Art. 163 LC foresees that, in case of dismissal for the economic reasons listed in art. 161 LC, dismissed workers who have been working for at least 1 year are entitled to severance pay. This indemnity (unless an individual or collective agreement is made with more favorable terms) shall amount to 30 days of the last monthly remuneration earned, for each year of service worked and fraction of a year greater than six months. The upper limit is 330 days for workers with a contract in force for one year or more (see art. 163 LC).
*See also substitute indemnity below under "Notes / Remarks"

ancienneté ≥ 6 mois: 0 jour(s)

ancienneté ≥ 9 mois: 0 jour(s)

ancienneté ≥ 1 an: 30 jour(s)

ancienneté ≥ 2 ans: 60 jour(s)

ancienneté ≥ 4 ans: 120 jour(s)

ancienneté ≥ 5 ans: 150 jour(s)

ancienneté ≥ 10 ans: 300 jour(s)

ancienneté ≥ 20 ans: 330 jour(s)

Notes / Remarques


Substitute indemnity:
Through the Administrators of Pension Funds (Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones), a system of substitute indemnity payable regardless of the reason for termination has been created. There is the possibility for an agreement to be made between the employer and the employee on a substitute indemnity, from the beginning of the seventh year of employment up to the end of the 11th year of the employment relationship. Under these agreements, a monthly contribution of 4.11 per cent of the employee's monthly wage or salary, with the salary to which this percentage applies limited to 90UF, is deposited by the employer in an insured pension fund (sec. 164, LC).
As of July 1, 2010, 1UF was equivalent to Ch$21,204.

Compensation pour licenciement injustifié - montant librement déterminé par la cour: Non

Possibilité de réintégration dans l'emploi: Non

Conciliation préalable obligatoire: Oui

Courts ou tribunaux compétents: tribunal du travail

Règlement des litiges individuels par arbitrage: Non