Outre l’établissement de motifs de licenciement interdits, de nombreux pays accordent une protection spéciale à des groupes spécifiques de travailleurs, tels que les représentants des travailleurs ou les femmes enceintes, afin de les protéger contre les représailles ou la discrimination. Par exemple, dans le cas des représentants des travailleurs, la législation peut exiger que l’employeur consulte ou obtienne l’approbation d’un organe indépendant ou paritaire avant le licenciement.

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Over 80% of EPLex countries have special protections for pregnant women or women on maternity leave

  • Special protection for pregnant women or women on maternity leave
  • No special protection
  • No data

Worker categories enjoying special protections

Année Pays Région femmes enceintes ou en congé de maternité travailleurs avec des responsabilités familiales représentants des travailleurs travailleurs avec une invalidité confirmée travailleurs seniors/à la veille de la retraite travailleurs handicapés travailleurs effectuant leur service militaire/service alternatif travailleurs en congé temporaire suite à une maladie professionnelle ou un accident du travail travailleurs exerçant un mandat électif ou une fonction politique vétérans de guerre nationaux travailleurs ayant une longue ancienneté travailleurs mineurs aucun groupe protégé
2019 Afghanistan Asie Y
Y Art. 28 LC prohibits any transfer or termination of employment during any paid leave period unless the undertaking has been dissolved. This means that dismissal is not permitted during maternity leave (90 days).
However this protection does not cover the entire pregnancy period.
2019 Afrique du Sud Afrique N N N N Y
Y Protection only applicable to disciplinary dismissals:
According to sec. 4(2) of the Code of Good Practice, disciplinary proceedings against a trade union representative should not be instituted without first informing and consulting the trade union.
2019 Algérie Afrique N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
2019 Angola Afrique Y
Art. 207 provides for special protection against disciplinary dismissal for the following categories of workers:
- trade union leaders, trade union delegates or worker's representatives;
- women covered by maternity protection (=during the entire period of pregnancy until 1 year after delivery (arts 246 and 251 GLA);
- war veterans;
- minors (art. 260 GLA);
- workers with a limited occupational disability degree of 20% or above.
Any disciplinary dismissal of the above-mentioned workers (except for trade union leaders, trade union delegates or worker's representatives and women enjoying maternity protection) is subject to the authorization of the General Labour Inspectorate (see arts. 207(3), 260 GLA). The law provides that a woman covered by the maternity protection has the right not to be dismissed unless she commits a disciplinary offence which makes it immediately and practically impossible to maintain the employment relationship and provided that the Labour inspector acknowledges that the offence is of such nature and grants authorization (art. 246 (1)d) and (4) GLA). Besides, a woman covered by the maternity protection has the right not to be dismissed for objective reasons (art. 251 GLA).
- Specific rules apply to the disciplinary dismissal of trade union leaders, trade union delegates or worker's representatives: mandatory notification to the trade union or the body they belong, presumption of unfair dismissal, higher compensation for unfair dismissal.
Art. 207 provides for special protection against disciplinary dismissal for the following categories of workers:
- trade union leaders, trade union delegates or worker's representatives;
- women covered by maternity protection (=during the entire period of pregnancy until 1 year after delivery (arts 246 and 251 GLA);
- war veterans;
- minors (art. 260 GLA);
- workers with a limited occupational disability degree of 20% or above.
Any disciplinary dismissal of the above-mentioned workers (except for trade union leaders, trade union delegates or worker's representatives and women enjoying maternity protection) is subject to the authorization of the General Labour Inspectorate (see arts. 207(3), 260 GLA). The law provides that a woman covered by the maternity protection has the right not to be dismissed unless she commits a disciplinary offence which makes it immediately and practically impossible to maintain the employment relationship and provided that the Labour inspector acknowledges that the offence is of such nature and grants authorization (art. 246 (1)d) and (4) GLA). Besides, a woman covered by the maternity protection has the right not to be dismissed for objective reasons (art. 251 GLA).
- Specific rules apply to the disciplinary dismissal of trade union leaders, trade union delegates or worker's representatives: mandatory notification to the trade union or the body they belong, presumption of unfair dismissal, higher compensation for unfair dismissal.
Art. 207 provides for special protection against disciplinary dismissal for the following categories of workers:
- trade union leaders, trade union delegates or worker's representatives;
- women covered by maternity protection (=during the entire period of pregnancy until 1 year after delivery (arts 246 and 251 GLA);
- war veterans;
- minors (art. 260 GLA);
- workers with a limited occupational disability degree of 20% or above.
Any disciplinary dismissal of the above-mentioned workers (except for trade union leaders, trade union delegates or worker's representatives and women enjoying maternity protection) is subject to the authorization of the General Labour Inspectorate (see arts. 207(3), 260 GLA). The law provides that a woman covered by the maternity protection has the right not to be dismissed unless she commits a disciplinary offence which makes it immediately and practically impossible to maintain the employment relationship and provided that the Labour inspector acknowledges that the offence is of such nature and grants authorization (art. 246 (1)d) and (4) GLA). Besides, a woman covered by the maternity protection has the right not to be dismissed for objective reasons (art. 251 GLA).
- Specific rules apply to the disciplinary dismissal of trade union leaders, trade union delegates or worker's representatives: mandatory notification to the trade union or the body they belong, presumption of unfair dismissal, higher compensation for unfair dismissal.
Art. 207 provides for special protection against disciplinary dismissal for the following categories of workers:
- trade union leaders, trade union delegates or worker's representatives;
- women covered by maternity protection (=during the entire period of pregnancy until 1 year after delivery (arts 246 and 251 GLA);
- war veterans;
- minors (art. 260 GLA);
- workers with a limited occupational disability degree of 20% or above.
Any disciplinary dismissal of the above-mentioned workers (except for trade union leaders, trade union delegates or worker's representatives and women enjoying maternity protection) is subject to the authorization of the General Labour Inspectorate (see arts. 207(3), 260 GLA). The law provides that a woman covered by the maternity protection has the right not to be dismissed unless she commits a disciplinary offence which makes it immediately and practically impossible to maintain the employment relationship and provided that the Labour inspector acknowledges that the offence is of such nature and grants authorization (art. 246 (1)d) and (4) GLA). Besides, a woman covered by the maternity protection has the right not to be dismissed for objective reasons (art. 251 GLA).
- Specific rules apply to the disciplinary dismissal of trade union leaders, trade union delegates or worker's representatives: mandatory notification to the trade union or the body they belong, presumption of unfair dismissal, higher compensation for unfair dismissal.
Art. 207 provides for special protection against disciplinary dismissal for the following categories of workers:
- trade union leaders, trade union delegates or worker's representatives;
- women covered by maternity protection (=during the entire period of pregnancy until 1 year after delivery (arts 246 and 251 GLA);
- war veterans;
- minors (art. 260 GLA);
- workers with a limited occupational disability degree of 20% or above.
Any disciplinary dismissal of the above-mentioned workers (except for trade union leaders, trade union delegates or worker's representatives and women enjoying maternity protection) is subject to the authorization of the General Labour Inspectorate (see arts. 207(3), 260 GLA). The law provides that a woman covered by the maternity protection has the right not to be dismissed unless she commits a disciplinary offence which makes it immediately and practically impossible to maintain the employment relationship and provided that the Labour inspector acknowledges that the offence is of such nature and grants authorization (art. 246 (1)d) and (4) GLA). Besides, a woman covered by the maternity protection has the right not to be dismissed for objective reasons (art. 251 GLA).
- Specific rules apply to the disciplinary dismissal of trade union leaders, trade union delegates or worker's representatives: mandatory notification to the trade union or the body they belong, presumption of unfair dismissal, higher compensation for unfair dismissal.
2019 Argentine Amériques Y
Y Argentine law provides special protection from employment termination to some specific categories of workers, including: women, trade union representatives and members, injured workers, workers on the verge of retirement, and those serving in the military.

- A woman worker must notify her employer of her pregnancy and provide a medical certificate stating that her confinement will probably take place within the period indicated. She is to retain her employment during the period indicated and is entitled to the allowances granted by the social security schemes. She must also be guaranteed stability of employment, which will constitute an acquired right from the date on which she notifies her employer of the fact that she is pregnant (art. 177 LCL).

It shall be presumed, in the absence of proof to the contrary, that the dismissal of a female worker is carried out on the grounds of maternity or pregnancy if it takes place within seven and a half months before or after confinement, if and when the woman has fulfilled her obligation to notify and prove, through certification, the fact that she is pregnant and, if applicable, the birth of the child. Under such circumstances, she should be paid compensation equivalent to one year's wages in addition to any other compensation required by law (arts. 177 and 182 LCL).

- A worker belonging to a board of management or holding representative office in an occupational association with trade status, in bodies which require trade union representation, or holding political office in the Government, is entitled to automatic leave without pay, and the employer must keep his or her job open and reinstate him or her when he or she ceases to perform his or her duties. The worker is to enjoy security of employment throughout the term of office and for one year thereafter, unless there is good cause for dismissal (Act No. 23551 of 14 Apr. 1988 on trade unions, art. 48).

- Trade union representatives in an enterprise may not be suspended, have their working conditions changed, or be dismissed throughout their terms of office and for one year thereafter, unless there is good cause for doing so. Security of employment for a trade union representative begins from the time of his or her candidature for a representative office in a trade union is submitted, and he or she may not be dismissed or suspended without good cause, nor may his or her conditions of work be modified for a period of six months. This protection will cease for those workers whose candidature is not officialised in accordance with the applicable electoral process from the moment in which such circumstance is certainly determined.(Act No. 23551, arts. 48 and 50).

- Article 50 Act No. 23551 establishes the special protections for worker representatives: Workers protected by articles 40, 48 and 50 of this Act cannot be suspended, dismissed or have their contractual conditions modified without a judicial decision excluding such protection, in accordance with the procedure established in Article 47. […] When the employer violates the protection established in the abovementioned articles, the worker will have the right to demand before a judge its reinstatement, together with the salaries lost during the judicial procedure, or the reestablishment of its working conditions. […]

- Where, on expiry of the periods for which work may be interrupted on account of a bona fide accident or illness, a worker is unable to return to work, the employer should keep his or her post open for one year, counting from the expiry of such periods (art. 211 LCL).

- Where a worker fulfils the qualifying conditions for retirement pensions and begins the necessary formalities, the employer must maintain the employment relationship until the appropriate fund grants the benefit, for a maximum of one year (art. 252 LCL).

- An employer must keep a worker's post open if the latter is obliged to perform compulsory military service because of an ordinary call-up, mobilization or special call-up, and must continue to do so from the date of the call-up and until 30 days after the completion of the service (art. 214 LCL).
Y Argentine law provides special protection from employment termination to some specific categories of workers, including: women, trade union representatives and members, injured workers, workers on the verge of retirement, and those serving in the military.

- A woman worker must notify her employer of her pregnancy and provide a medical certificate stating that her confinement will probably take place within the period indicated. She is to retain her employment during the period indicated and is entitled to the allowances granted by the social security schemes. She must also be guaranteed stability of employment, which will constitute an acquired right from the date on which she notifies her employer of the fact that she is pregnant (art. 177 LCL).

It shall be presumed, in the absence of proof to the contrary, that the dismissal of a female worker is carried out on the grounds of maternity or pregnancy if it takes place within seven and a half months before or after confinement, if and when the woman has fulfilled her obligation to notify and prove, through certification, the fact that she is pregnant and, if applicable, the birth of the child. Under such circumstances, she should be paid compensation equivalent to one year's wages in addition to any other compensation required by law (arts. 177 and 182 LCL).

- A worker belonging to a board of management or holding representative office in an occupational association with trade status, in bodies which require trade union representation, or holding political office in the Government, is entitled to automatic leave without pay, and the employer must keep his or her job open and reinstate him or her when he or she ceases to perform his or her duties. The worker is to enjoy security of employment throughout the term of office and for one year thereafter, unless there is good cause for dismissal (Act No. 23551 of 14 Apr. 1988 on trade unions, art. 48).

- Trade union representatives in an enterprise may not be suspended, have their working conditions changed, or be dismissed throughout their terms of office and for one year thereafter, unless there is good cause for doing so. Security of employment for a trade union representative begins from the time of his or her candidature for a representative office in a trade union is submitted, and he or she may not be dismissed or suspended without good cause, nor may his or her conditions of work be modified for a period of six months. This protection will cease for those workers whose candidature is not officialised in accordance with the applicable electoral process from the moment in which such circumstance is certainly determined.(Act No. 23551, arts. 48 and 50).

- Article 50 Act No. 23551 establishes the special protections for worker representatives: Workers protected by articles 40, 48 and 50 of this Act cannot be suspended, dismissed or have their contractual conditions modified without a judicial decision excluding such protection, in accordance with the procedure established in Article 47. […] When the employer violates the protection established in the abovementioned articles, the worker will have the right to demand before a judge its reinstatement, together with the salaries lost during the judicial procedure, or the reestablishment of its working conditions. […]

- Where, on expiry of the periods for which work may be interrupted on account of a bona fide accident or illness, a worker is unable to return to work, the employer should keep his or her post open for one year, counting from the expiry of such periods (art. 211 LCL).

- Where a worker fulfils the qualifying conditions for retirement pensions and begins the necessary formalities, the employer must maintain the employment relationship until the appropriate fund grants the benefit, for a maximum of one year (art. 252 LCL).

- An employer must keep a worker's post open if the latter is obliged to perform compulsory military service because of an ordinary call-up, mobilization or special call-up, and must continue to do so from the date of the call-up and until 30 days after the completion of the service (art. 214 LCL).
Y Argentine law provides special protection from employment termination to some specific categories of workers, including: women, trade union representatives and members, injured workers, workers on the verge of retirement, and those serving in the military.

- A woman worker must notify her employer of her pregnancy and provide a medical certificate stating that her confinement will probably take place within the period indicated. She is to retain her employment during the period indicated and is entitled to the allowances granted by the social security schemes. She must also be guaranteed stability of employment, which will constitute an acquired right from the date on which she notifies her employer of the fact that she is pregnant (art. 177 LCL).

It shall be presumed, in the absence of proof to the contrary, that the dismissal of a female worker is carried out on the grounds of maternity or pregnancy if it takes place within seven and a half months before or after confinement, if and when the woman has fulfilled her obligation to notify and prove, through certification, the fact that she is pregnant and, if applicable, the birth of the child. Under such circumstances, she should be paid compensation equivalent to one year's wages in addition to any other compensation required by law (arts. 177 and 182 LCL).

- A worker belonging to a board of management or holding representative office in an occupational association with trade status, in bodies which require trade union representation, or holding political office in the Government, is entitled to automatic leave without pay, and the employer must keep his or her job open and reinstate him or her when he or she ceases to perform his or her duties. The worker is to enjoy security of employment throughout the term of office and for one year thereafter, unless there is good cause for dismissal (Act No. 23551 of 14 Apr. 1988 on trade unions, art. 48).

- Trade union representatives in an enterprise may not be suspended, have their working conditions changed, or be dismissed throughout their terms of office and for one year thereafter, unless there is good cause for doing so. Security of employment for a trade union representative begins from the time of his or her candidature for a representative office in a trade union is submitted, and he or she may not be dismissed or suspended without good cause, nor may his or her conditions of work be modified for a period of six months. This protection will cease for those workers whose candidature is not officialised in accordance with the applicable electoral process from the moment in which such circumstance is certainly determined.(Act No. 23551, arts. 48 and 50).

- Article 50 Act No. 23551 establishes the special protections for worker representatives: Workers protected by articles 40, 48 and 50 of this Act cannot be suspended, dismissed or have their contractual conditions modified without a judicial decision excluding such protection, in accordance with the procedure established in Article 47. […] When the employer violates the protection established in the abovementioned articles, the worker will have the right to demand before a judge its reinstatement, together with the salaries lost during the judicial procedure, or the reestablishment of its working conditions. […]

- Where, on expiry of the periods for which work may be interrupted on account of a bona fide accident or illness, a worker is unable to return to work, the employer should keep his or her post open for one year, counting from the expiry of such periods (art. 211 LCL).

- Where a worker fulfils the qualifying conditions for retirement pensions and begins the necessary formalities, the employer must maintain the employment relationship until the appropriate fund grants the benefit, for a maximum of one year (art. 252 LCL).

- An employer must keep a worker's post open if the latter is obliged to perform compulsory military service because of an ordinary call-up, mobilization or special call-up, and must continue to do so from the date of the call-up and until 30 days after the completion of the service (art. 214 LCL).
Y Argentine law provides special protection from employment termination to some specific categories of workers, including: women, trade union representatives and members, injured workers, workers on the verge of retirement, and those serving in the military.

- A woman worker must notify her employer of her pregnancy and provide a medical certificate stating that her confinement will probably take place within the period indicated. She is to retain her employment during the period indicated and is entitled to the allowances granted by the social security schemes. She must also be guaranteed stability of employment, which will constitute an acquired right from the date on which she notifies her employer of the fact that she is pregnant (art. 177 LCL).

It shall be presumed, in the absence of proof to the contrary, that the dismissal of a female worker is carried out on the grounds of maternity or pregnancy if it takes place within seven and a half months before or after confinement, if and when the woman has fulfilled her obligation to notify and prove, through certification, the fact that she is pregnant and, if applicable, the birth of the child. Under such circumstances, she should be paid compensation equivalent to one year's wages in addition to any other compensation required by law (arts. 177 and 182 LCL).

- A worker belonging to a board of management or holding representative office in an occupational association with trade status, in bodies which require trade union representation, or holding political office in the Government, is entitled to automatic leave without pay, and the employer must keep his or her job open and reinstate him or her when he or she ceases to perform his or her duties. The worker is to enjoy security of employment throughout the term of office and for one year thereafter, unless there is good cause for dismissal (Act No. 23551 of 14 Apr. 1988 on trade unions, art. 48).

- Trade union representatives in an enterprise may not be suspended, have their working conditions changed, or be dismissed throughout their terms of office and for one year thereafter, unless there is good cause for doing so. Security of employment for a trade union representative begins from the time of his or her candidature for a representative office in a trade union is submitted, and he or she may not be dismissed or suspended without good cause, nor may his or her conditions of work be modified for a period of six months. This protection will cease for those workers whose candidature is not officialised in accordance with the applicable electoral process from the moment in which such circumstance is certainly determined.(Act No. 23551, arts. 48 and 50).

- Article 50 Act No. 23551 establishes the special protections for worker representatives: Workers protected by articles 40, 48 and 50 of this Act cannot be suspended, dismissed or have their contractual conditions modified without a judicial decision excluding such protection, in accordance with the procedure established in Article 47. […] When the employer violates the protection established in the abovementioned articles, the worker will have the right to demand before a judge its reinstatement, together with the salaries lost during the judicial procedure, or the reestablishment of its working conditions. […]

- Where, on expiry of the periods for which work may be interrupted on account of a bona fide accident or illness, a worker is unable to return to work, the employer should keep his or her post open for one year, counting from the expiry of such periods (art. 211 LCL).

- Where a worker fulfils the qualifying conditions for retirement pensions and begins the necessary formalities, the employer must maintain the employment relationship until the appropriate fund grants the benefit, for a maximum of one year (art. 252 LCL).

- An employer must keep a worker's post open if the latter is obliged to perform compulsory military service because of an ordinary call-up, mobilization or special call-up, and must continue to do so from the date of the call-up and until 30 days after the completion of the service (art. 214 LCL).
Y Argentine law provides special protection from employment termination to some specific categories of workers, including: women, trade union representatives and members, injured workers, workers on the verge of retirement, and those serving in the military.

- A woman worker must notify her employer of her pregnancy and provide a medical certificate stating that her confinement will probably take place within the period indicated. She is to retain her employment during the period indicated and is entitled to the allowances granted by the social security schemes. She must also be guaranteed stability of employment, which will constitute an acquired right from the date on which she notifies her employer of the fact that she is pregnant (art. 177 LCL).

It shall be presumed, in the absence of proof to the contrary, that the dismissal of a female worker is carried out on the grounds of maternity or pregnancy if it takes place within seven and a half months before or after confinement, if and when the woman has fulfilled her obligation to notify and prove, through certification, the fact that she is pregnant and, if applicable, the birth of the child. Under such circumstances, she should be paid compensation equivalent to one year's wages in addition to any other compensation required by law (arts. 177 and 182 LCL).

- A worker belonging to a board of management or holding representative office in an occupational association with trade status, in bodies which require trade union representation, or holding political office in the Government, is entitled to automatic leave without pay, and the employer must keep his or her job open and reinstate him or her when he or she ceases to perform his or her duties. The worker is to enjoy security of employment throughout the term of office and for one year thereafter, unless there is good cause for dismissal (Act No. 23551 of 14 Apr. 1988 on trade unions, art. 48).

- Trade union representatives in an enterprise may not be suspended, have their working conditions changed, or be dismissed throughout their terms of office and for one year thereafter, unless there is good cause for doing so. Security of employment for a trade union representative begins from the time of his or her candidature for a representative office in a trade union is submitted, and he or she may not be dismissed or suspended without good cause, nor may his or her conditions of work be modified for a period of six months. This protection will cease for those workers whose candidature is not officialised in accordance with the applicable electoral process from the moment in which such circumstance is certainly determined.(Act No. 23551, arts. 48 and 50).

- Article 50 Act No. 23551 establishes the special protections for worker representatives: Workers protected by articles 40, 48 and 50 of this Act cannot be suspended, dismissed or have their contractual conditions modified without a judicial decision excluding such protection, in accordance with the procedure established in Article 47. […] When the employer violates the protection established in the abovementioned articles, the worker will have the right to demand before a judge its reinstatement, together with the salaries lost during the judicial procedure, or the reestablishment of its working conditions. […]

- Where, on expiry of the periods for which work may be interrupted on account of a bona fide accident or illness, a worker is unable to return to work, the employer should keep his or her post open for one year, counting from the expiry of such periods (art. 211 LCL).

- Where a worker fulfils the qualifying conditions for retirement pensions and begins the necessary formalities, the employer must maintain the employment relationship until the appropriate fund grants the benefit, for a maximum of one year (art. 252 LCL).

- An employer must keep a worker's post open if the latter is obliged to perform compulsory military service because of an ordinary call-up, mobilization or special call-up, and must continue to do so from the date of the call-up and until 30 days after the completion of the service (art. 214 LCL).
Y Argentine law provides special protection from employment termination to some specific categories of workers, including: women, trade union representatives and members, injured workers, workers on the verge of retirement, and those serving in the military.

- A woman worker must notify her employer of her pregnancy and provide a medical certificate stating that her confinement will probably take place within the period indicated. She is to retain her employment during the period indicated and is entitled to the allowances granted by the social security schemes. She must also be guaranteed stability of employment, which will constitute an acquired right from the date on which she notifies her employer of the fact that she is pregnant (art. 177 LCL).

It shall be presumed, in the absence of proof to the contrary, that the dismissal of a female worker is carried out on the grounds of maternity or pregnancy if it takes place within seven and a half months before or after confinement, if and when the woman has fulfilled her obligation to notify and prove, through certification, the fact that she is pregnant and, if applicable, the birth of the child. Under such circumstances, she should be paid compensation equivalent to one year's wages in addition to any other compensation required by law (arts. 177 and 182 LCL).

- A worker belonging to a board of management or holding representative office in an occupational association with trade status, in bodies which require trade union representation, or holding political office in the Government, is entitled to automatic leave without pay, and the employer must keep his or her job open and reinstate him or her when he or she ceases to perform his or her duties. The worker is to enjoy security of employment throughout the term of office and for one year thereafter, unless there is good cause for dismissal (Act No. 23551 of 14 Apr. 1988 on trade unions, art. 48).

- Trade union representatives in an enterprise may not be suspended, have their working conditions changed, or be dismissed throughout their terms of office and for one year thereafter, unless there is good cause for doing so. Security of employment for a trade union representative begins from the time of his or her candidature for a representative office in a trade union is submitted, and he or she may not be dismissed or suspended without good cause, nor may his or her conditions of work be modified for a period of six months. This protection will cease for those workers whose candidature is not officialised in accordance with the applicable electoral process from the moment in which such circumstance is certainly determined.(Act No. 23551, arts. 48 and 50).

- Article 50 Act No. 23551 establishes the special protections for worker representatives: Workers protected by articles 40, 48 and 50 of this Act cannot be suspended, dismissed or have their contractual conditions modified without a judicial decision excluding such protection, in accordance with the procedure established in Article 47. […] When the employer violates the protection established in the abovementioned articles, the worker will have the right to demand before a judge its reinstatement, together with the salaries lost during the judicial procedure, or the reestablishment of its working conditions. […]

- Where, on expiry of the periods for which work may be interrupted on account of a bona fide accident or illness, a worker is unable to return to work, the employer should keep his or her post open for one year, counting from the expiry of such periods (art. 211 LCL).

- Where a worker fulfils the qualifying conditions for retirement pensions and begins the necessary formalities, the employer must maintain the employment relationship until the appropriate fund grants the benefit, for a maximum of one year (art. 252 LCL).

- An employer must keep a worker's post open if the latter is obliged to perform compulsory military service because of an ordinary call-up, mobilization or special call-up, and must continue to do so from the date of the call-up and until 30 days after the completion of the service (art. 214 LCL).
Y Argentine law provides special protection from employment termination to some specific categories of workers, including: women, trade union representatives and members, injured workers, workers on the verge of retirement, and those serving in the military.

- A woman worker must notify her employer of her pregnancy and provide a medical certificate stating that her confinement will probably take place within the period indicated. She is to retain her employment during the period indicated and is entitled to the allowances granted by the social security schemes. She must also be guaranteed stability of employment, which will constitute an acquired right from the date on which she notifies her employer of the fact that she is pregnant (art. 177 LCL).

It shall be presumed, in the absence of proof to the contrary, that the dismissal of a female worker is carried out on the grounds of maternity or pregnancy if it takes place within seven and a half months before or after confinement, if and when the woman has fulfilled her obligation to notify and prove, through certification, the fact that she is pregnant and, if applicable, the birth of the child. Under such circumstances, she should be paid compensation equivalent to one year's wages in addition to any other compensation required by law (arts. 177 and 182 LCL).

- A worker belonging to a board of management or holding representative office in an occupational association with trade status, in bodies which require trade union representation, or holding political office in the Government, is entitled to automatic leave without pay, and the employer must keep his or her job open and reinstate him or her when he or she ceases to perform his or her duties. The worker is to enjoy security of employment throughout the term of office and for one year thereafter, unless there is good cause for dismissal (Act No. 23551 of 14 Apr. 1988 on trade unions, art. 48).

- Trade union representatives in an enterprise may not be suspended, have their working conditions changed, or be dismissed throughout their terms of office and for one year thereafter, unless there is good cause for doing so. Security of employment for a trade union representative begins from the time of his or her candidature for a representative office in a trade union is submitted, and he or she may not be dismissed or suspended without good cause, nor may his or her conditions of work be modified for a period of six months. This protection will cease for those workers whose candidature is not officialised in accordance with the applicable electoral process from the moment in which such circumstance is certainly determined.(Act No. 23551, arts. 48 and 50).

- Article 50 Act No. 23551 establishes the special protections for worker representatives: Workers protected by articles 40, 48 and 50 of this Act cannot be suspended, dismissed or have their contractual conditions modified without a judicial decision excluding such protection, in accordance with the procedure established in Article 47. […] When the employer violates the protection established in the abovementioned articles, the worker will have the right to demand before a judge its reinstatement, together with the salaries lost during the judicial procedure, or the reestablishment of its working conditions. […]

- Where, on expiry of the periods for which work may be interrupted on account of a bona fide accident or illness, a worker is unable to return to work, the employer should keep his or her post open for one year, counting from the expiry of such periods (art. 211 LCL).

- Where a worker fulfils the qualifying conditions for retirement pensions and begins the necessary formalities, the employer must maintain the employment relationship until the appropriate fund grants the benefit, for a maximum of one year (art. 252 LCL).

- An employer must keep a worker's post open if the latter is obliged to perform compulsory military service because of an ordinary call-up, mobilization or special call-up, and must continue to do so from the date of the call-up and until 30 days after the completion of the service (art. 214 LCL).
2019 Australie Asie N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
2019 Autriche Europe Y
Y The following categories can only be dismissed with prior authorization from the court and only under specific grounds:
* Pregnant women and women on maternity leave: sec. 10 Maternity Protection Act (as an exception to the general prohibition of dismissal);
* Employees on parental leave: sec. 7 and 8f Parental Leave Act and 10 Maternity Protection Act (furthermore, even if an employer terminates a pregnant women on the grounds other than her pregnancy for up to 4 months after she gave birth, the female employee who is dismissed only has to prove the probability that the termination was actually due to the pregnancy, so as to invalidate the termination, sec. 10 8) Maternity Protection Act)
* Works council members: sec. 120 to 122 WCA;
* Employee performing military service or alternative service (see sec. 12 (1) APSG; protection requires that the worker notifies the employer once receiving the draft order; dismissal is possible with prior consent by a court).

In addition, dismissal of a disabled worker requires the prior consent of the invalidity board (sec. 8, Disabled Persons Act).

Lastly, an employer who intends to terminate an older worker's contract with a tenure of more than 2 years is required to take social aspects (difficulties in finding a job) into account (sec. 105 3) 2. b) WCA). This does however not apply to workers who have started working for the employer after they have turned 50 (sec. 105 3b) WCA).
Y The following categories can only be dismissed with prior authorization from the court and only under specific grounds:
* Pregnant women and women on maternity leave: sec. 10 Maternity Protection Act (as an exception to the general prohibition of dismissal);
* Employees on parental leave: sec. 7 and 8f Parental Leave Act and 10 Maternity Protection Act (furthermore, even if an employer terminates a pregnant women on the grounds other than her pregnancy for up to 4 months after she gave birth, the female employee who is dismissed only has to prove the probability that the termination was actually due to the pregnancy, so as to invalidate the termination, sec. 10 8) Maternity Protection Act)
* Works council members: sec. 120 to 122 WCA;
* Employee performing military service or alternative service (see sec. 12 (1) APSG; protection requires that the worker notifies the employer once receiving the draft order; dismissal is possible with prior consent by a court).

In addition, dismissal of a disabled worker requires the prior consent of the invalidity board (sec. 8, Disabled Persons Act).

Lastly, an employer who intends to terminate an older worker's contract with a tenure of more than 2 years is required to take social aspects (difficulties in finding a job) into account (sec. 105 3) 2. b) WCA). This does however not apply to workers who have started working for the employer after they have turned 50 (sec. 105 3b) WCA).
Y The following categories can only be dismissed with prior authorization from the court and only under specific grounds:
* Pregnant women and women on maternity leave: sec. 10 Maternity Protection Act (as an exception to the general prohibition of dismissal);
* Employees on parental leave: sec. 7 and 8f Parental Leave Act and 10 Maternity Protection Act (furthermore, even if an employer terminates a pregnant women on the grounds other than her pregnancy for up to 4 months after she gave birth, the female employee who is dismissed only has to prove the probability that the termination was actually due to the pregnancy, so as to invalidate the termination, sec. 10 8) Maternity Protection Act)
* Works council members: sec. 120 to 122 WCA;
* Employee performing military service or alternative service (see sec. 12 (1) APSG; protection requires that the worker notifies the employer once receiving the draft order; dismissal is possible with prior consent by a court).

In addition, dismissal of a disabled worker requires the prior consent of the invalidity board (sec. 8, Disabled Persons Act).

