FTC regulated: Yes


See Note 2 under section 7 of the Labour Code: "The maximum duration of a definite period in respect of types of work which are not permanent by nature shall be determined by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and approved by the Council of Ministers."

Valid reasons for FTC use: no limitation


See Note 2 under section 7 of the Labour Code: "The maximum duration of a definite period in respect of types of work which are not permanent by nature shall be determined by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and approved by the Council of Ministers."

Maximum number of successive FTCs: no limitation


The LC is silent as to the possibility of renewing FTC and the rules regarding the maximum number of renewals.
It only refers to the "maximum duration of a definite period in respect of types of work which are not permanent by nature" which "shall be determined by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and approved by the Council of Ministers."(sec. 7, note 2, LC).

Maximum cumulative duration of successive FTCs: no limitation

The LC does not specify the maximum duration of (successive) FTCs
According to the Note 2 under section 7 of the Labour Code: "The maximum duration of a definite period in respect of types of work which are not permanent by nature shall be determined by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and approved by the Council of Ministers."

Notes / Remarks


Where an employment contract is concluded for a fixed term or for piece­work, neither party may unilaterally terminate the contract (sec. 25 LC)

Maximum probationary (trial) period (in months): 3 month(s)


See sec. 11 LC, Note 1: "The probationary period shall be specified in the employment contract. The maximum duration of probation shall be one month for unskilled and semi­skilled workers and three months for skilled and specialised workers".

Obligation to provide reasons to the employee: Yes

Valid grounds (justified dismissal):

Prohibited grounds: race, colour, sex, language, ethnic origin


See sec. 6 LC on the general prohibition of discrimination: "Iranians, whatever their tribe or ethnic group, enjoy the same rights; skin colour, race, language and the like do not constitute any privilege or distinction; all individuals, whether men or women, are entitled to the same protection of the law"

Workers enjoying special protection:

No information found in the legislation reviewed.

Notification to the worker to be dismissed: no specific form required


No specific form prescribed in the LC.
Note however that termination of employment for continued violations of disciplinary rules requires previous written warnings (sec. 27 LC).

Notice period:


No statutory notice period to be observed.



    • All: 0 month(s).



      • All: 0 month(s).



        • All: 0 month(s).



          • All: 0 month(s).



            • All: 0 month(s).



              • All: 0 month(s).



                • All: 0 month(s).

                Pay in lieu of notice: No

                Notification to the public administration: No

                However, notification to the Ministry of Labour is compulsory in the event of a dismissal of a foreign worker, see sec. 125 LC:
                "Sec. 125. Where, whatever the circumstances, an employment relationship between a foreign citizen and an employer is terminated, the employer shall notify the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs thereof within 15 days. The foreign citizen shall surrender his work permit to the said Ministry against a receipt within 15 days. If necessary, the Ministry shall request the appropriate authorities to expel the foreign citizen from the country."

                Notification to workers' representatives: Yes

                Approval by public administration or judicial bodies: No

                No general obligation to obtain the prior approval of the administration.
                However, the dismissal of an employee on the ground of continuous violations of the disciplinary rules or for negligence in performing his/her duties requires the assenting opinion of the Board of Inquiry and in units not covered by the Islamic Labour Council Act, or where no Islamic Labour Council or Guild Society has been set up or where there is no workers' representative.
                Note that Islamic Labour Council must be established in workplaces engaged in production, industries, agriculture and services having over 35 permanent employees.
                "The Board of Inquiry is composed of:
                * (1) one representative of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs;
                * (2) one representative of the workers to be selected and appointed by the Provincial Coordination Council of the Islamic Labour Councils;
                * (3) one representative of the managers of industries, to be selected by the Provincial Centre of Employers' Guild Societies. (sec. 158 LC)"
                Therefore, in cases where disciplinary dismissals are subject to the approval of the Board of Inquiry, the administration plays a role in authorizing the dismissal through the participation of one representative of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in the Board.

