La base de données EPLex contient des informations juridiques au sujet de la réglementation des contrats temporaires et de la cessation de la relation de travail à l’initiative de l’employeur. Elle couvre plus de 50 variables liées à la protection de l’emploi, regroupées sous 9 thématiques. Les informations sont basées sur la réglementation au niveau national.

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Travailleurs bénéficiant d’une protection particulière contre le licenciement

Some workers benefit from a higher level of protection against dismissal owing to their special status.

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Couverture juridique

Designates the categories of workers that the law applies to, while some laws are universal, many laws exempt certain occupations or workers in firms below a designated threshold of employees.

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Fixed-term contracts offer a lower level of employment protection as compared to contracts of indefinite duration. For this reason, many countries regulate their use.

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Période d’essai ou probatoire

The probationary (trial) period is a period of employment during which employment protection legislation does not apply fully. For this reason, national laws and regulations may place limits on its duration.

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Motifs valables et interdits de licenciement

Some workers benefit from a higher level of protection against dismissal owing to their special status.

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In order to dismiss an employee, employers usually have to follow a set of legally mandated procedures, such as providing notice. Failure to follow such procedure may nullify the dismissal.

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When several workers are to be dismissed simultaneously or over a short period of time, employers may have to follow different procedures, specifically designed for this purpose.

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Workers may be entitled to separation benefits from the employer. Usually the amount is linked to the reason for dismissal, the wage and the worker’s tenure in the enterprise.

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Voies de recours et procédure contentieuse en cas de litiges individuels

An essential element of a worker’s protection against unjustified dismissal is the right of appeal. The national legislation often provides diverse remedies in case an employee wishes to contest the dismissal.

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Indicateurs EPLex

Toutes les informations de la base de données EPLex relatives aux législations nationales peuvent être téléchargées par thème.

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De plus, ces informations juridiques ont été quantifiées par des juristes et des économistes de l’OIT afin de produire une série d’indicateurs synthétiques, ou agrégés, relatifs à la protection de l’emploi. Cette quantification vise à faciliter l’analyse statistique et la comparaison des données juridiques entre les pays. La méthodologie de la quantification est fondée sur les normes internationales du travail.

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