Lastly, an employer who intends to terminate an older worker's contract with a tenure of more than 2 years is required to take social aspects (difficulties in finding a job) into account (sec. 105 3) 2. b) WCA). This does however not apply to workers who have started working for the employer after they have turned 50 (sec. 105 3b) WCA).
Y The following categories can only be dismissed with prior authorization from the court and only under specific grounds:
* Pregnant women and women on maternity leave: sec. 10 Maternity Protection Act (as an exception to the general prohibition of dismissal);
* Employees on parental leave: sec. 7 and 8f Parental Leave Act and 10 Maternity Protection Act (furthermore, even if an employer terminates a pregnant women on the grounds other than her pregnancy for up to 4 months after she gave birth, the female employee who is dismissed only has to prove the probability that the termination was actually due to the pregnancy, so as to invalidate the termination, sec. 10 8) Maternity Protection Act)
* Works council members: sec. 120 to 122 WCA;
* Employee performing military service or alternative service (see sec. 12 (1) APSG; protection requires that the worker notifies the employer once receiving the draft order; dismissal is possible with prior consent by a court).

In addition, dismissal of a disabled worker requires the prior consent of the invalidity board (sec. 8, Disabled Persons Act).

Lastly, an employer who intends to terminate an older worker's contract with a tenure of more than 2 years is required to take social aspects (difficulties in finding a job) into account (sec. 105 3) 2. b) WCA). This does however not apply to workers who have started working for the employer after they have turned 50 (sec. 105 3b) WCA).
Y The following categories can only be dismissed with prior authorization from the court and only under specific grounds:
* Pregnant women and women on maternity leave: sec. 10 Maternity Protection Act (as an exception to the general prohibition of dismissal);
* Employees on parental leave: sec. 7 and 8f Parental Leave Act and 10 Maternity Protection Act (furthermore, even if an employer terminates a pregnant women on the grounds other than her pregnancy for up to 4 months after she gave birth, the female employee who is dismissed only has to prove the probability that the termination was actually due to the pregnancy, so as to invalidate the termination, sec. 10 8) Maternity Protection Act)
* Works council members: sec. 120 to 122 WCA;
* Employee performing military service or alternative service (see sec. 12 (1) APSG; protection requires that the worker notifies the employer once receiving the draft order; dismissal is possible with prior consent by a court).

In addition, dismissal of a disabled worker requires the prior consent of the invalidity board (sec. 8, Disabled Persons Act).

Lastly, an employer who intends to terminate an older worker's contract with a tenure of more than 2 years is required to take social aspects (difficulties in finding a job) into account (sec. 105 3) 2. b) WCA). This does however not apply to workers who have started working for the employer after they have turned 50 (sec. 105 3b) WCA).
Y The following categories can only be dismissed with prior authorization from the court and only under specific grounds:
* Pregnant women and women on maternity leave: sec. 10 Maternity Protection Act (as an exception to the general prohibition of dismissal);
* Employees on parental leave: sec. 7 and 8f Parental Leave Act and 10 Maternity Protection Act (furthermore, even if an employer terminates a pregnant women on the grounds other than her pregnancy for up to 4 months after she gave birth, the female employee who is dismissed only has to prove the probability that the termination was actually due to the pregnancy, so as to invalidate the termination, sec. 10 8) Maternity Protection Act)
* Works council members: sec. 120 to 122 WCA;
* Employee performing military service or alternative service (see sec. 12 (1) APSG; protection requires that the worker notifies the employer once receiving the draft order; dismissal is possible with prior consent by a court).

In addition, dismissal of a disabled worker requires the prior consent of the invalidity board (sec. 8, Disabled Persons Act).

Lastly, an employer who intends to terminate an older worker's contract with a tenure of more than 2 years is required to take social aspects (difficulties in finding a job) into account (sec. 105 3) 2. b) WCA). This does however not apply to workers who have started working for the employer after they have turned 50 (sec. 105 3b) WCA).
2019 Azerbaïdjan Europe Y
Y Art. 80 LC provides that the employer has to ask the authorization of the trade union to dismiss any member of the trade union.

Art. 255 prohibits the dismissal of workers under 18 for the lack of professional competency.

Art. 77 LC provides protections for workers performing military/alternative service.
Y Art. 80 LC provides that the employer has to ask the authorization of the trade union to dismiss any member of the trade union.

Art. 255 prohibits the dismissal of workers under 18 for the lack of professional competency.

Art. 77 LC provides protections for workers performing military/alternative service.
Y Art. 80 LC provides that the employer has to ask the authorization of the trade union to dismiss any member of the trade union.

Art. 255 prohibits the dismissal of workers under 18 for the lack of professional competency.

Art. 77 LC provides protections for workers performing military/alternative service.
Y Art. 80 LC provides that the employer has to ask the authorization of the trade union to dismiss any member of the trade union.

Art. 255 prohibits the dismissal of workers under 18 for the lack of professional competency.

Art. 77 LC provides protections for workers performing military/alternative service.
Y Art. 80 LC provides that the employer has to ask the authorization of the trade union to dismiss any member of the trade union.

Art. 255 prohibits the dismissal of workers under 18 for the lack of professional competency.

Art. 77 LC provides protections for workers performing military/alternative service.
2019 Bangladesh Asie N N N N Y
Y - No real special protection for pregnant women or women on maternity leave against termination of employment. However, sec. 50 LA "Restriction on termination of employment of a woman in certain cases" provides that: "If any notice or order of discharge, dismissal, removal or termination of employment is given by an employer to a woman within a period of six month before and eight weeks after her delivery and such notice or order is given without sufficient cause, she will not be deprived of any maternity benefit to which she would have become entitled under this chapter."
2019 Belgique Europe Y
Y * Pregnant women: prohibition of dismissal (art. 40 LA).
* Workers' representatives: see Act of 19 March 1991 establishing specific dismissal rules and procedures for workers' representatives on works councils and health, safety and working conditions committees.

* Prevention advisers
The law also provides for special procedures concerning termination of employment of "Prevention advisers" ("conseillers en prévention") in charge of prevention and protection at work. See: Act of 20 December 2002 on the protection of prevention advisers ("Loi du 20 décembre 2002 portant protection des conseillers en prévention")

*Other categories of workers who benefit from special protection against termination of employment, see list:

- protection en faveur du père qui fait usage de son congé de paternité
- protection en faveur du parent adoptif
- protection en faveur du médecin du travail
- protection en faveur de certains mandataires politiques
- protection en faveur du travailleur qui a obtenu un crédit-temps
- protection en faveur du travailleur qui a obtenu une interruption de carrière
- protection en faveur du travailleur qui a obtenu un congé éducation-payé
- protection en faveur du travailleur ayant formulé certaines observations au sujet de modifications apportées au règlement de travail
- protection en faveur du travailleur qui a déposé une plainte dans le cadre de la réglementation en matière d’égalité de traitement entre hommes et femmes; la réglementation relative à la violence ou le harcèlement moral ou sexuel au travail; la réglementation en matière de racisme et de xénophobie; la réglementation ayant trait à certaines formes de discrimination.
Y * Pregnant women: prohibition of dismissal (art. 40 LA).
* Workers' representatives: see Act of 19 March 1991 establishing specific dismissal rules and procedures for workers' representatives on works councils and health, safety and working conditions committees.

* Prevention advisers
The law also provides for special procedures concerning termination of employment of "Prevention advisers" ("conseillers en prévention") in charge of prevention and protection at work. See: Act of 20 December 2002 on the protection of prevention advisers ("Loi du 20 décembre 2002 portant protection des conseillers en prévention")

*Other categories of workers who benefit from special protection against termination of employment, see list:

- protection en faveur du père qui fait usage de son congé de paternité
- protection en faveur du parent adoptif
- protection en faveur du médecin du travail
- protection en faveur de certains mandataires politiques
- protection en faveur du travailleur qui a obtenu un crédit-temps
- protection en faveur du travailleur qui a obtenu une interruption de carrière
- protection en faveur du travailleur qui a obtenu un congé éducation-payé
- protection en faveur du travailleur ayant formulé certaines observations au sujet de modifications apportées au règlement de travail
- protection en faveur du travailleur qui a déposé une plainte dans le cadre de la réglementation en matière d’égalité de traitement entre hommes et femmes; la réglementation relative à la violence ou le harcèlement moral ou sexuel au travail; la réglementation en matière de racisme et de xénophobie; la réglementation ayant trait à certaines formes de discrimination.
Y * Pregnant women: prohibition of dismissal (art. 40 LA).
* Workers' representatives: see Act of 19 March 1991 establishing specific dismissal rules and procedures for workers' representatives on works councils and health, safety and working conditions committees.

* Prevention advisers
The law also provides for special procedures concerning termination of employment of "Prevention advisers" ("conseillers en prévention") in charge of prevention and protection at work. See: Act of 20 December 2002 on the protection of prevention advisers ("Loi du 20 décembre 2002 portant protection des conseillers en prévention")

*Other categories of workers who benefit from special protection against termination of employment, see list:

- protection en faveur du père qui fait usage de son congé de paternité
- protection en faveur du parent adoptif
- protection en faveur du médecin du travail
- protection en faveur de certains mandataires politiques
- protection en faveur du travailleur qui a obtenu un crédit-temps
- protection en faveur du travailleur qui a obtenu une interruption de carrière
- protection en faveur du travailleur qui a obtenu un congé éducation-payé
- protection en faveur du travailleur ayant formulé certaines observations au sujet de modifications apportées au règlement de travail
- protection en faveur du travailleur qui a déposé une plainte dans le cadre de la réglementation en matière d’égalité de traitement entre hommes et femmes; la réglementation relative à la violence ou le harcèlement moral ou sexuel au travail; la réglementation en matière de racisme et de xénophobie; la réglementation ayant trait à certaines formes de discrimination.
2019 Bolivie Amériques Y
Y Article 14 of the Constitution: General provision against discrimination

Trade union leaders: Under Art. 14 of the Bolivian Constitution, with respect to trade union membership and activities, only the leaders of workers' organizations are protected; they cannot be dismissed without prior authorization from the Labour Court. (Art. 2 of the Legislative Decree No. 37 of 7 February 1944).

Maternity protection: Article 61 of the Labour Code; Supreme Decree No. 12 of 19 February 2009

Protection of workers with disabilities (and their family members, under certain conditions): Supreme Decree No 27477, of 6 May 2004
Y Article 14 of the Constitution: General provision against discrimination

Trade union leaders: Under Art. 14 of the Bolivian Constitution, with respect to trade union membership and activities, only the leaders of workers' organizations are protected; they cannot be dismissed without prior authorization from the Labour Court. (Art. 2 of the Legislative Decree No. 37 of 7 February 1944).

Maternity protection: Article 61 of the Labour Code; Supreme Decree No. 12 of 19 February 2009

Protection of workers with disabilities (and their family members, under certain conditions): Supreme Decree No 27477, of 6 May 2004
Y Article 14 of the Constitution: General provision against discrimination

Trade union leaders: Under Art. 14 of the Bolivian Constitution, with respect to trade union membership and activities, only the leaders of workers' organizations are protected; they cannot be dismissed without prior authorization from the Labour Court. (Art. 2 of the Legislative Decree No. 37 of 7 February 1944).

Maternity protection: Article 61 of the Labour Code; Supreme Decree No. 12 of 19 February 2009

Protection of workers with disabilities (and their family members, under certain conditions): Supreme Decree No 27477, of 6 May 2004
2019 Brésil Amériques Y
Y - The Constitution prohibits the dismissal of a unionized employee, except on account of a serious misconduct from the moment he or she registers as a candidate for a leadership or representative position in the trade union and for one year thereafter (art. 8(VIII), Constitution). If the Court declares the dismissal unjustified, such category of employee has the right to reinstatement.
- The Constitution also prohibits arbitrary dismissal or dismissal without cause of Workers' representatives on the Internal Accident Prevention Commission from the date of registration as a candidate until one year after the end of his or her term of office (art. 10(IIa), Constitution, Transitional Provisions). The CLL also provides that if the employer fails to prove the existence of disciplinary, technical, economic or financial reasons before the Court, those employees shall be reinstated (art. 165 CLL).
- Pregnant workers also enjoy job stability and can therefore not be dismissed except for serious reasons from the date the pregnancy is confirmed until five months after confinement.
(art. 10(IIa) Constitution, Transitional Provisions).
- Security of employment is guaranteed through reinstatement to employees who, because of an employment accident or occupational disease, were obliged to suspend the employment relationship (Act No. 8213 of 24 July 1991).
Y - The Constitution prohibits the dismissal of a unionized employee, except on account of a serious misconduct from the moment he or she registers as a candidate for a leadership or representative position in the trade union and for one year thereafter (art. 8(VIII), Constitution). If the Court declares the dismissal unjustified, such category of employee has the right to reinstatement.
- The Constitution also prohibits arbitrary dismissal or dismissal without cause of Workers' representatives on the Internal Accident Prevention Commission from the date of registration as a candidate until one year after the end of his or her term of office (art. 10(IIa), Constitution, Transitional Provisions). The CLL also provides that if the employer fails to prove the existence of disciplinary, technical, economic or financial reasons before the Court, those employees shall be reinstated (art. 165 CLL).
- Pregnant workers also enjoy job stability and can therefore not be dismissed except for serious reasons from the date the pregnancy is confirmed until five months after confinement.
(art. 10(IIa) Constitution, Transitional Provisions).
- Security of employment is guaranteed through reinstatement to employees who, because of an employment accident or occupational disease, were obliged to suspend the employment relationship (Act No. 8213 of 24 July 1991).
Y - The Constitution prohibits the dismissal of a unionized employee, except on account of a serious misconduct from the moment he or she registers as a candidate for a leadership or representative position in the trade union and for one year thereafter (art. 8(VIII), Constitution). If the Court declares the dismissal unjustified, such category of employee has the right to reinstatement.
- The Constitution also prohibits arbitrary dismissal or dismissal without cause of Workers' representatives on the Internal Accident Prevention Commission from the date of registration as a candidate until one year after the end of his or her term of office (art. 10(IIa), Constitution, Transitional Provisions). The CLL also provides that if the employer fails to prove the existence of disciplinary, technical, economic or financial reasons before the Court, those employees shall be reinstated (art. 165 CLL).
- Pregnant workers also enjoy job stability and can therefore not be dismissed except for serious reasons from the date the pregnancy is confirmed until five months after confinement.
(art. 10(IIa) Constitution, Transitional Provisions).
- Security of employment is guaranteed through reinstatement to employees who, because of an employment accident or occupational disease, were obliged to suspend the employment relationship (Act No. 8213 of 24 July 1991).
2019 Bulgarie Europe Y
Y Art. 333 (1), (3), (5), (6) LC
* Art. 333 (1) LC lists the categories of workers for which dismissal can only take place after consent of the labour inspectorate has been obtained: mothers of children under 3 years or spouses of persons who have entered their regular military service, employees reassigned due to health reasons, employees suffering from certain diseases, employees on permitted leave.

* Protection for trade union representatives is provided in art. 333 (1) LC. Prior consent of the trade union is required when dismissal is based on certain grounds (partial closing down of the entreprise or staff cuts, reduction of the volume of work, lack of qualities for efficient work performance, lack of qualifications following changes in the requirement, disciplinary dismissals).

*Pregnant women can only be discharged under certain grounds such as "force majeure", closing down of the enterprise, refusal to follow the enterprise in the case of relocation. Prior consent of the labour inspectorate is required for disciplinary dismissal (art. 333 (5) LC).
A women on maternity leave can only be dismissed when the enterprise is closing down (art. 333 (6) LC).
Y Art. 333 (1), (3), (5), (6) LC
* Art. 333 (1) LC lists the categories of workers for which dismissal can only take place after consent of the labour inspectorate has been obtained: mothers of children under 3 years or spouses of persons who have entered their regular military service, employees reassigned due to health reasons, employees suffering from certain diseases, employees on permitted leave.

* Protection for trade union representatives is provided in art. 333 (1) LC. Prior consent of the trade union is required when dismissal is based on certain grounds (partial closing down of the entreprise or staff cuts, reduction of the volume of work, lack of qualities for efficient work performance, lack of qualifications following changes in the requirement, disciplinary dismissals).

*Pregnant women can only be discharged under certain grounds such as "force majeure", closing down of the enterprise, refusal to follow the enterprise in the case of relocation. Prior consent of the labour inspectorate is required for disciplinary dismissal (art. 333 (5) LC).
A women on maternity leave can only be dismissed when the enterprise is closing down (art. 333 (6) LC).
Y Art. 333 (1), (3), (5), (6) LC
* Art. 333 (1) LC lists the categories of workers for which dismissal can only take place after consent of the labour inspectorate has been obtained: mothers of children under 3 years or spouses of persons who have entered their regular military service, employees reassigned due to health reasons, employees suffering from certain diseases, employees on permitted leave.

* Protection for trade union representatives is provided in art. 333 (1) LC. Prior consent of the trade union is required when dismissal is based on certain grounds (partial closing down of the entreprise or staff cuts, reduction of the volume of work, lack of qualities for efficient work performance, lack of qualifications following changes in the requirement, disciplinary dismissals).

*Pregnant women can only be discharged under certain grounds such as "force majeure", closing down of the enterprise, refusal to follow the enterprise in the case of relocation. Prior consent of the labour inspectorate is required for disciplinary dismissal (art. 333 (5) LC).
A women on maternity leave can only be dismissed when the enterprise is closing down (art. 333 (6) LC).
Y Art. 333 (1), (3), (5), (6) LC
* Art. 333 (1) LC lists the categories of workers for which dismissal can only take place after consent of the labour inspectorate has been obtained: mothers of children under 3 years or spouses of persons who have entered their regular military service, employees reassigned due to health reasons, employees suffering from certain diseases, employees on permitted leave.

* Protection for trade union representatives is provided in art. 333 (1) LC. Prior consent of the trade union is required when dismissal is based on certain grounds (partial closing down of the entreprise or staff cuts, reduction of the volume of work, lack of qualities for efficient work performance, lack of qualifications following changes in the requirement, disciplinary dismissals).

*Pregnant women can only be discharged under certain grounds such as "force majeure", closing down of the enterprise, refusal to follow the enterprise in the case of relocation. Prior consent of the labour inspectorate is required for disciplinary dismissal (art. 333 (5) LC).
A women on maternity leave can only be dismissed when the enterprise is closing down (art. 333 (6) LC).
2019 Burkina Faso Afrique Y
Y Art. 314 LC
Art. 147 LC: prohibition to dismiss women on maternity leave.
Y Art. 314 LC
Art. 147 LC: prohibition to dismiss women on maternity leave.
2019 Cameroun Afrique Y
Y Art. 40 (7) and 130 LC : prior authorization by the labour administration for the dismissal of a workers' representative.

Art. 84 LC : prohibition of dismissal only during maternity leave and not during the whole period of pregnancy. However, pregnancy cannot justify dismissal.
Y Art. 40 (7) and 130 LC : prior authorization by the labour administration for the dismissal of a workers' representative.

Art. 84 LC : prohibition of dismissal only during maternity leave and not during the whole period of pregnancy. However, pregnancy cannot justify dismissal.
2019 Canada Amériques N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
2019 Chili Amériques Y
Y - Under the LC, some workers benefit from the 'fuero laboral', which is a form of special protection against termination of employment. According to art. 174 LC, dismissal of those protected workers is subject to judicial authorization which can only be granted on the grounds of the worker's conduct or upon expiry of the agreed term of the contract or completion of the service for which the contract was made (art. 159, 160 LC).
Workers protected by the 'fuero laboral' are:
*Workers whose child/spouse/civil partner has died. They will enjoy the protection for one month after the death (article 66);
* Workers who want to constitute a trade union in the company. They will be protected from 10 days prior to the constituent assembly until 30 days after (article 221);
*Candidates for a union director position. They will be protected since the election date is set until the election is completed (article 238);,
* Union directors and directors of federations, confederations, and workers' centrals during their terms of office and for six months thereafter (articles 224, 235, 243 and 274);
* Employees involved in collective bargaining during the period starting 10 days before bargaining begins and ending 30 days after bargaining is completed (article 309);
* Staff delegates during their terms of office and for six months thereafter (articles 229 and 243).
* Pregnant women and working mothers up to one year after the end of the maternity leave (article 201);
* Working father if he has taken parental leave (articles 197bis and 201);
* Women and men who are single or widowed and they have expressed their wish to adopt a child according to the Adoption Act shall be entitled to one year's "protection from the day of the judicial decision granting the child' custody (article 201).
- Art. 161 LC prohibits the dismissal grounded on economic reasons and the "desahucio" in the following cases:
* Workers on sick leave
* Workers on temporary work injury or illness leave
Y - Under the LC, some workers benefit from the 'fuero laboral', which is a form of special protection against termination of employment. According to art. 174 LC, dismissal of those protected workers is subject to judicial authorization which can only be granted on the grounds of the worker's conduct or upon expiry of the agreed term of the contract or completion of the service for which the contract was made (art. 159, 160 LC).
Workers protected by the 'fuero laboral' are:
*Workers whose child/spouse/civil partner has died. They will enjoy the protection for one month after the death (article 66);
* Workers who want to constitute a trade union in the company. They will be protected from 10 days prior to the constituent assembly until 30 days after (article 221);
*Candidates for a union director position. They will be protected since the election date is set until the election is completed (article 238);,
* Union directors and directors of federations, confederations, and workers' centrals during their terms of office and for six months thereafter (articles 224, 235, 243 and 274);
* Employees involved in collective bargaining during the period starting 10 days before bargaining begins and ending 30 days after bargaining is completed (article 309);
* Staff delegates during their terms of office and for six months thereafter (articles 229 and 243).
* Pregnant women and working mothers up to one year after the end of the maternity leave (article 201);
* Working father if he has taken parental leave (articles 197bis and 201);
* Women and men who are single or widowed and they have expressed their wish to adopt a child according to the Adoption Act shall be entitled to one year's "protection from the day of the judicial decision granting the child' custody (article 201).
- Art. 161 LC prohibits the dismissal grounded on economic reasons and the "desahucio" in the following cases:
* Workers on sick leave
* Workers on temporary work injury or illness leave
Y - Under the LC, some workers benefit from the 'fuero laboral', which is a form of special protection against termination of employment. According to art. 174 LC, dismissal of those protected workers is subject to judicial authorization which can only be granted on the grounds of the worker's conduct or upon expiry of the agreed term of the contract or completion of the service for which the contract was made (art. 159, 160 LC).
Workers protected by the 'fuero laboral' are:
*Workers whose child/spouse/civil partner has died. They will enjoy the protection for one month after the death (article 66);
* Workers who want to constitute a trade union in the company. They will be protected from 10 days prior to the constituent assembly until 30 days after (article 221);
*Candidates for a union director position. They will be protected since the election date is set until the election is completed (article 238);,
* Union directors and directors of federations, confederations, and workers' centrals during their terms of office and for six months thereafter (articles 224, 235, 243 and 274);
* Employees involved in collective bargaining during the period starting 10 days before bargaining begins and ending 30 days after bargaining is completed (article 309);
* Staff delegates during their terms of office and for six months thereafter (articles 229 and 243).
* Pregnant women and working mothers up to one year after the end of the maternity leave (article 201);
* Working father if he has taken parental leave (articles 197bis and 201);
* Women and men who are single or widowed and they have expressed their wish to adopt a child according to the Adoption Act shall be entitled to one year's "protection from the day of the judicial decision granting the child' custody (article 201).
- Art. 161 LC prohibits the dismissal grounded on economic reasons and the "desahucio" in the following cases:
* Workers on sick leave
* Workers on temporary work injury or illness leave
Y - Under the LC, some workers benefit from the 'fuero laboral', which is a form of special protection against termination of employment. According to art. 174 LC, dismissal of those protected workers is subject to judicial authorization which can only be granted on the grounds of the worker's conduct or upon expiry of the agreed term of the contract or completion of the service for which the contract was made (art. 159, 160 LC).
Workers protected by the 'fuero laboral' are:
*Workers whose child/spouse/civil partner has died. They will enjoy the protection for one month after the death (article 66);
* Workers who want to constitute a trade union in the company. They will be protected from 10 days prior to the constituent assembly until 30 days after (article 221);
*Candidates for a union director position. They will be protected since the election date is set until the election is completed (article 238);,
* Union directors and directors of federations, confederations, and workers' centrals during their terms of office and for six months thereafter (articles 224, 235, 243 and 274);
* Employees involved in collective bargaining during the period starting 10 days before bargaining begins and ending 30 days after bargaining is completed (article 309);
* Staff delegates during their terms of office and for six months thereafter (articles 229 and 243).
* Pregnant women and working mothers up to one year after the end of the maternity leave (article 201);
* Working father if he has taken parental leave (articles 197bis and 201);
* Women and men who are single or widowed and they have expressed their wish to adopt a child according to the Adoption Act shall be entitled to one year's "protection from the day of the judicial decision granting the child' custody (article 201).
- Art. 161 LC prohibits the dismissal grounded on economic reasons and the "desahucio" in the following cases:
* Workers on sick leave
* Workers on temporary work injury or illness leave
2019 Chypre Europe Y
Y See: Maternity Protection Act (No. 100(I)/97, as amended in 2011), sec. 4:
Prohibition to give notice for termination to pregnant women after the announcement of pregnancy and up until 3 months after the expiry of the maternity leave and to women on adoption leave. However, this does not apply when the employed woman is found guilty of a serious offence or behaviour justifying termination of the employment relationship, when the undertaking ceases its activities, or when the contract period has come to an end (sec. 4B)
Y See: Maternity Protection Act (No. 100(I)/97, as amended in 2011), sec. 4:
Prohibition to give notice for termination to pregnant women after the announcement of pregnancy and up until 3 months after the expiry of the maternity leave and to women on adoption leave. However, this does not apply when the employed woman is found guilty of a serious offence or behaviour justifying termination of the employment relationship, when the undertaking ceases its activities, or when the contract period has come to an end (sec. 4B)
2019 Colombie Amériques Y
Y Workers during pregnancy, lactation or maternity leave: Article 239 of Labour Code provides that no worker may be fired during pregnancy or lactation without the prior authorization of the Ministry of Labor that guarantees a just cause. Dismissal is presumed due to pregnancy or lactation, when it has taken place during the pregnancy period and / or within three months after delivery. Workers who are dismissed without authorization from the competent authorities, shall be entitled to the additional payment of an indemnity equal to sixty (60) working days, apart from the indemnities and benefits that there be a place according to your employment contract. In the case of the working woman who for some exceptional reason does not enjoy the mandatory prepartum week, and / or some of the seventeen (17) weeks of rest, she will be entitled to the payment of the weeks that she did not have a leave. In the case of multiple births, she will have the right to pay two (2) additional weeks and, in the event that the child is premature, to pay the time difference between the date of delivery and the term birth

Members of trade unions have job stability: Articles 405 and 406 of Labour Code
Y Workers during pregnancy, lactation or maternity leave: Article 239 of Labour Code provides that no worker may be fired during pregnancy or lactation without the prior authorization of the Ministry of Labor that guarantees a just cause. Dismissal is presumed due to pregnancy or lactation, when it has taken place during the pregnancy period and / or within three months after delivery. Workers who are dismissed without authorization from the competent authorities, shall be entitled to the additional payment of an indemnity equal to sixty (60) working days, apart from the indemnities and benefits that there be a place according to your employment contract. In the case of the working woman who for some exceptional reason does not enjoy the mandatory prepartum week, and / or some of the seventeen (17) weeks of rest, she will be entitled to the payment of the weeks that she did not have a leave. In the case of multiple births, she will have the right to pay two (2) additional weeks and, in the event that the child is premature, to pay the time difference between the date of delivery and the term birth

Members of trade unions have job stability: Articles 405 and 406 of Labour Code
2019 Comores Afrique Y
Y - Workers' representatives: article 203 of the Labour Code: any dismissal of a workers' representative must be approved by the Labour Tribunal. [New in June 2012: the article number has changed in the new LC (former art. 183, now art. 203), and the new LC introduced new provisions: the new LC provides that the court's decision must be made within a period of one month].
- Women on maternity leave: article 125 of the Labour Code: no worker can be dismissed during maternity leave.
- In addition, the LC establishes a special protection against dismissal for widows: article 125 (former art. 121) of the Labour Code : any woman who just lost her husband must suspend work for 4 months and 10 days and cannot be dismissed during this period.
Y - Workers' representatives: article 203 of the Labour Code: any dismissal of a workers' representative must be approved by the Labour Tribunal. [New in June 2012: the article number has changed in the new LC (former art. 183, now art. 203), and the new LC introduced new provisions: the new LC provides that the court's decision must be made within a period of one month].
- Women on maternity leave: article 125 of the Labour Code: no worker can be dismissed during maternity leave.
- In addition, the LC establishes a special protection against dismissal for widows: article 125 (former art. 121) of the Labour Code : any woman who just lost her husband must suspend work for 4 months and 10 days and cannot be dismissed during this period.
2019 Congo, République démocratique Afrique Y
Y - Workers' representatives:
Mandatory approval by the Labour Inspector is required for any dismissal of a workers' representative ( full or alternate member): see Art. 258 LC.
In addition, if such approval is granted, the notice period is twice the statutory notice period and cannot be less than 3 months.

- Pregnant women /women on maternity leave: no special protection for pregnant women during the entire period of pregnancy (other than the prohibition of dismissal on the ground of pregnancy). However, dismissal is "per se" prohibited during maternity leave: Art. 130 LC.
Y - Workers' representatives:
Mandatory approval by the Labour Inspector is required for any dismissal of a workers' representative ( full or alternate member): see Art. 258 LC.
In addition, if such approval is granted, the notice period is twice the statutory notice period and cannot be less than 3 months.

- Pregnant women /women on maternity leave: no special protection for pregnant women during the entire period of pregnancy (other than the prohibition of dismissal on the ground of pregnancy). However, dismissal is "per se" prohibited during maternity leave: Art. 130 LC.
2019 Corée, République de Asie Y
Y Art. 23 (2) LSA: No employer shall dismiss any worker during a period of temporary interruption of work for medical treatment of an occupational injury or disease and within 30 days thereafter, and any female worker during a period of temporary interruption of work before and after childbirth and within 30 days thereafter. This does not apply in the event of payment of the statutory compensation following an occupational injury or disease or in the event of business closure. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
2019 Costa Rica Amériques Y
Y See article 94 of Labour Code. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
2019 Côte d'Ivoire Afrique Y
Y Art. 61.8 LC : Autorisation préalable de l'inspecteur du travail requise pour le licenciement d'un délégué du personnel.
Art. 51.8 LC: Autorisation préalable de l'inspecteur du travail requise pour le licenciement d'un travailleur membre du bureau d'un syndicat professionnel.
Art. 23.4 LC: Interdiction pour l'employeur de résilier le contrat de travail d'une salariée enceinte ou en congé de maternité
In English:
Art. 61.8 LC : prior authorization from the Labour Inspector required for the dismissal of worker's representatives.
Art. 51.8 LC: prior authorization from the Labour Inspector required for the dismissal of trade union representatives.
Art. 23.4 LC: prohibition to dismiss pregnant women and women on maternity leave.
Y Art. 61.8 LC : Autorisation préalable de l'inspecteur du travail requise pour le licenciement d'un délégué du personnel.
Art. 51.8 LC: Autorisation préalable de l'inspecteur du travail requise pour le licenciement d'un travailleur membre du bureau d'un syndicat professionnel.
Art. 23.4 LC: Interdiction pour l'employeur de résilier le contrat de travail d'une salariée enceinte ou en congé de maternité
In English:
Art. 61.8 LC : prior authorization from the Labour Inspector required for the dismissal of worker's representatives.
Art. 51.8 LC: prior authorization from the Labour Inspector required for the dismissal of trade union representatives.
Art. 23.4 LC: prohibition to dismiss pregnant women and women on maternity leave.
2019 Cuba Amériques Y
Y See above article 50 of Labour Code.

Y See above article 50 of Labour Code.

Y See above article 50 of Labour Code.

Y See above article 50 of Labour Code.

