In order to dismiss a worker, an employer usually has to follow a set of legally mandated procedures, such as providing notice. Convention No. 158 provides that the “worker whose employment is to be terminated shall be entitled to a reasonable period of notice or compensation in lieu thereof, unless he is guilty of serious misconduct” (Art.11). The purpose of this obligation is to lessen the negative effects of an immediate termination of a person’s employment.” Such notice is also intended to enable the worker to prepare for the upcoming job loss and to allow job search. Recommendation No. 166 additionally provides that, during the period of notice, the worker should be entitled to a reasonable amount of time off without loss of pay at times that are convenient to both parties, so that the worker may look for other employment (para. 16). The specific length of the notice period is left to be determined by national practice.

Recommendation No. 166 also identifies procedures that may be followed prior to, or at the time of, termination. For example, it provides that the employer should notify a worker in writing of a decision to terminate employment, and that the worker should, on request, be entitled to receive a written statement from the employer of the reason or reasons for termination (paras. 12 and 13). The Recommendation envisages the possibility of employers consulting workers’ representatives before a final decision is taken on individual cases of termination of employment (para. 11). Workers must also normally have the right to appeal before an impartial body, such as a court, labour tribunal, arbitration committee or arbitrator (C. 158, Art.8).

Show data for

Approximately 80% of EPLex countries require a written notification to the worker to be dismissed

  • Written notification required
  • No specific form required
  • No data

Procedural requirements for individual dismissals

Year(s) Country Region Notification to the worker to be dismissed Pay in lieu of notice Notification to the public administration Notification to workers' representatives Approval by public administration or judicial bodies Approval by workers' representatives
2019 Afghanistan Afghanistan Asia
no specific form required
no specific form required Art. 23(4) LC provides for the employer's obligation to notify the employee of his/her dismissal within 1 month but does not specify the form of such notification. N N Y
Y Art. 25(1) LC: The employer is required to provide a list of employees who have been dismissed on any legal ground (conduct, capacity, economic reasons - see "valid grounds") to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs or its provincial offices. This list which aims at assisting employees in job placement shall indicate the work experience, qualification, speciality, and skills of each employee. N N N N N N
2019 Algeria Algeria Africa
written Any disciplinary dismissal (summary dismissal for serious misconduct) shall be notified in writing (Art. 73-2 LRA). A prior oral interview is also required.<br/>The law does not specify the form of notification for dismissals based on economic grounds.<br/>However, under the Collective Framework Agreement (CFA) of 2006, the dismissal decision shall be notified to the employee in writing (art 66 CFA). The CFA also requires the employer to conduct an oral interview with the employee prior to any dismissal not resulting from a workforce reduction (art. 64 CFA).<br/>_______________________________<br/>Tout licenciement disciplinaire (licenciement sans préavis pour faute grave) doit être notifié par écrit (art. 73-2 LRA). Une entrevue orale préalable est également requise. La loi ne précise pas la forme de notification pour les licenciements fondés sur des motifs économiques.<br/>Toutefois, en vertu de la convention collective (CCT) de 2006, la décision de licenciement doit être notifiée par écrit à l&apos;employé (art. 66 CCT). La Convention collective exige également que l&apos;employeur tienne une entrevue orale avec l&apos;employé avant tout congédiement ne résultant pas d&apos;une réduction d&apos;effectifs (art. 64 CCT). Y
Y Art. 73-6 LRA.<br/> N N N N N N N N
2019 Angola Angola Africa
written - Individual economic dismissal: art. 212 GLA.<br/>- Disciplinary dismissal: art. 50(2) GLA.<br/> Y
Y Art. 234(3) GLA: Pay in lieu of notice for individual economic dismissal.<br/>No notice for disciplinary dismissal. Y
Y - Individual economic dismissals (= those concerning up to 20 workers):<br/>Art. 211 GLA: Notification to the General Labour Inspectorate. Such notification shall include:<br/>- a description of the economic, technological and structural reasons underlying the collective dismissal;<br/>- the positions affected and number of workers to be dismissed;<br/>- the intended measures relating to the reorganization or the reduction of activities;<br/>- the number of workers affected by the dismissal;<br/>- the selection criteria;<br/>- the possibility or not to transfer those workers to other positions;<br/> - other information necessary to assess the situation, the necessity and the size of the dismissal.<br/>The General Labour Inspectorate can initiate an investigation in order to clarify the facts within 15 days after receiving the notification (art. 211 GLA).<br/><br/>- Disciplinary dismissals: no such prior notification to the administration, except for war veterans, minors and workers with a limited occupational disability degree of 20% or above (see art. 207 (3) and (4) GLA)<br/> N N No requirement to notify workers&apos; representatives.<br/><br/>In disciplinary dismissals, no such notification required. However, the employee has the right to be assisted by up to three witnesses that can be employees or members of the trade union to which he or she is affiliated during the preliminary interview (art. 48(2) GLA). If the employee is a trade union member or a workers&apos; representative, a copy of the dismissal notice shall be sent to the trade union or the representative body concerned (art. 50(3) GLA). N N - Individual economic dismissals (= those concerning less than 20 workers): Within 15 days after being notified, the General Labour Inspectorate can initiate an investigation in order to clarify the facts (art. 211 GLA).<br/><br/>- Disciplinary dismissals: no approval by the administration, except for war veterans, minors and workers with a limited occupational disability degree of 20% or above (see art. 207 (3) and (4) GLA)<br/> N N - Individual economic dismissal (= those concerning less than 20 workers): Workers and their representatives may go to court if they disagree with the decision. <br/>- Disciplinary dismissals: no approval required.<br/>
2018 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda Americas
no specific form required
no specific form required The LC does not specify whether the employer&apos;s notice of termination shall be written or not (see. sec. C9 LC).<br/>The employer is however required to furnish a written statement indicating the precise reason for the termination, upon a request by the employee within seven days of termination or notice thereof (sec. C10 LC as amended by sec. 8 LCA). Y
Y See sec. C9(4) LC.<br/> N N N N N N N N
2019 Argentina Argentina The notice period requirements do not apply to dismissals for &quot;just cause&quot;.<br/>The only procedural requirement for dismissal for &quot;just cause&quot; is the submission of written notice of the fact of dismissal with a clear indication of the grounds invoked for the termination of the contract. There is no legally prescribed time limit for the submission of this notice. Americas
written Art. 235 LCL. Y
Y Art. 232 LCL. N N Decree 1043/2018 ( 12/11/2018) establishes the following temporary provisions: <br/>ARTu00cdCULO 6.- Establu00e9cese, hasta el 31 de marzo de 2019, un procedimiento por el cual los empleadores, antes de disponer despidos sin justa causa de trabajadores con contratos de trabajo por tiempo indeterminado, deberu00e1n comunicar la decisiu00f3n al MINISTERIO DE PRODUCCIu00d3N Y TRABAJO con una anticipaciu00f3n no menor a DIEZ (10) du00edas hu00e1biles previo a hacerla efectiva.<br/>ARTu00cdCULO 7.- El MINISTERIO DE PRODUCCIu00d3N Y TRABAJO, de oficio o a peticiu00f3n de parte, podru00e1 convocar al empleador y al trabajador junto con la asistencia gremial pertinente, a fin de celebrar durante el plazo fijado en el artu00edculo 6 del presente, las audiencias que estime necesarias para considerar las condiciones en que se llevaru00e1 a cabo la futura extinciu00f3n laboral.<br/>ARTu00cdCULO 8.- El incumplimiento de lo establecido en el presente capu00edtulo daru00e1 lugar a la aplicaciu00f3n de las sanciones previstas en el Anexo II de la Ley Nu00b0 25.212 y sus modificatorias.<br/>ARTu00cdCULO 9.- Exceptu00faase del procedimiento establecido en el presente capu00edtulo, al personal de la Industria de la Construcciu00f3n, contratado en los tu00e9rminos de la Ley Nu00b0 22.250.<br/>Source: <br/> N N N N N N
2018 Armenia Armenia Europe
written Art. 115 LC Y
Y Art. 115 LC - in case of non-respect of the notice period, the employer must compensate the worker for each day of the notice period on the basis of worker&apos; average wage. N N N N N N Art. 119 provides that any elected representative of workers may be dismissed only with the prior consent of representative body of workers. N N
2019 Australia Australia Asia
written s117(1) FWA: &quot;an employer must not terminate an employee&apos;s employment unless the employer has given the employee written notice of the day of the termination&quot;. Y
Y s117(2) b) FWA. N N N N N N N N
2019 Austria Austria Europe
no specific form required
no specific form required No specific form required in the legislation.<br/> N N No statutory provision.<br/>ILO country profile - termination of employment - on Austria: In current court practice, when the mandatory notice period is not respected, the dismissal is treated as an &quot;unfounded premature dismissal&quot; and the employee is entitled to wages he would have received had the regular notice period been respected. N N Y
Y Sec. 105 (2) WCA<br/>Prior notification to and consultation with the works council, which has 5 days to react. Whether or not the council has objected to the dismissal or has dealt with the case on time affects the possibilities to lodge an appeal, but does not prevent the dismissal from taking effects. However, the procedure is rather complex. For further details, see relevant provisions. N N N N
2019 Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Europe
written Article 75 LC provides that the employer has to comply with the employment contract in writing. No explicit provision in the LC stating that the notification has to come in writing. Y
Y Art. 77 (4) LC N N N N N N N N However, according to art. 80 LC, the employer has to obtain the authorization of the trade union to dismiss a member of that trade union.