                Approval by workers' representatives: Yes

                Termination on the ground of continued violations of disciplinary rules ground or for negligent performance requires the agreement of the Islamic Labour Council or the Guild Society. In units not covered by the Islamic Labour Council Act, or where no Islamic Labour Council or Guild Society has been set up or where there is no workers' representative, the termination of an employment contract shall be subject to the agreement of the Board of Inquiry (sec. 27 LC)
                Note that Islamic Labour Councils must be established in workplaces engaged in production, industries, agriculture and services having more than 35 permanent employees.

                Definition of collective dismissal (number of employees concerned) No definition of collective dismissals.<br/>The LC allows termination of employment in the event of &quot;reduced production and structural changes imposed by economic, social and cultural developments calling for vast technological changes&quot; without specifying the number of employees affected.


                Sec. 21 g) LC as amended. These reasons were not included in the original version of the LC of 1990 and the new sub-clause g) results from an amendment - not included in the electronic version of the text of the LC provided under "references".
                Information found in secondary sources:
                "It has been said that the Expediency Council has now authorized the discharge of workers by adding a Sub-clause g) to Article 21 of the Labour Law approved 1990 whereby the employers, in case of a reduced output and structural changes imposed by economic, social and political developments shall have the rights to discharge their employees.
                The following is a translation of the text of Article 21 of the Labour Law approved by the Economic Committee of the Expediency Council:
                Article 21- The employment agreement may be terminated in any of the following cases (...)
                g) Reduced production and structural changes imposed by economic, social and cultural developments calling for vast technological changes as provided in Article 9 of the Law Facilitating the Renovation of Industries."
                Source of information: "LIS 643 and 644, Day 25 & Bahman 2, 1387 (14-21/01/2009)", by Pars Associates, Attorneys-at-Law, published on the "Blog of Guillot-Pars associates" (http://avocats.fr/space/guillot-pars).

                Notification to the public administration Yes


                Section 9 of the Law Facilitating the Renovation of Industries as quoted by Pars Associates, Attorneys-at-Law, in " LIS 643 and 644, Day 25 & Bahman 2, 1387 (14-21/01/2009)", published on the "Blog of Guillot-Pars associates" (http://avocats.fr/space/guillot-pars):

                "In order to promote efficiency within industrial companies, the workforce of every such company will be graded through cooperation between the labourers organizations and management of every industrial company. In case of agreement by and between both parties (labourers and management) in respect of the required and redundant workforce, the redundant workers will be laid off by payment of two months' aggregate salaries and benefits for each year of service for the factory concerned or through any other way to be mutually agreed upon. The laid off workers will be covered by unemployment insurance according to the criteria described in Sub-clause (a) of Article 7 of the Unemployment Insurance Act approved on September 16, 1990. Should the parties fail to reach agreement, the difference between the workers organization and employer concerned shall be referred to a work group consisting of the representatives of the government (ministries of Industries and Mines, Labour and Social Affairs, and the Management and Planning Organization) and the Social Security Organization as well as higher organizations of employers and labourers in order that the said committee, lay off the redundant workers by payment of the severance pay set forth in the Labour Act in compliance with the criteria under Sub-clause (a) of Article 7 of Unemployment Insurance Act approved on September 16, 1990 for unemployment insurance coverage."

                Notification to trade union (workers' representatives) Yes


                Only if the parties do not reach an agreement.

                See sec. 9 of the Law Facilitating the Renovation of Industries as quoted by Pars Associates, Attorneys-at-Law, in " LIS 643 and 644, Day 25 & Bahman 2, 1387 (14-21/01/2009)", published on the "Blog of Guillot-Pars associates" (http://avocats.fr/space/guillot-pars):