2019 El Salvador Amériques Y
Y - On pregnancy and maternity leave, see art. 113 LC: An employer cannot dismiss a pregnant women by way of de facto dismissal or dismissal following a court's decision during the entire period of pregnancy and until the end of the maternity leave unless the alleged cause for dismissal relates to facts which took place prior to the beginning of pregnancy. Even in such case, the dismissal will only be effective immediately after the end of the maternity leave.
- Trade union representatives:Previous authorization from the competent authority is required for the dismissal of a worker covered by trade union immunity (Constitution, art. 47, and Labour Code, art. 248). Trade union immunity protects trade union leaders, candidates for election to the union board, workers in the process of establishing or organizing a union and the founding members. This protection is subject to certain conditions with regard to numbers of persons protected and periods of protection which can be increased through collective agreements.
During the process of establishing the union, protection lasts for not more than 60 days from the date of notification of the administrative authority (art. 248.a) and for the founding members for up to 60 days following registration of the union (art. 214). In the case of trade union representatives, protection lasts for up to one year from the expiry of their mandate and for candidate officers, from one month before the elections take place until one week after the election.
-Art. 308-A LC: Workers who suffer from chronic illness that cause disabilities, requiring frequent medical controls, rehabilitation or specialized medical care, cannot be dismissed and cannot suffer any discount on their wages in relation to these conditions. The stability at work will last from the date when a relevant medical report certifying the medical condition has been issued and will be extended until three months after the completion of the medical treatment.
Y - On pregnancy and maternity leave, see art. 113 LC: An employer cannot dismiss a pregnant women by way of de facto dismissal or dismissal following a court's decision during the entire period of pregnancy and until the end of the maternity leave unless the alleged cause for dismissal relates to facts which took place prior to the beginning of pregnancy. Even in such case, the dismissal will only be effective immediately after the end of the maternity leave.
- Trade union representatives:Previous authorization from the competent authority is required for the dismissal of a worker covered by trade union immunity (Constitution, art. 47, and Labour Code, art. 248). Trade union immunity protects trade union leaders, candidates for election to the union board, workers in the process of establishing or organizing a union and the founding members. This protection is subject to certain conditions with regard to numbers of persons protected and periods of protection which can be increased through collective agreements.
During the process of establishing the union, protection lasts for not more than 60 days from the date of notification of the administrative authority (art. 248.a) and for the founding members for up to 60 days following registration of the union (art. 214). In the case of trade union representatives, protection lasts for up to one year from the expiry of their mandate and for candidate officers, from one month before the elections take place until one week after the election.
-Art. 308-A LC: Workers who suffer from chronic illness that cause disabilities, requiring frequent medical controls, rehabilitation or specialized medical care, cannot be dismissed and cannot suffer any discount on their wages in relation to these conditions. The stability at work will last from the date when a relevant medical report certifying the medical condition has been issued and will be extended until three months after the completion of the medical treatment.
2019 Equateur Amériques Y
Y Articles 153 provides that the employment contract cannot be terminated due to the pregnancy of the working woman and the employer cannot definitively replace her within the twelve-week period after the labour.

Article 174 provides special protection against termination of employment to: 1. For temporary incapacity for work due to the worker's non-professional illness, as long as it does not exceed one year; 2. In the event of absence motivated by military service or the exercise of compulsory public office; 3. Due to the absence of the worker based on the maternity or paternity leave, due to childbirth, is indicated in article 153 of this Code, without prejudice to the provisions of number 1.

Articles 153 provides that the employment contract cannot be terminated due to the pregnancy of the working woman and the employer cannot definitively replace her within the twelve-week period after the labour.

Article 174 provides special protection against termination of employment to: 1. For temporary incapacity for work due to the worker's non-professional illness, as long as it does not exceed one year; 2. In the event of absence motivated by military service or the exercise of compulsory public office; 3. Due to the absence of the worker based on the maternity or paternity leave, due to childbirth, is indicated in article 153 of this Code, without prejudice to the provisions of number 1.

In addition, article 452 provides that, except in the cases of article 172, the employer may not dismiss any of its workers, from the moment they notify the respective labour inspector that they have met in general assembly to form a union or works council, or any other workers' association, until the first directive is integrated. This prohibition covers all workers who have or have not attended the constituent assembly.
Y Articles 153 provides that the employment contract cannot be terminated due to the pregnancy of the working woman and the employer cannot definitively replace her within the twelve-week period after the labour.

Article 174 provides special protection against termination of employment to: 1. For temporary incapacity for work due to the worker's non-professional illness, as long as it does not exceed one year; 2. In the event of absence motivated by military service or the exercise of compulsory public office; 3. Due to the absence of the worker based on the maternity or paternity leave, due to childbirth, is indicated in article 153 of this Code, without prejudice to the provisions of number 1.

Articles 153 provides that the employment contract cannot be terminated due to the pregnancy of the working woman and the employer cannot definitively replace her within the twelve-week period after the labour.

Article 174 provides special protection against termination of employment to: 1. For temporary incapacity for work due to the worker's non-professional illness, as long as it does not exceed one year; 2. In the event of absence motivated by military service or the exercise of compulsory public office; 3. Due to the absence of the worker based on the maternity or paternity leave, due to childbirth, is indicated in article 153 of this Code, without prejudice to the provisions of number 1.

In addition, article 452 provides that, except in the cases of article 172, the employer may not dismiss any of its workers, from the moment they notify the respective labour inspector that they have met in general assembly to form a union or works council, or any other workers' association, until the first directive is integrated. This prohibition covers all workers who have or have not attended the constituent assembly.
Y Articles 153 provides that the employment contract cannot be terminated due to the pregnancy of the working woman and the employer cannot definitively replace her within the twelve-week period after the labour.

Article 174 provides special protection against termination of employment to: 1. For temporary incapacity for work due to the worker's non-professional illness, as long as it does not exceed one year; 2. In the event of absence motivated by military service or the exercise of compulsory public office; 3. Due to the absence of the worker based on the maternity or paternity leave, due to childbirth, is indicated in article 153 of this Code, without prejudice to the provisions of number 1.

Articles 153 provides that the employment contract cannot be terminated due to the pregnancy of the working woman and the employer cannot definitively replace her within the twelve-week period after the labour.

Article 174 provides special protection against termination of employment to: 1. For temporary incapacity for work due to the worker's non-professional illness, as long as it does not exceed one year; 2. In the event of absence motivated by military service or the exercise of compulsory public office; 3. Due to the absence of the worker based on the maternity or paternity leave, due to childbirth, is indicated in article 153 of this Code, without prejudice to the provisions of number 1.

In addition, article 452 provides that, except in the cases of article 172, the employer may not dismiss any of its workers, from the moment they notify the respective labour inspector that they have met in general assembly to form a union or works council, or any other workers' association, until the first directive is integrated. This prohibition covers all workers who have or have not attended the constituent assembly.
Y Articles 153 provides that the employment contract cannot be terminated due to the pregnancy of the working woman and the employer cannot definitively replace her within the twelve-week period after the labour.

Article 174 provides special protection against termination of employment to: 1. For temporary incapacity for work due to the worker's non-professional illness, as long as it does not exceed one year; 2. In the event of absence motivated by military service or the exercise of compulsory public office; 3. Due to the absence of the worker based on the maternity or paternity leave, due to childbirth, is indicated in article 153 of this Code, without prejudice to the provisions of number 1.

Articles 153 provides that the employment contract cannot be terminated due to the pregnancy of the working woman and the employer cannot definitively replace her within the twelve-week period after the labour.

Article 174 provides special protection against termination of employment to: 1. For temporary incapacity for work due to the worker's non-professional illness, as long as it does not exceed one year; 2. In the event of absence motivated by military service or the exercise of compulsory public office; 3. Due to the absence of the worker based on the maternity or paternity leave, due to childbirth, is indicated in article 153 of this Code, without prejudice to the provisions of number 1.

In addition, article 452 provides that, except in the cases of article 172, the employer may not dismiss any of its workers, from the moment they notify the respective labour inspector that they have met in general assembly to form a union or works council, or any other workers' association, until the first directive is integrated. This prohibition covers all workers who have or have not attended the constituent assembly.
2019 Espagne Europe N N N N Y
Y 1) Workers' and trade union representatives:
- According to art. 55(1) ET if the worker is a workers' legal representative or a trade union representative, there will be formal adversarial procedures during which the worker and other members of the union to which he or she belongs, may be heard. If the worker is a member of a trade union and the employer is aware of this fact, representatives of the corresponding trade union must be heard in advance.
- In addition, in the event of unfair dismissal of a workers' representative, it is up to that employee to decide whether he or she wants to be reinstated or receive compensation, as opposed to the general rule according to which the choice is made by the employer (art. 56(4) ET).
- Lastly, in the event of collective dismissal, the workers' representatives have priority for remaining in the enterprise (art. 51(5) ET).

2) Royal Decree-Law 3/2012 has introduced the possibility to establish other priority rules through collective agreements, in order to protect people with family responsibilities, people with disabilities or people above certain age in case of collective dismissal (art. 51(5) ET).
2019 Finlande Europe Y
Y * Workers' representatives:
Sec. 10, chap. 7, ECA: Dismissal of a "shop steward or elected representatives" based on individual grounds requires the consent of the majority of the employees whom he represents.
Economic dismissal of those representatives are authorized provided the job they occupy ceases completely and the employer has been unable to find another suitable job or to train the person for some other work.

* Pregnant women and employees on family leave: sec. 9, chap. 7, ECA deems the dismissal to be based on employee's pregnancy or family leave and places the onus on the employer to prove that the dismissal is based on another reason.
In addition, sec. 9, chap. 7 ECA states that the employer can terminate the employment relationship with employee on maternity, special maternity, parental or child care on economic grounds only in case of complete cessation of activities.
Y * Workers' representatives:
Sec. 10, chap. 7, ECA: Dismissal of a "shop steward or elected representatives" based on individual grounds requires the consent of the majority of the employees whom he represents.
Economic dismissal of those representatives are authorized provided the job they occupy ceases completely and the employer has been unable to find another suitable job or to train the person for some other work.

* Pregnant women and employees on family leave: sec. 9, chap. 7, ECA deems the dismissal to be based on employee's pregnancy or family leave and places the onus on the employer to prove that the dismissal is based on another reason.
In addition, sec. 9, chap. 7 ECA states that the employer can terminate the employment relationship with employee on maternity, special maternity, parental or child care on economic grounds only in case of complete cessation of activities.
Y * Workers' representatives:
Sec. 10, chap. 7, ECA: Dismissal of a "shop steward or elected representatives" based on individual grounds requires the consent of the majority of the employees whom he represents.
Economic dismissal of those representatives are authorized provided the job they occupy ceases completely and the employer has been unable to find another suitable job or to train the person for some other work.

* Pregnant women and employees on family leave: sec. 9, chap. 7, ECA deems the dismissal to be based on employee's pregnancy or family leave and places the onus on the employer to prove that the dismissal is based on another reason.
In addition, sec. 9, chap. 7 ECA states that the employer can terminate the employment relationship with employee on maternity, special maternity, parental or child care on economic grounds only in case of complete cessation of activities.
2019 France Europe Y
Y *Workers' representatives:
- Trade union representatives and other worker's representatives: art. L 2411-1 LC
- Worker's adviser: art. 1232-14 LC
*Pregnant women and women on maternity leave, and new parents : art. L 1225-4 and L 1225-5 LC, employees on adoption leave: art 1225-38 LC. Art. L 1225-4 LC was amended to protect women also during the period of annual leave following the maternity leave, as well as for a period of 10 weeks following the maternity or annual leave. Further, all employees are protected during the first 10 weeks following the birth of their child (art. 1225-4-1 LC).
Y *Workers' representatives:
- Trade union representatives and other worker's representatives: art. L 2411-1 LC
- Worker's adviser: art. 1232-14 LC
*Pregnant women and women on maternity leave, and new parents : art. L 1225-4 and L 1225-5 LC, employees on adoption leave: art 1225-38 LC. Art. L 1225-4 LC was amended to protect women also during the period of annual leave following the maternity leave, as well as for a period of 10 weeks following the maternity or annual leave. Further, all employees are protected during the first 10 weeks following the birth of their child (art. 1225-4-1 LC).
2019 Gabon Afrique Y
Y Art. 294 and Art. 170 LC. N N Y
Y Art. 294 and Art. 170 LC. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
2019 Géorgie Europe Y
Y Article 36 establishes the situations in which employment contract can be suspended:
a) a strike;
b) a lockout;
c) exercising active and/or passive suffrage;
d) appearance before an investigative, prosecuting, or judicial body in the cases provided for by the procedural legislation of Georgia;
e) call to compulsory military service;
f) call to military reserve service;
g) maternity and child care leave, a new-born adoption leave of absence, or a child care additional leave of absence;
h) placing a victim of violence against women and/or domestic violence in a shelter and/or a crisis centre for a maximum of 30 calendar days annually, if he/she is unable to discharge his/her official duties anymore;
i) temporary disability, unless the disability period exceeds 40 consecutive calendar days, or the total disability period exceeds 60 calendar days in six months;
j) qualification upgrading, professional training, or education not exceeding 30 calendar days annually;
k) unpaid leave of absence;
l) paid leave of absence.

Article 37 (3) Terminating labour relations shall be inadmissible:

a) on the grounds other than those laid down in paragraph 1 of this article;
b) on discrimination grounds under Article 2 of this Law;
c) during the period under Article 36(2)(g) of this Law from notification to the employer from a female employee about her pregnancy, except for the grounds under paragraph (1)(b-e, g, h, j, l) of this article;
d) due to an employee being called to compulsory military service or military reserve service and/or during an employee’s period of compulsory military service or military reserve service, except for the grounds under paragraph(1)(b-e, g, h, j, l) of this article;
e) during the period of being a jury in court, except for the grounds under paragraph (1)(b-e, g, h, j, l) of this article.

Y Article 36 establishes the situations in which employment contract can be suspended:
a) a strike;
b) a lockout;
c) exercising active and/or passive suffrage;
d) appearance before an investigative, prosecuting, or judicial body in the cases provided for by the procedural legislation of Georgia;
e) call to compulsory military service;
f) call to military reserve service;
g) maternity and child care leave, a new-born adoption leave of absence, or a child care additional leave of absence;
h) placing a victim of violence against women and/or domestic violence in a shelter and/or a crisis centre for a maximum of 30 calendar days annually, if he/she is unable to discharge his/her official duties anymore;
i) temporary disability, unless the disability period exceeds 40 consecutive calendar days, or the total disability period exceeds 60 calendar days in six months;
j) qualification upgrading, professional training, or education not exceeding 30 calendar days annually;
k) unpaid leave of absence;
l) paid leave of absence.

Article 37 (3) Terminating labour relations shall be inadmissible:

a) on the grounds other than those laid down in paragraph 1 of this article;
b) on discrimination grounds under Article 2 of this Law;
c) during the period under Article 36(2)(g) of this Law from notification to the employer from a female employee about her pregnancy, except for the grounds under paragraph (1)(b-e, g, h, j, l) of this article;
d) due to an employee being called to compulsory military service or military reserve service and/or during an employee’s period of compulsory military service or military reserve service, except for the grounds under paragraph(1)(b-e, g, h, j, l) of this article;
e) during the period of being a jury in court, except for the grounds under paragraph (1)(b-e, g, h, j, l) of this article.

2019 Grèce Europe Y
Y The following categories of workers enjoy special protection against dismissal:

* The dismissal of a woman during her pregnancy and up to one year after giving birth is prohibited (Act No. 1302/1982). However, the dismissal can be valid if there is an important reason for it (i.e misconduct, severe negligence, poor performance...) (Art. 15 Act No 1483/1984). Pregnant women and women on maternity leave are also excluded from the redundancy pool (Law 1483/1984, art. 15).

* Members of the trade union Board and the founding members of a trade union cannot be dismissed during the period of their office and one year thereafter (Act No. 1264/1982). However, dismissal is permitted if it is justified by a specific reason indicated in the Law and if it is approved by the Committee for the Protection of Trade Union officials. Concerning workers' representatives, Law 4472/2017 introduces two additional reasons that allow the dismissal of this special category: (a) theft or embezzlement against the employer or its representative; and (b) unjustified absence of the employee which exceeds 3 days.

- Any dismissal which takes place while the employee is performing military duties is null and void (Act No. 3514/1928).
In addition, dismissal is prohibited within one year after the employee returns to work. Such dismissal can however be valid if it is justified by a serious reason and approved by a special committee (art. 7 Emergency Law 244/1936).
- War veterans and members of their family can only be dismissed in accordance with a judicial decision recognizing their incapacity to work.
- Dismissal of a worker who is on annual leave is prohibited and will be considered null and void (Art. 5 and 6, Act 539/45)
Y The following categories of workers enjoy special protection against dismissal:

* The dismissal of a woman during her pregnancy and up to one year after giving birth is prohibited (Act No. 1302/1982). However, the dismissal can be valid if there is an important reason for it (i.e misconduct, severe negligence, poor performance...) (Art. 15 Act No 1483/1984). Pregnant women and women on maternity leave are also excluded from the redundancy pool (Law 1483/1984, art. 15).

* Members of the trade union Board and the founding members of a trade union cannot be dismissed during the period of their office and one year thereafter (Act No. 1264/1982). However, dismissal is permitted if it is justified by a specific reason indicated in the Law and if it is approved by the Committee for the Protection of Trade Union officials. Concerning workers' representatives, Law 4472/2017 introduces two additional reasons that allow the dismissal of this special category: (a) theft or embezzlement against the employer or its representative; and (b) unjustified absence of the employee which exceeds 3 days.

- Any dismissal which takes place while the employee is performing military duties is null and void (Act No. 3514/1928).
In addition, dismissal is prohibited within one year after the employee returns to work. Such dismissal can however be valid if it is justified by a serious reason and approved by a special committee (art. 7 Emergency Law 244/1936).
- War veterans and members of their family can only be dismissed in accordance with a judicial decision recognizing their incapacity to work.
- Dismissal of a worker who is on annual leave is prohibited and will be considered null and void (Art. 5 and 6, Act 539/45)
Y The following categories of workers enjoy special protection against dismissal:

* The dismissal of a woman during her pregnancy and up to one year after giving birth is prohibited (Act No. 1302/1982). However, the dismissal can be valid if there is an important reason for it (i.e misconduct, severe negligence, poor performance...) (Art. 15 Act No 1483/1984). Pregnant women and women on maternity leave are also excluded from the redundancy pool (Law 1483/1984, art. 15).

* Members of the trade union Board and the founding members of a trade union cannot be dismissed during the period of their office and one year thereafter (Act No. 1264/1982). However, dismissal is permitted if it is justified by a specific reason indicated in the Law and if it is approved by the Committee for the Protection of Trade Union officials. Concerning workers' representatives, Law 4472/2017 introduces two additional reasons that allow the dismissal of this special category: (a) theft or embezzlement against the employer or its representative; and (b) unjustified absence of the employee which exceeds 3 days.

- Any dismissal which takes place while the employee is performing military duties is null and void (Act No. 3514/1928).
In addition, dismissal is prohibited within one year after the employee returns to work. Such dismissal can however be valid if it is justified by a serious reason and approved by a special committee (art. 7 Emergency Law 244/1936).
- War veterans and members of their family can only be dismissed in accordance with a judicial decision recognizing their incapacity to work.
- Dismissal of a worker who is on annual leave is prohibited and will be considered null and void (Art. 5 and 6, Act 539/45)
Y The following categories of workers enjoy special protection against dismissal:

* The dismissal of a woman during her pregnancy and up to one year after giving birth is prohibited (Act No. 1302/1982). However, the dismissal can be valid if there is an important reason for it (i.e misconduct, severe negligence, poor performance...) (Art. 15 Act No 1483/1984). Pregnant women and women on maternity leave are also excluded from the redundancy pool (Law 1483/1984, art. 15).

* Members of the trade union Board and the founding members of a trade union cannot be dismissed during the period of their office and one year thereafter (Act No. 1264/1982). However, dismissal is permitted if it is justified by a specific reason indicated in the Law and if it is approved by the Committee for the Protection of Trade Union officials. Concerning workers' representatives, Law 4472/2017 introduces two additional reasons that allow the dismissal of this special category: (a) theft or embezzlement against the employer or its representative; and (b) unjustified absence of the employee which exceeds 3 days.

- Any dismissal which takes place while the employee is performing military duties is null and void (Act No. 3514/1928).
In addition, dismissal is prohibited within one year after the employee returns to work. Such dismissal can however be valid if it is justified by a serious reason and approved by a special committee (art. 7 Emergency Law 244/1936).
- War veterans and members of their family can only be dismissed in accordance with a judicial decision recognizing their incapacity to work.
- Dismissal of a worker who is on annual leave is prohibited and will be considered null and void (Art. 5 and 6, Act 539/45)
2019 Guatemala Amériques Y
Y Women in a state of pregnancy or lactation period (art. 151 (c) of Labour Code), workers in formation of a union (art. 209 Labour Code), the members of the Executive Committee of the Union during the exercise up to 12 months after of their mandate has ended (art. 223 (d) Labour Code) and the workers participating in a collective economic and social conflict (art. 380 Labour Code).
The foregoing implies that it is required to process and obtain a judicial or administrative authorization prior to the application of the dismissal.
Y Women in a state of pregnancy or lactation period (art. 151 (c) of Labour Code), workers in formation of a union (art. 209 Labour Code), the members of the Executive Committee of the Union during the exercise up to 12 months after of their mandate has ended (art. 223 (d) Labour Code) and the workers participating in a collective economic and social conflict (art. 380 Labour Code).
The foregoing implies that it is required to process and obtain a judicial or administrative authorization prior to the application of the dismissal.
2019 Honduras Amériques Y
Y - Article 516 of Labour Code: employees who are members of the Board of Directors of a trade union, from their election up to six months after ceasing their duties, enjoy special protection: they can only be dimissed with prior authorization of the Labour judge (the autorization will be only delivered if the employer duly proved the existence of a just cause).
If the employer fails to comply with this requirement, he or she will be liable to pay the 6 months' salary to the trade union organization.
Article 124 of Labour Code provides protection against dismissal of pregnant or breastfeeding women, which will remain until the end of the post-natal rest (3 months after labour) or until a judicial decision declaring the termination of the contract.
Articles 144 and 145 provide rules for termination of employment of pregnant or breastfeeding workers, in which case the employer must to obtain prior authorization from the Labour Inspector (or the mayor). Such authorization to dismiss can only be given if the existence of one of the just causes listed in art. 112 is proven.

Y - Article 516 of Labour Code: employees who are members of the Board of Directors of a trade union, from their election up to six months after ceasing their duties, enjoy special protection: they can only be dimissed with prior authorization of the Labour judge (the autorization will be only delivered if the employer duly proved the existence of a just cause).
If the employer fails to comply with this requirement, he or she will be liable to pay the 6 months' salary to the trade union organization.
Article 124 of Labour Code provides protection against dismissal of pregnant or breastfeeding women, which will remain until the end of the post-natal rest (3 months after labour) or until a judicial decision declaring the termination of the contract.
Articles 144 and 145 provide rules for termination of employment of pregnant or breastfeeding workers, in which case the employer must to obtain prior authorization from the Labour Inspector (or the mayor). Such authorization to dismiss can only be given if the existence of one of the just causes listed in art. 112 is proven.

2019 Hongrie Europe Y
Y •The LC prohibits the dismissal of specific groups of workers (during pregnancy; during maternity or parental leave, during reserve military service, during the first six month of treatment related to human reproduction procedure) (LC, sec. 63(3)).

•The LC does not completely exclude but restricts the opportunity of the employer to dismiss other specific groups of workers,
-by restricting the valid grounds or requiring the employer to offer another, adequate job before the dismissal, if possible (e.g. in case of workers with family responsibilities, workers with disabilities, elderly workers – LC, sec. 66(4)-(7))
-by extending the period of notice (in case of sick employees or workers taking care of sick/disabled children or other relatives – LC, sec. 68(2))
-by requiring a consent of the supreme body of workers’ representatives to the validity of the dismissal of specific workers’ representatives (LC, sec. 260(3), 273; Act XCIII of 1993 on Labour Safety, sec. 76(3)).

•Workers are protected against discriminatory dismissals on a set of protected characteristics including e.g. pregnancy, national or ethnic origin, colour, race, religion, political opinion, disability, health condition, social situation, adherence to trade union, part-time or fixed-term job (LC, sec. 12, ETA Act, sec. 8).
Y •The LC prohibits the dismissal of specific groups of workers (during pregnancy; during maternity or parental leave, during reserve military service, during the first six month of treatment related to human reproduction procedure) (LC, sec. 63(3)).

•The LC does not completely exclude but restricts the opportunity of the employer to dismiss other specific groups of workers,
-by restricting the valid grounds or requiring the employer to offer another, adequate job before the dismissal, if possible (e.g. in case of workers with family responsibilities, workers with disabilities, elderly workers – LC, sec. 66(4)-(7))
-by extending the period of notice (in case of sick employees or workers taking care of sick/disabled children or other relatives – LC, sec. 68(2))
-by requiring a consent of the supreme body of workers’ representatives to the validity of the dismissal of specific workers’ representatives (LC, sec. 260(3), 273; Act XCIII of 1993 on Labour Safety, sec. 76(3)).

•Workers are protected against discriminatory dismissals on a set of protected characteristics including e.g. pregnancy, national or ethnic origin, colour, race, religion, political opinion, disability, health condition, social situation, adherence to trade union, part-time or fixed-term job (LC, sec. 12, ETA Act, sec. 8).
Y •The LC prohibits the dismissal of specific groups of workers (during pregnancy; during maternity or parental leave, during reserve military service, during the first six month of treatment related to human reproduction procedure) (LC, sec. 63(3)).

•The LC does not completely exclude but restricts the opportunity of the employer to dismiss other specific groups of workers,
-by restricting the valid grounds or requiring the employer to offer another, adequate job before the dismissal, if possible (e.g. in case of workers with family responsibilities, workers with disabilities, elderly workers – LC, sec. 66(4)-(7))
-by extending the period of notice (in case of sick employees or workers taking care of sick/disabled children or other relatives – LC, sec. 68(2))
-by requiring a consent of the supreme body of workers’ representatives to the validity of the dismissal of specific workers’ representatives (LC, sec. 260(3), 273; Act XCIII of 1993 on Labour Safety, sec. 76(3)).

•Workers are protected against discriminatory dismissals on a set of protected characteristics including e.g. pregnancy, national or ethnic origin, colour, race, religion, political opinion, disability, health condition, social situation, adherence to trade union, part-time or fixed-term job (LC, sec. 12, ETA Act, sec. 8).
Y •The LC prohibits the dismissal of specific groups of workers (during pregnancy; during maternity or parental leave, during reserve military service, during the first six month of treatment related to human reproduction procedure) (LC, sec. 63(3)).

•The LC does not completely exclude but restricts the opportunity of the employer to dismiss other specific groups of workers,
-by restricting the valid grounds or requiring the employer to offer another, adequate job before the dismissal, if possible (e.g. in case of workers with family responsibilities, workers with disabilities, elderly workers – LC, sec. 66(4)-(7))
-by extending the period of notice (in case of sick employees or workers taking care of sick/disabled children or other relatives – LC, sec. 68(2))
-by requiring a consent of the supreme body of workers’ representatives to the validity of the dismissal of specific workers’ representatives (LC, sec. 260(3), 273; Act XCIII of 1993 on Labour Safety, sec. 76(3)).

•Workers are protected against discriminatory dismissals on a set of protected characteristics including e.g. pregnancy, national or ethnic origin, colour, race, religion, political opinion, disability, health condition, social situation, adherence to trade union, part-time or fixed-term job (LC, sec. 12, ETA Act, sec. 8).
2019 Inde Asie Y
Y Schedule Five of the IDA
Art. 12 of the Maternity Benefit Act
Y Schedule Five of the IDA
Art. 12 of the Maternity Benefit Act
2019 Indonésie Asie Y
Y See: art. 153 c), g), j) and 172 MA. N N N N Y
Y See: art. 153 c), g), j) and 172 MA. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
2019 Italie Europe Y
Y - Workers’ representatives: see Article 15 and Article 18 of Law No. 300 of 1970
- Pregnant women, women on maternity leave, women with family responsibilities: see Legislative Decree 151 of 2001 on the protection of maternity and paternity. According to Article 54, dismissal is prohibited form the beginning of the pregnancy and up to a maximum of one year after the birth of the child.
This prohibition does not however prevent an employer for dismissing a female employee in the event of serious misconduct (just cause) or in case of cessation of the activities of the employer.
- Workers on paternity leave equally benefit from the protection against dismissal (note, however, that, under Italian law, a worker is entitled to paternity leave in limited situations: death of the mother, serious disability or abandonment by the mother or exclusive custody of the child to the father).
- The prohibition of dismissal has also been extended to cover adoption leave (up until one year after the child has entered the family).
Y - Workers’ representatives: see Article 15 and Article 18 of Law No. 300 of 1970
- Pregnant women, women on maternity leave, women with family responsibilities: see Legislative Decree 151 of 2001 on the protection of maternity and paternity. According to Article 54, dismissal is prohibited form the beginning of the pregnancy and up to a maximum of one year after the birth of the child.
This prohibition does not however prevent an employer for dismissing a female employee in the event of serious misconduct (just cause) or in case of cessation of the activities of the employer.
- Workers on paternity leave equally benefit from the protection against dismissal (note, however, that, under Italian law, a worker is entitled to paternity leave in limited situations: death of the mother, serious disability or abandonment by the mother or exclusive custody of the child to the father).
- The prohibition of dismissal has also been extended to cover adoption leave (up until one year after the child has entered the family).
Y - Workers’ representatives: see Article 15 and Article 18 of Law No. 300 of 1970
- Pregnant women, women on maternity leave, women with family responsibilities: see Legislative Decree 151 of 2001 on the protection of maternity and paternity. According to Article 54, dismissal is prohibited form the beginning of the pregnancy and up to a maximum of one year after the birth of the child.
This prohibition does not however prevent an employer for dismissing a female employee in the event of serious misconduct (just cause) or in case of cessation of the activities of the employer.
- Workers on paternity leave equally benefit from the protection against dismissal (note, however, that, under Italian law, a worker is entitled to paternity leave in limited situations: death of the mother, serious disability or abandonment by the mother or exclusive custody of the child to the father).
- The prohibition of dismissal has also been extended to cover adoption leave (up until one year after the child has entered the family).
2019 Japon Asie Y
Y see above N N Y
Y see above N N N N Y
Y see above N N Y
Y see above N N N N N N Y
Y see above N N N N
2019 Jordanie Etats arabes Y
Y Art. 27 LL: The LL prohibits the employer from terminating the employment of a pregnant woman from the sixth month of the employee's pregnancy or during her maternity leave and of an employee who is performing military or reserve service.
Art. 97 (B) LL: "The employer shall not make the recruiting of the employee subject to the condition of his/her not joining the trade union, or waiving his/her membership in it, and the employer may not ask the employee to be disengaged from any association, the employer may not prejudice any of the employee's rights because of his/her membership in any association or contributing in its activities beyond the working hours."

The ILO 2018 Guide to Jordanian Labour Law for Garment Industry adds in this respect that: "Employers are prohibited from employing any worker on condition that he is not part of a trade union, relinquishing membership in it, work to dismiss him from any trade union, undermine any of his rights because of trade union membership or contributing to its activities outside working hours. Employers are prohibited from taking any action against the trade union representative because of practicing union activities, including dismissal from work. If the employer takes such action, the labour inspector shall issue a warning on the need to correct the violation within a period not to exceed seven days from the warning. If the violation persists, the labour inspector shall write a report and refer the matter to the competent court. The worker may also claim damages caused because of the action taken against him. If he is dismissed from work, the court may issue a decision to reinstate him along with the payment of full remuneration for the period he was dismissed from work. If the worker is unable to return to work for reasons related to the employer, he may claim additional compensation ranging between 6 and 12 months of remuneration, in addition to compensation for arbitrary dismissal and any other rights due."
Y Art. 27 LL: The LL prohibits the employer from terminating the employment of a pregnant woman from the sixth month of the employee's pregnancy or during her maternity leave and of an employee who is performing military or reserve service.
Art. 97 (B) LL: "The employer shall not make the recruiting of the employee subject to the condition of his/her not joining the trade union, or waiving his/her membership in it, and the employer may not ask the employee to be disengaged from any association, the employer may not prejudice any of the employee's rights because of his/her membership in any association or contributing in its activities beyond the working hours."