2019 Bangladesh Bangladesh Asia
written - Retrenchment: sec. 20(1) LA<br/>- Dismissal (on the ground of serious misconduct): sec. 24 LA<br/>- Termination by the employer with notice without a cause: sec. 26(1) LA. Y
Y The employer can opt for paying the wages for the period of notice in the following cases:<br/>- Retrenchment (sec. 20(1) LA)<br/>- Termination by the employer without a cause (that is termination by the employer otherwise than by dismissal (conduct-related), discharge (capacity-related) or retrenchment) (sec. 26(3) LA) N N Except in the event of an economic dismissal (retrenchment): sec. 20(2)b) LA, dealt below under &quot;Procedural requirement for collective dismissals for economic reasons&quot;.<br/>The Labour Inspection must be immediately notified in case of dismissals of workers due to illegal strikes. Otherwise there are no notification obligations (sec. 25(1) Labour Rules, 2015). N N Except in the event of an economic dismissal (retrenchment): sec. 20(2)b) LA, dealt below under &quot;Procedural requirement for collective dismissals for economic reasons&quot;. N N N N
2019 Belgium Belgium Europe
written Art. 37 (1) and 37 (2) para. 1 ECA Y
Y Permanent contracts:<br/> Art. 39 (1) ECA<br/> Section 1. Si le contrat a u00e9tu00e9 conclu pour une duru00e9e indu00e9terminu00e9e, la partie qui ru00e9silie le contrat sans motif grave ou sans respecter le du00e9lai de pru00e9avis (...) est tenue de payer u00e0 l&apos;autre partie une indemnitu00e9 u00e9gale u00e0 la ru00e9munu00e9ration en cours correspondant soit u00e0 la duru00e9e du du00e9lai de pru00e9avis, soit u00e0 la partie de ce du00e9lai restant u00e0 courir.<br/><br/> Art. 39ter. [1 Par secteur d&apos;activitu00e9,(...) une convention collective de travail doit, au plus tard le 1er janvier 2019, pru00e9voir qu&apos;un travailleur dont le contrat de travail est rompu par l&apos;employeur moyennant un pru00e9avis (...) d&apos;au moins 30 semaines (...) a droit u00e0 un ensemble de mesures (...).<br/><br/> Fixed-term contracts:<br/> Art. 40.1 Paragraph 1er. Si le contrat a u00e9tu00e9 conclu pour une duru00e9e du00e9terminu00e9e ou pour un travail nettement du00e9fini, la partie qui ru00e9silie le contrat avant terme et sans motif grave est tenue de payer u00e0 l&apos;autre une indemnitu00e9 u00e9gale au montant de la ru00e9munu00e9ration qui restait u00e0 u00e9choir jusqu&apos;u00e0 ce terme, sans que ce montant puisse toutefois excu00e9der le double de la ru00e9munu00e9ration correspondant u00e0 la duru00e9e du du00e9lai de pru00e9avis qui aurait du00fb u00eatre respectu00e9 si le contrat avait u00e9tu00e9 conclu sans terme.<br/> Paragraph 2. Par du00e9rogation au paragraphe 1er, lorsque le contrat est conclu pour une duru00e9e du00e9terminu00e9e ou pour un travail nettement du00e9fini, chacune des parties peut ru00e9silier le contrat avant terme et sans motif grave durant la premiu00e8re moitiu00e9 de la duru00e9e convenue et sans que la pu00e9riode durant laquelle un pru00e9avis est possible ne du00e9passe six mois, et ce moyennant le respect des du00e9lais de pru00e9avis pru00e9vus u00e0 l&apos;article 37/2. N N N N Except for protected workers. N N N N
2019 Bolivia Bolivia Americas
no specific form required
no specific form required Y
Y Art. 12 of the Labour Code N N N N N N N N
2018 Botswana Botswana Africa
written Sec. 18 (5) of the EA : Subject to the notice period specified in the employment contract, a written notice of intention to terminate the contract shall be given to the employee on a working day that will be included in the notice period. However, it may also be given orally by either party if he is illiterate. See sec. 26 EA for conditions under which an employer may terminate an employment contract without notice. Y
Y Sec. 19 (a) of the EA. either party to a contract of employment may terminate the contract without giving such notice by paying to the other party a sum equal to the amount of basic pay which would otherwise have accrued to the employee during the minimum lawful period of such notice. Y
Y Sec. 25(2) of the EA: when an employer forms an intention to terminate contracts of employment for the purpose of reducing the size of his work force, he shall forthwith give written notice of that intention to the Commissioner.<br/><br/>A &quot;Commissioner&quot; means in the EA the Commissioner of Labour referred to in section 3 or any person acting in or lawfully performing the functions of his office. N N N N N N
2019 Brazil Brazil Americas
no specific form required
no specific form required Y
Y Art. 487(1) CLL: If the employer fails to give due notice, the employee is entitled to his or her wages for the period of notice, and that period is always deemed to be included in the period of employment. N N No prior notification as such.<br/>(Art. 477 (1) was derogated by Law 13467, 2017) N N N N N N
2019 Bulgaria Bulgaria Europe
written Art. 328 (1) LC Y
Y Art. 220 LC N N N N N N However pursuant to art. 333 (1) LC, prior consent of the labour inspectorate is required : <br/>1) when the dismissal is based on certain grounds: partial closing down of the enterprise or staff cuts, lack of the qualities required for the performance of the work, lack of qualification following changes in the requirements for the job, disciplinary dismissals <br/>and <br/>2) for workers benefiting from special protection: mothers of children under 3 years, women whose husband are serving their compulsory military service, employees with reduced capacity for work who have been reassigned and disabled persons, employees suffering from certain diseases.<br/><br/>For pregnant women, prior consent of the labour inspectorate is required in case of disciplinary dismissal (art. 333 (5) LC). N N
2019 Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Africa
written Art. 65 LC Y
Y Art. 68 LC N N Exept in the case of a dismissal of a workers&apos; representative: Art. 314 LC. N N N N However, such approval is mandatory in the event of a dismissal of a workers&apos; representative: art. 314 LC. N N
2018 Cambodia Cambodia Asia
written Y
Y Sec. 77 LC. Y
Y Sec. 21 LC : compulsory written notification to the Ministry of Labour every time an employer hires or dismisses a worker. N N N N Except for a shop steward or a candidate for a shop steward (sec.293 LC). N N
2019 Cameroon Cameroon Africa
written Art. 34 (1) LC Y
Y Art. 36(1) LC N N Exceptions: <br/>Notification is mandatory prior to any:<br/>* individual dismissal on economic grounds (art 40 (6) LC) <br/>* dismissal of a worker&apos;s representative (art. 130 LC). N N Exception:<br/>Notification is mandatory prior to any individual dismissal on economic grounds: art. 40 (3) and (6) LC. N N Exception: any dismissal of a worker&apos;s representatives shall be approved by the competent administrative authority: art. 130 LC and 40(7) LC.<br/> N N
2012 Canada (Federal only) Canada (Federal only) Americas
written Sec. 230(1)a) CLC. Y
Y Sec. 230(1)b) CLC. N N N N However, notification to the trade union is foreseen by sec. 230(2) CLC in one specific situation namely where an employee bound by a collective agreement and whose position becomes redundant is authorized to displace an employee with less seniority. In that case, the employer must give at least two weeks&apos; notice in writing to the trade union and the employee whose position becomes redundant and post a copy of the notice in a conspicuous place within the industrial establishment in which the employee is employed. Alternately, the employer may, as a result of the redundancy of the position, terminate the employment provided that he or she gives two week&apos;s wages to the employee. N N N N
2019 Central African Republic Central African Republic Africa
written Art. 138 LC. Y