                "In order to promote efficiency within industrial companies, the workforce of every such company will be graded through cooperation between the labourers organizations and management of every industrial company. In case of agreement by and between both parties (labourers and management) in respect of the required and redundant workforce, the redundant workers will be laid off by payment of two months' aggregate salaries and benefits for each year of service for the factory concerned or through any other way to be mutually agreed upon. The laid off workers will be covered by unemployment insurance according to the criteria described in Sub-clause (a) of Article 7 of the Unemployment Insurance Act approved on September 16, 1990. Should the parties fail to reach agreement, the difference between the workers organization and employer concerned shall be referred to a work group consisting of the representatives of the government (ministries of Industries and Mines, Labour and Social Affairs, and the Management and Planning Organization) and the Social Security Organization as well as higher organizations of employers and labourers in order that the said committee, lay off the redundant workers by payment of the severance pay set forth in the Labour Act in compliance with the criteria under Sub-clause (a) of Article 7 of Unemployment Insurance Act approved on September 16, 1990 for unemployment insurance coverage."

                Notification to workers' representatives: Yes


                Section 9 of the Law Facilitating the Renovation of Industries as quoted by Pars Associates, Attorneys-at-Law, in " LIS 643 and 644, Day 25 & Bahman 2, 1387 (14-21/01/2009)", published on the "Blog of Guillot-Pars associates" (http://avocats.fr/space/guillot-pars):

                "In order to promote efficiency within industrial companies, the workforce of every such company will be graded through cooperation between the labourers organizations and management of every industrial company. In case of agreement by and between both parties (labourers and management) in respect of the required and redundant workforce, the redundant workers will be laid off by payment of two months' aggregate salaries and benefits for each year of service for the factory concerned or through any other way to be mutually agreed upon. The laid off workers will be covered by unemployment insurance according to the criteria described in Sub-clause (a) of Article 7 of the Unemployment Insurance Act approved on September 16, 1990. Should the parties fail to reach agreement, the difference between the workers organization and employer concerned shall be referred to a work group consisting of the representatives of the government (ministries of Industries and Mines, Labour and Social Affairs, and the Management and Planning Organization) and the Social Security Organization as well as higher organizations of employers and labourers in order that the said committee, lay off the redundant workers by payment of the severance pay set forth in the Labour Act in compliance with the criteria under Sub-clause (a) of Article 7 of Unemployment Insurance Act approved on September 16, 1990 for unemployment insurance coverage."

                Approval by trade union (workers' representatives) Yes


                The administration will act only in the absence of agreement between the employer and the workers' representatives.
                See sec. 9 of the Law Facilitating the Renovation of Industries as quoted by Pars Associates, Attorneys-at-Law, in " LIS 643 and 644, Day 25 & Bahman 2, 1387 (14-21/01/2009)", published on the "Blog of Guillot-Pars associates" (http://avocats.fr/space/guillot-pars):
                " Should the parties fail to reach agreement, the difference between the workers organization and employer concerned shall be referred to a work group consisting of the representatives of the government (ministries of Industries and Mines, Labour and Social Affairs, and the Management and Planning Organization) and the Social Security Organization as well as higher organizations of employers and labourers in order that the said committee, lay off the redundant workers by payment of the severance pay set forth in the Labour Act in compliance with the criteria under Sub-clause (a) of Article 7 of Unemployment Insurance Act approved on September 16, 1990 for unemployment insurance coverage."

                Approval by workers' representatives Yes


                Section 9 of the Law Facilitating the Renovation of Industries as quoted by Pars Associates, Attorneys-at-Law, in " LIS 643 and 644, Day 25 & Bahman 2, 1387 (14-21/01/2009)", published on the "Blog of Guillot-Pars associates" (http://avocats.fr/space/guillot-pars):

                "In order to promote efficiency within industrial companies, the workforce of every such company will be graded through cooperation between the labourers organizations and management of every industrial company. In case of agreement by and between both parties (labourers and management) in respect of the required and redundant workforce, the redundant workers will be laid off by payment of two months' aggregate salaries and benefits for each year of service for the factory concerned or through any other way to be mutually agreed upon. The laid off workers will be covered by unemployment insurance according to the criteria described in Sub-clause (a) of Article 7 of the Unemployment Insurance Act approved on September 16, 1990. Should the parties fail to reach agreement, the difference between the workers organization and employer concerned shall be referred to a work group consisting of the representatives of the government (ministries of Industries and Mines, Labour and Social Affairs, and the Management and Planning Organization) and the Social Security Organization as well as higher organizations of employers and labourers in order that the said committee, lay off the redundant workers by payment of the severance pay set forth in the Labour Act in compliance with the criteria under Sub-clause (a) of Article 7 of Unemployment Insurance Act approved on September 16, 1990 for unemployment insurance coverage."