The ILO 2018 Guide to Jordanian Labour Law for Garment Industry adds in this respect that: "Employers are prohibited from employing any worker on condition that he is not part of a trade union, relinquishing membership in it, work to dismiss him from any trade union, undermine any of his rights because of trade union membership or contributing to its activities outside working hours. Employers are prohibited from taking any action against the trade union representative because of practicing union activities, including dismissal from work. If the employer takes such action, the labour inspector shall issue a warning on the need to correct the violation within a period not to exceed seven days from the warning. If the violation persists, the labour inspector shall write a report and refer the matter to the competent court. The worker may also claim damages caused because of the action taken against him. If he is dismissed from work, the court may issue a decision to reinstate him along with the payment of full remuneration for the period he was dismissed from work. If the worker is unable to return to work for reasons related to the employer, he may claim additional compensation ranging between 6 and 12 months of remuneration, in addition to compensation for arbitrary dismissal and any other rights due."
Y Art. 27 LL: The LL prohibits the employer from terminating the employment of a pregnant woman from the sixth month of the employee's pregnancy or during her maternity leave and of an employee who is performing military or reserve service.
Art. 97 (B) LL: "The employer shall not make the recruiting of the employee subject to the condition of his/her not joining the trade union, or waiving his/her membership in it, and the employer may not ask the employee to be disengaged from any association, the employer may not prejudice any of the employee's rights because of his/her membership in any association or contributing in its activities beyond the working hours."

The ILO 2018 Guide to Jordanian Labour Law for Garment Industry adds in this respect that: "Employers are prohibited from employing any worker on condition that he is not part of a trade union, relinquishing membership in it, work to dismiss him from any trade union, undermine any of his rights because of trade union membership or contributing to its activities outside working hours. Employers are prohibited from taking any action against the trade union representative because of practicing union activities, including dismissal from work. If the employer takes such action, the labour inspector shall issue a warning on the need to correct the violation within a period not to exceed seven days from the warning. If the violation persists, the labour inspector shall write a report and refer the matter to the competent court. The worker may also claim damages caused because of the action taken against him. If he is dismissed from work, the court may issue a decision to reinstate him along with the payment of full remuneration for the period he was dismissed from work. If the worker is unable to return to work for reasons related to the employer, he may claim additional compensation ranging between 6 and 12 months of remuneration, in addition to compensation for arbitrary dismissal and any other rights due."
2019 Kazakhstan Europe Y
Y Art. 52 of the Labour Code on the grounds for termination of employment
Art. 54 of the Labour Code prohibits the termination in the cases of temporary incapacity for work, pregnancy, women with children under the age of three, single mothers with a child under the age of fourteen or a disabled child up to the age of eighteen, other persons raising this category of children without a mother-
Art. 6 of the Labour Code on prohibition of discrimination
Art. 175 of the Labour Code on the right to strike
Y Art. 52 of the Labour Code on the grounds for termination of employment
Art. 54 of the Labour Code prohibits the termination in the cases of temporary incapacity for work, pregnancy, women with children under the age of three, single mothers with a child under the age of fourteen or a disabled child up to the age of eighteen, other persons raising this category of children without a mother-
Art. 6 of the Labour Code on prohibition of discrimination
Art. 175 of the Labour Code on the right to strike
Y Art. 52 of the Labour Code on the grounds for termination of employment
Art. 54 of the Labour Code prohibits the termination in the cases of temporary incapacity for work, pregnancy, women with children under the age of three, single mothers with a child under the age of fourteen or a disabled child up to the age of eighteen, other persons raising this category of children without a mother-
Art. 6 of the Labour Code on prohibition of discrimination
Art. 175 of the Labour Code on the right to strike
Y Art. 52 of the Labour Code on the grounds for termination of employment
Art. 54 of the Labour Code prohibits the termination in the cases of temporary incapacity for work, pregnancy, women with children under the age of three, single mothers with a child under the age of fourteen or a disabled child up to the age of eighteen, other persons raising this category of children without a mother-
Art. 6 of the Labour Code on prohibition of discrimination
Art. 175 of the Labour Code on the right to strike
2019 Kirghizistan Europe Y
Y Art. 310 LC: special protection against any dismissal, except for economic reasons, for pregnant women and women with family responsibilities.

Art. 84 LC: The employer is not entitled to dismiss any workers' representative without prior approval by the relevant body representing workers of the enterprise.
Y Art. 310 LC: special protection against any dismissal, except for economic reasons, for pregnant women and women with family responsibilities.

Art. 84 LC: The employer is not entitled to dismiss any workers' representative without prior approval by the relevant body representing workers of the enterprise.
Y Art. 310 LC: special protection against any dismissal, except for economic reasons, for pregnant women and women with family responsibilities.

Art. 84 LC: The employer is not entitled to dismiss any workers' representative without prior approval by the relevant body representing workers of the enterprise.
2019 Lesotho Afrique Y
Y - Women on maternity leave: Art. 136 LC provides that any dismissal of any employee that takes effect during her statutory maternity leave shall automatically be an unfair dismissal; and where a female employee is absent from work due to confinement or illness related to pregnancy, or remains absent from work for a longer period as a result of an illness which a medical officer or a registered nurse or midwife has certified in writing to arise in his or her opinion out of the employee's pregnancy or confinement and to render her unfit to return to work, no employer shall, during the period of her absence from work, give notice to dismiss her or terminate her contract of employment.

- Worker's representatives, see Codes of good practices Art. 11 (8) : specific discipline procedure (mandatory consultation with the trade union).
Y - Women on maternity leave: Art. 136 LC provides that any dismissal of any employee that takes effect during her statutory maternity leave shall automatically be an unfair dismissal; and where a female employee is absent from work due to confinement or illness related to pregnancy, or remains absent from work for a longer period as a result of an illness which a medical officer or a registered nurse or midwife has certified in writing to arise in his or her opinion out of the employee's pregnancy or confinement and to render her unfit to return to work, no employer shall, during the period of her absence from work, give notice to dismiss her or terminate her contract of employment.

- Worker's representatives, see Codes of good practices Art. 11 (8) : specific discipline procedure (mandatory consultation with the trade union).
2019 Luxembourg Europe Y
Y * Pregnant women /women on maternity leave: prohibition of dismissal: art. L 337-1 LC.
* Workers' representatives: prohibition of dismissal: art. L 415-10 and 415-11 LC.
* Femmes enceintes / femmes en congé de maternité : interdiction de licenciement : art. L 337-1 LC.
* Représentants des travailleurs : interdiction de licenciement :
art. L 415-10 et 415-11 LC.
Y * Pregnant women /women on maternity leave: prohibition of dismissal: art. L 337-1 LC.
* Workers' representatives: prohibition of dismissal: art. L 415-10 and 415-11 LC.
* Femmes enceintes / femmes en congé de maternité : interdiction de licenciement : art. L 337-1 LC.
* Représentants des travailleurs : interdiction de licenciement :
art. L 415-10 et 415-11 LC.
2019 Madagascar Afrique Y
Y - Any dismissal of a workers' representative, a trade union officer or a member of the works council is subject to the authorization of the Labour Inspector (see Arts. 152, 156 and 165 LC).
- As a general rule, pregnant women cannot be dismissed during pregnancy. However dismissal is possible if the pregnant employee commits malpractice which is not connected to her pregnancy: Art. 95 LC.
- Dismissal is prohibited during maternity leave: Art. 97 LC.
Y - Any dismissal of a workers' representative, a trade union officer or a member of the works council is subject to the authorization of the Labour Inspector (see Arts. 152, 156 and 165 LC).
- As a general rule, pregnant women cannot be dismissed during pregnancy. However dismissal is possible if the pregnant employee commits malpractice which is not connected to her pregnancy: Art. 95 LC.
- Dismissal is prohibited during maternity leave: Art. 97 LC.
2019 Malawi Afrique N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
2019 Maroc Afrique Y
Y Art. 58 LC: Severance pay is doubled for workers' representatives.
Art. 457 LC: Approval by the labour administration is required in case of a disciplinary dismissal of a workers' representative.
Art. 159 LC: Prohibition to dismiss women during pregnancy and women on maternity leave.
Y Art. 58 LC: Severance pay is doubled for workers' representatives.
Art. 457 LC: Approval by the labour administration is required in case of a disciplinary dismissal of a workers' representative.
Art. 159 LC: Prohibition to dismiss women during pregnancy and women on maternity leave.
2019 Mexique Amériques N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y
Y *Art. 161 FLA: Workers with more than 20 years of service can only be dismissed on of the grounds listed art. 47 (reasons related to the worker's conduct) provided that such reason is particularly serious or makes it impossible to continue the employment relationship. N N N N
2019 Mozambique Afrique Y
Y Article 11, d, of Labour Act provides protection against dismissal for women in pregnancy, during the maternity leave, and until 1 years after the child´s birth.
Article 161 (2) provides that an employer shall be prohibited from terminating the employment contract of the members of the trade union associations and trade union committees without just cause, for reasons attributable to the performance of their trade union duties.
Article 229 provides that the worker has the right to compensation for an accident at work or occupational disease requires an effort by the employer to occupy the injured worker in a job compatible with his or her capacity residual. If it is impossible to fit the employee under the terms described in the previous paragraph, the employer may terminate the contract, in which case the employee shall be compensated in accordance with article 128 of the Labour Act. The Decree No 62/2013, in its article 17, provides that dismissal without just cause of the worker temporarily incapacitated as a result of a work-related accident, without prejudice to other rights established by law, if you choose to non-reintegration, the right to compensation equal to that provided for in case of just cause argued by the worker.
Y Article 11, d, of Labour Act provides protection against dismissal for women in pregnancy, during the maternity leave, and until 1 years after the child´s birth.
Article 161 (2) provides that an employer shall be prohibited from terminating the employment contract of the members of the trade union associations and trade union committees without just cause, for reasons attributable to the performance of their trade union duties.
Article 229 provides that the worker has the right to compensation for an accident at work or occupational disease requires an effort by the employer to occupy the injured worker in a job compatible with his or her capacity residual. If it is impossible to fit the employee under the terms described in the previous paragraph, the employer may terminate the contract, in which case the employee shall be compensated in accordance with article 128 of the Labour Act. The Decree No 62/2013, in its article 17, provides that dismissal without just cause of the worker temporarily incapacitated as a result of a work-related accident, without prejudice to other rights established by law, if you choose to non-reintegration, the right to compensation equal to that provided for in case of just cause argued by the worker.
Y Article 11, d, of Labour Act provides protection against dismissal for women in pregnancy, during the maternity leave, and until 1 years after the child´s birth.
Article 161 (2) provides that an employer shall be prohibited from terminating the employment contract of the members of the trade union associations and trade union committees without just cause, for reasons attributable to the performance of their trade union duties.
Article 229 provides that the worker has the right to compensation for an accident at work or occupational disease requires an effort by the employer to occupy the injured worker in a job compatible with his or her capacity residual. If it is impossible to fit the employee under the terms described in the previous paragraph, the employer may terminate the contract, in which case the employee shall be compensated in accordance with article 128 of the Labour Act. The Decree No 62/2013, in its article 17, provides that dismissal without just cause of the worker temporarily incapacitated as a result of a work-related accident, without prejudice to other rights established by law, if you choose to non-reintegration, the right to compensation equal to that provided for in case of just cause argued by the worker.
2019 Namibie Afrique Y
Y See sec. 26(5) LA: An employer must not dismiss an employee during her maternity leave or at the expiry of that leave on:
- economic grounds (as listed in sec. 34 on collective dismissal)
- any grounds arising from her pregnancy, delivery, or her resulting family status or responsibility.
The prohibition does not apply if the employer has offered the employee comparable alternative employment; and she has unreasonably refused to accept that offer.
2019 Nicaragua Amériques Y
Y See articles 144, 231 and 234 of Labour Code. N N Y
Y See articles 144, 231 and 234 of Labour Code. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
2019 Niger Afrique Y
Y * Workers' representatives: Art. 227-228 new LC: prior authorization of the labour inspectorate required before any dismissal of a workers' representative.
New in Sept. 2012:
The LC introduced new provisions to further protect workers' representatives. Any dismissal of a workers' representative carried out without the prior consent of the labour inspector or despite the application for authorization being rejected /dismissed is null and void and will therefore entail reinstatement of the worker. Under the previous LC reinstatement was not available in such cases.
In addition, the new law establishes a time frame for the authorization procedure: 8 days for the labour inspector's decision after the filing of the application, extended to twenty one (21) days where expert evaluation is required.
Lastly, the labour inspector's decision can be appealed before the Minister of Labour and then further before an administrative tribunal.
Article 228 LC: Under certain conditions, this protection extends up to 6 months after the expiration of workers' representatives' mandate; the protection also applies to candidate workers' representatives (under certain conditions).
* See also: Articles 472-475 of the Implementing Decree N° 2017-682/PRN/MET/PS of August 2017 concerning the dismissal of workers' representatives.

* Pregnant women and women on maternity leave: No prohibition of dismissal during pregnancy, but only during maternity leave (14 weeks, incl. 8 weeks after giving birth) under Article 111 LC.
Prohibition of dismissal during pregnancy is included under Article 78 LC (last point).
Y * Workers' representatives: Art. 227-228 new LC: prior authorization of the labour inspectorate required before any dismissal of a workers' representative.
New in Sept. 2012:
The LC introduced new provisions to further protect workers' representatives. Any dismissal of a workers' representative carried out without the prior consent of the labour inspector or despite the application for authorization being rejected /dismissed is null and void and will therefore entail reinstatement of the worker. Under the previous LC reinstatement was not available in such cases.
In addition, the new law establishes a time frame for the authorization procedure: 8 days for the labour inspector's decision after the filing of the application, extended to twenty one (21) days where expert evaluation is required.
Lastly, the labour inspector's decision can be appealed before the Minister of Labour and then further before an administrative tribunal.
Article 228 LC: Under certain conditions, this protection extends up to 6 months after the expiration of workers' representatives' mandate; the protection also applies to candidate workers' representatives (under certain conditions).
* See also: Articles 472-475 of the Implementing Decree N° 2017-682/PRN/MET/PS of August 2017 concerning the dismissal of workers' representatives.

* Pregnant women and women on maternity leave: No prohibition of dismissal during pregnancy, but only during maternity leave (14 weeks, incl. 8 weeks after giving birth) under Article 111 LC.
Prohibition of dismissal during pregnancy is included under Article 78 LC (last point).
2019 Norvège Europe Y
Y No specific protection against dismissal other than the prohibition of discriminatory dismissal in respect of employees performing military service, employees temporarily unable to work, and pregnant employees (see above). This means that the employer can dismiss those employees provided that it is justified on other grounds (e.g. in the case of collective redundancies). However, the WEA establishes legal presumption that the dismissals are based on prohibited grounds if they happen during a certain period unless other grounds are shown to be highly probable.

Employees on maternity and parental leave enjoy protection in the sense that they cannot be given notice of dismissal (on any grounds) that becomes effective during the period of absence provided that the employer is aware that the absence is for such a reason.
If the employee is lawfully dismissed during this period, the notice will be valid but the period must be extended accordingly (art. 15-9 WEA).
Y No specific protection against dismissal other than the prohibition of discriminatory dismissal in respect of employees performing military service, employees temporarily unable to work, and pregnant employees (see above). This means that the employer can dismiss those employees provided that it is justified on other grounds (e.g. in the case of collective redundancies). However, the WEA establishes legal presumption that the dismissals are based on prohibited grounds if they happen during a certain period unless other grounds are shown to be highly probable.

Employees on maternity and parental leave enjoy protection in the sense that they cannot be given notice of dismissal (on any grounds) that becomes effective during the period of absence provided that the employer is aware that the absence is for such a reason.
If the employee is lawfully dismissed during this period, the notice will be valid but the period must be extended accordingly (art. 15-9 WEA).
2019 Nouvelle-Zélande Asie Y
Y As already stated, dismissal is prohibited on grounds of pregnancy and of a woman's state of health during pregnancy, and on grounds that a male or female employee intends to take parental leave or to assume the care of a child with a view of adoption. However, the employer is allowed to dismiss an employee for a substantial reason which is not related to the above-mentioned grounds.

There is a special protection against dismissal of a male or a female employee during parental leave and during 26 weeks thereafter: it is prohibited for the employer to dismiss them. However, this prohibition is not absolute: the dismissal will be lawful if the employer proves that he/she terminated the employee's employment on account of a redundancy situation of such nature that there was no prospect of the employer being able to appoint the employee to a position which was vacant and which was substantially similar to the position held by the employee at the beginning of the employee's parental leave.
(See sec. 49-52 of the Parental Leave and Employment Protection Act 1987)
Y As already stated, dismissal is prohibited on grounds of pregnancy and of a woman's state of health during pregnancy, and on grounds that a male or female employee intends to take parental leave or to assume the care of a child with a view of adoption. However, the employer is allowed to dismiss an employee for a substantial reason which is not related to the above-mentioned grounds.

There is a special protection against dismissal of a male or a female employee during parental leave and during 26 weeks thereafter: it is prohibited for the employer to dismiss them. However, this prohibition is not absolute: the dismissal will be lawful if the employer proves that he/she terminated the employee's employment on account of a redundancy situation of such nature that there was no prospect of the employer being able to appoint the employee to a position which was vacant and which was substantially similar to the position held by the employee at the beginning of the employee's parental leave.
(See sec. 49-52 of the Parental Leave and Employment Protection Act 1987)
2019 Ouganda Afrique Y
Y Limited protection consisting in mandatory prior consultation of the union branch before initiating disciplinary proceedings and penalties involving dismissal against an employee who is a union member: Art. 1 Disciplinary rules, § (6) of the Disciplinary Code, schedule 1 of the EA.

Art. 56(2) EA provides that a female employee who becomes pregnant shall have the right to return to the job which she held immediately before her maternity leave, or to a reasonably suitable alternative job on terms and conditions not less favourable than those which would have applied had she not been absent on maternity leave.
Y Limited protection consisting in mandatory prior consultation of the union branch before initiating disciplinary proceedings and penalties involving dismissal against an employee who is a union member: Art. 1 Disciplinary rules, § (6) of the Disciplinary Code, schedule 1 of the EA.

Art. 56(2) EA provides that a female employee who becomes pregnant shall have the right to return to the job which she held immediately before her maternity leave, or to a reasonably suitable alternative job on terms and conditions not less favourable than those which would have applied had she not been absent on maternity leave.
2019 Ouzbékistan Europe Y
Y Article 25 LC provides additional labor guarantees for workers’ representatives. They are protected from harassment by the employer in connection with their functions and activities. Imposture of disciplinary sanctions against workers’ representatives and the termination of labour relations with them at the initiative of the employer is prohibited without the prior consent of the local labor authorities.

Art. 100.7 LC prohibits termination of a labor contract at the initiative of the employer during worker’s temporary incapacity to perform work and during leave from work, except cases of complete liquidation of the enterprise.

Article 237 LC provides guarantees for pregnant women and women with children. Termination of an employment contract with pregnant women and women with children younger than three years old at the initiative of the employer is not allowed, except in cases of complete liquidation of the enterprise.
Y Article 25 LC provides additional labor guarantees for workers’ representatives. They are protected from harassment by the employer in connection with their functions and activities. Imposture of disciplinary sanctions against workers’ representatives and the termination of labour relations with them at the initiative of the employer is prohibited without the prior consent of the local labor authorities.

Art. 100.7 LC prohibits termination of a labor contract at the initiative of the employer during worker’s temporary incapacity to perform work and during leave from work, except cases of complete liquidation of the enterprise.

Article 237 LC provides guarantees for pregnant women and women with children. Termination of an employment contract with pregnant women and women with children younger than three years old at the initiative of the employer is not allowed, except in cases of complete liquidation of the enterprise.
Y Article 25 LC provides additional labor guarantees for workers’ representatives. They are protected from harassment by the employer in connection with their functions and activities. Imposture of disciplinary sanctions against workers’ representatives and the termination of labour relations with them at the initiative of the employer is prohibited without the prior consent of the local labor authorities.

Art. 100.7 LC prohibits termination of a labor contract at the initiative of the employer during worker’s temporary incapacity to perform work and during leave from work, except cases of complete liquidation of the enterprise.

Article 237 LC provides guarantees for pregnant women and women with children. Termination of an employment contract with pregnant women and women with children younger than three years old at the initiative of the employer is not allowed, except in cases of complete liquidation of the enterprise.
2019 Panama Amériques Y
Y - On trade union protection (fuero sindical), see art. 381 -387 LC. The special protection applies to the following workers: the members of trade unions, where the unions are being established; the members of the executive committees of workers', trade unions' federations, confederations or central congresses, up to a maximum of 11 members, substitute members of the executive committee.
Art. 384 of the LC establishes a series of rules applicable to the duration of trade union immunity:
* for the members of trade unions in the course of formation: for three months following the date on which such association's registration is authorized;
* for titular and substitute members of executive committees (the latter if they enjoy trade union immunity) and trade union representatives: for one year running from the date on which they cease to hold office;
The protection of trade union immunity commences on the date on which the worker's name appears on the list of candidates for election, on condition that such list is communicated to the employer or to the Inspectorate of Labour, and provided that such protection does not cover a period of more than one month before the actual date of the elections. Elected candidates continue to enjoy trade union immunity even before they take office, and unsuccessful candidates are to continue to enjoy such protection for the entire month following the date of the election returns. If the communication referred to above is not made, immunity should be afforded to members of the executive committee and trade union representatives as from the date of their election.

- Maternity protection: see art. 106 LC.
An expectant mother may be dismissed only for valid reasons and with prior authorization of the judicial authorities. An expectant mother who receives notice of dismissal or of unilateral termination of her employment which has not been authorized by the competent labour court must submit to the employer or to any labour authority a medical certificate of her pregnancy within the 20 days of receipt of such notice of dismissal. On completion of this formality the employee is entitled to immediate reinstatement in her employment plus payment in full of her remuneration as from the date of the dismissal. If she allows the said 20-day period to expire without taking any action, she may submit the certificate and claim reinstatement at any time during the following three months, but in this case she is entitled only to back payment of her remuneration as from the date on which she submits the certificate. If the employer refuses to reinstate her, she may sue in the ordinary way for a reinstatement order.
Y - On trade union protection (fuero sindical), see art. 381 -387 LC. The special protection applies to the following workers: the members of trade unions, where the unions are being established; the members of the executive committees of workers', trade unions' federations, confederations or central congresses, up to a maximum of 11 members, substitute members of the executive committee.
Art. 384 of the LC establishes a series of rules applicable to the duration of trade union immunity:
* for the members of trade unions in the course of formation: for three months following the date on which such association's registration is authorized;
* for titular and substitute members of executive committees (the latter if they enjoy trade union immunity) and trade union representatives: for one year running from the date on which they cease to hold office;
The protection of trade union immunity commences on the date on which the worker's name appears on the list of candidates for election, on condition that such list is communicated to the employer or to the Inspectorate of Labour, and provided that such protection does not cover a period of more than one month before the actual date of the elections. Elected candidates continue to enjoy trade union immunity even before they take office, and unsuccessful candidates are to continue to enjoy such protection for the entire month following the date of the election returns. If the communication referred to above is not made, immunity should be afforded to members of the executive committee and trade union representatives as from the date of their election.

- Maternity protection: see art. 106 LC.
An expectant mother may be dismissed only for valid reasons and with prior authorization of the judicial authorities. An expectant mother who receives notice of dismissal or of unilateral termination of her employment which has not been authorized by the competent labour court must submit to the employer or to any labour authority a medical certificate of her pregnancy within the 20 days of receipt of such notice of dismissal. On completion of this formality the employee is entitled to immediate reinstatement in her employment plus payment in full of her remuneration as from the date of the dismissal. If she allows the said 20-day period to expire without taking any action, she may submit the certificate and claim reinstatement at any time during the following three months, but in this case she is entitled only to back payment of her remuneration as from the date on which she submits the certificate. If the employer refuses to reinstate her, she may sue in the ordinary way for a reinstatement order.
2019 Paraguay Amériques Y
Y See above provisions related to articles 136, 318 and 321 of Labour Code, for trade union members and workers in state of pregnancy and maternity leave.
According to article 94, the workers who count with more than 10 years of service, may not be dismissed unless: 1) that the employer previously verify, in a reliable way, the existence of some just legal cause of dismissal imputed to the worker; 2) that the worker whose replacement was ordered decides to agree with it and receive the double compensation referred to in article 97; and, 3) that the worker has taken up retirement, in accordance with the Law. In this case, the employer and the worker may agree to a new employment relationship, subject to the following rules: a) There will be no alteration of wages, duration of vacations or other previous benefits; b) The termination of the link must occur with ninety days' notice, compensable in cash; and, c) The worker will not be entitled to seniority compensation.
Moreover, the worker who has acquired stability and to whom the facts set forth in the Law are imputed, as grounds for dismissal, will be suspended from employment during the substantiation of the trial, and may only be dismissed after the imputation is verified before the Labor Judge (article 95 of Labour Code).

Y See above provisions related to articles 136, 318 and 321 of Labour Code, for trade union members and workers in state of pregnancy and maternity leave.
According to article 94, the workers who count with more than 10 years of service, may not be dismissed unless: 1) that the employer previously verify, in a reliable way, the existence of some just legal cause of dismissal imputed to the worker; 2) that the worker whose replacement was ordered decides to agree with it and receive the double compensation referred to in article 97; and, 3) that the worker has taken up retirement, in accordance with the Law. In this case, the employer and the worker may agree to a new employment relationship, subject to the following rules: a) There will be no alteration of wages, duration of vacations or other previous benefits; b) The termination of the link must occur with ninety days' notice, compensable in cash; and, c) The worker will not be entitled to seniority compensation.
Moreover, the worker who has acquired stability and to whom the facts set forth in the Law are imputed, as grounds for dismissal, will be suspended from employment during the substantiation of the trial, and may only be dismissed after the imputation is verified before the Labor Judge (article 95 of Labour Code).

Y See above provisions related to articles 136, 318 and 321 of Labour Code, for trade union members and workers in state of pregnancy and maternity leave.
According to article 94, the workers who count with more than 10 years of service, may not be dismissed unless: 1) that the employer previously verify, in a reliable way, the existence of some just legal cause of dismissal imputed to the worker; 2) that the worker whose replacement was ordered decides to agree with it and receive the double compensation referred to in article 97; and, 3) that the worker has taken up retirement, in accordance with the Law. In this case, the employer and the worker may agree to a new employment relationship, subject to the following rules: a) There will be no alteration of wages, duration of vacations or other previous benefits; b) The termination of the link must occur with ninety days' notice, compensable in cash; and, c) The worker will not be entitled to seniority compensation.
Moreover, the worker who has acquired stability and to whom the facts set forth in the Law are imputed, as grounds for dismissal, will be suspended from employment during the substantiation of the trial, and may only be dismissed after the imputation is verified before the Labor Judge (article 95 of Labour Code).

2019 Pays-Bas Europe Y
Y An employer is prohibited from giving notice:
1) when an employee who is fit to perform the agreed work is pregnant, during her maternity leave or the six weeks following the end of that period (Art.7:670 (2) CC);
2) when an employee is doing military service or performing alternative service (Art. 670 (3) CC);
3) to a member of a works council or any of its committees (Art. 7:670 (4) CC); the ban on terminating Works Council members and/or candidates is however not applicable in case of collective dismissals based on economic grounds, if it can be expected that the employee will lose the position granting him or her the termination protection within 4 weeks, Art. 7:671a (11), 7:670a (3) (c) CC, or, in case of a termination based on the worker’s conduct or capabilities, if the termination visibly does not relate to the employee’s position in the Works Council or is in his or her interest, Art. 7:671b (6) CC.;
4) to an employee who had been a member of a works council or any of its committees less than two years prior to the notice, or is eligible for election to the works council, unless with prior judicial approval, Art. 7:670(10) CC. The latter will only be given when the employer can make a convincing case that the reason for termination is not related to the employee's duties for the works council.
Y An employer is prohibited from giving notice:
1) when an employee who is fit to perform the agreed work is pregnant, during her maternity leave or the six weeks following the end of that period (Art.7:670 (2) CC);
2) when an employee is doing military service or performing alternative service (Art. 670 (3) CC);
3) to a member of a works council or any of its committees (Art. 7:670 (4) CC); the ban on terminating Works Council members and/or candidates is however not applicable in case of collective dismissals based on economic grounds, if it can be expected that the employee will lose the position granting him or her the termination protection within 4 weeks, Art. 7:671a (11), 7:670a (3) (c) CC, or, in case of a termination based on the worker’s conduct or capabilities, if the termination visibly does not relate to the employee’s position in the Works Council or is in his or her interest, Art. 7:671b (6) CC.;
4) to an employee who had been a member of a works council or any of its committees less than two years prior to the notice, or is eligible for election to the works council, unless with prior judicial approval, Art. 7:670(10) CC. The latter will only be given when the employer can make a convincing case that the reason for termination is not related to the employee's duties for the works council.
Y An employer is prohibited from giving notice:
1) when an employee who is fit to perform the agreed work is pregnant, during her maternity leave or the six weeks following the end of that period (Art.7:670 (2) CC);
2) when an employee is doing military service or performing alternative service (Art. 670 (3) CC);
3) to a member of a works council or any of its committees (Art. 7:670 (4) CC); the ban on terminating Works Council members and/or candidates is however not applicable in case of collective dismissals based on economic grounds, if it can be expected that the employee will lose the position granting him or her the termination protection within 4 weeks, Art. 7:671a (11), 7:670a (3) (c) CC, or, in case of a termination based on the worker’s conduct or capabilities, if the termination visibly does not relate to the employee’s position in the Works Council or is in his or her interest, Art. 7:671b (6) CC.;
4) to an employee who had been a member of a works council or any of its committees less than two years prior to the notice, or is eligible for election to the works council, unless with prior judicial approval, Art. 7:670(10) CC. The latter will only be given when the employer can make a convincing case that the reason for termination is not related to the employee's duties for the works council.
2019 Pérou Amériques Y
Y - There is no specific protection for trade union members or worker's representatives other than the prohibition of dismissing them on the grounds of their affiliation or activities or on the grounds of their candidature, status or former status as a workers' representative. As already mentioned under "prohibited grounds", any dismissal on those grounds will be null. (art. 29 a),b),c) LPCL)

- With regards to pregnancy, delivery and its consequences or breastfeeding any dismissal based on the pregnancy is null if it takes place at any time during pregnancy or 90 days delivery. Additional protection consists in a presumption that the dismissal is grounded on the pregnancy if the employer is unable to prove any other valid reason for the dismissal. Dismissal of a pregnant woman for a valid reason is therefore permitted (art. 29 e) LPCL).
2019 Philippines Asie Y
Y Art. 135 (2) LC: It is prohibited to dismiss a woman while on leave or in confinement due to her pregnancy.