Y Art. 151 LC. N N Except in the event of a dismissal of a workers&apos; representative for which prior authorization of the Labour Inspector is required: Art. 89 LC. N N N N Except in the event of a dismissal of a worker&apos;s representatives for which prior authorization of the Labour Inspector is required: Art. 89 LC. N N
2019 Chile Chile Americas
written See art. 161 and 162 LC. Y
Y - Economic dismissal: art. 162 LC<br/>- Desahucio: art. 161 LC Y
Y Notification to the Labour Inspectorate, at the time the worker receives the dismissal notice is required for any type of dismissal.<br/>* Conduct-based dismissal: art. 162<br/>* Dismissal based on the requirements of the undertaking: art. 162 LC.<br/>* Dismissal without cause in the cases established in article 161 (desahucio): art. 161 LC. N N N N However, judicial authorization is required when the employer intends to dismiss workers who benefit from the &quot;fuero laboral&quot; (art. 174 LC - see special protection) N N
2017 China China Asia
written Art. 40 ECL. Y
Y Art. 40 ECL. N N Y
Y Art. 43 ECL. N N N N However, according to art. 43 ECL, if the employer has violated the laws, administrative regulations, or provisions of the employment contract, the trade union has the right to demand that the employer rectifies the matter. The employer shall consider the trade union&apos;s opinion and notify it in writing on how it handled the matter.
2019 Colombia Colombia Americas
no specific form required
no specific form required Article 66 of Labour Code provides that the party that unilaterally terminates the employment contract must state to the other at the time of termination the cause or motive that motivates it to make that determination, except in the event that there is a reservation clause. N N N N N N N N The only situtions in which is necessary an approval of a Labour Judge for a dismissal are the ones concerning the workers who enjoy special protection. N N
2019 Comoros Comoros Africa
written Article 48 of the Labour Code [Note: the article number has changed in the new LC (former art. 50, now art. 48), but its content has remained unchanged]. Y
Y Article 52 of the Labour Code (former art. 54). [Note: article 52 of the new LC now explicitly uses the term &quot;compensation in lieu of notice&quot; to refer to such payment]. N N However, any dismissal of a worker&apos;s representative shall be notified to and approved by the Labour Tribunal (article 203 of the Labour Code [former art. 183]). N N N N However, any dismissal of a worker&apos;s representative shall be notified to and approved by the Labour Tribunal (article 203 of the Labour Code [former art. 183]). N N
2019 Congo, Democratic Republic Congo, Democratic Republic Africa
written Art. 76 LC. Y
Y Art. 63 LC. Y
Y The LC only requires the employer to notify the administration in event of an economic dismissal (art. 78 LC).<br/><b>New in April 2010</b>:<br/>However, the new Ministerial Order No. 006/CAB/PVPM/ETPS/2010 regulating the procedures for reporting hiring and termination of a worker of 1 st April 2010 provides that the employer shall report any termination of a worker for whatever reasons to the regional office of the labour inspection and the regional office of the national employment agency within 48 hours (art. 1). Note that the same procedure applies to hiring a worker. N N Except in case of economic dismissals (art. 78 LC). N N N N
2019 Costa Rica Costa Rica Americas
no specific form required
no specific form required Although the law does not provide a statutory form of communication of the termination, article 35 provides that, if requested by the worker, a written declaration shall be provided, containing information related to the duration of the contract, type of work, performance and reasons for termination.<br/>However, if the termination happened due to disciplinary reasons, the mentioned written communication is mandatory. Y
Y Article 28 of Labour Code provides that in case the prior notice cannot be given in working days, it will be compensated with respective salary. N N N N N N In the private employment regime, due process is not required before dismissal. Only in the case of workers with special protection is it necessary to process and obtain judicial or administrative authorization prior to applying the disciplinary dismissal (art. 540 Labour Code after the 2016 Reform) N N There is no legal norm, but it can be regulated by collective bargaining agreement
2019 Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire Africa
written Art. 18.4 LC. Y
Y L&apos;article 18.7 du Code du travail dispose que &quot;toute rupture de contrat u00e0 duru00e9e indu00e9terminu00e9e, sans pru00e9avis ou sans que le du00e9lai de pru00e9avis ait u00e9tu00e9 intu00e9gralement observu00e9, emporte obligation, pour la partie responsable, de verser u00e0 l&apos;autre une indemnitu00e9 dont le montant correspond u00e0 la ru00e9munu00e9ration et aux avantages de toute nature dont aurait bu00e9nu00e9ficiu00e9 le travailleur durant le du00e9lai de pru00e9avis qui n&apos;a pas u00e9tu00e9 effectivement respectu00e9. (...)&quot;. N N Sauf dans le cas du licenciement d&apos;un du00e9lu00e9guu00e9 du personnel (Art. 61.8 LC) ou dans le cas d&apos;un licenciement pour motif u00e9conomique de plus d&apos;un travailleur (art. 18.11 et seq. LC).<br/>_____________<br/>In English:<br/>Except in the case of a dismissal of a workers&apos; representative (Art. 61.8 LC) or in the case of a dismissal for economic reason of more than one worker (Art. 18.11 et seq. LC). N N Sauf dans le cas d&apos;un licenciement pour motif u00e9conomique de plus d&apos;un travailleur (art. 18.11 et seq. LC).<br/>_____________<br/>In English:<br/>Except in the case of a dismissal for economic reason of more than one worker (Art. 18.11 et seq. LC). N N Sauf dans le cas du licenciement d&apos;un du00e9lu00e9guu00e9 du personnel (Art. 61.8 LC).<br/>_____________<br/>In English:<br/>Except in the case of a dismissal of a workers&apos; representative (Art. 61.8 LC). N N
2019 Cuba Cuba The new Labour Code excluded the provisions concerning prior notice for dismissals by employer´s initiative, except for the cases concerning fixed-term contracts in the situation of termination before the agreed term. Americas
no specific form required
no specific form required N N N N N N The only provision concerning communication of dismissals to workersu00b4representatives is related to redundancy. Article 56 of Labour Code provides that the employer, from the corresponding authorization, is obliged to previously inform the trade union organization at its level and the workers, about the application of the redundancy process (redundancy), its organization and control. N N N N
2019 Cyprus Cyprus Europe
written Article 9, paragraph 5, of TEA. Y
Y Article 11 TEA<br/><br/>11.-(1) An employer who gives a warning to an employee has the right to claim rather than the employer as they accept payment instead of notice. This payment shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Third Board:<br/>It shall be understood that where an employer exercises his right under this subparagraph, the employee shall, for the purposes of Parts II and IV, be regarded as employed until the expiry of the notice period which he would have received if he had not received payment instead.<br/><br/>If the worker accepts a new position in the course of the prior notice, the payment would be limited according to when a new employment contract starts.<br/> N N N N N N N N
2019 Czechia Czechia Europe
written Sec. 50(1) LC N N N N Y
Y Sec. 61 (1) LC. Notification is mandatory in both cases of ordinary dismissal and immediate termination (serious misconduct). N N N N However, according to sec. 61 (2), (3), (4) LC approval by the trade union is requested when the dismissal or the immediate termination concerns a trade union member. In the absence of consent, such dismissal is void unless ruled otherwise by the Court.
