FTC regulated: Yes


See art. 118 LPA, art. 581 CCC and art. 17 and 17/1 LPA, as amended by LPA- No.2 of 2008 and LPA-No.7 of 2019.
Art. 17/1 LPA deals with termination without prior notice.

Valid reasons for FTC use: objective and material reasons


Fixed term contracts are defined in art. 118 LPA in connection with the right to severance pay which does not apply to employees with a fixed-term contract.
Pursuant to the same provision fixed term employment under is allowed for employment in specific projects which do not fall within not the normal activities of the employer's business or trade, and which required a definite to start and end the work, or for occasional work or for seasonal work. Such work must be completed within a period of not more than two years, and the employer shall enter into a written contract with the employee upon commencement of employment.

Maximum number of successive FTCs: no limitation


No limitation on the maximun number of FTCs.
According to art. 581 of the CCC, "if after the end of the agreed period the employee continues to render services and the employer knowing thereof does not object, the parties are presumed to have made a new contract on the same terms, but either party can terminate the contract by giving notice."

Maximum cumulative duration of successive FTCs: 2year(s)


See art 118 LPA: Fixed term work must be completed within a period of not more than two years.

Maximum probationary (trial) period (in months):

no limitation

The LPA does not regulate the duration of the probationary period.

Obligation to provide reasons to the employee: No


No general obligation to inform the employee of the grounds of dismissal except in the event of an economic dismissal (art. 121 LPA) and of a summary dismissal for misconduct (art. 119 LPA, as amended by LPA-No2 of 2008 (art. 18))

Valid grounds (justified dismissal):

Prohibited grounds: pregnancy, filing a complaint against the employer, trade union membership and activities


- The LRA prohibits as an unfair practice the termination of employment by the employer (art. 121 LRA):
* on the ground that the employee is a member of the trade union;
* of certain persons (listed below) carrying out functions of the labour relations machinery for certain acts related to the fulfilment of their duties; and
* on the ground that the employees or the labour union are about to undertake such acts.
The persons specifically referred to are employees, employees' representatives, committee members of the labour union or of the labour federation. The specified acts are calling a rally, filing a petition, submitting a claim, filing a lawsuit or negotiating it, appearing as a witness before or producing evidence to competent officials under the law on labour protection, the Registrar, labour dispute conciliators, labour dispute arbitrators, labour relations committee members, or the labour court.
- On the prohibition of termination of employment on the ground of pregnancy, see art. 43 LPA.

Workers enjoying special protection: workers' representatives

- The employer cannot, except with the approval of the Labour Court, terminate employment of, or reduce the wages of, or punish a member of an employees' committee (art. 52 LRA). Such committees are set up by employees in establishments employing at least 50 employees (art. 45 LRA).
- It is generally unlawful for an employer to terminate the employment or transfer the duties of the employees, their representatives, the committee members, subcommittee members, or members of the labour union, or committee members or subcommittee members of the labour federation, who are involved in the presentation, negotiation or reconciliation of a request to renegotiate an agreement on conditions of employment. Termination or transfer is, however, lawful if the persons concerned dishonestly perform their duties or wilfully commit a criminal offence against the employer; wilfully cause damage to the employer; neglect work for three consecutive working days without a suitable reason; or violate the rules, regulations or lawful orders of the employer, provided the employer has issued a warning in writing. The written warning is not required in severe cases (art. 31 LRA). The same protection applies to the same employees while an agreement on conditions of employment or equivalent award is in effect, with one additional category of permitted dismissal (i.e. when the employee commits any act of instigation, encouragement or persuasion to violate the agreement on conditions of employment or equivalent arbitration award) (art. 123(5) LRA).

Notification to the worker to be dismissed: no specific form required


Notification to the worker to be dismissed: oral or written
Art. 17 LPA, as amended by LPA-No.2 of 2008 (art. 8): The prior notice of termination can be given in writing.

Notice period:


-Dismissal not based on economic reasons:
See art. 17 LPA, as amended by LPA-No2 of 2008 (art. 8): " Where the period is not specified in the contract of employment, an employer or an employee may terminate the contract by giving advance notice in writing to the other party at or before any due date of wage payment in order to take effect on the following due date of wage payment, with no requirement for advance notice of more than 3 months". Therefore, if a worker is paid on a monthly basis, the notice period shall be at least 1 month. See also art. 582 CCC.
See also: Remark box (below)

- Dismissal for economic reasons:
According to art. 121 LPA, the employer shall give at least a 60-day notice to the labour inspection when he or she intends to terminate an employee due to the restructuring of the work unit, the production process, or the distribution or provision of services, resulting from the introduction or change of machinery or technology.