2019 Pologne Europe Y
Y Article 177, para 1, LC:
The employer shall not give notice of termination or terminate an employment contract with a female employee during her pregnancy or maternity leave, unless there are reasons justifying the termination of the contract without notice due to her fault, and the establishment's trade union body representing the employee has consented to the termination.
Para. 2:The provision of § 1 is not applicable for the employee during the trial period of a maximum duration of one month.
Para. 3: Fixed term employment contract or a contract for a trial period longer than one month which would be terminated after the third month of pregnancy, shall be extended until the day of childbirth. The provision of § 3 is not applicable to fixed term employment contract concluded for the purpose of replacing the employee during his or her justified absence from work.
Para 3.1: The provision of § 3 is not applicable to fixed term employment contract concluded for the purpose of replacing the employee during his or her justified absence from work..
Para. 4: The notice of termination of the employment contract with a female employee during her pregnancy or maternity leave is possible only in the case of declaration of bankruptcy or liquidation of the employer. The employer is obliged to agree on the date of termination of the employment contract with the workplace trade union organisation representing the employee. If it is impossible to guarantee another employment during this period, the female employee is entitled to other benefits determined in separate provisions. The period of receiving these benefits is included in the period of employment determining employee’s entitlements.
Para. 5:The provisions of paras. 1, 2 and 4 shall apply accordingly to an employee-father raising a child or an employee- other member of immediate family, during the period of maternity leave.

Article 39 LC provides that the employer may not terminate an employment contract to a worker who lacks no more than four years to reach retirement age, if the period of employment enables him to obtain the right to a pension from that age.
However this article does not apply it the worker becomes eligible for a disability pension because of the total incapacity to work. (Art. 40 LC).

Article 41 LC provides that the employer shall not terminate a contract of employment during employee's leave, as well as during other justified absence from work of the employee, if the period authorising to terminate the contract of employment without notice is not over yet.

However, according to the Article 41.1, para. 1, in case of declaration of the bankruptcy or liquidation of the employer, the provisions of Article 38, 39 and 41 or the specific provisions protecting employees against termination of a contract of employment shall not apply. (Art. 38 is on the notification to trade union body- look bellow)

Article 186.8, para. 1. The employer shall not terminate or dissolve the contract of employment in the period from the date of the employee's application for:
1) a leave to raise a child - until the day of termination of that leave;
2)Reduction of the working time - until the day of return to the unreduced working time, but no longer than for a total period of 12 months;
Para. 2. In cases referred to in para. 1, the termination of the contract of employment by the employer shall only be allowed in the event of the declaration of the bankruptcy or liquidation of the employer, and where there are grounds justifying termination of the contract of employment without notice due to employee's fault.

Article 186.1, para. 2, provides that if the employee applies for a leave to raise a child after committing an act leading to termination of the contract of employment the contract shall terminate within the period specified by that act.
Para. 3. If the application referred to in §1 is issued by an employee earlier than 21 days before the beginning of the leave to raise a child or of the reduced working time, the prohibition referred to in § 1 shall start to apply 21 days before the beginning of the leave to raise a child or of the reduced working time
Para. 4. If the application referred to in §1 is issued by an employee after the action aimed at termination of the employment contract, the contract shall terminate with the date resulting from this action.
Y Article 177, para 1, LC:
The employer shall not give notice of termination or terminate an employment contract with a female employee during her pregnancy or maternity leave, unless there are reasons justifying the termination of the contract without notice due to her fault, and the establishment's trade union body representing the employee has consented to the termination.
Para. 2:The provision of § 1 is not applicable for the employee during the trial period of a maximum duration of one month.
Para. 3: Fixed term employment contract or a contract for a trial period longer than one month which would be terminated after the third month of pregnancy, shall be extended until the day of childbirth. The provision of § 3 is not applicable to fixed term employment contract concluded for the purpose of replacing the employee during his or her justified absence from work.
Para 3.1: The provision of § 3 is not applicable to fixed term employment contract concluded for the purpose of replacing the employee during his or her justified absence from work..
Para. 4: The notice of termination of the employment contract with a female employee during her pregnancy or maternity leave is possible only in the case of declaration of bankruptcy or liquidation of the employer. The employer is obliged to agree on the date of termination of the employment contract with the workplace trade union organisation representing the employee. If it is impossible to guarantee another employment during this period, the female employee is entitled to other benefits determined in separate provisions. The period of receiving these benefits is included in the period of employment determining employee’s entitlements.
Para. 5:The provisions of paras. 1, 2 and 4 shall apply accordingly to an employee-father raising a child or an employee- other member of immediate family, during the period of maternity leave.

Article 39 LC provides that the employer may not terminate an employment contract to a worker who lacks no more than four years to reach retirement age, if the period of employment enables him to obtain the right to a pension from that age.
However this article does not apply it the worker becomes eligible for a disability pension because of the total incapacity to work. (Art. 40 LC).

Article 41 LC provides that the employer shall not terminate a contract of employment during employee's leave, as well as during other justified absence from work of the employee, if the period authorising to terminate the contract of employment without notice is not over yet.

However, according to the Article 41.1, para. 1, in case of declaration of the bankruptcy or liquidation of the employer, the provisions of Article 38, 39 and 41 or the specific provisions protecting employees against termination of a contract of employment shall not apply. (Art. 38 is on the notification to trade union body- look bellow)

Article 186.8, para. 1. The employer shall not terminate or dissolve the contract of employment in the period from the date of the employee's application for:
1) a leave to raise a child - until the day of termination of that leave;
2)Reduction of the working time - until the day of return to the unreduced working time, but no longer than for a total period of 12 months;
Para. 2. In cases referred to in para. 1, the termination of the contract of employment by the employer shall only be allowed in the event of the declaration of the bankruptcy or liquidation of the employer, and where there are grounds justifying termination of the contract of employment without notice due to employee's fault.

Article 186.1, para. 2, provides that if the employee applies for a leave to raise a child after committing an act leading to termination of the contract of employment the contract shall terminate within the period specified by that act.
Para. 3. If the application referred to in §1 is issued by an employee earlier than 21 days before the beginning of the leave to raise a child or of the reduced working time, the prohibition referred to in § 1 shall start to apply 21 days before the beginning of the leave to raise a child or of the reduced working time
Para. 4. If the application referred to in §1 is issued by an employee after the action aimed at termination of the employment contract, the contract shall terminate with the date resulting from this action.
Y Article 177, para 1, LC:
The employer shall not give notice of termination or terminate an employment contract with a female employee during her pregnancy or maternity leave, unless there are reasons justifying the termination of the contract without notice due to her fault, and the establishment's trade union body representing the employee has consented to the termination.
Para. 2:The provision of § 1 is not applicable for the employee during the trial period of a maximum duration of one month.
Para. 3: Fixed term employment contract or a contract for a trial period longer than one month which would be terminated after the third month of pregnancy, shall be extended until the day of childbirth. The provision of § 3 is not applicable to fixed term employment contract concluded for the purpose of replacing the employee during his or her justified absence from work.
Para 3.1: The provision of § 3 is not applicable to fixed term employment contract concluded for the purpose of replacing the employee during his or her justified absence from work..
Para. 4: The notice of termination of the employment contract with a female employee during her pregnancy or maternity leave is possible only in the case of declaration of bankruptcy or liquidation of the employer. The employer is obliged to agree on the date of termination of the employment contract with the workplace trade union organisation representing the employee. If it is impossible to guarantee another employment during this period, the female employee is entitled to other benefits determined in separate provisions. The period of receiving these benefits is included in the period of employment determining employee’s entitlements.
Para. 5:The provisions of paras. 1, 2 and 4 shall apply accordingly to an employee-father raising a child or an employee- other member of immediate family, during the period of maternity leave.

Article 39 LC provides that the employer may not terminate an employment contract to a worker who lacks no more than four years to reach retirement age, if the period of employment enables him to obtain the right to a pension from that age.
However this article does not apply it the worker becomes eligible for a disability pension because of the total incapacity to work. (Art. 40 LC).

Article 41 LC provides that the employer shall not terminate a contract of employment during employee's leave, as well as during other justified absence from work of the employee, if the period authorising to terminate the contract of employment without notice is not over yet.

However, according to the Article 41.1, para. 1, in case of declaration of the bankruptcy or liquidation of the employer, the provisions of Article 38, 39 and 41 or the specific provisions protecting employees against termination of a contract of employment shall not apply. (Art. 38 is on the notification to trade union body- look bellow)

Article 186.8, para. 1. The employer shall not terminate or dissolve the contract of employment in the period from the date of the employee's application for:
1) a leave to raise a child - until the day of termination of that leave;
2)Reduction of the working time - until the day of return to the unreduced working time, but no longer than for a total period of 12 months;
Para. 2. In cases referred to in para. 1, the termination of the contract of employment by the employer shall only be allowed in the event of the declaration of the bankruptcy or liquidation of the employer, and where there are grounds justifying termination of the contract of employment without notice due to employee's fault.

Article 186.1, para. 2, provides that if the employee applies for a leave to raise a child after committing an act leading to termination of the contract of employment the contract shall terminate within the period specified by that act.
Para. 3. If the application referred to in §1 is issued by an employee earlier than 21 days before the beginning of the leave to raise a child or of the reduced working time, the prohibition referred to in § 1 shall start to apply 21 days before the beginning of the leave to raise a child or of the reduced working time
Para. 4. If the application referred to in §1 is issued by an employee after the action aimed at termination of the employment contract, the contract shall terminate with the date resulting from this action.
Y Article 177, para 1, LC:
The employer shall not give notice of termination or terminate an employment contract with a female employee during her pregnancy or maternity leave, unless there are reasons justifying the termination of the contract without notice due to her fault, and the establishment's trade union body representing the employee has consented to the termination.
Para. 2:The provision of § 1 is not applicable for the employee during the trial period of a maximum duration of one month.
Para. 3: Fixed term employment contract or a contract for a trial period longer than one month which would be terminated after the third month of pregnancy, shall be extended until the day of childbirth. The provision of § 3 is not applicable to fixed term employment contract concluded for the purpose of replacing the employee during his or her justified absence from work.
Para 3.1: The provision of § 3 is not applicable to fixed term employment contract concluded for the purpose of replacing the employee during his or her justified absence from work..
Para. 4: The notice of termination of the employment contract with a female employee during her pregnancy or maternity leave is possible only in the case of declaration of bankruptcy or liquidation of the employer. The employer is obliged to agree on the date of termination of the employment contract with the workplace trade union organisation representing the employee. If it is impossible to guarantee another employment during this period, the female employee is entitled to other benefits determined in separate provisions. The period of receiving these benefits is included in the period of employment determining employee’s entitlements.
Para. 5:The provisions of paras. 1, 2 and 4 shall apply accordingly to an employee-father raising a child or an employee- other member of immediate family, during the period of maternity leave.

Article 39 LC provides that the employer may not terminate an employment contract to a worker who lacks no more than four years to reach retirement age, if the period of employment enables him to obtain the right to a pension from that age.
However this article does not apply it the worker becomes eligible for a disability pension because of the total incapacity to work. (Art. 40 LC).

Article 41 LC provides that the employer shall not terminate a contract of employment during employee's leave, as well as during other justified absence from work of the employee, if the period authorising to terminate the contract of employment without notice is not over yet.

However, according to the Article 41.1, para. 1, in case of declaration of the bankruptcy or liquidation of the employer, the provisions of Article 38, 39 and 41 or the specific provisions protecting employees against termination of a contract of employment shall not apply. (Art. 38 is on the notification to trade union body- look bellow)

Article 186.8, para. 1. The employer shall not terminate or dissolve the contract of employment in the period from the date of the employee's application for:
1) a leave to raise a child - until the day of termination of that leave;
2)Reduction of the working time - until the day of return to the unreduced working time, but no longer than for a total period of 12 months;
Para. 2. In cases referred to in para. 1, the termination of the contract of employment by the employer shall only be allowed in the event of the declaration of the bankruptcy or liquidation of the employer, and where there are grounds justifying termination of the contract of employment without notice due to employee's fault.

Article 186.1, para. 2, provides that if the employee applies for a leave to raise a child after committing an act leading to termination of the contract of employment the contract shall terminate within the period specified by that act.
Para. 3. If the application referred to in §1 is issued by an employee earlier than 21 days before the beginning of the leave to raise a child or of the reduced working time, the prohibition referred to in § 1 shall start to apply 21 days before the beginning of the leave to raise a child or of the reduced working time
Para. 4. If the application referred to in §1 is issued by an employee after the action aimed at termination of the employment contract, the contract shall terminate with the date resulting from this action.
Y Article 177, para 1, LC:
The employer shall not give notice of termination or terminate an employment contract with a female employee during her pregnancy or maternity leave, unless there are reasons justifying the termination of the contract without notice due to her fault, and the establishment's trade union body representing the employee has consented to the termination.
Para. 2:The provision of § 1 is not applicable for the employee during the trial period of a maximum duration of one month.
Para. 3: Fixed term employment contract or a contract for a trial period longer than one month which would be terminated after the third month of pregnancy, shall be extended until the day of childbirth. The provision of § 3 is not applicable to fixed term employment contract concluded for the purpose of replacing the employee during his or her justified absence from work.
Para 3.1: The provision of § 3 is not applicable to fixed term employment contract concluded for the purpose of replacing the employee during his or her justified absence from work..
Para. 4: The notice of termination of the employment contract with a female employee during her pregnancy or maternity leave is possible only in the case of declaration of bankruptcy or liquidation of the employer. The employer is obliged to agree on the date of termination of the employment contract with the workplace trade union organisation representing the employee. If it is impossible to guarantee another employment during this period, the female employee is entitled to other benefits determined in separate provisions. The period of receiving these benefits is included in the period of employment determining employee’s entitlements.
Para. 5:The provisions of paras. 1, 2 and 4 shall apply accordingly to an employee-father raising a child or an employee- other member of immediate family, during the period of maternity leave.

Article 39 LC provides that the employer may not terminate an employment contract to a worker who lacks no more than four years to reach retirement age, if the period of employment enables him to obtain the right to a pension from that age.
However this article does not apply it the worker becomes eligible for a disability pension because of the total incapacity to work. (Art. 40 LC).

Article 41 LC provides that the employer shall not terminate a contract of employment during employee's leave, as well as during other justified absence from work of the employee, if the period authorising to terminate the contract of employment without notice is not over yet.

However, according to the Article 41.1, para. 1, in case of declaration of the bankruptcy or liquidation of the employer, the provisions of Article 38, 39 and 41 or the specific provisions protecting employees against termination of a contract of employment shall not apply. (Art. 38 is on the notification to trade union body- look bellow)

Article 186.8, para. 1. The employer shall not terminate or dissolve the contract of employment in the period from the date of the employee's application for:
1) a leave to raise a child - until the day of termination of that leave;
2)Reduction of the working time - until the day of return to the unreduced working time, but no longer than for a total period of 12 months;
Para. 2. In cases referred to in para. 1, the termination of the contract of employment by the employer shall only be allowed in the event of the declaration of the bankruptcy or liquidation of the employer, and where there are grounds justifying termination of the contract of employment without notice due to employee's fault.

Article 186.1, para. 2, provides that if the employee applies for a leave to raise a child after committing an act leading to termination of the contract of employment the contract shall terminate within the period specified by that act.
Para. 3. If the application referred to in §1 is issued by an employee earlier than 21 days before the beginning of the leave to raise a child or of the reduced working time, the prohibition referred to in § 1 shall start to apply 21 days before the beginning of the leave to raise a child or of the reduced working time
Para. 4. If the application referred to in §1 is issued by an employee after the action aimed at termination of the employment contract, the contract shall terminate with the date resulting from this action.
2019 Portugal Europe Y
Y - Pregnant women/ women on maternity leave and workers with family responsibilities:
There is no prohibition of dismissal during pregnancy or maternity leave. However, according to article 63 LC, any dismissal of a pregnant employee, an employee who recently gave birth or is breastfeeding or any employee (male and female) on parental leave requires the prior favourable opinion of the competent authority (Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment (CITE)).
Any disciplinary dismissal of those employees is always presumed to have been done without a just cause.
The CITE shall issue its opinion within 30 days.
If the opinion is unfavourable, the employer cannot dismiss the employee without having obtained a court decision recognizing the existence of a justified reason. In such cases, the burden of the proof lies on the employer. If a dismissal is declared unlawful by the courts the employer cannot oppose the reinstatement of the employee. As an alternative to reinstatement the employee is entitled to compensation.
(Note also that under Article 381 of the Labour Code, failure by the employer to ask for a prior formal opinion from this authority is in itself a ground of unlawfulness.)

- Workers' representatives:
The LC prohibits the dismissal of workers' representatives on the grounds of their participation in collective representation structure or trade-union affiliation or non-affiliation (art. 406) and provides them with special protection in case of disciplinary action or dismissal (art. 410). In particular, the dismissal of a candidate for a trade union body or the Works Council or employees who are, or have been, members of such bodies within the last three years is always presumed to have been done without a just cause (art. 420-3 LC).
If the employer cannot prove that the disciplinary of dismissal was justified by a just cause, the workers' representative has the right to choose between reinstatement or compensation higher than the standard one (art. 410-6). The court proceedings for challenging such dismissals are of an urgent nature (art. 410-5).

The articles 29 and 127 (as amended by law no 93/2019) of LC address prohibition and restraint of harassment at work and provision of right to compensation, as well as prohibition of any disciplinary sanction to the complainant and possible witnesses.

Article 331 of LC (as amended by law no 93/2019) considers illegal the dismissal or application of severe sanctions up to one year after the harassment complaint was presented. In case of illegal dismissal, the compensation should be correspondent to 12 months of salary, maintained the payment of other labour dues on account of regular dismissals.
Y - Pregnant women/ women on maternity leave and workers with family responsibilities:
There is no prohibition of dismissal during pregnancy or maternity leave. However, according to article 63 LC, any dismissal of a pregnant employee, an employee who recently gave birth or is breastfeeding or any employee (male and female) on parental leave requires the prior favourable opinion of the competent authority (Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment (CITE)).
Any disciplinary dismissal of those employees is always presumed to have been done without a just cause.
The CITE shall issue its opinion within 30 days.
If the opinion is unfavourable, the employer cannot dismiss the employee without having obtained a court decision recognizing the existence of a justified reason. In such cases, the burden of the proof lies on the employer. If a dismissal is declared unlawful by the courts the employer cannot oppose the reinstatement of the employee. As an alternative to reinstatement the employee is entitled to compensation.
(Note also that under Article 381 of the Labour Code, failure by the employer to ask for a prior formal opinion from this authority is in itself a ground of unlawfulness.)

- Workers' representatives:
The LC prohibits the dismissal of workers' representatives on the grounds of their participation in collective representation structure or trade-union affiliation or non-affiliation (art. 406) and provides them with special protection in case of disciplinary action or dismissal (art. 410). In particular, the dismissal of a candidate for a trade union body or the Works Council or employees who are, or have been, members of such bodies within the last three years is always presumed to have been done without a just cause (art. 420-3 LC).
If the employer cannot prove that the disciplinary of dismissal was justified by a just cause, the workers' representative has the right to choose between reinstatement or compensation higher than the standard one (art. 410-6). The court proceedings for challenging such dismissals are of an urgent nature (art. 410-5).

The articles 29 and 127 (as amended by law no 93/2019) of LC address prohibition and restraint of harassment at work and provision of right to compensation, as well as prohibition of any disciplinary sanction to the complainant and possible witnesses.

Article 331 of LC (as amended by law no 93/2019) considers illegal the dismissal or application of severe sanctions up to one year after the harassment complaint was presented. In case of illegal dismissal, the compensation should be correspondent to 12 months of salary, maintained the payment of other labour dues on account of regular dismissals.
Y - Pregnant women/ women on maternity leave and workers with family responsibilities:
There is no prohibition of dismissal during pregnancy or maternity leave. However, according to article 63 LC, any dismissal of a pregnant employee, an employee who recently gave birth or is breastfeeding or any employee (male and female) on parental leave requires the prior favourable opinion of the competent authority (Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment (CITE)).
Any disciplinary dismissal of those employees is always presumed to have been done without a just cause.
The CITE shall issue its opinion within 30 days.
If the opinion is unfavourable, the employer cannot dismiss the employee without having obtained a court decision recognizing the existence of a justified reason. In such cases, the burden of the proof lies on the employer. If a dismissal is declared unlawful by the courts the employer cannot oppose the reinstatement of the employee. As an alternative to reinstatement the employee is entitled to compensation.
(Note also that under Article 381 of the Labour Code, failure by the employer to ask for a prior formal opinion from this authority is in itself a ground of unlawfulness.)

- Workers' representatives:
The LC prohibits the dismissal of workers' representatives on the grounds of their participation in collective representation structure or trade-union affiliation or non-affiliation (art. 406) and provides them with special protection in case of disciplinary action or dismissal (art. 410). In particular, the dismissal of a candidate for a trade union body or the Works Council or employees who are, or have been, members of such bodies within the last three years is always presumed to have been done without a just cause (art. 420-3 LC).
If the employer cannot prove that the disciplinary of dismissal was justified by a just cause, the workers' representative has the right to choose between reinstatement or compensation higher than the standard one (art. 410-6). The court proceedings for challenging such dismissals are of an urgent nature (art. 410-5).

The articles 29 and 127 (as amended by law no 93/2019) of LC address prohibition and restraint of harassment at work and provision of right to compensation, as well as prohibition of any disciplinary sanction to the complainant and possible witnesses.

Article 331 of LC (as amended by law no 93/2019) considers illegal the dismissal or application of severe sanctions up to one year after the harassment complaint was presented. In case of illegal dismissal, the compensation should be correspondent to 12 months of salary, maintained the payment of other labour dues on account of regular dismissals.
2019 République centrafricaine Afrique Y
Y Art. 89 LC: Any dismissal of a workers' representative is subject to prior approval by the Labour Inspector.
Art. 253 LC: An employee on maternity leave cannot be dismissed.

The LC provides that the employment contract is suspended in certain circumstances, such as:
- the enterprise is temporarily closed down because the employer is performing compulsory military duties;
- the worker is performing compulsory military duties;
- absence of the employee as a consequence of a professional injury of disease.
- absence of the worker not exceeding 6 months in the event of non-professional injury or disease.
- absence during maternity leave
- absence due to police custody or pre-trial detention
- the worker is absent because he or she is holding an elected position or discharging a public function (art.133 LC).
According to art. 152 LC, on "abusive terminations", it is unfair for the employer to refuse to reintegrate the employee upon the expiry of the suspension period.
Y Art. 89 LC: Any dismissal of a workers' representative is subject to prior approval by the Labour Inspector.
Art. 253 LC: An employee on maternity leave cannot be dismissed.

The LC provides that the employment contract is suspended in certain circumstances, such as:
- the enterprise is temporarily closed down because the employer is performing compulsory military duties;
- the worker is performing compulsory military duties;
- absence of the employee as a consequence of a professional injury of disease.
- absence of the worker not exceeding 6 months in the event of non-professional injury or disease.
- absence during maternity leave
- absence due to police custody or pre-trial detention
- the worker is absent because he or she is holding an elected position or discharging a public function (art.133 LC).
According to art. 152 LC, on "abusive terminations", it is unfair for the employer to refuse to reintegrate the employee upon the expiry of the suspension period.
Y Art. 89 LC: Any dismissal of a workers' representative is subject to prior approval by the Labour Inspector.
Art. 253 LC: An employee on maternity leave cannot be dismissed.

The LC provides that the employment contract is suspended in certain circumstances, such as:
- the enterprise is temporarily closed down because the employer is performing compulsory military duties;
- the worker is performing compulsory military duties;
- absence of the employee as a consequence of a professional injury of disease.
- absence of the worker not exceeding 6 months in the event of non-professional injury or disease.
- absence during maternity leave
- absence due to police custody or pre-trial detention
- the worker is absent because he or she is holding an elected position or discharging a public function (art.133 LC).
According to art. 152 LC, on "abusive terminations", it is unfair for the employer to refuse to reintegrate the employee upon the expiry of the suspension period.
Y Art. 89 LC: Any dismissal of a workers' representative is subject to prior approval by the Labour Inspector.
Art. 253 LC: An employee on maternity leave cannot be dismissed.

The LC provides that the employment contract is suspended in certain circumstances, such as:
- the enterprise is temporarily closed down because the employer is performing compulsory military duties;
- the worker is performing compulsory military duties;
- absence of the employee as a consequence of a professional injury of disease.
- absence of the worker not exceeding 6 months in the event of non-professional injury or disease.
- absence during maternity leave
- absence due to police custody or pre-trial detention
- the worker is absent because he or she is holding an elected position or discharging a public function (art.133 LC).
According to art. 152 LC, on "abusive terminations", it is unfair for the employer to refuse to reintegrate the employee upon the expiry of the suspension period.
Y Art. 89 LC: Any dismissal of a workers' representative is subject to prior approval by the Labour Inspector.
Art. 253 LC: An employee on maternity leave cannot be dismissed.

The LC provides that the employment contract is suspended in certain circumstances, such as:
- the enterprise is temporarily closed down because the employer is performing compulsory military duties;
- the worker is performing compulsory military duties;
- absence of the employee as a consequence of a professional injury of disease.
- absence of the worker not exceeding 6 months in the event of non-professional injury or disease.
- absence during maternity leave
- absence due to police custody or pre-trial detention
- the worker is absent because he or she is holding an elected position or discharging a public function (art.133 LC).
According to art. 152 LC, on "abusive terminations", it is unfair for the employer to refuse to reintegrate the employee upon the expiry of the suspension period.
2019 Roumanie Europe Y
Y - for the duration of a temporary disability (i.e illness), as certified by a medical certificate;
- during the suspension of work activity following the lay of quarantine (as modified by Act No. 40/2111);
- during the pregnancy of an employee, insofar as the employer took knowledge of it prior to issuing the dismissal decision;
- during the maternity leave;
- during the parental leave for children under two years of age or, in the case of a disabled child, up to the age of three years;
- during the parental leave for children under seven years of age or in the case of a disabled child, for intercurrent diseases, up to the age of eighteen years;
- during the annual leave.
[Act No. 40/2011 removed from art. 60(1) LC the prohibition of dismissal during the compulsory military service]
These prohibitions do not apply in case of redundancies for reasons that result from the employer's re-organisation, bankruptcy or winding up according to law. (art. 60(2) LC, as amended by Act No. 40/2011)
The prohibition of dismissal concerning employee's representatives is further specified in arts. 220(2) and 226 LC. According to these provisions, the representatives elected in the trade union management bodies may not be dismissed during their term of office for reasons related to the fulfillment of the mandate received from the employees in the organization (art. 220 (2) LC)
The same prohibition applies to the employees' representatives during their entire mandate period (art. 226 LC)
Y - for the duration of a temporary disability (i.e illness), as certified by a medical certificate;
- during the suspension of work activity following the lay of quarantine (as modified by Act No. 40/2111);
- during the pregnancy of an employee, insofar as the employer took knowledge of it prior to issuing the dismissal decision;
- during the maternity leave;
- during the parental leave for children under two years of age or, in the case of a disabled child, up to the age of three years;
- during the parental leave for children under seven years of age or in the case of a disabled child, for intercurrent diseases, up to the age of eighteen years;
- during the annual leave.
[Act No. 40/2011 removed from art. 60(1) LC the prohibition of dismissal during the compulsory military service]
These prohibitions do not apply in case of redundancies for reasons that result from the employer's re-organisation, bankruptcy or winding up according to law. (art. 60(2) LC, as amended by Act No. 40/2011)
The prohibition of dismissal concerning employee's representatives is further specified in arts. 220(2) and 226 LC. According to these provisions, the representatives elected in the trade union management bodies may not be dismissed during their term of office for reasons related to the fulfillment of the mandate received from the employees in the organization (art. 220 (2) LC)
The same prohibition applies to the employees' representatives during their entire mandate period (art. 226 LC)
Y - for the duration of a temporary disability (i.e illness), as certified by a medical certificate;
- during the suspension of work activity following the lay of quarantine (as modified by Act No. 40/2111);
- during the pregnancy of an employee, insofar as the employer took knowledge of it prior to issuing the dismissal decision;
- during the maternity leave;
- during the parental leave for children under two years of age or, in the case of a disabled child, up to the age of three years;
- during the parental leave for children under seven years of age or in the case of a disabled child, for intercurrent diseases, up to the age of eighteen years;
- during the annual leave.
[Act No. 40/2011 removed from art. 60(1) LC the prohibition of dismissal during the compulsory military service]
These prohibitions do not apply in case of redundancies for reasons that result from the employer's re-organisation, bankruptcy or winding up according to law. (art. 60(2) LC, as amended by Act No. 40/2011)
The prohibition of dismissal concerning employee's representatives is further specified in arts. 220(2) and 226 LC. According to these provisions, the representatives elected in the trade union management bodies may not be dismissed during their term of office for reasons related to the fulfillment of the mandate received from the employees in the organization (art. 220 (2) LC)
The same prohibition applies to the employees' representatives during their entire mandate period (art. 226 LC)
Y - for the duration of a temporary disability (i.e illness), as certified by a medical certificate;
- during the suspension of work activity following the lay of quarantine (as modified by Act No. 40/2111);
- during the pregnancy of an employee, insofar as the employer took knowledge of it prior to issuing the dismissal decision;
- during the maternity leave;
- during the parental leave for children under two years of age or, in the case of a disabled child, up to the age of three years;
- during the parental leave for children under seven years of age or in the case of a disabled child, for intercurrent diseases, up to the age of eighteen years;
- during the annual leave.
[Act No. 40/2011 removed from art. 60(1) LC the prohibition of dismissal during the compulsory military service]
These prohibitions do not apply in case of redundancies for reasons that result from the employer's re-organisation, bankruptcy or winding up according to law. (art. 60(2) LC, as amended by Act No. 40/2011)
The prohibition of dismissal concerning employee's representatives is further specified in arts. 220(2) and 226 LC. According to these provisions, the representatives elected in the trade union management bodies may not be dismissed during their term of office for reasons related to the fulfillment of the mandate received from the employees in the organization (art. 220 (2) LC)
The same prohibition applies to the employees' representatives during their entire mandate period (art. 226 LC)
2019 Royaume-Uni Europe N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
2019 Russie, Fédération de Europe Y
Y Article 261 of the Labour Code prohibits to dismiss a pregnant worker except in the event of enterprise liquidation. It also prohibits the dismissal of women with children under three years old, single mother raising a child under fourteen years old (disabled child under eighteen), workers raising those children without a mother except on certain limited grounds ( liquidation and grounds related to the misconduct of the worker).

Except in the event of enterprise liquidation, workers under 18 can only be dismissed with the authorization of the Labour Inspectorate and the Commission for the rights of minors (art. 269 of the Labour Code).

Articles 374-376 LC elaborate on the procedure on how to dismiss elected workers’ representatives and provide additional guarantees to them.

Y Article 261 of the Labour Code prohibits to dismiss a pregnant worker except in the event of enterprise liquidation. It also prohibits the dismissal of women with children under three years old, single mother raising a child under fourteen years old (disabled child under eighteen), workers raising those children without a mother except on certain limited grounds ( liquidation and grounds related to the misconduct of the worker).

Except in the event of enterprise liquidation, workers under 18 can only be dismissed with the authorization of the Labour Inspectorate and the Commission for the rights of minors (art. 269 of the Labour Code).

Articles 374-376 LC elaborate on the procedure on how to dismiss elected workers’ representatives and provide additional guarantees to them.

Y Article 261 of the Labour Code prohibits to dismiss a pregnant worker except in the event of enterprise liquidation. It also prohibits the dismissal of women with children under three years old, single mother raising a child under fourteen years old (disabled child under eighteen), workers raising those children without a mother except on certain limited grounds ( liquidation and grounds related to the misconduct of the worker).

Except in the event of enterprise liquidation, workers under 18 can only be dismissed with the authorization of the Labour Inspectorate and the Commission for the rights of minors (art. 269 of the Labour Code).

Articles 374-376 LC elaborate on the procedure on how to dismiss elected workers’ representatives and provide additional guarantees to them.

Y Article 261 of the Labour Code prohibits to dismiss a pregnant worker except in the event of enterprise liquidation. It also prohibits the dismissal of women with children under three years old, single mother raising a child under fourteen years old (disabled child under eighteen), workers raising those children without a mother except on certain limited grounds ( liquidation and grounds related to the misconduct of the worker).