2017 Denmark Denmark With regards to blue-collar workers, the notice period is not provided in the law but in individual or collective agreements. Europe
written Sec. 2 (7) ESEA. N N N N N N N N N N
2019 Ecuador Ecuador No statutory provisions for prior notice for individual dismissals. Article 193 of Labour Code, however, provides that a 30 days prior notice must be given in cases of dismissals due to business closing.<br/>As well, article 184 (2) provides that in fixed-term contracts, the duration of which may not exceed two non-renewable years, its termination must be notified at least thirty days in advance, and if it does not do so, it will become an indefinite-time contract.<br/>Regardless the existence of statutory provisions on notice periods, the article 184 of Labour Code determines the payment of 25% of desahucio (eviction) bonus, for each year of lenght of service, in case of an unfair dismissal. Americas
written According to article 184 (desahucio) of Labour Code, each party who decides to terminate the employment contract, must request that the Labour Inspector notify the other party about the intentions. Y
Y No statutory provisions for prior notice for individual dismissals, however the article 184 of Labour Code determines the payment of 25% of desahucio (eviction) bonus, for each year of lenght of service, in case of an unfair dismissal. Y
Y In cases involving dismissals for misconduct or just cause, the employer must seek approval by the Labour Inspector.<br/>Article 188 provides that when the employer leaves a written record of its willingness to unilaterally terminate an individual employment contract, that is, without just cause, the labor authority that is aware of the dismissal, will order the employer to appear, and to ratify this in fact, In the next forty-eight hours, he must deposit the total amount corresponding to the dismissed worker for compensation.<br/>If the employer in the indicated appearance is not ratified in the constant dismissal in the pertinent writing, alleging for the effect that the writing in which the dismissal appears is not his or that of representatives of the company with the capacity to terminate the labor relations , the immediate reinstatement of the worker to his work will be arranged. N N Y
Y The employer that desires to dismiss a worker for any of the reasons established by article 172 of Labour Code must file a request before the Labour Inspector., who will will qualify the request for prior approval and notify the worker, who may oppose to the request formally. The Labour Inspector might determine an investigation at the workplace, after which the final resolution, granting or rejecting, the prior approval (u201cvisto buenou201d) will be issued (articles 172, 545 (5), 621 and 622 Labour Code). Upon request of the employer, the Labour Inspector may determine the temporary suspension of the employment contract for one month while the procedures take place, since the amount related to the respective salary is deposited. If the Labour Inspector decides to reject the prior approval, the deposit shall be reverted in benefit of the worker, who might also be reinstated or be entitled to the payment of indemnities corresponding to unfair dismissal (u201cdespido intempestivou201d). N N
2017 Egypt Egypt - Under the LL, as amended in 2008, there is a special procedure for dismissal on disciplinary grounds. <br/>Where a worker is accused of an offence for which the appropriate disciplinary penalty is dismissal, the employer must, before deciding to dismiss him/her, submit a request to do so to the Labour Court which can either grant authorization or refuse the dismissal. The decision shall be taken within 15 days. (art. 68, 69, 71 LL as amended in 2008).<br/>- This procedure is not applicable to a dismissal based on the worker&apos;s inefficiency which is governed by specific regulations (see art. 110 LL)<br/> Africa
written Art. 110 LL. Y
Y See art. 118 LL. N N N N Y
Y Before dismissing a worker on disciplinary grounds (listed in art. 69 LL), the employer needs to submit a request to the Labour Court which shall decide on the worker&apos;s dismissal within 15 days from the date of the first session (art. 71 LL, as amended in 2008). [Note that prior to the adoption on the 2008 amendment, the decision to dismiss a worker as a sanction for serious misconduct was not taken by the Labour Court but a special committee established by the 2003 LL for these purposes and which consisted on two judges, the head of the concerned Directorate of Manpower or his/her representative, a representative of the Federation of Egyptian Trade Unions; and a member of a concerned employers&apos; organisation).<br/><br/> N N
2019 El Salvador El Salvador There are no statutory notice periods to be observed in the event of dismissal. Americas
no specific form required
no specific form required Art. 55 LC: The dismissal must be communicated to the worker by the employer or by his/her representatives, otherwise it is considered null and void, except when a written letter of dismissal signed by the employer or his/her representatives is delivered to the employee.<br/><br/>However, note art. 60. At the end of any contract, whatever the cause that motivated its termination, the employer must give written notice to the employee expressing: 1) starting and termination date of its work 2) type of work undertaken 3) last salary earned. <br/>If the worker demands so, it can also include: 4) description of the worker’s efficiency and behaviour 5) reason of termination of contract. <br/>Note that: it is not the official notification of the worker’s dismissal, it is rather a complementary document to the end of the contract.<br/> N N N N N N N N However, prior authorization from the competent jurisdictional authority is required for the dismissal of a worker covered by trade union immunity (art. 248 LC and 47 of the Constitution). N N
2017 Estonia Estonia Europe
written Art. 95(1) ECA. Y
Y Art. 100(5) If an employer or an employee gives advance notice of cancellation later than provided by law or a collective agreement, the employee or the employer has the right to receive compensation to the extent to which they would have had the right to obtain upon following the term of advance notice. N N N N No general obligation to notify the employees&apos; representatives except if the employer intends to dismiss an employee&apos;s representative. Art. 94 ECA provides that before terminating an employment contract with the employees&apos; representative, an employer must seek the opinions of the trade union or the employees who elected him/her the person to represent them or the trade reasonably union. The employer is required to take that opinion reasonably into account and to provide justification if he/she disregards the employees&apos; opinion. N N N N
2013 Ethiopia Ethiopia Africa
written Art. 34 (1) LP. Y
Y See art. 44 (under the section concerning &quot;Effects of the unlawful termination of contract of employment): non-compliance by the employer with the notice requirements shall only result in the payment by the employer of wages in lieu of the notice period. N N N N N N N N
2019 Finland Finland Europe
no specific form required
no specific form required Sec. 4, chap. 9, ECA: A notice on termination of an employment contract shall be delivered to the employer or its representative, or to the employee, in person. If this is not possible, the notice may be delivered by letter or electronically.<br/><b>However, if so requested by the employee</b>, the employer <b>must notify the employee without delay in writing of the date of termination</b> of the employment contract and of the grounds for termination or cancellation known by the employer to have caused the termination (sec. 5, chap.9 ECA). Y
Y Sec. 4, chap. 6, ECA. N N Section 3a has been repealed by Act 204/2017.<br/><br/>See also sec. 48 of the ACU, applicable only to undertakings employing at least 20 workers: When the employer proposes measures that may lead to termination (on economic grounds), he or she should also inform the employment office. N N However, according to the Act on Co-operation within Undertakings (2007), notification to worker&apos;s representatives and negotiation are compulsory when the dismissal affects a single worker provided such dismissal is based on financial and productive grounds, and the undertakings employs at least 20 workers. (see sec. 44-53 ACU) N N N N