                Priority rules for collective dismissals (social considerations, age, job tenure) No


                No information in the legislation reviewed.

                Employer's obligation to consider alternatives to dismissal (transfers, retraining...) No

                Priority rules for re-employment No


                No information in the legislation reviewed.


                - Permanent workers:
                See sec. 27 LC: Where a worker is negligent in discharging his or her duties or if, after written warnings, he or she continues to violate the disciplinary rules of the workplace, the employer shall have the right to terminate the employment agreement, upon approval of the Islamic Labour Council, and shall pay to the worker a sum equal to his or her last monthly wage for each year of service as a length ­of­ service allowance, in addition to any deferred entitlements.
                (No information found in the LC as to the entitlement to severance pay of a permanent worker with less than 1 year of service)

                See also:
                -Workers under a fixed-term contract:
                Sec. 24 LC: In the event of the termination of an employment contract concluded for piece­work or for a fixed term, the employer shall pay to each worker employed under such a contract for one year or more, whether continuously or not, an amount equal to his last monthly wage for each year of service as a length­ of­ service allowance.

                : 0 month(s)

                : 0 month(s)

                : 1 month(s)

                : 2 month(s)

                : 4 month(s)

                : 5 month(s)

                : 10 month(s)

                : 20 month(s)


                See sec. 9 of the Law Facilitating the Renovation of Industries , quoted by Pars Associates, Attorneys-at-Law, in " LIS 643 and 644, Day 25 & Bahman 2, 1387 (14-21/01/2009)", published on the "Blog of Guillot-Pars associates" (http://avocats.fr/space/guillot-pars):

                - In case of agreement by and between both parties (labourers and management) in respect of the required and redundant workforce, the redundant workers will be laid off by payment of two months' aggregate salaries and benefits for each year of service for the factory concerned or through any other way to be mutually agreed upon. The laid off workers will be covered by unemployment insurance according to the criteria described in Sub-clause (a) of Article 7 of the Unemployment Insurance Act approved on September 16, 1990.
                - In the absence of agreement between the parties, the dispute shall be referred to a committee consisting of representatives of the government and the Social Security Organization as well as higher organizations of employers and workers, in order that the said committee lays off the redundant workers and pays them the amount of severance pay set forth in the Labour Act (= 1 month per year of service).

                : 0 month(s)

                : 0 month(s)

                : 2 month(s)

                : 4 month(s)

                : 8 month(s)

                : 10 month(s)

                : 20 month(s)

                : 40 month(s)

                Compensation for unfair dismissal - Legal limits (ceiling in months or calculation method): No compensation in lieu of reinstatement: when the dismissal is unlawful, the worker shall be reinstated and the employer shall be ordered to pay his or her remuneration as of the date of his or her dismissal.<br/>

                Secs. 20 and 165 LC.

                managerial / executive positions: Yes

                In the case of unlawful dismissal, the worker shall be entitled to apply to the Board of Inquiry within 30 days. If the employer is unable to prove that the dismissal is based on a valid reason, the employer shall be obliged to reinstate the worker in his or her job (sec. 20, LC).

                police: Yes

                In the event of a dispute between an employer and a worker, a settlement shall, in the first instance, be sought by direct compromise between the parties (sec. 157 LC).

                Where no compromise can be reached, the dispute may be referred to, examined and settled by the Board of Inquiry (sec. 157, LC).
                Note that a worker who is to be dismissed in accordance with the decision of a Board of Inquiry shall be entitled to appeal the decision to the Disputes Board (sec. 158, LC).

                Existing arbitration: No