Except in the event of enterprise liquidation, workers under 18 can only be dismissed with the authorization of the Labour Inspectorate and the Commission for the rights of minors (art. 269 of the Labour Code).

Articles 374-376 LC elaborate on the procedure on how to dismiss elected workers’ representatives and provide additional guarantees to them.

2019 Rwanda Afrique Y
Y - Women on maternity leave:
Prohibition to dismiss a woman during maternity leave (art. 61 LL)

- Workers' representatives:
In case of an unlauful dismissal, workers' delegates and trade union representatives are entitled to the payment of damages up to a maximum of 9 months' pay (instead of 6 months' pay).

- Injured workers declared unfit to work:
Art. 19 LL prohibits the dismissal of an employee as a result of occupational accident, unless declared as unfit to work by a doctor.
Y - Women on maternity leave:
Prohibition to dismiss a woman during maternity leave (art. 61 LL)

- Workers' representatives:
In case of an unlauful dismissal, workers' delegates and trade union representatives are entitled to the payment of damages up to a maximum of 9 months' pay (instead of 6 months' pay).

- Injured workers declared unfit to work:
Art. 19 LL prohibits the dismissal of an employee as a result of occupational accident, unless declared as unfit to work by a doctor.
Y - Women on maternity leave:
Prohibition to dismiss a woman during maternity leave (art. 61 LL)

- Workers' representatives:
In case of an unlauful dismissal, workers' delegates and trade union representatives are entitled to the payment of damages up to a maximum of 9 months' pay (instead of 6 months' pay).

- Injured workers declared unfit to work:
Art. 19 LL prohibits the dismissal of an employee as a result of occupational accident, unless declared as unfit to work by a doctor.
2019 Sénégal Afrique Y
Y Art. L214-217 LC: mandatory approval by the Labour Inspector prior to any dismissal of a workers' representative and specific remedies for wrongful dismissal.
Art. L143 LC on the prohibition of dismissal during the suspension of the contract due to maternity leave (no reference to prohibition of dismissal on the basis of pregnancy)
Y Art. L214-217 LC: mandatory approval by the Labour Inspector prior to any dismissal of a workers' representative and specific remedies for wrongful dismissal.
Art. L143 LC on the prohibition of dismissal during the suspension of the contract due to maternity leave (no reference to prohibition of dismissal on the basis of pregnancy)
2019 Serbie Europe Y
Y i) Workers' representatives: article 188 Labour Law: no dismissal during the term of office.
ii) No dismissal during pregnancy, maternity leave, absence for childcare or special care of the child, according to article 187 of Labour Law.
Y i) Workers' representatives: article 188 Labour Law: no dismissal during the term of office.
ii) No dismissal during pregnancy, maternity leave, absence for childcare or special care of the child, according to article 187 of Labour Law.
Y i) Workers' representatives: article 188 Labour Law: no dismissal during the term of office.
ii) No dismissal during pregnancy, maternity leave, absence for childcare or special care of the child, according to article 187 of Labour Law.
2019 Singapour Asie Y
Y See sec. 81, 84 and 84A EA. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
2019 Slovaquie Europe Y
Y Some categories of workers enjoy special protection which takes either the form of 1) a prohibition of notice during "a protection period" or 2) additional procedural requirements (i.e prior approval of a competent authority).

1) Sec. 64 LC expressly prohibits the employer to give notice to employees - subject to certain exceptions - during a "protection period", namely:
- at a time when the employee is declared temporarily incapable of performing work due to disease or accident, unless deliberately induced or caused under the influence of alcohol, narcotic substances or psychotropic,
- in case of conscription of the employee to perform extraordinary service in time of crisis,
- during the entire period of pregnancy, maternity leave, parental leave or in case a lone employee (male and female) takes care of a child under the age of three,
- during the leave granted for the performance of a public office,
- at a time an employee is declared temporarily incapable of performing night work.
However, this prohibition of notice does not apply to cases of termination:
* for reasons justifying immediate termination unless concerning employee on maternity leave or on parental leave,
* for other breaches of labour discipline unless concerning a pregnant employee, an employee on maternity leave or on parental leave (male and female),
* in the event of cessation of activities or relocation of the employer's business.

The LC provides a special protection against termination during the probationary period to pregnant women, mothers of children below nine months and breastfeeding women. While as a rule, termination of employment during the probationary period can take place for any reason and without justification, employment of the above mentioned workers may be terminated only in exceptional cases not relating to pregnancy or maternal function, and the reasons for termination must be stated in writing (sec. 72(1) LC as amended).

2) Specific requirements:
- Prior authorization:
* Employee's representatives:
According to See also sec. 240(7) LC, Employees' representatives which include trade union members, members of a works council or a works trustee, during their term in office and for six months after its termination shall be protected against measures which could damage them, including the termination of the employment relationship and which could be motivated by their position or activity. Sec. 240 (8) LC specifies that any summary dismissal or dismissal with notice of a member of the relevant trade union body, a member of a works council or a works trustee requires the prior consent of these employees' representatives.
*Disabled workers:
Sec. 66 LC: "An employer may dismiss an employee with health disability only with he prior consent of the relevant office of labour, social affairs and family otherwise notice shall be invalid. No such consent is required where the employee has reached the age entitling him/her to old-age pension or was dismissed on the grounds of cessation of activities or relocation or for grave breaches of labour discipline.
- Severance pay
There is no general right to severance pay except for redundancies. However, the LC foresees specific severance payment in the following situation:
* Termination with notice following a prohibition to carry out the work as a result of "employment injury, occupational disease or the risk of such an disease, or he/she has already received the maximum permitted level of exposure in the work place as determined by a decision of a competent public health body. The employee is entitled to severance pay (unless the occupational injury or disease was caused by his/her fault) amounting to at least 10 months' pay (sec. 76(3) LC).
* With regard to termination with notice due to "long term loss of ability to perform the work" for health reasons, the rules have changed in 2011: under the previous LC, employees were entitled to 2 month's pay or 3 months' pay if they had at least 5 years of service. According to sec. 76(1) LC, when the employment is termination because the employee is no longer able to perform the work, given his/her health status severance payment now amounts to the employee's average monthly earnings multiplied by the number of months of the notice period. Severance pay now functions as a pay in lieu of notice, as it is not any more payable when the employee works through the entire statutory notice period. The employer is required to pay the employee a severance payment only in the event that the employment terminates by agreement. If the employee works partially through the termination period, he/she will be entitled to some severance payment for the time he/she has not worked.
Y Some categories of workers enjoy special protection which takes either the form of 1) a prohibition of notice during "a protection period" or 2) additional procedural requirements (i.e prior approval of a competent authority).

1) Sec. 64 LC expressly prohibits the employer to give notice to employees - subject to certain exceptions - during a "protection period", namely:
- at a time when the employee is declared temporarily incapable of performing work due to disease or accident, unless deliberately induced or caused under the influence of alcohol, narcotic substances or psychotropic,
- in case of conscription of the employee to perform extraordinary service in time of crisis,
- during the entire period of pregnancy, maternity leave, parental leave or in case a lone employee (male and female) takes care of a child under the age of three,
- during the leave granted for the performance of a public office,
- at a time an employee is declared temporarily incapable of performing night work.
However, this prohibition of notice does not apply to cases of termination:
* for reasons justifying immediate termination unless concerning employee on maternity leave or on parental leave,
* for other breaches of labour discipline unless concerning a pregnant employee, an employee on maternity leave or on parental leave (male and female),
* in the event of cessation of activities or relocation of the employer's business.

The LC provides a special protection against termination during the probationary period to pregnant women, mothers of children below nine months and breastfeeding women. While as a rule, termination of employment during the probationary period can take place for any reason and without justification, employment of the above mentioned workers may be terminated only in exceptional cases not relating to pregnancy or maternal function, and the reasons for termination must be stated in writing (sec. 72(1) LC as amended).

2) Specific requirements:
- Prior authorization:
* Employee's representatives:
According to See also sec. 240(7) LC, Employees' representatives which include trade union members, members of a works council or a works trustee, during their term in office and for six months after its termination shall be protected against measures which could damage them, including the termination of the employment relationship and which could be motivated by their position or activity. Sec. 240 (8) LC specifies that any summary dismissal or dismissal with notice of a member of the relevant trade union body, a member of a works council or a works trustee requires the prior consent of these employees' representatives.
*Disabled workers:
Sec. 66 LC: "An employer may dismiss an employee with health disability only with he prior consent of the relevant office of labour, social affairs and family otherwise notice shall be invalid. No such consent is required where the employee has reached the age entitling him/her to old-age pension or was dismissed on the grounds of cessation of activities or relocation or for grave breaches of labour discipline.
- Severance pay
There is no general right to severance pay except for redundancies. However, the LC foresees specific severance payment in the following situation:
* Termination with notice following a prohibition to carry out the work as a result of "employment injury, occupational disease or the risk of such an disease, or he/she has already received the maximum permitted level of exposure in the work place as determined by a decision of a competent public health body. The employee is entitled to severance pay (unless the occupational injury or disease was caused by his/her fault) amounting to at least 10 months' pay (sec. 76(3) LC).
* With regard to termination with notice due to "long term loss of ability to perform the work" for health reasons, the rules have changed in 2011: under the previous LC, employees were entitled to 2 month's pay or 3 months' pay if they had at least 5 years of service. According to sec. 76(1) LC, when the employment is termination because the employee is no longer able to perform the work, given his/her health status severance payment now amounts to the employee's average monthly earnings multiplied by the number of months of the notice period. Severance pay now functions as a pay in lieu of notice, as it is not any more payable when the employee works through the entire statutory notice period. The employer is required to pay the employee a severance payment only in the event that the employment terminates by agreement. If the employee works partially through the termination period, he/she will be entitled to some severance payment for the time he/she has not worked.
Y Some categories of workers enjoy special protection which takes either the form of 1) a prohibition of notice during "a protection period" or 2) additional procedural requirements (i.e prior approval of a competent authority).

1) Sec. 64 LC expressly prohibits the employer to give notice to employees - subject to certain exceptions - during a "protection period", namely:
- at a time when the employee is declared temporarily incapable of performing work due to disease or accident, unless deliberately induced or caused under the influence of alcohol, narcotic substances or psychotropic,
- in case of conscription of the employee to perform extraordinary service in time of crisis,
- during the entire period of pregnancy, maternity leave, parental leave or in case a lone employee (male and female) takes care of a child under the age of three,
- during the leave granted for the performance of a public office,
- at a time an employee is declared temporarily incapable of performing night work.
However, this prohibition of notice does not apply to cases of termination:
* for reasons justifying immediate termination unless concerning employee on maternity leave or on parental leave,
* for other breaches of labour discipline unless concerning a pregnant employee, an employee on maternity leave or on parental leave (male and female),
* in the event of cessation of activities or relocation of the employer's business.

The LC provides a special protection against termination during the probationary period to pregnant women, mothers of children below nine months and breastfeeding women. While as a rule, termination of employment during the probationary period can take place for any reason and without justification, employment of the above mentioned workers may be terminated only in exceptional cases not relating to pregnancy or maternal function, and the reasons for termination must be stated in writing (sec. 72(1) LC as amended).

2) Specific requirements:
- Prior authorization:
* Employee's representatives:
According to See also sec. 240(7) LC, Employees' representatives which include trade union members, members of a works council or a works trustee, during their term in office and for six months after its termination shall be protected against measures which could damage them, including the termination of the employment relationship and which could be motivated by their position or activity. Sec. 240 (8) LC specifies that any summary dismissal or dismissal with notice of a member of the relevant trade union body, a member of a works council or a works trustee requires the prior consent of these employees' representatives.
*Disabled workers:
Sec. 66 LC: "An employer may dismiss an employee with health disability only with he prior consent of the relevant office of labour, social affairs and family otherwise notice shall be invalid. No such consent is required where the employee has reached the age entitling him/her to old-age pension or was dismissed on the grounds of cessation of activities or relocation or for grave breaches of labour discipline.
- Severance pay
There is no general right to severance pay except for redundancies. However, the LC foresees specific severance payment in the following situation:
* Termination with notice following a prohibition to carry out the work as a result of "employment injury, occupational disease or the risk of such an disease, or he/she has already received the maximum permitted level of exposure in the work place as determined by a decision of a competent public health body. The employee is entitled to severance pay (unless the occupational injury or disease was caused by his/her fault) amounting to at least 10 months' pay (sec. 76(3) LC).
* With regard to termination with notice due to "long term loss of ability to perform the work" for health reasons, the rules have changed in 2011: under the previous LC, employees were entitled to 2 month's pay or 3 months' pay if they had at least 5 years of service. According to sec. 76(1) LC, when the employment is termination because the employee is no longer able to perform the work, given his/her health status severance payment now amounts to the employee's average monthly earnings multiplied by the number of months of the notice period. Severance pay now functions as a pay in lieu of notice, as it is not any more payable when the employee works through the entire statutory notice period. The employer is required to pay the employee a severance payment only in the event that the employment terminates by agreement. If the employee works partially through the termination period, he/she will be entitled to some severance payment for the time he/she has not worked.
Y Some categories of workers enjoy special protection which takes either the form of 1) a prohibition of notice during "a protection period" or 2) additional procedural requirements (i.e prior approval of a competent authority).

1) Sec. 64 LC expressly prohibits the employer to give notice to employees - subject to certain exceptions - during a "protection period", namely:
- at a time when the employee is declared temporarily incapable of performing work due to disease or accident, unless deliberately induced or caused under the influence of alcohol, narcotic substances or psychotropic,
- in case of conscription of the employee to perform extraordinary service in time of crisis,
- during the entire period of pregnancy, maternity leave, parental leave or in case a lone employee (male and female) takes care of a child under the age of three,
- during the leave granted for the performance of a public office,
- at a time an employee is declared temporarily incapable of performing night work.
However, this prohibition of notice does not apply to cases of termination:
* for reasons justifying immediate termination unless concerning employee on maternity leave or on parental leave,
* for other breaches of labour discipline unless concerning a pregnant employee, an employee on maternity leave or on parental leave (male and female),
* in the event of cessation of activities or relocation of the employer's business.

The LC provides a special protection against termination during the probationary period to pregnant women, mothers of children below nine months and breastfeeding women. While as a rule, termination of employment during the probationary period can take place for any reason and without justification, employment of the above mentioned workers may be terminated only in exceptional cases not relating to pregnancy or maternal function, and the reasons for termination must be stated in writing (sec. 72(1) LC as amended).

2) Specific requirements:
- Prior authorization:
* Employee's representatives:
According to See also sec. 240(7) LC, Employees' representatives which include trade union members, members of a works council or a works trustee, during their term in office and for six months after its termination shall be protected against measures which could damage them, including the termination of the employment relationship and which could be motivated by their position or activity. Sec. 240 (8) LC specifies that any summary dismissal or dismissal with notice of a member of the relevant trade union body, a member of a works council or a works trustee requires the prior consent of these employees' representatives.
*Disabled workers:
Sec. 66 LC: "An employer may dismiss an employee with health disability only with he prior consent of the relevant office of labour, social affairs and family otherwise notice shall be invalid. No such consent is required where the employee has reached the age entitling him/her to old-age pension or was dismissed on the grounds of cessation of activities or relocation or for grave breaches of labour discipline.
- Severance pay
There is no general right to severance pay except for redundancies. However, the LC foresees specific severance payment in the following situation:
* Termination with notice following a prohibition to carry out the work as a result of "employment injury, occupational disease or the risk of such an disease, or he/she has already received the maximum permitted level of exposure in the work place as determined by a decision of a competent public health body. The employee is entitled to severance pay (unless the occupational injury or disease was caused by his/her fault) amounting to at least 10 months' pay (sec. 76(3) LC).
* With regard to termination with notice due to "long term loss of ability to perform the work" for health reasons, the rules have changed in 2011: under the previous LC, employees were entitled to 2 month's pay or 3 months' pay if they had at least 5 years of service. According to sec. 76(1) LC, when the employment is termination because the employee is no longer able to perform the work, given his/her health status severance payment now amounts to the employee's average monthly earnings multiplied by the number of months of the notice period. Severance pay now functions as a pay in lieu of notice, as it is not any more payable when the employee works through the entire statutory notice period. The employer is required to pay the employee a severance payment only in the event that the employment terminates by agreement. If the employee works partially through the termination period, he/she will be entitled to some severance payment for the time he/she has not worked.
Y Some categories of workers enjoy special protection which takes either the form of 1) a prohibition of notice during "a protection period" or 2) additional procedural requirements (i.e prior approval of a competent authority).

1) Sec. 64 LC expressly prohibits the employer to give notice to employees - subject to certain exceptions - during a "protection period", namely:
- at a time when the employee is declared temporarily incapable of performing work due to disease or accident, unless deliberately induced or caused under the influence of alcohol, narcotic substances or psychotropic,
- in case of conscription of the employee to perform extraordinary service in time of crisis,
- during the entire period of pregnancy, maternity leave, parental leave or in case a lone employee (male and female) takes care of a child under the age of three,
- during the leave granted for the performance of a public office,
- at a time an employee is declared temporarily incapable of performing night work.
However, this prohibition of notice does not apply to cases of termination:
* for reasons justifying immediate termination unless concerning employee on maternity leave or on parental leave,
* for other breaches of labour discipline unless concerning a pregnant employee, an employee on maternity leave or on parental leave (male and female),
* in the event of cessation of activities or relocation of the employer's business.

The LC provides a special protection against termination during the probationary period to pregnant women, mothers of children below nine months and breastfeeding women. While as a rule, termination of employment during the probationary period can take place for any reason and without justification, employment of the above mentioned workers may be terminated only in exceptional cases not relating to pregnancy or maternal function, and the reasons for termination must be stated in writing (sec. 72(1) LC as amended).

2) Specific requirements:
- Prior authorization:
* Employee's representatives:
According to See also sec. 240(7) LC, Employees' representatives which include trade union members, members of a works council or a works trustee, during their term in office and for six months after its termination shall be protected against measures which could damage them, including the termination of the employment relationship and which could be motivated by their position or activity. Sec. 240 (8) LC specifies that any summary dismissal or dismissal with notice of a member of the relevant trade union body, a member of a works council or a works trustee requires the prior consent of these employees' representatives.
*Disabled workers:
Sec. 66 LC: "An employer may dismiss an employee with health disability only with he prior consent of the relevant office of labour, social affairs and family otherwise notice shall be invalid. No such consent is required where the employee has reached the age entitling him/her to old-age pension or was dismissed on the grounds of cessation of activities or relocation or for grave breaches of labour discipline.
- Severance pay
There is no general right to severance pay except for redundancies. However, the LC foresees specific severance payment in the following situation:
* Termination with notice following a prohibition to carry out the work as a result of "employment injury, occupational disease or the risk of such an disease, or he/she has already received the maximum permitted level of exposure in the work place as determined by a decision of a competent public health body. The employee is entitled to severance pay (unless the occupational injury or disease was caused by his/her fault) amounting to at least 10 months' pay (sec. 76(3) LC).
* With regard to termination with notice due to "long term loss of ability to perform the work" for health reasons, the rules have changed in 2011: under the previous LC, employees were entitled to 2 month's pay or 3 months' pay if they had at least 5 years of service. According to sec. 76(1) LC, when the employment is termination because the employee is no longer able to perform the work, given his/her health status severance payment now amounts to the employee's average monthly earnings multiplied by the number of months of the notice period. Severance pay now functions as a pay in lieu of notice, as it is not any more payable when the employee works through the entire statutory notice period. The employer is required to pay the employee a severance payment only in the event that the employment terminates by agreement. If the employee works partially through the termination period, he/she will be entitled to some severance payment for the time he/she has not worked.
Y Some categories of workers enjoy special protection which takes either the form of 1) a prohibition of notice during "a protection period" or 2) additional procedural requirements (i.e prior approval of a competent authority).

1) Sec. 64 LC expressly prohibits the employer to give notice to employees - subject to certain exceptions - during a "protection period", namely:
- at a time when the employee is declared temporarily incapable of performing work due to disease or accident, unless deliberately induced or caused under the influence of alcohol, narcotic substances or psychotropic,
- in case of conscription of the employee to perform extraordinary service in time of crisis,
- during the entire period of pregnancy, maternity leave, parental leave or in case a lone employee (male and female) takes care of a child under the age of three,
- during the leave granted for the performance of a public office,
- at a time an employee is declared temporarily incapable of performing night work.
However, this prohibition of notice does not apply to cases of termination:
* for reasons justifying immediate termination unless concerning employee on maternity leave or on parental leave,
* for other breaches of labour discipline unless concerning a pregnant employee, an employee on maternity leave or on parental leave (male and female),
* in the event of cessation of activities or relocation of the employer's business.

The LC provides a special protection against termination during the probationary period to pregnant women, mothers of children below nine months and breastfeeding women. While as a rule, termination of employment during the probationary period can take place for any reason and without justification, employment of the above mentioned workers may be terminated only in exceptional cases not relating to pregnancy or maternal function, and the reasons for termination must be stated in writing (sec. 72(1) LC as amended).

2) Specific requirements:
- Prior authorization:
* Employee's representatives:
According to See also sec. 240(7) LC, Employees' representatives which include trade union members, members of a works council or a works trustee, during their term in office and for six months after its termination shall be protected against measures which could damage them, including the termination of the employment relationship and which could be motivated by their position or activity. Sec. 240 (8) LC specifies that any summary dismissal or dismissal with notice of a member of the relevant trade union body, a member of a works council or a works trustee requires the prior consent of these employees' representatives.
*Disabled workers:
Sec. 66 LC: "An employer may dismiss an employee with health disability only with he prior consent of the relevant office of labour, social affairs and family otherwise notice shall be invalid. No such consent is required where the employee has reached the age entitling him/her to old-age pension or was dismissed on the grounds of cessation of activities or relocation or for grave breaches of labour discipline.
- Severance pay
There is no general right to severance pay except for redundancies. However, the LC foresees specific severance payment in the following situation:
* Termination with notice following a prohibition to carry out the work as a result of "employment injury, occupational disease or the risk of such an disease, or he/she has already received the maximum permitted level of exposure in the work place as determined by a decision of a competent public health body. The employee is entitled to severance pay (unless the occupational injury or disease was caused by his/her fault) amounting to at least 10 months' pay (sec. 76(3) LC).
* With regard to termination with notice due to "long term loss of ability to perform the work" for health reasons, the rules have changed in 2011: under the previous LC, employees were entitled to 2 month's pay or 3 months' pay if they had at least 5 years of service. According to sec. 76(1) LC, when the employment is termination because the employee is no longer able to perform the work, given his/her health status severance payment now amounts to the employee's average monthly earnings multiplied by the number of months of the notice period. Severance pay now functions as a pay in lieu of notice, as it is not any more payable when the employee works through the entire statutory notice period. The employer is required to pay the employee a severance payment only in the event that the employment terminates by agreement. If the employee works partially through the termination period, he/she will be entitled to some severance payment for the time he/she has not worked.
Y Some categories of workers enjoy special protection which takes either the form of 1) a prohibition of notice during "a protection period" or 2) additional procedural requirements (i.e prior approval of a competent authority).

1) Sec. 64 LC expressly prohibits the employer to give notice to employees - subject to certain exceptions - during a "protection period", namely:
- at a time when the employee is declared temporarily incapable of performing work due to disease or accident, unless deliberately induced or caused under the influence of alcohol, narcotic substances or psychotropic,
- in case of conscription of the employee to perform extraordinary service in time of crisis,
- during the entire period of pregnancy, maternity leave, parental leave or in case a lone employee (male and female) takes care of a child under the age of three,
- during the leave granted for the performance of a public office,
- at a time an employee is declared temporarily incapable of performing night work.
However, this prohibition of notice does not apply to cases of termination:
* for reasons justifying immediate termination unless concerning employee on maternity leave or on parental leave,
* for other breaches of labour discipline unless concerning a pregnant employee, an employee on maternity leave or on parental leave (male and female),
* in the event of cessation of activities or relocation of the employer's business.

The LC provides a special protection against termination during the probationary period to pregnant women, mothers of children below nine months and breastfeeding women. While as a rule, termination of employment during the probationary period can take place for any reason and without justification, employment of the above mentioned workers may be terminated only in exceptional cases not relating to pregnancy or maternal function, and the reasons for termination must be stated in writing (sec. 72(1) LC as amended).

2) Specific requirements:
- Prior authorization:
* Employee's representatives:
According to See also sec. 240(7) LC, Employees' representatives which include trade union members, members of a works council or a works trustee, during their term in office and for six months after its termination shall be protected against measures which could damage them, including the termination of the employment relationship and which could be motivated by their position or activity. Sec. 240 (8) LC specifies that any summary dismissal or dismissal with notice of a member of the relevant trade union body, a member of a works council or a works trustee requires the prior consent of these employees' representatives.
*Disabled workers:
Sec. 66 LC: "An employer may dismiss an employee with health disability only with he prior consent of the relevant office of labour, social affairs and family otherwise notice shall be invalid. No such consent is required where the employee has reached the age entitling him/her to old-age pension or was dismissed on the grounds of cessation of activities or relocation or for grave breaches of labour discipline.
- Severance pay
There is no general right to severance pay except for redundancies. However, the LC foresees specific severance payment in the following situation:
* Termination with notice following a prohibition to carry out the work as a result of "employment injury, occupational disease or the risk of such an disease, or he/she has already received the maximum permitted level of exposure in the work place as determined by a decision of a competent public health body. The employee is entitled to severance pay (unless the occupational injury or disease was caused by his/her fault) amounting to at least 10 months' pay (sec. 76(3) LC).
* With regard to termination with notice due to "long term loss of ability to perform the work" for health reasons, the rules have changed in 2011: under the previous LC, employees were entitled to 2 month's pay or 3 months' pay if they had at least 5 years of service. According to sec. 76(1) LC, when the employment is termination because the employee is no longer able to perform the work, given his/her health status severance payment now amounts to the employee's average monthly earnings multiplied by the number of months of the notice period. Severance pay now functions as a pay in lieu of notice, as it is not any more payable when the employee works through the entire statutory notice period. The employer is required to pay the employee a severance payment only in the event that the employment terminates by agreement. If the employee works partially through the termination period, he/she will be entitled to some severance payment for the time he/she has not worked.
Y Some categories of workers enjoy special protection which takes either the form of 1) a prohibition of notice during "a protection period" or 2) additional procedural requirements (i.e prior approval of a competent authority).

1) Sec. 64 LC expressly prohibits the employer to give notice to employees - subject to certain exceptions - during a "protection period", namely:
- at a time when the employee is declared temporarily incapable of performing work due to disease or accident, unless deliberately induced or caused under the influence of alcohol, narcotic substances or psychotropic,
- in case of conscription of the employee to perform extraordinary service in time of crisis,
- during the entire period of pregnancy, maternity leave, parental leave or in case a lone employee (male and female) takes care of a child under the age of three,
- during the leave granted for the performance of a public office,
- at a time an employee is declared temporarily incapable of performing night work.
However, this prohibition of notice does not apply to cases of termination:
* for reasons justifying immediate termination unless concerning employee on maternity leave or on parental leave,
* for other breaches of labour discipline unless concerning a pregnant employee, an employee on maternity leave or on parental leave (male and female),
* in the event of cessation of activities or relocation of the employer's business.

The LC provides a special protection against termination during the probationary period to pregnant women, mothers of children below nine months and breastfeeding women. While as a rule, termination of employment during the probationary period can take place for any reason and without justification, employment of the above mentioned workers may be terminated only in exceptional cases not relating to pregnancy or maternal function, and the reasons for termination must be stated in writing (sec. 72(1) LC as amended).

2) Specific requirements:
- Prior authorization:
* Employee's representatives:
According to See also sec. 240(7) LC, Employees' representatives which include trade union members, members of a works council or a works trustee, during their term in office and for six months after its termination shall be protected against measures which could damage them, including the termination of the employment relationship and which could be motivated by their position or activity. Sec. 240 (8) LC specifies that any summary dismissal or dismissal with notice of a member of the relevant trade union body, a member of a works council or a works trustee requires the prior consent of these employees' representatives.
*Disabled workers:
Sec. 66 LC: "An employer may dismiss an employee with health disability only with he prior consent of the relevant office of labour, social affairs and family otherwise notice shall be invalid. No such consent is required where the employee has reached the age entitling him/her to old-age pension or was dismissed on the grounds of cessation of activities or relocation or for grave breaches of labour discipline.
- Severance pay
There is no general right to severance pay except for redundancies. However, the LC foresees specific severance payment in the following situation:
* Termination with notice following a prohibition to carry out the work as a result of "employment injury, occupational disease or the risk of such an disease, or he/she has already received the maximum permitted level of exposure in the work place as determined by a decision of a competent public health body. The employee is entitled to severance pay (unless the occupational injury or disease was caused by his/her fault) amounting to at least 10 months' pay (sec. 76(3) LC).
* With regard to termination with notice due to "long term loss of ability to perform the work" for health reasons, the rules have changed in 2011: under the previous LC, employees were entitled to 2 month's pay or 3 months' pay if they had at least 5 years of service. According to sec. 76(1) LC, when the employment is termination because the employee is no longer able to perform the work, given his/her health status severance payment now amounts to the employee's average monthly earnings multiplied by the number of months of the notice period. Severance pay now functions as a pay in lieu of notice, as it is not any more payable when the employee works through the entire statutory notice period. The employer is required to pay the employee a severance payment only in the event that the employment terminates by agreement. If the employee works partially through the termination period, he/she will be entitled to some severance payment for the time he/she has not worked.
2019 Slovénie Europe Y
Y * Worker's representatives and trade union representatives: No dismissal without the prior consent of the body whose member they are (art. 112 ERA).
* Older workers (over 55 years old): No dismissal for economic reasons without the consent of the worker until he fulfills the minimum conditions for acquiring the right to a retirement pension due to age (art. 114 ERA). Paragraph 2 of Article 114 list the exceptions to this rule:
- if the worker shall be entitled to financial compensation from unemployment insurance to qualify for a retirement pension,
- if the worker is offered a new suitable employment with the employer in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 91 or under Article 92 of this Act,
- in the event that a worker at the conclusion of the contract of employment already qualifies for protection against dismissal under this Article, unless the contract of employment in accordance with the previous indent,
- in the case of the introduction of the winding employer.

* Workers with family responsibilities and pregnant women:
Prohibition of dismissal during pregnancy, period of breastfeeding and parental leave (art. 115 ERA).

* Workers with disabilities and workers absent due to illness or injury: art. 116 (1) and (2) ERA)

Article 117 provides that if the worker falls into more than one of the categories of previous articles, she/he will be subject to stronger protection.
Y * Worker's representatives and trade union representatives: No dismissal without the prior consent of the body whose member they are (art. 112 ERA).
* Older workers (over 55 years old): No dismissal for economic reasons without the consent of the worker until he fulfills the minimum conditions for acquiring the right to a retirement pension due to age (art. 114 ERA). Paragraph 2 of Article 114 list the exceptions to this rule:
- if the worker shall be entitled to financial compensation from unemployment insurance to qualify for a retirement pension,
- if the worker is offered a new suitable employment with the employer in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 91 or under Article 92 of this Act,
- in the event that a worker at the conclusion of the contract of employment already qualifies for protection against dismissal under this Article, unless the contract of employment in accordance with the previous indent,
- in the case of the introduction of the winding employer.

* Workers with family responsibilities and pregnant women:
Prohibition of dismissal during pregnancy, period of breastfeeding and parental leave (art. 115 ERA).