2019 France France Europe
written Letter of notification: art. L 1232-6 LC.<br/>(Mandatory oral interview prior to written notification, during which the employee may be assisted by an adviser: art. L 1232-2 and L 1232-4 LC.)<br/> Y
Y Art. 1234-5 LC (not due in case of serious misconduct) N N N N N N N N
2019 Gabon Gabon Africa
written Art. 51 LC, as amended in 2010 by Order No. 018/PR/2010: written notification to attend an oral interview.<br/>Art. 53 LC: dismissal letter. Y
Y Art. 69 LC. N N Except for any:<br/>* Individual dismissal based on economic grounds: Art. 56 LC; <br/>* Dismissal of a pregnant woman and women on maternity leave: Art. 170 LC;<br/>* Dismissal of a workers&apos; representative: Art. 294 LC. N N However, such notification is mandatory in case of any individual dismissal based on economic grounds: Art. 59 LC. N N However, approval by the administration is required for any:<br/>* Individual dismissal based on economic grounds: Art. 56 LC; <br/>* Dismissal of a pregnant woman and women on maternity leave: Art. 170 LC;<br/>* Dismissal of a workers&apos; representative: Art. 294 LC. N N
2019 Georgia Georgia On the basis of Article 38 (2) LC referred to above, the notice period could also be as follows:<br/><br/>tenure &#8805; 6 months<br/><b>3 day(s).</b><br/>tenure &#8805; 9 months<br/><b>3 day(s).</b><br/>tenure &#8805; 2 years<br/><b>3 day(s).</b><br/>tenure &#8805; 4 years<br/><b>3 day(s).</b><br/>tenure &#8805; 5 years<br/><b>3 day(s).</b><br/>tenure &#8805; 10 years<br/><b>3 day(s).</b><br/>tenure &#8805; 20 years<br/><b>3 day(s).</b> Europe
written Article 38(1) LC: When terminating a labour agreement on any of the grounds under Article 37(1)(a, f, i, n) of this Law, employers shall be obliged to notify employees about it in writing at least 30 calendar days in advance. (...)<br/>The LC requires that notification shall be made in <b> written form </b> where an employee is dismissed based on: i) economic circumstances, technological, or organizational changes making it necessary to reduce workforce; ii) incapacity of an employee to occupy his/her position due to lack of qualification, professional skills and experience; iii) employee’s long-term disability;<b> iv) other objective circumstances justifying termination of the employment contact.</b> Y
Y Note that the official Georgian text of Articles 38(1) and 38(2) LC use the term u201ccompensationu201d (ot u201cseverance pay)u201d as used in the official English translation. <br/>Hence, under Article 38(2), it is an option for the employer to dismiss the employee with 3-days advance notice and in that case, it shall pay 2 months compensation. It is understood that out of this 2-months compensation, one month salary amount is considered as the severance pay compensation (payable under Article 38(1) LC), and another one month salary amount should be qualified as payment made in lieu of one month notification. N N N N N N N N
2017 Germany Germany Europe
written Sec. 623 CC N N N N Except for pregnant women, employees on parental leave or disabled employees. Y
Y Sec. 102 Works Constitution Act: the works council must be consulted before every dismissal and can, on the basis of legally specified grounds, object to a dismissal.<br/>However, the validity of the dismissal does not depend on the council&apos;s approval. As a consequence of the council&apos;s objection and if the employee has challenged the dismissal before the labour court, he will be entitled to continuation of employment during the pending procedure. N N Except for pregnant women, employees on parental leave or disabled employees. N N Sec. 102 Works Constitution Act: the works council must be consulted before every dismissal and can, on the basis of legally specified grounds, object to a dismissal.<br/>However, the validity of the dismissal does not depend on the council&apos;s approval. As a consequence of the council&apos;s objection and if the employee has challenged the dismissal before the labour court, he will be entitled to continuation of employment during the pending procedure.
2020 Ghana Ghana Africa
written Art. 17(3) LA: Notice of termination must be in writing. Y
Y Art. 18 (4) LA: Notwithstanding section 17(1), either party to a contract of employment may terminate the contract without notice if that party pays to the other party a sum equal to the amount of remuneration which would have accrued to the worker during the period of the notice. N N N N N N N N
2019 Greece Greece Europe
written Art. 1 Act 2112/1920<br/><br/><br/> Y
Y Act No. 2112/1920, art. 3. Y
Y The employer has the obligation to inform the OAED (Greek Manpower Employment Organization) within 8 days from the date of the dismissal (art. 9 Act No. 3198/1955). N N N N Except for workers enjoying a special protection. N N
2019 Guatemala Guatemala Notice period associated with the dismissal of the worker is not regulated.<br/>The only existing regulation is in relation to the notice period that the worker who wishes to terminate the contract without just cause once the trial period has elapsed must give to the employer. This written notice period due to the worker’s resignation is not subject to be compensated and it will depend upon the worker´s seniority (Art. 83 Labour Code).<br/> Americas
written Article 78 of Labour Code provides that the termination of the employment contract in accordance with one or more of the causes listed in Article 77, takes effect as soon as the employer communicates it in writing to the worker indicating the cause of the dismissal and the worker effectively ceases working. The worker has the right to challenge the dismissal before Labor and Social Security Courts.<br/><br/>Article 87 of Labour Code provides that at the expiration of all employment contracts, for whatever reason it terminates, the employer must give the worker a document that expresses only:<br/>a) The date of their entry and exit;<br/>b) The type of work performed; and<br/>c) The ordinary and extraordinary salary accrued during the last payment period.<br/>If the worker wishes, the certi&#64257;cate must also determine:<br/>a) The way it worked; and<br/>b) The cause or causes of the termination of the contract.<br/><br/> N N Notice period associated with the dismissal of the worker is not regulated N N N N N N In the private employment regime, due process is not required before dismissal. Only in the case of workers with special protection is it necessary to process and obtain judicial or administrative authorization prior to applying the disciplinary dismissal N N
2019 Honduras Honduras Americas
written Article 117 of Labour Code provides the party who decides unilaterally to put an end to the employment contract must give the notice in writing, personally to the other party, but if the contract is verbal, it can be donw in the presence of two witnesses, with an expression of the cause or motive that motivates it to make that determination.<br/> <br/><br/> Y
Y Article 118 of Labour Code provides that the worker who did not give prior notice, or comply with the legal requirements, will be obliged to pay the employer an amount equivalent to half the salary that corresponds to the end of the notice. In the event that the employer does not comply with the law requirements, the worker is entitled to an amount equivalent to the respective salary during the period of notice.<br/><br/> N N N N N N Except in the event of a dismissal of a protected worker (pregnant women and members of the board of directors of a trade union) whose dismissal must be authorized by a labour judge and/or the labour inspector (see arts. 124, 144, 145, 516 LC). N N
2019 Hungary Hungary Europe
written •Sec. 22(3) of the LC N N N N N N See above: protection of workers representatives against dismissals. N N N N See above: protection of workers representatives against dismissals.