Note: Article 11 of ILO Convention No. 158 refers to the notice to be given to the worker.
In Thailand, since Article 121 LPA refers to the 60-days notice to be given to the labour inspectorate (not to the worker), it is not reported in the table below.

monthly paid workers:

    monthly paid workers:

    • monthly paid workers: 1 month(s).

    monthly paid workers:

      monthly paid workers:

      • monthly paid workers: 1 month(s).

      monthly paid workers:

        monthly paid workers:

        • monthly paid workers: 1 month(s).

        monthly paid workers:

          monthly paid workers:

          • monthly paid workers: 1 month(s).

          monthly paid workers:

            monthly paid workers:

            • monthly paid workers: 1 month(s).

            monthly paid workers:

              monthly paid workers:

              • monthly paid workers: 1 month(s).

              monthly paid workers:

                monthly paid workers:

                • monthly paid workers: 1 month(s).

                monthly paid workers:

                  monthly paid workers:

                  • monthly paid workers: 1 month(s).

                  Pay in lieu of notice: Yes

                  See Sec. 17(3) as amended by LPA No. 7 (2019) (Sec. 5) and Sec. 121 LPA (economic dismissals).
                  See also art. 582(2) CCC.

                  Notification to the public administration: No

                  Notification to workers' representatives: No

                  Approval by public administration or judicial bodies: No

                  However, the Labour Relations Act requires the approval of the Labour Court when the employer intends to dismiss (and otherwise punish or reduce wages of) a member of an employees' committee (art. 52 LRA).
                  Such committees are set up by employees in establishments employing at least 50 employees (art. 45 LRA).

                  Approval by workers' representatives: No

                  Definition of collective dismissal (number of employees concerned) No statutory definition of collective dismissal (no number specified). The LPA only refers to termination of an employee due to the restructuring of the work unit, the production process, or the distribution or provision of services, resulting from the introduction or change of machinery or technology thus making it necessary to reduce the number of employees.


                  Art. 121 LPA and Art. 122 LPA.

                  Notification to the public administration No

                  Notification to trade union (workers' representatives) Yes


                  Art. 121 LPA: the employer must inform the Labour Inspection Officer and the employees whose employment is to be terminated of the date of termination of employment, the reasons for termination of employment and the names of the employees not less than sixty days before the date of termination of employment.

                  Notification to workers' representatives: No

                  Approval by trade union (workers' representatives) No

                  Approval by workers' representatives No

                  Priority rules for collective dismissals (social considerations, age, job tenure) No

                  Employer's obligation to consider alternatives to dismissal (transfers, retraining...) No

                  Priority rules for re-employment No

                  : 30 day(s)

                  : 30 day(s)

                  : 90 day(s)

                  : 90 day(s)

                  : 180 day(s)

                  : 180 day(s)

                  : 300 day(s)

                  : 400 day(s)

                  : 30 day(s)

                  : 30 day(s)

                  : 90 day(s)

                  : 90 day(s)

                  : 180 day(s)

                  : 180 day(s)

                  : 450 day(s)

                  : 700 day(s)

                  mine workers: Yes

                  Art. 49 ALC: If the labour court rules that the dismissal was unfair but considers that the cooperation between employer and employee has been disrupted beyond repair, the court may fix an amount of damages as compensation to be paid by the employer in lieu of reinstatement by taking into consideration the age of the employee, the length of service, the hardship of the employee at the time of dismissal, the cause of the dismissal and the compensation the employee is entitled to receive.

                  managerial / executive positions: Yes

                  Art. 49 ALC: If the labour court considers that an employee has been unfairly dismissed, it may order reinstatement at the level of remuneration applying at the time of dismissal.

                  police: Yes

                  Art. 38 ALC provides that "when the plaintiff and the defendant appear in court, the labor court shall mediate the parties to reach an agreement or a compromise". If the parties fail to reach an agreement or a compromise, the labor court shall proceed with the trial.

                  - Disputes regarding termination of employment must be brought before a labour court (see arts. 8 and 49 ALC)
                  - However, if an employee was dismissed following an unfair practice (i.e termination on the grounds of trade union activities or membership), he may file a complaint with the Labour Relations Committee within 60 days of the violation (art. 124 LRA). This Committee will issue an award and an order within a further 90 days, The employee can also file a criminal complaint against the employer, but only after the Labour Relations Committee has passed an arbitration award and the employer has failed to comply with the Committee's order. (art. 127, LRA). An employer who violates the prohibition of termination of employment contained in the LRA (art. 121, 122 and 123 LRA on unfair practices) shall be liable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding 6 months and/or to a fine not exceeding ten thousands Baths (see arts. 158 and 159 LRA)
                  [The Labour Relations Committee is established within the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (art. 8, LRA) to settle particular labour disputes with an award. It is composed of between eight and 14 members, three of whom must be employers' representatives and three employees' representatives (art. 37, LRA).]

                  Existing arbitration: No

                  No information found.