* Workers with disabilities and workers absent due to illness or injury: art. 116 (1) and (2) ERA)

Article 117 provides that if the worker falls into more than one of the categories of previous articles, she/he will be subject to stronger protection.
Y * Worker's representatives and trade union representatives: No dismissal without the prior consent of the body whose member they are (art. 112 ERA).
* Older workers (over 55 years old): No dismissal for economic reasons without the consent of the worker until he fulfills the minimum conditions for acquiring the right to a retirement pension due to age (art. 114 ERA). Paragraph 2 of Article 114 list the exceptions to this rule:
- if the worker shall be entitled to financial compensation from unemployment insurance to qualify for a retirement pension,
- if the worker is offered a new suitable employment with the employer in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 91 or under Article 92 of this Act,
- in the event that a worker at the conclusion of the contract of employment already qualifies for protection against dismissal under this Article, unless the contract of employment in accordance with the previous indent,
- in the case of the introduction of the winding employer.

* Workers with family responsibilities and pregnant women:
Prohibition of dismissal during pregnancy, period of breastfeeding and parental leave (art. 115 ERA).

* Workers with disabilities and workers absent due to illness or injury: art. 116 (1) and (2) ERA)

Article 117 provides that if the worker falls into more than one of the categories of previous articles, she/he will be subject to stronger protection.
Y * Worker's representatives and trade union representatives: No dismissal without the prior consent of the body whose member they are (art. 112 ERA).
* Older workers (over 55 years old): No dismissal for economic reasons without the consent of the worker until he fulfills the minimum conditions for acquiring the right to a retirement pension due to age (art. 114 ERA). Paragraph 2 of Article 114 list the exceptions to this rule:
- if the worker shall be entitled to financial compensation from unemployment insurance to qualify for a retirement pension,
- if the worker is offered a new suitable employment with the employer in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 91 or under Article 92 of this Act,
- in the event that a worker at the conclusion of the contract of employment already qualifies for protection against dismissal under this Article, unless the contract of employment in accordance with the previous indent,
- in the case of the introduction of the winding employer.

* Workers with family responsibilities and pregnant women:
Prohibition of dismissal during pregnancy, period of breastfeeding and parental leave (art. 115 ERA).

* Workers with disabilities and workers absent due to illness or injury: art. 116 (1) and (2) ERA)

Article 117 provides that if the worker falls into more than one of the categories of previous articles, she/he will be subject to stronger protection.
Y * Worker's representatives and trade union representatives: No dismissal without the prior consent of the body whose member they are (art. 112 ERA).
* Older workers (over 55 years old): No dismissal for economic reasons without the consent of the worker until he fulfills the minimum conditions for acquiring the right to a retirement pension due to age (art. 114 ERA). Paragraph 2 of Article 114 list the exceptions to this rule:
- if the worker shall be entitled to financial compensation from unemployment insurance to qualify for a retirement pension,
- if the worker is offered a new suitable employment with the employer in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 91 or under Article 92 of this Act,
- in the event that a worker at the conclusion of the contract of employment already qualifies for protection against dismissal under this Article, unless the contract of employment in accordance with the previous indent,
- in the case of the introduction of the winding employer.

* Workers with family responsibilities and pregnant women:
Prohibition of dismissal during pregnancy, period of breastfeeding and parental leave (art. 115 ERA).

* Workers with disabilities and workers absent due to illness or injury: art. 116 (1) and (2) ERA)

Article 117 provides that if the worker falls into more than one of the categories of previous articles, she/he will be subject to stronger protection.
Y * Worker's representatives and trade union representatives: No dismissal without the prior consent of the body whose member they are (art. 112 ERA).
* Older workers (over 55 years old): No dismissal for economic reasons without the consent of the worker until he fulfills the minimum conditions for acquiring the right to a retirement pension due to age (art. 114 ERA). Paragraph 2 of Article 114 list the exceptions to this rule:
- if the worker shall be entitled to financial compensation from unemployment insurance to qualify for a retirement pension,
- if the worker is offered a new suitable employment with the employer in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 91 or under Article 92 of this Act,
- in the event that a worker at the conclusion of the contract of employment already qualifies for protection against dismissal under this Article, unless the contract of employment in accordance with the previous indent,
- in the case of the introduction of the winding employer.

* Workers with family responsibilities and pregnant women:
Prohibition of dismissal during pregnancy, period of breastfeeding and parental leave (art. 115 ERA).

* Workers with disabilities and workers absent due to illness or injury: art. 116 (1) and (2) ERA)

Article 117 provides that if the worker falls into more than one of the categories of previous articles, she/he will be subject to stronger protection.
Y * Worker's representatives and trade union representatives: No dismissal without the prior consent of the body whose member they are (art. 112 ERA).
* Older workers (over 55 years old): No dismissal for economic reasons without the consent of the worker until he fulfills the minimum conditions for acquiring the right to a retirement pension due to age (art. 114 ERA). Paragraph 2 of Article 114 list the exceptions to this rule:
- if the worker shall be entitled to financial compensation from unemployment insurance to qualify for a retirement pension,
- if the worker is offered a new suitable employment with the employer in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 91 or under Article 92 of this Act,
- in the event that a worker at the conclusion of the contract of employment already qualifies for protection against dismissal under this Article, unless the contract of employment in accordance with the previous indent,
- in the case of the introduction of the winding employer.

* Workers with family responsibilities and pregnant women:
Prohibition of dismissal during pregnancy, period of breastfeeding and parental leave (art. 115 ERA).

* Workers with disabilities and workers absent due to illness or injury: art. 116 (1) and (2) ERA)

Article 117 provides that if the worker falls into more than one of the categories of previous articles, she/he will be subject to stronger protection.
2019 Sri Lanka Asie Y
Y Sec. 10 MBO: "When a woman worker absents herself from work in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance (= maternity leave), it shall not be lawful for her employer to give her notice of dismissal during such absence or on such a day that the notice will expire during such absence."
No specific protection for pregnant women and trade union members other than the prohibition to dismiss them only for reasons of pregnancy or trade union membership or activities (see prohibited grounds).
2019 Suisse Europe Y
Y *No dismissal of pregnant women and women on maternity leave: art. 336c (1) c) CO
* Workers with an important length of tenure: higher protection with respect to severance allowance: art. 339b CO.
* Workers' representatives: constitutes an abusive termination the dismissal of an employee during the exercise of a mandate as employees' representative unless the employer demonstrates a justified motive for dismissal: art. 336 (2) b) CO.
Y *No dismissal of pregnant women and women on maternity leave: art. 336c (1) c) CO
* Workers with an important length of tenure: higher protection with respect to severance allowance: art. 339b CO.
* Workers' representatives: constitutes an abusive termination the dismissal of an employee during the exercise of a mandate as employees' representative unless the employer demonstrates a justified motive for dismissal: art. 336 (2) b) CO.
Y *No dismissal of pregnant women and women on maternity leave: art. 336c (1) c) CO
* Workers with an important length of tenure: higher protection with respect to severance allowance: art. 339b CO.
* Workers' representatives: constitutes an abusive termination the dismissal of an employee during the exercise of a mandate as employees' representative unless the employer demonstrates a justified motive for dismissal: art. 336 (2) b) CO.
2019 Tadjikistan Europe Y
Y Art. 215 LC provides for a protection of the termination of employment for pregnant women and women with children under the age of three years, single mothers if they have a disabled child under sixteen years, except for cases of complete liquidation of the organization, when the termination of the employment contract (contract) is permitted ,however they should be assisted by the government agencies with finding a suitable work and employment. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
2019 Tanzanie, République Unie de Afrique Y
Y Article 37(3)(b) ELRA: It is also seen to be unfair to dismiss an employee for reasons related to pregnancy.
In addition art. 41(4) ELRA provides that notice of termination shall not be given " (a) during any period of leave taken under this Act; or (b) to run concurrently with any such period of leave". This includes maternity leave ( 84 days min,. see art. 33 ELRA).

[See also art. 36 ELRA: failure to allow the employee to resume work after taking maternity leave granted under the ELRA or any agreed maternity leave is considered to be termination of employment, and therefore, if unilaterally decided by the employer, the fair reason requirement shall apply]
2019 Tchéquie Europe Y
Y Sec. 53 (1) LC establishes a prohibition of notice during a "protection period". That applies to:
* pregnancy
* maternity and parental leave
* recognized temporary inability to work due to illness or injury
* military obligations
* unpaid leave to exercise of a public office
* night workers temporary unfit
Note that except for pregnant women and employee on maternity or parental leave, the protection is not absolute (sec. 54 LC)
Sec. 61 (2) LC: Special protection for trade union's representatives: mandatory consent of the trade union prior to dismissal.
Y Sec. 53 (1) LC establishes a prohibition of notice during a "protection period". That applies to:
* pregnancy
* maternity and parental leave
* recognized temporary inability to work due to illness or injury
* military obligations
* unpaid leave to exercise of a public office
* night workers temporary unfit
Note that except for pregnant women and employee on maternity or parental leave, the protection is not absolute (sec. 54 LC)
Sec. 61 (2) LC: Special protection for trade union's representatives: mandatory consent of the trade union prior to dismissal.
Y Sec. 53 (1) LC establishes a prohibition of notice during a "protection period". That applies to:
* pregnancy
* maternity and parental leave
* recognized temporary inability to work due to illness or injury
* military obligations
* unpaid leave to exercise of a public office
* night workers temporary unfit
Note that except for pregnant women and employee on maternity or parental leave, the protection is not absolute (sec. 54 LC)
Sec. 61 (2) LC: Special protection for trade union's representatives: mandatory consent of the trade union prior to dismissal.
Y Sec. 53 (1) LC establishes a prohibition of notice during a "protection period". That applies to:
* pregnancy
* maternity and parental leave
* recognized temporary inability to work due to illness or injury
* military obligations
* unpaid leave to exercise of a public office
* night workers temporary unfit
Note that except for pregnant women and employee on maternity or parental leave, the protection is not absolute (sec. 54 LC)
Sec. 61 (2) LC: Special protection for trade union's representatives: mandatory consent of the trade union prior to dismissal.
Y Sec. 53 (1) LC establishes a prohibition of notice during a "protection period". That applies to:
* pregnancy
* maternity and parental leave
* recognized temporary inability to work due to illness or injury
* military obligations
* unpaid leave to exercise of a public office
* night workers temporary unfit
Note that except for pregnant women and employee on maternity or parental leave, the protection is not absolute (sec. 54 LC)
Sec. 61 (2) LC: Special protection for trade union's representatives: mandatory consent of the trade union prior to dismissal.
2019 Thaïlande Asie N N N N Y
Y - The employer cannot, except with the approval of the Labour Court, terminate employment of, or reduce the wages of, or punish a member of an employees' committee (art. 52 LRA). Such committees are set up by employees in establishments employing at least 50 employees (art. 45 LRA).
- It is generally unlawful for an employer to terminate the employment or transfer the duties of the employees, their representatives, the committee members, subcommittee members, or members of the labour union, or committee members or subcommittee members of the labour federation, who are involved in the presentation, negotiation or reconciliation of a request to renegotiate an agreement on conditions of employment. Termination or transfer is, however, lawful if the persons concerned dishonestly perform their duties or wilfully commit a criminal offence against the employer; wilfully cause damage to the employer; neglect work for three consecutive working days without a suitable reason; or violate the rules, regulations or lawful orders of the employer, provided the employer has issued a warning in writing. The written warning is not required in severe cases (art. 31 LRA). The same protection applies to the same employees while an agreement on conditions of employment or equivalent award is in effect, with one additional category of permitted dismissal (i.e. when the employee commits any act of instigation, encouragement or persuasion to violate the agreement on conditions of employment or equivalent arbitration award) (art. 123(5) LRA).
2019 Tunisie Afrique Y
Y - Art. 166 LC: specific procedural rules apply to the dismissal of a workers' representative or a trade union representative: the employer must submit the dismissal to the decision of the competent labour inspector and complying with his or her decision except when the existence of a real and serious reason justifying dismissal is proved by a court which entertains jurisdiction (art. 166 LC and 169bis LC added by the Act No. 2007-19).
- Art. 20(2) LC: An employer may not dismiss a woman on the grounds that she has suspended her work during the period before and after her confinement. If she is dismissed, the employer is liable to pay damages provided that she informed her employer of the reason for her absence. Notice of dismissal is prohibited up to a maximum of 12 weeks after maternity leave if the woman produces a medical certificate that she is incapable of returning to work because of an illness arising out of her pregnancy or confinement.
-Art. 19 LC: performing military duties cannot be a cause of termination of employment.
- Article 166 du Code du travail: Procédure spéciale pour le licenciement d'un membre titulaire ou suppléant représentant le personnel au sein de la commission consultative d'entreprise.
- Article 20(2) du Code du travail: Protection contre le licenciement de la femme enceinte ou en congé de maternité.
- Article 19 du Code du travail: Le fait d'effectuer des devoirs militaires ne peut être une cause de rupture du contrat de travail.
Y - Art. 166 LC: specific procedural rules apply to the dismissal of a workers' representative or a trade union representative: the employer must submit the dismissal to the decision of the competent labour inspector and complying with his or her decision except when the existence of a real and serious reason justifying dismissal is proved by a court which entertains jurisdiction (art. 166 LC and 169bis LC added by the Act No. 2007-19).
- Art. 20(2) LC: An employer may not dismiss a woman on the grounds that she has suspended her work during the period before and after her confinement. If she is dismissed, the employer is liable to pay damages provided that she informed her employer of the reason for her absence. Notice of dismissal is prohibited up to a maximum of 12 weeks after maternity leave if the woman produces a medical certificate that she is incapable of returning to work because of an illness arising out of her pregnancy or confinement.
-Art. 19 LC: performing military duties cannot be a cause of termination of employment.
- Article 166 du Code du travail: Procédure spéciale pour le licenciement d'un membre titulaire ou suppléant représentant le personnel au sein de la commission consultative d'entreprise.
- Article 20(2) du Code du travail: Protection contre le licenciement de la femme enceinte ou en congé de maternité.
- Article 19 du Code du travail: Le fait d'effectuer des devoirs militaires ne peut être une cause de rupture du contrat de travail.
Y - Art. 166 LC: specific procedural rules apply to the dismissal of a workers' representative or a trade union representative: the employer must submit the dismissal to the decision of the competent labour inspector and complying with his or her decision except when the existence of a real and serious reason justifying dismissal is proved by a court which entertains jurisdiction (art. 166 LC and 169bis LC added by the Act No. 2007-19).
- Art. 20(2) LC: An employer may not dismiss a woman on the grounds that she has suspended her work during the period before and after her confinement. If she is dismissed, the employer is liable to pay damages provided that she informed her employer of the reason for her absence. Notice of dismissal is prohibited up to a maximum of 12 weeks after maternity leave if the woman produces a medical certificate that she is incapable of returning to work because of an illness arising out of her pregnancy or confinement.
-Art. 19 LC: performing military duties cannot be a cause of termination of employment.
- Article 166 du Code du travail: Procédure spéciale pour le licenciement d'un membre titulaire ou suppléant représentant le personnel au sein de la commission consultative d'entreprise.
- Article 20(2) du Code du travail: Protection contre le licenciement de la femme enceinte ou en congé de maternité.
- Article 19 du Code du travail: Le fait d'effectuer des devoirs militaires ne peut être une cause de rupture du contrat de travail.
2019 Turkménistan Europe Y
Y Art. 241 LC
Art. 257 LC
Y Art. 241 LC
Art. 257 LC
Y Art. 241 LC
Art. 257 LC
2019 Türkiye Europe N N N N Y
Y * Art. 24 of the 2012 Act No. 6356 on Trade Unions and Collective agreements:
“ (1) An employer shall not terminate the employment contract of shop stewards unless there is a just cause for termination and he indicates this clearly and precisely. The shop steward or the trade union of which he is a member shall have the right to apply to the competent court within one month of the date when the notice of termination is communicated to him (...).
(3) If the court decides that the trade union representative is to be reinstated in his employment, the termination shall be annulled and the employer shall pay his full wages and all other benefits between the termination and final decision date. On the condition that the trade union representative applies within six working days following the final decision of reinstatement, and in the event that he is not reinstated within six working days, his wage and other benefits shall continue to be paid by taking into account that his employment relation is still continuing. This provision shall likewise apply in the case of a new appointment as shop steward.
(4) Unless there is a written consent of the shop steward, the employer shall not change the workplace of the shop steward or shall not make a drastic change in his work. Otherwise, the change shall be considered as void."

* Prohibition to dismiss a women on the grounds of pregnancy or maternity leave (Art. 18 LA) and general prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of maternity (Art. 5 LA).
2019 Ukraine Europe Y
Y Pregnant women, women who have children under the age of three, (or, in special circumstances supported by medical evidence, under the age of six), and single mothers who have disabled children or children under the age of 14 (Art. 184 LC)
Art. 22
Y Pregnant women, women who have children under the age of three, (or, in special circumstances supported by medical evidence, under the age of six), and single mothers who have disabled children or children under the age of 14 (Art. 184 LC)
Art. 22
Y Pregnant women, women who have children under the age of three, (or, in special circumstances supported by medical evidence, under the age of six), and single mothers who have disabled children or children under the age of 14 (Art. 184 LC)
Art. 22
2019 Uruguay Amériques Y
Y Laws No 16.074/1990 (Articles 69) establishes provisions for special severance indemnities of workers that have suffered occupational ilnesses and accidents. In this case, the worker will be entitled to triple severance indemnity if the woker has been dismissed during a professional illness leave or labour accident or after 180 days of the worker´s return to work.
Moreover, workers in a state of pregnancy or maternity leave may only be dismissed with the payment of statutory severance pay indemnity plus 6 months salary if the dismissal happens during pregnancy or after a period of 6 months of the worker´s reincorporation to work (Law No N° 11.577/50).
Workers who suffer from any illness and are in treatment also enjoy special protection (Law No 14.407/75) and in case of unfair dismissal are entitled to double severance indemnity for an employer who dismisses an employee during sick leave or after 30 days of the worker´s return to work.
Y Laws No 16.074/1990 (Articles 69) establishes provisions for special severance indemnities of workers that have suffered occupational ilnesses and accidents. In this case, the worker will be entitled to triple severance indemnity if the woker has been dismissed during a professional illness leave or labour accident or after 180 days of the worker´s return to work.
Moreover, workers in a state of pregnancy or maternity leave may only be dismissed with the payment of statutory severance pay indemnity plus 6 months salary if the dismissal happens during pregnancy or after a period of 6 months of the worker´s reincorporation to work (Law No N° 11.577/50).
Workers who suffer from any illness and are in treatment also enjoy special protection (Law No 14.407/75) and in case of unfair dismissal are entitled to double severance indemnity for an employer who dismisses an employee during sick leave or after 30 days of the worker´s return to work.
Y Laws No 16.074/1990 (Articles 69) establishes provisions for special severance indemnities of workers that have suffered occupational ilnesses and accidents. In this case, the worker will be entitled to triple severance indemnity if the woker has been dismissed during a professional illness leave or labour accident or after 180 days of the worker´s return to work.
Moreover, workers in a state of pregnancy or maternity leave may only be dismissed with the payment of statutory severance pay indemnity plus 6 months salary if the dismissal happens during pregnancy or after a period of 6 months of the worker´s reincorporation to work (Law No N° 11.577/50).
Workers who suffer from any illness and are in treatment also enjoy special protection (Law No 14.407/75) and in case of unfair dismissal are entitled to double severance indemnity for an employer who dismisses an employee during sick leave or after 30 days of the worker´s return to work.
2019 Venezuela, République bolivarienne du Amériques Y
Y Venezuelan law provides that certain workers, for various reasons, are irremovable and may not be dismissed, transferred or employed in less favourable working conditions without just cause approved in advance by the labour inspector (art. 94, OLL).
This protection is, generally, reserved for trade union promoters and board members, promoters of collective agreements and workers involved in collective disputes against employers, but has also been extended to other categories of persons, whether or not they are linked to trade union activity or collective relations. The following may therefore enjoy protection under the BLA:
* a pregnant woman, during pregnancy and up to two year after confinement; paternity protection during the pregnancy of his couple up to two years after confinement
* workers with one or more disabled children or serious disease hampering its self-fulfilment
* workers enjoying trade union rights, including:
->workers applying to register a trade union, since the moment of the application up until fifteen days after it has been registered or the application has been denied;
-workers supporting the register of a trade union u until fifteen days after it has been registered or the application has been denied;
-representatives of the board of directors of the trade union in an enterprise (the number of protected individuals depends on the size of the enterprise.
-workers enjoying membership in a trade union which is holding elections, until the establishment of the board of directors.
-workers who run for trade union elections, up until 60 days after the board has been established.
-workers during the drafting and negotiating process of a collective agreement since its presentation to Labour Inspection up until the end of its negotiation or start of an arbitration procedure.
-workers during the exercise of its right to strike, as foreseen in the law.

In Spanish:
Artículo 94 OLL. Los trabajadores y trabajadoras protegidos de inamovilidad no podrán ser despedidos, ni trasladados, ni desmejorados sin una causa justificada la cual deberá ser previamente calificada por el inspector o inspectora del trabajo.
Y Venezuelan law provides that certain workers, for various reasons, are irremovable and may not be dismissed, transferred or employed in less favourable working conditions without just cause approved in advance by the labour inspector (art. 94, OLL).
This protection is, generally, reserved for trade union promoters and board members, promoters of collective agreements and workers involved in collective disputes against employers, but has also been extended to other categories of persons, whether or not they are linked to trade union activity or collective relations. The following may therefore enjoy protection under the BLA:
* a pregnant woman, during pregnancy and up to two year after confinement; paternity protection during the pregnancy of his couple up to two years after confinement
* workers with one or more disabled children or serious disease hampering its self-fulfilment
* workers enjoying trade union rights, including:
->workers applying to register a trade union, since the moment of the application up until fifteen days after it has been registered or the application has been denied;
-workers supporting the register of a trade union u until fifteen days after it has been registered or the application has been denied;
-representatives of the board of directors of the trade union in an enterprise (the number of protected individuals depends on the size of the enterprise.
-workers enjoying membership in a trade union which is holding elections, until the establishment of the board of directors.
-workers who run for trade union elections, up until 60 days after the board has been established.
-workers during the drafting and negotiating process of a collective agreement since its presentation to Labour Inspection up until the end of its negotiation or start of an arbitration procedure.
-workers during the exercise of its right to strike, as foreseen in the law.

In Spanish:
Artículo 94 OLL. Los trabajadores y trabajadoras protegidos de inamovilidad no podrán ser despedidos, ni trasladados, ni desmejorados sin una causa justificada la cual deberá ser previamente calificada por el inspector o inspectora del trabajo.
Y Venezuelan law provides that certain workers, for various reasons, are irremovable and may not be dismissed, transferred or employed in less favourable working conditions without just cause approved in advance by the labour inspector (art. 94, OLL).
This protection is, generally, reserved for trade union promoters and board members, promoters of collective agreements and workers involved in collective disputes against employers, but has also been extended to other categories of persons, whether or not they are linked to trade union activity or collective relations. The following may therefore enjoy protection under the BLA:
* a pregnant woman, during pregnancy and up to two year after confinement; paternity protection during the pregnancy of his couple up to two years after confinement
* workers with one or more disabled children or serious disease hampering its self-fulfilment
* workers enjoying trade union rights, including:
->workers applying to register a trade union, since the moment of the application up until fifteen days after it has been registered or the application has been denied;
-workers supporting the register of a trade union u until fifteen days after it has been registered or the application has been denied;
-representatives of the board of directors of the trade union in an enterprise (the number of protected individuals depends on the size of the enterprise.
-workers enjoying membership in a trade union which is holding elections, until the establishment of the board of directors.
-workers who run for trade union elections, up until 60 days after the board has been established.
-workers during the drafting and negotiating process of a collective agreement since its presentation to Labour Inspection up until the end of its negotiation or start of an arbitration procedure.
-workers during the exercise of its right to strike, as foreseen in the law.

In Spanish:
Artículo 94 OLL. Los trabajadores y trabajadoras protegidos de inamovilidad no podrán ser despedidos, ni trasladados, ni desmejorados sin una causa justificada la cual deberá ser previamente calificada por el inspector o inspectora del trabajo.
Y Venezuelan law provides that certain workers, for various reasons, are irremovable and may not be dismissed, transferred or employed in less favourable working conditions without just cause approved in advance by the labour inspector (art. 94, OLL).
This protection is, generally, reserved for trade union promoters and board members, promoters of collective agreements and workers involved in collective disputes against employers, but has also been extended to other categories of persons, whether or not they are linked to trade union activity or collective relations. The following may therefore enjoy protection under the BLA:
* a pregnant woman, during pregnancy and up to two year after confinement; paternity protection during the pregnancy of his couple up to two years after confinement
* workers with one or more disabled children or serious disease hampering its self-fulfilment
* workers enjoying trade union rights, including:
->workers applying to register a trade union, since the moment of the application up until fifteen days after it has been registered or the application has been denied;
-workers supporting the register of a trade union u until fifteen days after it has been registered or the application has been denied;
-representatives of the board of directors of the trade union in an enterprise (the number of protected individuals depends on the size of the enterprise.
-workers enjoying membership in a trade union which is holding elections, until the establishment of the board of directors.
-workers who run for trade union elections, up until 60 days after the board has been established.
-workers during the drafting and negotiating process of a collective agreement since its presentation to Labour Inspection up until the end of its negotiation or start of an arbitration procedure.
-workers during the exercise of its right to strike, as foreseen in the law.

In Spanish:
Artículo 94 OLL. Los trabajadores y trabajadoras protegidos de inamovilidad no podrán ser despedidos, ni trasladados, ni desmejorados sin una causa justificada la cual deberá ser previamente calificada por el inspector o inspectora del trabajo.
Y Venezuelan law provides that certain workers, for various reasons, are irremovable and may not be dismissed, transferred or employed in less favourable working conditions without just cause approved in advance by the labour inspector (art. 94, OLL).
This protection is, generally, reserved for trade union promoters and board members, promoters of collective agreements and workers involved in collective disputes against employers, but has also been extended to other categories of persons, whether or not they are linked to trade union activity or collective relations. The following may therefore enjoy protection under the BLA:
* a pregnant woman, during pregnancy and up to two year after confinement; paternity protection during the pregnancy of his couple up to two years after confinement
* workers with one or more disabled children or serious disease hampering its self-fulfilment
* workers enjoying trade union rights, including:
->workers applying to register a trade union, since the moment of the application up until fifteen days after it has been registered or the application has been denied;
-workers supporting the register of a trade union u until fifteen days after it has been registered or the application has been denied;
-representatives of the board of directors of the trade union in an enterprise (the number of protected individuals depends on the size of the enterprise.
-workers enjoying membership in a trade union which is holding elections, until the establishment of the board of directors.
-workers who run for trade union elections, up until 60 days after the board has been established.
-workers during the drafting and negotiating process of a collective agreement since its presentation to Labour Inspection up until the end of its negotiation or start of an arbitration procedure.
-workers during the exercise of its right to strike, as foreseen in the law.

In Spanish:
Artículo 94 OLL. Los trabajadores y trabajadoras protegidos de inamovilidad no podrán ser despedidos, ni trasladados, ni desmejorados sin una causa justificada la cual deberá ser previamente calificada por el inspector o inspectora del trabajo.
Y Venezuelan law provides that certain workers, for various reasons, are irremovable and may not be dismissed, transferred or employed in less favourable working conditions without just cause approved in advance by the labour inspector (art. 94, OLL).
This protection is, generally, reserved for trade union promoters and board members, promoters of collective agreements and workers involved in collective disputes against employers, but has also been extended to other categories of persons, whether or not they are linked to trade union activity or collective relations. The following may therefore enjoy protection under the BLA:
* a pregnant woman, during pregnancy and up to two year after confinement; paternity protection during the pregnancy of his couple up to two years after confinement
* workers with one or more disabled children or serious disease hampering its self-fulfilment
* workers enjoying trade union rights, including:
->workers applying to register a trade union, since the moment of the application up until fifteen days after it has been registered or the application has been denied;
-workers supporting the register of a trade union u until fifteen days after it has been registered or the application has been denied;
-representatives of the board of directors of the trade union in an enterprise (the number of protected individuals depends on the size of the enterprise.
-workers enjoying membership in a trade union which is holding elections, until the establishment of the board of directors.
-workers who run for trade union elections, up until 60 days after the board has been established.
-workers during the drafting and negotiating process of a collective agreement since its presentation to Labour Inspection up until the end of its negotiation or start of an arbitration procedure.
-workers during the exercise of its right to strike, as foreseen in the law.

In Spanish:
Artículo 94 OLL. Los trabajadores y trabajadoras protegidos de inamovilidad no podrán ser despedidos, ni trasladados, ni desmejorados sin una causa justificada la cual deberá ser previamente calificada por el inspector o inspectora del trabajo.
2019 Zambie Afrique Y
Y "Workers' representatives" were added in the category of workers enjoying special protection in 2017.

- The EA also provides for statutory sick leave with full pay and employment cannot be terminated on this ground during this leave period (sec. 54).
- Sec. 15B EA prohibits termination of employment for reasons connected with pregnancy and establishes a presumption of violation of such prohibition (in the absence of proof to the contrary) if the employer terminates the contract of a female employee within six months after delivery.
- Sec. 36(4)(b) EA prohibits the termination of an employment contract for an employee seeking office as, acting or having acted in the capacity of, an employee’s representatives.
Y "Workers' representatives" were added in the category of workers enjoying special protection in 2017.

- The EA also provides for statutory sick leave with full pay and employment cannot be terminated on this ground during this leave period (sec. 54).
- Sec. 15B EA prohibits termination of employment for reasons connected with pregnancy and establishes a presumption of violation of such prohibition (in the absence of proof to the contrary) if the employer terminates the contract of a female employee within six months after delivery.
- Sec. 36(4)(b) EA prohibits the termination of an employment contract for an employee seeking office as, acting or having acted in the capacity of, an employee’s representatives.
Y "Workers' representatives" were added in the category of workers enjoying special protection in 2017.

- The EA also provides for statutory sick leave with full pay and employment cannot be terminated on this ground during this leave period (sec. 54).
- Sec. 15B EA prohibits termination of employment for reasons connected with pregnancy and establishes a presumption of violation of such prohibition (in the absence of proof to the contrary) if the employer terminates the contract of a female employee within six months after delivery.
- Sec. 36(4)(b) EA prohibits the termination of an employment contract for an employee seeking office as, acting or having acted in the capacity of, an employee’s representatives.
2017 Allemagne Europe Y
Y - Pregnant women : sec. 17 Federal Act on Maternity Protection (2002, as amended in May 2017): prohibition of dismissal during pregnancy and up to 4 months after childbirth).
- Maternity /parental leave: sec. 18 of the Federal Parenting Benefits and Parental Leave Act (2007, as amended in May 2017)
- Disabled workers: sec. 85 Social Code, book IX: or consent of the integration office required.
- Worker's representatives: sec. 15 PADA.
Prohibition of dismissal except in case of serious misconduct (good cause).
Y - Pregnant women : sec. 17 Federal Act on Maternity Protection (2002, as amended in May 2017): prohibition of dismissal during pregnancy and up to 4 months after childbirth).
- Maternity /parental leave: sec. 18 of the Federal Parenting Benefits and Parental Leave Act (2007, as amended in May 2017)
- Disabled workers: sec. 85 Social Code, book IX: or consent of the integration office required.
- Worker's representatives: sec. 15 PADA.
Prohibition of dismissal except in case of serious misconduct (good cause).
Y - Pregnant women : sec. 17 Federal Act on Maternity Protection (2002, as amended in May 2017): prohibition of dismissal during pregnancy and up to 4 months after childbirth).
- Maternity /parental leave: sec. 18 of the Federal Parenting Benefits and Parental Leave Act (2007, as amended in May 2017)
- Disabled workers: sec. 85 Social Code, book IX: or consent of the integration office required.
- Worker's representatives: sec. 15 PADA.
Prohibition of dismissal except in case of serious misconduct (good cause).
Y - Pregnant women : sec. 17 Federal Act on Maternity Protection (2002, as amended in May 2017): prohibition of dismissal during pregnancy and up to 4 months after childbirth).
- Maternity /parental leave: sec. 18 of the Federal Parenting Benefits and Parental Leave Act (2007, as amended in May 2017)
- Disabled workers: sec. 85 Social Code, book IX: or consent of the integration office required.
- Worker's representatives: sec. 15 PADA.
Prohibition of dismissal except in case of serious misconduct (good cause).
2017 Arabie saoudite Etats arabes Y
Y Limited protection. No prohibition of dismissal of pregnant women as such: the prohibition only covers maternity leave (sec. 155 LL: 10 weeks period) and period of illness resulting from pregnancy or delivery provided it does not exceed 180 days (sec. 156 LL).
2017 Chine Asie Y
Y Under art. 42 ECL, it is prohibited to dismiss:
(1) a worker who is engaged in operations exposing him to occupational disease hazards and has not undergone a pre-departure occupational health check-up, or is suspected of having contracted an occupational disease and is being diagnosed or under medical observation;
(2) a worker who has been confirmed as having lost or partially lost his capacity to work due to an occupational disease contracted or a work-related injury sustained with the Employer
(3) a worker who has contracted an illness or sustained an injury, and the set period of medical care therefore has not expired;
(4) a female employee in her pregnancy, confinement or nursing period;
(5) a worker who has been working for the Employer continuously for not less than 15 years and is less than 5 years away from his legal retirement age.