2019 India India Asia
written Sec. 13 MOS<br/>Also IDA – section 25F (chapter V-A) and 25N (chapter V-B) Y
Y Sec. 13(1) MSO provides for the one month&apos;s pay in lieu for the monthly rated worker and two month&apos;s pay in lieu for other workers under the permanent contract. Workers under fixed term contract, probationary period or badli are not entitled to pay in lieu (sec. 13(2) MSO) N N N N Y
Y Sec. 25N IDA (applicable only to industries with 100 or more workers) prescribes for the prior permission of the appropriate Government in case of the retrenchment of the worker who has been in continuous service with the employer for not less than one year. N N
2019 Indonesia Indonesia The Indonesian termination system is not based on notice but on prior bipartite negotiations and if they fail, on mediation by the administration and eventually judicial settlement. Asia
no specific form required
no specific form required Before terminating the employment relationship, an employer is required to negotiate with the workers&apos; organization concerned, or with the non-unionised worker directly, with a view to reaching agreement.<br/>Art. 151 (3) and 152 MA require that when negotiation fails between parties, decision on the termination will be taken by the institution for the settlement of industrial relations disputes. Since the entry into force of the Act No 2/2004 [IRDSA], the old institutions for the settlement of industrial relations disputes were dismantled and replaced by new mechanisms. As a result, the administration now only acts as a mediator if the parties fail to reach an agreement on the termination. The Industrial Relations Court will hear the dispute if no agreement was found during the mediation phase N N N N Art. 151 (3) and 152 MA require that when negotiation fails between parties, decision on the termination will be taken by the institution for the settlement of industrial relations disputes. Since the entry into force of the Act No 2/2004 [IRDSA], the old institutions for the settlement of industrial relations disputes were dismantled and replaced by new mechanisms. As a result, the administration now only acts as a mediator if the parties fail to reach an agreement on the termination. The Industrial Relations Court will hear the dispute if no agreement was found during the mediation phase. Y
Y Art. 151(2) requires that termination be negotiated.<br/>Negotiation will involve the worker&apos;s representative only if the employee belongs to a trade union (art. 151 (2) MA). If not, the negotiation will take place between the worker and employer. Y
Y Art. 151 (3) and 152 MA require that when negotiation fails between parties, decision on the termination will be taken by the institution for the settlement of industrial relations disputes. Since the entry into force of the Act No 2/2004 [IRDSA], the old institutions for the settlement of industrial relations disputes were dismantled and replaced by new mechanisms. As a result, the administration now only acts as a mediator if the parties fail to reach an agreement on the termination. The Industrial Relations Court will hear the dispute if no agreement was found during the mediation phase. N N Art. 151(2) requires that termination be negotiated.<br/>Negotiation will involve the worker&apos;s representative only if the employee belongs to a trade union (art. 151 (2) MA). If not, the negotiation will take place between the worker and employer.
2010 Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Asia
no specific form required
no specific form required No specific form prescribed in the LC.<br/>Note however that termination of employment for continued violations of disciplinary rules requires previous written warnings (sec. 27 LC). N N N N However, notification to the Ministry of Labour is compulsory in the event of a dismissal of a foreign worker, see sec. 125 LC:<br/>&quot;Sec. 125. Where, whatever the circumstances, an employment relationship between a foreign citizen and an employer is terminated, the employer shall notify the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs thereof within 15 days. The foreign citizen shall surrender his work permit to the said Ministry against a receipt within 15 days. If necessary, the Ministry shall request the appropriate authorities to expel the foreign citizen from the country.&quot; Y
Y N N No general obligation to obtain the prior approval of the administration.<br/>However, the dismissal of an employee on the ground of continuous violations of the disciplinary rules or for negligence in performing his/her duties requires the assenting opinion of the Board of Inquiry and in units not covered by the Islamic Labour Council Act, or where no Islamic Labour Council or Guild Society has been set up or where there is no workers&apos; representative.<br/>Note that Islamic Labour Council must be established in workplaces engaged in production, industries, agriculture and services having over 35 permanent employees. <br/>&quot;The Board of Inquiry is composed of:<br/> * (1) one representative of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs;<br/> * (2) one representative of the workers to be selected and appointed by the Provincial Coordination Council of the Islamic Labour Councils;<br/> * (3) one representative of the managers of industries, to be selected by the Provincial Centre of Employers&apos; Guild Societies. (sec. 158 LC)&quot;<br/>Therefore, in cases where disciplinary dismissals are subject to the approval of the Board of Inquiry, the administration plays a role in authorizing the dismissal through the participation of one representative of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in the Board. Y
Y Termination on the ground of continued violations of disciplinary rules ground or for negligent performance requires the agreement of the Islamic Labour Council or the Guild Society. In units not covered by the Islamic Labour Council Act, or where no Islamic Labour Council or Guild Society has been set up or where there is no workers&apos; representative, the termination of an employment contract shall be subject to the agreement of the Board of Inquiry (sec. 27 LC)<br/>Note that Islamic Labour Councils must be established in workplaces engaged in production, industries, agriculture and services having more than 35 permanent employees.
2019 Italy Italy Europe
written Article 2 of Law 604 of 1966 as amended by Article 1(37) of Law No. 92 of 2012.<br/>An employer has to serve the dismissal in writing to the relevant employee, outlining the reasons grounding the dismissal. Y
Y Article 2118 CC provides that an indemnity in lieu of notice is due when the employee does not work during the notice period. Y
Y For those <b>employees hired prior to 7 March 2015 and subject to Article 18 of the Workersu2019 Statute:</b><br/>pursuant to Article 7 of Law 604 of 1966, as amended by Article 1(40) of Law No. 92 of 2012, employers having more than 15 employees in the same work unit or borough (comune), or more than 60 overall, have to notify public bodies (Direzione Territoriale del Lavoro) when a dismissal for justified objective reason is envisaged, in order to attempt an amicable settlement between the parties. This does not apply to dismissal connected to absence for work because of illness or injury or to other similar cases.<br/>For those <b>employees hired as of 7 March 2015 and subject to Legislative Decree No. 23 of 2015 (so-called u2018Jobs Actu2019):</b><br/>an employer does not need to notify the public administration: notice to the workers to be dismissed is sufficient. N N N N N N
2019 Japan Japan Asia
no specific form required
no specific form required Y
Y Sec. 20(1) of LSA. N N However, the answer should be &quot;yes&quot; for foreign workers:<br/>Notification to public administration is not required for individual dismissals in principle. However, sec. 28 of the Act on Comprehensive Promotion of Labour Policies requires an employer who employs a foreign worker to notify the local public employment office in cases of his/her separation from the job (sec. 28(1)) using a model notification form issued by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. <br/>Upon receipt of the form, the Government, through local employment offices, shall endeavour to promote the improvement of employment management and re-employment of the foreign workers concerned through guidance, advisory, employment placement, and skills development services targeted both employers and workers (sec. 28(2)). <br/>Sec. 6 of the Notification No. 276 of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare details measures to be taken by employers of foreign workers in order to prevent dismissals and, in case of dismissals, to endeavour to provide necessary assistance to enable foreign workers to be re-employed, in coordination with local public employment offices. N N There is no statutory provision requiring employersu2019 notification to workersu2019 representatives. <br/>However, sec. 89 of LSA requires employers who continuously employ 10 or more workers to draw up work rules covering, among other, matters pertaining to termination of employment including grounds for dismissal and if disciplinary measures are set up and matters pertaining to their nature and limits, and to submit those work rules to the relevant government agency (local labour inspectorate). <br/>Sec. 90 of LSA requires employers, in drawing up or changing the rules of employment, to consult with and seek opinions of either a labour union organized by a majority of the workers at the workplace concerned (in cases where such labour union exists), or a person representing a majority of the workers (in cases where such union does not exist). Prior consultation may be included in a collective agreement or work rules which then bind the parties to notify workersu2019 representatives/unions. <br/>Moreover, sec. 2 of Act on Promoting the Resolution of Individual Labour-Related Disputes provides that if an individual labour-related dispute arises, the parties to said individual labour-related dispute shall endeavour promptly and in good faith to achieve a voluntary resolution. N N Except for a dismissal without notice which is allowed if the continued operation of the undertaking becomes impossible because of a natural disaster or some other unavoidable cause or in the event of dismissal for reasons attributable to the employee. In such cases, an employer is obliged to obtain administrative approval from the relevant local labour inspectorates (sec. 20 (3) of LSA).<br/> N N
2019 Jordan Jordan Arab States
written Art. 23 A) LL: &quot;If one of the parties has intended to terminate the unlimited period work contract, then he shall notify the other party in writing of his intention of terminating the contract before one month at least, the notification shall not be cancelled except by the approval of both parties.&quot; Y
Y Art. 23 C) LL: &quot;If the notification was provided by the employer, then the employer may exempt the employee from working during the period of notification [...] the employee shall be entitled to his/her wage for the period of notification in all such cases.&quot; N N N N N N N N
2019 Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Europe
written Art. 53 of the Labour Code N N Art. 53 of the Labour Code states that with the written consent of the worker the termination can be made effective before the expiration of the notice period.<br/><br/>Again not applicable to all situations (see above &apos;notice period&apos;). N N N N Update as of 2016: Article 18 (2) of the Trade Union Law provides that the trade union can submit an opinion regarding the termination of the contract of its members. N N N N
2019 Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Asia
written Art. 27 LSA Y
Y Art. 26 LSA N N N N Except in case of dismissal for managerial reasons: art. 24 LSA. N N N N
2019 Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Europe
written Art. 85 LC Y
Y Art. 85 LC N N Art. 85 LC N N N N Art. 85 LC N N Art. 84 LC: The employer is not entitled to dismiss any workers&apos; representative without prior approval by the relevant body representing workers of the enterprise.