For worker's representatives, see art. 52 (2) of the Trade Union Law :
If the labour contract of a worker or staff member is terminated due to his participation in trade union activities, the administrative department for labour shall order that the victim be reinstated, his remuneration payable during the period of the termination of the labour contract be made up, or that a compensation two times the amount of his annual income be given.
Y Under art. 42 ECL, it is prohibited to dismiss:
(1) a worker who is engaged in operations exposing him to occupational disease hazards and has not undergone a pre-departure occupational health check-up, or is suspected of having contracted an occupational disease and is being diagnosed or under medical observation;
(2) a worker who has been confirmed as having lost or partially lost his capacity to work due to an occupational disease contracted or a work-related injury sustained with the Employer
(3) a worker who has contracted an illness or sustained an injury, and the set period of medical care therefore has not expired;
(4) a female employee in her pregnancy, confinement or nursing period;
(5) a worker who has been working for the Employer continuously for not less than 15 years and is less than 5 years away from his legal retirement age.

For worker's representatives, see art. 52 (2) of the Trade Union Law :
If the labour contract of a worker or staff member is terminated due to his participation in trade union activities, the administrative department for labour shall order that the victim be reinstated, his remuneration payable during the period of the termination of the labour contract be made up, or that a compensation two times the amount of his annual income be given.
Y Under art. 42 ECL, it is prohibited to dismiss:
(1) a worker who is engaged in operations exposing him to occupational disease hazards and has not undergone a pre-departure occupational health check-up, or is suspected of having contracted an occupational disease and is being diagnosed or under medical observation;
(2) a worker who has been confirmed as having lost or partially lost his capacity to work due to an occupational disease contracted or a work-related injury sustained with the Employer
(3) a worker who has contracted an illness or sustained an injury, and the set period of medical care therefore has not expired;
(4) a female employee in her pregnancy, confinement or nursing period;
(5) a worker who has been working for the Employer continuously for not less than 15 years and is less than 5 years away from his legal retirement age.

For worker's representatives, see art. 52 (2) of the Trade Union Law :
If the labour contract of a worker or staff member is terminated due to his participation in trade union activities, the administrative department for labour shall order that the victim be reinstated, his remuneration payable during the period of the termination of the labour contract be made up, or that a compensation two times the amount of his annual income be given.
Y Under art. 42 ECL, it is prohibited to dismiss:
(1) a worker who is engaged in operations exposing him to occupational disease hazards and has not undergone a pre-departure occupational health check-up, or is suspected of having contracted an occupational disease and is being diagnosed or under medical observation;
(2) a worker who has been confirmed as having lost or partially lost his capacity to work due to an occupational disease contracted or a work-related injury sustained with the Employer
(3) a worker who has contracted an illness or sustained an injury, and the set period of medical care therefore has not expired;
(4) a female employee in her pregnancy, confinement or nursing period;
(5) a worker who has been working for the Employer continuously for not less than 15 years and is less than 5 years away from his legal retirement age.

For worker's representatives, see art. 52 (2) of the Trade Union Law :
If the labour contract of a worker or staff member is terminated due to his participation in trade union activities, the administrative department for labour shall order that the victim be reinstated, his remuneration payable during the period of the termination of the labour contract be made up, or that a compensation two times the amount of his annual income be given.
Y Under art. 42 ECL, it is prohibited to dismiss:
(1) a worker who is engaged in operations exposing him to occupational disease hazards and has not undergone a pre-departure occupational health check-up, or is suspected of having contracted an occupational disease and is being diagnosed or under medical observation;
(2) a worker who has been confirmed as having lost or partially lost his capacity to work due to an occupational disease contracted or a work-related injury sustained with the Employer
(3) a worker who has contracted an illness or sustained an injury, and the set period of medical care therefore has not expired;
(4) a female employee in her pregnancy, confinement or nursing period;
(5) a worker who has been working for the Employer continuously for not less than 15 years and is less than 5 years away from his legal retirement age.

For worker's representatives, see art. 52 (2) of the Trade Union Law :
If the labour contract of a worker or staff member is terminated due to his participation in trade union activities, the administrative department for labour shall order that the victim be reinstated, his remuneration payable during the period of the termination of the labour contract be made up, or that a compensation two times the amount of his annual income be given.
2017 Danemark Europe Y
Y - See art . 7 ESEA and the Consolidation Act on Equal treatment of Men and Women as regards Access to Employment, 28 June 2006 that lays down special rules of the burden of proof in cases were an employee is dismissed during pregnancy, adoption or maternity.

Y - See art . 7 ESEA and the Consolidation Act on Equal treatment of Men and Women as regards Access to Employment, 28 June 2006 that lays down special rules of the burden of proof in cases were an employee is dismissed during pregnancy, adoption or maternity.

2017 Egypte Afrique Y
Y - Not all the workers' representatives are protected. The Trade Unions Act No. 35/1976 (as amended) only protects members of the trade union boards from suspension or dismissal, except pursuant to a court decision (Art. 46).

- The employer cannot dismiss a woman during maternity leave (Article 92, LL).

- While the worker's total incapacity entails termination of the employment relationship; if the incapacity is partial, the employment relationship shall not be terminated unless it is demonstrated that there is no other available work which can be satisfactorily performed by the employee (art. 124 LL).
Y - Not all the workers' representatives are protected. The Trade Unions Act No. 35/1976 (as amended) only protects members of the trade union boards from suspension or dismissal, except pursuant to a court decision (Art. 46).

- The employer cannot dismiss a woman during maternity leave (Article 92, LL).

- While the worker's total incapacity entails termination of the employment relationship; if the incapacity is partial, the employment relationship shall not be terminated unless it is demonstrated that there is no other available work which can be satisfactorily performed by the employee (art. 124 LL).
Y - Not all the workers' representatives are protected. The Trade Unions Act No. 35/1976 (as amended) only protects members of the trade union boards from suspension or dismissal, except pursuant to a court decision (Art. 46).

- The employer cannot dismiss a woman during maternity leave (Article 92, LL).

- While the worker's total incapacity entails termination of the employment relationship; if the incapacity is partial, the employment relationship shall not be terminated unless it is demonstrated that there is no other available work which can be satisfactorily performed by the employee (art. 124 LL).
2017 Estonie Europe Y
Y - Pregnant women and workers with family responsibilities:
Art. 93 ECA prohibits the employer from making redundant a pregnant woman or a woman who has the right to pregnancy and maternity leave or a person who is on parental leave or on adoption leave, except in the event of cessation of activities or bankruptcy.
In addition, its is prohibited to dismiss a pregnant woman or a woman who has the right to pregnancy and maternity leave due to a decrease of the employee's capacity for work.
These prohibitions only apply if the employee has notified the employer of her pregnancy or the right to pregnancy and maternity leave before receipt of a cancellation notice or within 14 days thereafter.

- Workers' representatives:
Art. 94 ECA provides that before terminating an employment contract with the employees' representative, an employer must seek the opinions of the trade union or the employees who elected him/her the person to represent them or the trade union. The employer is required to take that opinion reasonably into account and to provide justification if he/she disregards the employees' opinion.
Y - Pregnant women and workers with family responsibilities:
Art. 93 ECA prohibits the employer from making redundant a pregnant woman or a woman who has the right to pregnancy and maternity leave or a person who is on parental leave or on adoption leave, except in the event of cessation of activities or bankruptcy.
In addition, its is prohibited to dismiss a pregnant woman or a woman who has the right to pregnancy and maternity leave due to a decrease of the employee's capacity for work.
These prohibitions only apply if the employee has notified the employer of her pregnancy or the right to pregnancy and maternity leave before receipt of a cancellation notice or within 14 days thereafter.

- Workers' representatives:
Art. 94 ECA provides that before terminating an employment contract with the employees' representative, an employer must seek the opinions of the trade union or the employees who elected him/her the person to represent them or the trade union. The employer is required to take that opinion reasonably into account and to provide justification if he/she disregards the employees' opinion.
Y - Pregnant women and workers with family responsibilities:
Art. 93 ECA prohibits the employer from making redundant a pregnant woman or a woman who has the right to pregnancy and maternity leave or a person who is on parental leave or on adoption leave, except in the event of cessation of activities or bankruptcy.
In addition, its is prohibited to dismiss a pregnant woman or a woman who has the right to pregnancy and maternity leave due to a decrease of the employee's capacity for work.
These prohibitions only apply if the employee has notified the employer of her pregnancy or the right to pregnancy and maternity leave before receipt of a cancellation notice or within 14 days thereafter.

- Workers' representatives:
Art. 94 ECA provides that before terminating an employment contract with the employees' representative, an employer must seek the opinions of the trade union or the employees who elected him/her the person to represent them or the trade union. The employer is required to take that opinion reasonably into account and to provide justification if he/she disregards the employees' opinion.
2017 Etats-Unis Amériques N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
2017 Macédoine du Nord Europe Y
Y Art. 101 LRA states that the employer shall not dismiss a woman during her pregnancy or while she is on a maternity leave, or during a leave of absence for child care.
This prohibition also applies to fathers on parental or adoption leave.

In addition, art. 200 LRA provides for a protection against dismissal for trade union representatives. A trade union representative can only be dismissed with the prior approval of the trade union. In case the trade union refuses to give approval, such approval can be given by the court. This protection applies during the whole period of the mandate and and at least two years after its expiration.
Y Art. 101 LRA states that the employer shall not dismiss a woman during her pregnancy or while she is on a maternity leave, or during a leave of absence for child care.
This prohibition also applies to fathers on parental or adoption leave.

In addition, art. 200 LRA provides for a protection against dismissal for trade union representatives. A trade union representative can only be dismissed with the prior approval of the trade union. In case the trade union refuses to give approval, such approval can be given by the court. This protection applies during the whole period of the mandate and and at least two years after its expiration.
Y Art. 101 LRA states that the employer shall not dismiss a woman during her pregnancy or while she is on a maternity leave, or during a leave of absence for child care.
This prohibition also applies to fathers on parental or adoption leave.

In addition, art. 200 LRA provides for a protection against dismissal for trade union representatives. A trade union representative can only be dismissed with the prior approval of the trade union. In case the trade union refuses to give approval, such approval can be given by the court. This protection applies during the whole period of the mandate and and at least two years after its expiration.
2017 Moldova, République de Europe Y
Y *Art. 87 LC: dismissal of trade union representative is admitted only with the preliminary consent of the trade union body.
Dismissal of a trade union member on certain grounds requires the preliminary consent of the trade union from the enterprise. In other cases, preliminary consultation with the trade union is required.

*Art. 251 LC: prohibits dismissal of pregnant women, women on maternity leave or child nursing leave and workers who are taking care of children under 6 except in the cases of
enterprise liquidation.
Y *Art. 87 LC: dismissal of trade union representative is admitted only with the preliminary consent of the trade union body.
Dismissal of a trade union member on certain grounds requires the preliminary consent of the trade union from the enterprise. In other cases, preliminary consultation with the trade union is required.

*Art. 251 LC: prohibits dismissal of pregnant women, women on maternity leave or child nursing leave and workers who are taking care of children under 6 except in the cases of
enterprise liquidation.
Y *Art. 87 LC: dismissal of trade union representative is admitted only with the preliminary consent of the trade union body.
Dismissal of a trade union member on certain grounds requires the preliminary consent of the trade union from the enterprise. In other cases, preliminary consultation with the trade union is required.

*Art. 251 LC: prohibits dismissal of pregnant women, women on maternity leave or child nursing leave and workers who are taking care of children under 6 except in the cases of
enterprise liquidation.
2017 Mongolie Asie Y
Y - Art. 100 LC prohibits the dismissal of pregnant women and mothers with children under the age of 3 except in the event of liquidation of the business or in the event of serious misconduct (repeated breach of disciplinary rules or serious breach of the employment contract and loss of trust in an employee responsible for assets or money due to an act or omission). This protection also applies to a single father with a child under the age of 3.
- In addition, the law prohibits the employer from dismissing or otherwise punish elected trade union representatives or elected non-union representatives who participate in a negotiation but who have not been relieved from their primary duties without obtaining the permission to do so from a competent authority. This protection applies to the entire negotiation process and until 1 year after negotiations have been completed (art. 12.8 LC).
Y - Art. 100 LC prohibits the dismissal of pregnant women and mothers with children under the age of 3 except in the event of liquidation of the business or in the event of serious misconduct (repeated breach of disciplinary rules or serious breach of the employment contract and loss of trust in an employee responsible for assets or money due to an act or omission). This protection also applies to a single father with a child under the age of 3.
- In addition, the law prohibits the employer from dismissing or otherwise punish elected trade union representatives or elected non-union representatives who participate in a negotiation but who have not been relieved from their primary duties without obtaining the permission to do so from a competent authority. This protection applies to the entire negotiation process and until 1 year after negotiations have been completed (art. 12.8 LC).
Y - Art. 100 LC prohibits the dismissal of pregnant women and mothers with children under the age of 3 except in the event of liquidation of the business or in the event of serious misconduct (repeated breach of disciplinary rules or serious breach of the employment contract and loss of trust in an employee responsible for assets or money due to an act or omission). This protection also applies to a single father with a child under the age of 3.
- In addition, the law prohibits the employer from dismissing or otherwise punish elected trade union representatives or elected non-union representatives who participate in a negotiation but who have not been relieved from their primary duties without obtaining the permission to do so from a competent authority. This protection applies to the entire negotiation process and until 1 year after negotiations have been completed (art. 12.8 LC).
2017 Sainte-Lucie Amériques Y
Y Section 153 Labour Act: (6) A notice of termination under subsection (1) shall not be given by an employer during an employee’s period of absence on any leave granted under any enactment force.
(7) for the purpose of subsection (6), leave includes paid annual leave, maternity leave, sick leave, leave for national service, leave for public duty and leave for serious family responsibilities.

See also:
Section 101 LA: An y notice of termination of employment given by an employer to an employee during a vacation leave shall be void and of no effect.
Y Section 153 Labour Act: (6) A notice of termination under subsection (1) shall not be given by an employer during an employee’s period of absence on any leave granted under any enactment force.
(7) for the purpose of subsection (6), leave includes paid annual leave, maternity leave, sick leave, leave for national service, leave for public duty and leave for serious family responsibilities.

See also:
Section 101 LA: An y notice of termination of employment given by an employer to an employee during a vacation leave shall be void and of no effect.
Y Section 153 Labour Act: (6) A notice of termination under subsection (1) shall not be given by an employer during an employee’s period of absence on any leave granted under any enactment force.
(7) for the purpose of subsection (6), leave includes paid annual leave, maternity leave, sick leave, leave for national service, leave for public duty and leave for serious family responsibilities.

See also:
Section 101 LA: An y notice of termination of employment given by an employer to an employee during a vacation leave shall be void and of no effect.
Y Section 153 Labour Act: (6) A notice of termination under subsection (1) shall not be given by an employer during an employee’s period of absence on any leave granted under any enactment force.
(7) for the purpose of subsection (6), leave includes paid annual leave, maternity leave, sick leave, leave for national service, leave for public duty and leave for serious family responsibilities.

See also:
Section 101 LA: An y notice of termination of employment given by an employer to an employee during a vacation leave shall be void and of no effect.
Y Section 153 Labour Act: (6) A notice of termination under subsection (1) shall not be given by an employer during an employee’s period of absence on any leave granted under any enactment force.
(7) for the purpose of subsection (6), leave includes paid annual leave, maternity leave, sick leave, leave for national service, leave for public duty and leave for serious family responsibilities.

See also:
Section 101 LA: An y notice of termination of employment given by an employer to an employee during a vacation leave shall be void and of no effect.
2017 Suède Europe N N N N Y
Y See for example, sec. 8 of the Trade Union Representatives (Status at the Workplace) Act, 1974 on priority to continued employment in connection with redundancies.
See also sec. 30 EPA on the obligation of the employer to consult the employee and the local organisation of employees to which the employee belongs concerning the measure to which the information and the notice relate. This shall apply provided that such consultations are requested not more than one week after the information was given.
NOTE: About 70% of the workers in Sweden are union members.
2018 Antigua-et-Barbuda Amériques N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
2018 Arménie Europe Y
Y Art. 119 provides that any elected representative of workers may be dismissed only with the authorization by the representative body of workers.
On temporary work incapacity, see art. 118 LC
Y Art. 119 provides that any elected representative of workers may be dismissed only with the authorization by the representative body of workers.
On temporary work incapacity, see art. 118 LC
Y Art. 119 provides that any elected representative of workers may be dismissed only with the authorization by the representative body of workers.
On temporary work incapacity, see art. 118 LC
Y Art. 119 provides that any elected representative of workers may be dismissed only with the authorization by the representative body of workers.
On temporary work incapacity, see art. 118 LC
2018 Botswana Afrique Y
Y Sec. 23(b) of the EA provides that an employer may not terminate the employment contract of an employee seeking office, as or acting or having acted in the capacity of an employees' representative;

Sec. 116 EA. prohibits the dismissal of employees during maternity leave, and/or during leave of absence a longer period due to illness related to pregnancy or childbirth.
Y Sec. 23(b) of the EA provides that an employer may not terminate the employment contract of an employee seeking office, as or acting or having acted in the capacity of an employees' representative;

Sec. 116 EA. prohibits the dismissal of employees during maternity leave, and/or during leave of absence a longer period due to illness related to pregnancy or childbirth.
2018 Cambodge Asie Y
Y Sec. 293-295 LC
The dismissal of a shop steward or a candidate for shop steward can take place only after authorization from the Labor Inspector. Protection extended to former shop steward who relinquished their position for less than six months (sec. 282 LC).

Sec. 67 Trade Union Law
All workers who stand as candidates for elected leadership [and] management positions shall enjoy the same protection from victimization and dismissal as shop stewards. Such protection begins 45 (forty-five) days prior to the election and ends 45 (forty-five) days after the election if he or she is not elected. In order to enjoy such protection, the union shall notify the employer of the candidacy and submit a copy to the Ministry in charge of Labor, by any Unofficial Translation Page 25 of 39 certified means. The employer shall only be required to comply with these provisions once for each election of union leadership.

Sec. 182 LC: The employer is prohibited from laying off women during their maternity leave or at a date when the end of the notice period would fall during the maternity leave". This protection only applies during maternity leave and not the entire pregnancy.
Y Sec. 293-295 LC
The dismissal of a shop steward or a candidate for shop steward can take place only after authorization from the Labor Inspector. Protection extended to former shop steward who relinquished their position for less than six months (sec. 282 LC).

Sec. 67 Trade Union Law
All workers who stand as candidates for elected leadership [and] management positions shall enjoy the same protection from victimization and dismissal as shop stewards. Such protection begins 45 (forty-five) days prior to the election and ends 45 (forty-five) days after the election if he or she is not elected. In order to enjoy such protection, the union shall notify the employer of the candidacy and submit a copy to the Ministry in charge of Labor, by any Unofficial Translation Page 25 of 39 certified means. The employer shall only be required to comply with these provisions once for each election of union leadership.

Sec. 182 LC: The employer is prohibited from laying off women during their maternity leave or at a date when the end of the notice period would fall during the maternity leave". This protection only applies during maternity leave and not the entire pregnancy.
2018 Malaisie Asie Y
Y *Maternity leave and pregnancy: Section 37 (4) has been inserted in the EA in 2012 and it states that dismissing an employee during maternity leave constitutes an offence (former section 40 (3) EA). Unlike the previous Section 40 (3) EA (which now has been deleted), sec. 37 (4) of the amended EA provides that the prohibition of dismissal during maternity leave does not apply to termination on the grounds of the closure of the employer's business.
Prior to the 2012 amendments the provisions on maternity leave were applicable to female employees depending on their wages. As of April 2012, a new Section 44A has been introduced in the EA, and it states that maternity leave entitlements are now extended to all female employees, irrespective of their wage.
Constitutes also an offence the dismissal of a female employee who remains absent from work after the expiration of the protection period as a result of illness arising out of her pregnancy or confinement (sec. 42 (1) EA).

Special protection for local/national employees:
Sec. 60M EA provides that "no employer shall terminate the contract of service of a local employee for the purpose of employing a foreign employee."
Sec. 60N EA provides that "where an employer is required to reduce his workforce by reason of redundancy necessitating the retrenchment of any number of employees, the employer shall not terminate the services of a local employee unless he has first terminated the services of all foreign employees employed by him in a capacity similar to that of the local employee."
Y *Maternity leave and pregnancy: Section 37 (4) has been inserted in the EA in 2012 and it states that dismissing an employee during maternity leave constitutes an offence (former section 40 (3) EA). Unlike the previous Section 40 (3) EA (which now has been deleted), sec. 37 (4) of the amended EA provides that the prohibition of dismissal during maternity leave does not apply to termination on the grounds of the closure of the employer's business.
Prior to the 2012 amendments the provisions on maternity leave were applicable to female employees depending on their wages. As of April 2012, a new Section 44A has been introduced in the EA, and it states that maternity leave entitlements are now extended to all female employees, irrespective of their wage.
Constitutes also an offence the dismissal of a female employee who remains absent from work after the expiration of the protection period as a result of illness arising out of her pregnancy or confinement (sec. 42 (1) EA).

Special protection for local/national employees:
Sec. 60M EA provides that "no employer shall terminate the contract of service of a local employee for the purpose of employing a foreign employee."
Sec. 60N EA provides that "where an employer is required to reduce his workforce by reason of redundancy necessitating the retrenchment of any number of employees, the employer shall not terminate the services of a local employee unless he has first terminated the services of all foreign employees employed by him in a capacity similar to that of the local employee."
2013 Emirats Arabes Unis Etats arabes N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y
Y - UAE national employees:
National employee account for a tiny proportion of the workforce in the private sector. [Some sources refer to 0.3%, (see:http://www.uaeinteract.com/docs/Emiratis_in_private_sector_make_0.3_percent_of_workforce/36439.htm) other to 7 % (see: http://story.arabherald.com/index.php/ct/9/cid/-e3942fd745a4fbc9/id/45389170/)]
Article 1 of the Decision 176 states that dismissal of a UAE national employee will be regarded as "illegal" (literally "without legal ground") in one of the following four circumstances:
On February 2009, a Ministerial Resolution No 176 restricting the conditions for dismissing a UAE national employees was adopted. This decision provides that the dismissal of a UAE national is unlawful in one of the following 4 circumstances:
1) where the UAE employee is dismissed for reasons other than those mentioned in Article 120 of the FLLR (i.e for reasons other those allowing for summary dismissal);
2) if it is proven that the employer retains a non-UAE national who is performing work similar to that performed by the dismissed UAE national;
3) the employer failed to inform the Ministry of Labour 30 days prior to the dismissal, or failed to comply with the Ministry's instructions within the designated times; and
4) if it is proven that the UAE employee was not paid the full compensation due to him and the payment of his full retirement benefits as specified in the Federal Law on Labour Relations, its implementing regulations, the contract of employment or any other contractually binding document.
Art. 3 of that Decision sets out the consequence of a violation of the Decision as follows: if the Ministry of Labour considers that the termination of the UAE national was unlawful it will inform the employer as which will then have 15 days to resolve the dispute with the UAE employee according to the directives of the Ministry. If the employer fails to resolve the dispute within this period, the matter is referred immediately to the relevant court and the Ministry will put stop issuing new labour permits (requested by the employer) until the court renders a final judgment in the matter.
(Note that the Ministerial Decision No. 176/2009 is not available in English but is summarized in Hadef and Partner, "Employment of UAE Nationals", 31 May 2009. The link to this article is provided below under "Scope of additional information")

- Workers on temporary sick leave:
The FFLR prohibits the dismissal of a worker on the ground that he or she is medically unfit to work before the worker exhausts all the periods of leave to which he entitled under the law (art. 124). Furthermore, an employer shall not dismiss a worker or serve a notice of dismissal while the worker is on annual leave or sick leave except in circumstances entailing summary dismissal (art. 90 FLLR).
Y - UAE national employees:
National employee account for a tiny proportion of the workforce in the private sector. [Some sources refer to 0.3%, (see:http://www.uaeinteract.com/docs/Emiratis_in_private_sector_make_0.3_percent_of_workforce/36439.htm) other to 7 % (see: http://story.arabherald.com/index.php/ct/9/cid/-e3942fd745a4fbc9/id/45389170/)]
Article 1 of the Decision 176 states that dismissal of a UAE national employee will be regarded as "illegal" (literally "without legal ground") in one of the following four circumstances:
On February 2009, a Ministerial Resolution No 176 restricting the conditions for dismissing a UAE national employees was adopted. This decision provides that the dismissal of a UAE national is unlawful in one of the following 4 circumstances:
1) where the UAE employee is dismissed for reasons other than those mentioned in Article 120 of the FLLR (i.e for reasons other those allowing for summary dismissal);
2) if it is proven that the employer retains a non-UAE national who is performing work similar to that performed by the dismissed UAE national;
3) the employer failed to inform the Ministry of Labour 30 days prior to the dismissal, or failed to comply with the Ministry's instructions within the designated times; and
4) if it is proven that the UAE employee was not paid the full compensation due to him and the payment of his full retirement benefits as specified in the Federal Law on Labour Relations, its implementing regulations, the contract of employment or any other contractually binding document.
Art. 3 of that Decision sets out the consequence of a violation of the Decision as follows: if the Ministry of Labour considers that the termination of the UAE national was unlawful it will inform the employer as which will then have 15 days to resolve the dispute with the UAE employee according to the directives of the Ministry. If the employer fails to resolve the dispute within this period, the matter is referred immediately to the relevant court and the Ministry will put stop issuing new labour permits (requested by the employer) until the court renders a final judgment in the matter.
(Note that the Ministerial Decision No. 176/2009 is not available in English but is summarized in Hadef and Partner, "Employment of UAE Nationals", 31 May 2009. The link to this article is provided below under "Scope of additional information")

- Workers on temporary sick leave:
The FFLR prohibits the dismissal of a worker on the ground that he or she is medically unfit to work before the worker exhausts all the periods of leave to which he entitled under the law (art. 124). Furthermore, an employer shall not dismiss a worker or serve a notice of dismissal while the worker is on annual leave or sick leave except in circumstances entailing summary dismissal (art. 90 FLLR).
2013 Ethiopie Afrique Y
Y Art. 87 (5) LP: Prohibition to dismiss women workers during pregnancy and maternity leave (up 4 months after childbirth) except in case of serious misconduct (summary dismissal) and as a "last resort" in case of economic dismissal. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
2013 République arabe syrienne Etats arabes Y
Y Art. 57(a) LL provides that "no notice of termination shall be served upon female workers while on maternity leave, or upon workers while on leave. The notice period shall be calculated starting the day after the end of the leave or maternity leave."
See also article 122 LL: No employer may dismiss a female worker or terminate her contract while on maternity leave.
2013 Yémen Etats arabes Y
Y Pursuant to Article 37(1) LC, dismissal of a worker is forbidden during any of the worker's leave provided for in the LC.
* This protection covers maternity leave but not the entire period of pregnancy. The LC originally provided for a 60 day maternity leave (art. 45 LC). According to the latest amendment to the LC dated April 2008 (not available in English), women are now entitled to a 70 day maternity leave.
* The protection against dismissal also covers workers in sick sick leave (for ordinary sickness and occupational disease and work injury regulated art. 80 to 83 LC).
Y Pursuant to Article 37(1) LC, dismissal of a worker is forbidden during any of the worker's leave provided for in the LC.
* This protection covers maternity leave but not the entire period of pregnancy. The LC originally provided for a 60 day maternity leave (art. 45 LC). According to the latest amendment to the LC dated April 2008 (not available in English), women are now entitled to a 70 day maternity leave.
* The protection against dismissal also covers workers in sick sick leave (for ordinary sickness and occupational disease and work injury regulated art. 80 to 83 LC).
2020 Ghana Afrique Y
Y Art 57(8): An employer shall not dismiss a woman worker because of her absence from work on maternity leave.
Art. 12 WA: “A whistleblower shall not be subjected to victimisation by the employer of the whistleblower or by a fellow employee or by another person because a disclosure has been made.” According to Art. 12(2), a whistleblower is subjected to victimisaton if they are dismissed.
2020 Montenegro Europe Y
Y See Article 173 provisions on protection against dismissals.
Y See Article 173 provisions on protection against dismissals.
Y See Article 173 provisions on protection against dismissals.
Y See Article 173 provisions on protection against dismissals.
Y See Article 173 provisions on protection against dismissals.
2020 Nigéria Afrique Y
Y Sec. 54(4) LA prohibits the employer from giving a notice of dismissal to a woman during her maternity leave (6 weeks before the delivery of the child and 6 weeks after). This prohibition also apply to a women who is absent from her work for a longer period as a result of illness certified by a registered medical practitioner to arise out of her pregnancy or confinement and to render her unfit for work.
2010 Iran, République islamique d' Asie N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
2012 Viet Nam Asie Y
Y Art. 39, Art. 111: Prohibition to dismiss:
- a worker under treatment as a result of sickness, labour accident or occupational disease except in case of force majeure;
- pregnant women, women on maternity leave, and women taking care of a child under 12 months of age, except for business reasons.
Art. 155(4) LC: In order to dismiss a member of the executive committee of the local trade union, the employer must obtain the consent from this committee.
Y Art. 39, Art. 111: Prohibition to dismiss:
- a worker under treatment as a result of sickness, labour accident or occupational disease except in case of force majeure;
- pregnant women, women on maternity leave, and women taking care of a child under 12 months of age, except for business reasons.
Art. 155(4) LC: In order to dismiss a member of the executive committee of the local trade union, the employer must obtain the consent from this committee.
Y Art. 39, Art. 111: Prohibition to dismiss:
- a worker under treatment as a result of sickness, labour accident or occupational disease except in case of force majeure;
- pregnant women, women on maternity leave, and women taking care of a child under 12 months of age, except for business reasons.
Art. 155(4) LC: In order to dismiss a member of the executive committee of the local trade union, the employer must obtain the consent from this committee.
Y Art. 39, Art. 111: Prohibition to dismiss:
- a worker under treatment as a result of sickness, labour accident or occupational disease except in case of force majeure;
- pregnant women, women on maternity leave, and women taking care of a child under 12 months of age, except for business reasons.
Art. 155(4) LC: In order to dismiss a member of the executive committee of the local trade union, the employer must obtain the consent from this committee.

Over 60% of EPLex countries have special protections for workers’ representatives

  • Special protection for workers’ representatives
  • No special protection
  • No data