2019 Lesotho Lesotho Africa
no specific form required
no specific form required Art. 65 LC: notice to terminate a contract may be either oral or written.<br/><br/>(See also art. 69 LC: The employer shall provide a written statement of the reason for dismissal either before dismissal, at the time of dismissal or within four weeks of the dismissal having taken effect).<br/> Y
Y Art. 64 LC N N N N N N N N
2019 Luxembourg Luxembourg Europe
written See art. L 124-3 LC<br/>No legal requirement for employers with fewer than 150 employees to hold an interview with the employee before dismissal.<br/>Specific article concerning employers having at least 150 employees: art. L 124-2 LC.<br/>________<br/>Art. L. 124-3 du Code du travail:<br/>(1) L’employeur qui décide de licencier doit, sous peine d’irrégularité pour vice de forme, notifier le licenciement au salarié par lettre recommandée à la poste. Toutefois, la signature apposée par le salarié sur le double de la lettre de licenciement vaut accusé de réception de la notification.<br/>Art. L. 124-2 du Code du travail (tel qu&apos;amendé par la loi du 23 juillet 2015):<br/>(1) Lorsque l’employeur qui occupe cent cinquante salariés au moins envisage de licencier un salarié, il doit, avant toute décision, convoquer l’intéressé par lettre recommandée ou par écrit dûment certifié par un récépissé en lui indiquant l’objet de la convocation ainsi que la date, l’heure et le lieu de l’entretien. Copie de la lettre de convocation doit être adressée à la délégation du personnel. La lettre ou l’écrit de convocation à l’entretien préalable doivent informer le salarié qu’il a le droit de se faire assister lors de l’entretien préalable par un salarié de son choix appartenant au personnel de l’entreprise ou par un représentant d’une organisation syndicale représentative sur le plan national représentée au sein de la délégation du personnel de l’établissement. (...)<br/>(2) Au cours de l’entretien, l’employeur ou son représentant est tenu d’indiquer le ou les motifs de la décision envisagée et de recueillir les explications du salarié ainsi que les observations de la personne qui l’assiste. (...) Y
Y Art. L. 124-6 LC:<br/>La partie qui ru00e9silie le contrat u00e0 duru00e9e indu00e9terminu00e9e sans y u00eatre autorisu00e9e par lu2019article L. 124-10 ou sans respecter les du00e9lais de pru00e9avis visu00e9s aux articles L. 124-4 et L. 124-5 est tenue de payer u00e0 lu2019autre partie une <b>indemnitu00e9 compensatoire de pru00e9avis</b> u00e9gale au salaire correspondant u00e0 la duru00e9e du pru00e9avis ou, le cas u00e9chu00e9ant, u00e0 la partie de ce du00e9lai restant u00e0 courir. N N N N N N N N
2019 Madagascar Madagascar Africa
written Art. 21 LC and Art. 4 of Decree No 2007-009 of 9 January 2007 establishing the conditions and the duration of the notice period to be observed when terminating an employment contract of indefinite duration. Y
Y Art. 18 LC and Art. 9 Decree No 2007-009 of 9 January 2007 establishing the conditions and the duration of the notice period to be observed when terminating an employment contract of indefinite duration. N N However, when an employer intends to dismiss a workers&apos; representative, a trade union officer or a member of the works council, he or she shall obtain the authorization to do so from the Labour Inspector (see Arts. 152, 156 and 165 LC). N N N N However, when an employer intends to dismiss a workers&apos; representative, a trade union officer or a member of the works council, he or she shall obtain the authorization to do so from the Labour Inspector (see Arts. 152, 156 and 165 LC). N N
2019 Malawi Malawi Africa
written Art. 29(1) EA Y
Y Art. 30 (2) EA N N N N N N N N
2018 Malaysia Malaysia Asia
written Sec. 12 (4) EA. Y
Y Sec. 13 (1) EA. N N N N N N N N
2019 Mexico Mexico Americas
written Art. 47 FLA: written notification clearly stating the conduct –or conducts- motivating the dismissal, and the date or dates when such conduct happened. The written notification shall be delivered to the employee in person at the time of the dismissal or shall be communicated to the corresponding Tribunal within the next five working days. To this end, the employer shall provide the last registered residence address of the employee, so the authority can personally notify the employee.<br/>The statute of limitations to file any legal actions deriving from a dismissal will only start running until the worker receives personally the notification.<br/>The failure to notify the worker personally or through the Tribunal, presumes the dismissal as unjustified, unless evidence to the contrary is provided. N N N N N N N N N N
2017 Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Europe
written Art. 184 LC N N N N N N Except in case of dismissal of a trade union member or representatives (art. 87 LC). N N N N Except for:<br/>* a dismissal of trade union members on certain grounds,<br/>* any dismissal of trade union representatives (art 87 LC).
2017 Mongolia Mongolia Asia
written This can be inferred from art. 43.3 LC: the employer shall provide the dismissed employee with the dismissal decision. N N N N N N N N N N
2020 Montenegro Montenegro Europe
written See articles 174 and 175 of New Labour Act above. Y
Y Article 177 provides that the employee has the right and duty to remain at work for at least 30 days from the day of delivery of the termination of the employment contract, ie the decision on termination of employment (notice period), except for terminations occurred due to serious breach of employment in accordance with the collective agreement. Paragraph 3 provides that an employee may, if agreed with the employer, cease to work before the expiration of the time for which he is obliged to remain at work, provided that during that time he is provided with salary compensation in the amount determined by the collective agreement and employment contract.<br/> N N Y
Y Although individual dismissal itself does not require notification to workersu00b4representatives, Article 168 (3) of the New Labour Act provides that If the employer determines that the need for work of employees in the number less than the number determined in Article 167 paragraph 1 of this Law will cease, those employees and the trade union with the employer shall be notified in writing, no later than five days before the decision on termination of employment . N N N N
2019 Morocco Morocco Africa
written * Disciplinary dismissal, mandatory procedural requirements:<br/>Prior oral interview with possible representation by a workers&apos; representative followed by a written decision: Art. 62 and 63 LC<br/>*Art. 44 LC applicable to any dismissal. Y
Y Art. 51 LC Y
Y Disciplinary dismissals: Art. 64 LC.<br/>Individual economic dismissals: Art. 67 LC.<br/> N N Except in case of an individual economic dismissal: Art. 66 LC. N N Except in case of individual dismissal on economic grounds (Art. 67 LC) and dismissal of worker&apos;s representatives (Art. 457 LC). N N
2019 Mozambique Mozambique Africa
written Article 131 (1) of Labour Act provides that in the event of termination of the employment contract, the employer shall be obliged to communicate in writing to each worker covered, the trade union body or, failing that, the workers&apos; committee or association union representative and the local labour administration body.<br/> Y
Y Article 131 of Labour Act provides that:<br/>1. In the event of termination of the employment contract, the employer shall be obliged to communicate in writing to each<br/>worker covered, the trade union body or, failing that, the workers&apos; committee or association union representative and the local labour administration body.<br/>2. The communications referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be made, in relation to the date set for the termination of employment at least 30 days in advance.<br/><br/>However, the pay in lieu of notice is presumed in case of non-compliance with paragraph 2, but there is no specific provision about that. Y
Y Article 131 (3) of Labour Act provides that during the period of notice, the employer is specifically obliged to provide clarifications and to provide the elements requested by the Labour Inspectorate. Y
Y Article 131 (1) of Labour Act above. N N N N
2019 Namibia Namibia Africa
written Sec. 30(3) LA provides that notice of termination must be given in writing, stating the reasons for termination, if the termination is by the employer, and the date on which the notice is given, which may be: <br/>(a) on any working day in respect of an employee who has been employed for four weeks or less <br/>(b) on or before the last working day of the week in respect of an employee has been employed for more than four weeks but less than a year; and <br/>(c) on the first or the 15th of the month in respect of an employee who has been employed for over a year. Y
Y Sec. 31(1) LA provides that instead of giving an employee notice in terms of section 30, an employer may pay the employee the remuneration the employee would have received, if the employee had worked during the period of notice. N N Except in the event of redundancy (see under &quot;Collective dismissals for economic reasons&quot;): art. 34 LA. N N Except in the event of redundancy (see under &quot;Collective dismissals for economic reasons&quot;): art. 34 LA. N N N N
2019 Netherlands Netherlands Europe
no specific form required
no specific form required Art. 7:672(1) CC: Notice of termination shall be given at the end of the month, unless another day has been designated for this purpose by written agreement or by custom (so called “aanzegdag”). Y
Y If an employee is terminated before the notice period ends, the employer must pay him or her the wage he or she would have received until the end of the notice period, Art. 7:672 (10) CC. <br/><br/>The court can decide to lower this compensation payment, if it considers this to be fair in view of the circumstances, on the understanding that the compensation may not be less than the monetary wage over the notice period referred to in Art. 7:672 (2) CC, nor less than the monetary wage for three months. Y
Y If an employer intends to dismiss an employee, (except in case of summary dismissal), he shall either first turn to the Court to obtain the judicial rescission of the contract, in case of dismissals based on the employeeu2019s conduct or capacity (Art. 7:671a CC) or to an administrative body: the UWV WERKbedrijf (former CWI) (Art. 7:671a CC), in case of economic dismissals or dismissals based on long-term sicknesses.<br/>On the procedure to be followed, see Art. 7:671a and 7:671b CC.<br/> N N Y
Y Approval by the administration is required only if the employer has to turn to the UWV WERKbedrijf (former CWI) to obtain a dismissal permit (see above, Art. 7:671a CC). On the procedure to be followed, see Art. 7:671a CC.<br/>Alternatively he must turn to the Court to obtain the judicial rescission of the contract (see Art. 7:671b CC<br/> N N
2019 New Zealand New Zealand Although there are no statutory procedural requirements for individual dismissals in the ERA, an employer is required to adhere to the requirements of procedural fairness and reasonableness and the principles of natural justice in order for a dismissal to be justified.<br/>Procedural fairness is assessed by the court on a case-by-case basis. Asia
no specific form required
no specific form required The ERA does not require that the dismissal notification be in writing. The form of the notification can be specified in an employment contract. <br/>However, any dismissed employee has the right to request a written statement indicating the reasons for the dismissal, within 60 days after the dismissal or within 60 days after the employee has become aware of the dismissal, whichever is the later. The employer shall provide such statement within 14 days after the request (art. 120 ERA).<br/> N N Pay in lieu of notice is not required by statute. However, pay in lieu of notice clauses can be stipulated in the employment contract. N N N N N N N N
2019 Nicaragua Nicaragua There are no statutory provisions concerning notice periods in the Labour Code. Americas
no specific form required
no specific form required N N Y
Y It is necessary to notify and receive the approval of the Ministry of Labour in cases involving disciplinary dismissals (Article 48 of Labour Code), particularly concerning workers who enjoy special protection, such as pregnant workers (article 144) and trade union members (article 231). N N Y
Y It is necessary to notify and receive the approval of the Ministry of Labour in cases involving disciplinary dismissals (Article 48 of Labour Code), particularly concerning workers who enjoy special protection, such as pregnant workers (article 144) and trade union members (article 231). N N
2019 Niger Niger Africa
written See Art. 84 LC (economic dismissals) and Art. 90 (2) LC (summary dismissal). No such specific requirement for any other dismissal in the LC (except as concerns workers&apos; representatives, see above)<br/>However, Art. 28 of the 1972 Inter-occupational Collective Agreement specifically requires that notification be written. Y
Y Art. 90 LC<br/> N N Except in case of a dismissal of a workers&apos; representative (Art. 227 and 228 LC) and of an economic dismissal (Art. 80 LC).<br/> N N Except in case of an economic dismissal (Art. 80 LC).<br/> N N Except in case of a dismissal of a workers&apos; representative: Art. 227 and 228 LC. <br/>* See also: Articles 472-475 of the Implementing Decree Nu00b0 2017-682/PRN/MET/PS of August 2017 concerning the dismissal of workers&apos; representatives. N N
2020 Nigeria Nigeria Africa
written Sec. 11(3) LA: Any notice for a period of one week or more shall be in writing. Y
Y Sec. 11(6) LA provides for payment in lieu of notice. Subsection (9) further provides that: u201cIn the calculation of a payment in lieu of notice, only that part of the wages which a worker receives in money, exclusive of overtime and other allowances, shall be taken into account.u201d N N N N N N N N
2017 North Macedonia North Macedonia Europe
written Art. 74(1) LRA. See also art. 85 LRA. Y
Y The employer and the employee may agree on the payment of a lump sum instead of observing the notice period. N N N N However, such notification is required in order to dismiss a trade union representative (art. 200(3) LRA). N N N N No general approval required. However, in order to dismiss a trade union representative, the employer shall first obtain the prior approval of the trade union. In case the trade union does not approve the dismissal, such approval can be obtained through a court decision (art. 200 LRA).
2019 Norway Norway Europe
written Art. 15-4(1) WEA. N N However, Art. 15-5(1) WEA states that if the notice is invalid, the employee may claim compensation. N N Except for planned collective dismissals (see below). Y
Y Art. 15-1 WEA states that prior to the dismissal with notice the employer shall, to the extent that it is practically possible, discuss the matter with the employee and the employees representatives, unless the employee opposes such consultations. <br/>As a result of an amendment to art. 15-1 introduced in 2009 by Act nu00b039 of 19 June 2009 (in force since January 1st, 2010), art. 15-1 specifies that &quot;the discussions must concern both the grounds for dismissal and any selection between two or more employees regarding who is to be dismissed.&quot; N N N N
2019 Panama Panama As a general rule, the employer is not required to observe statutory notice period under the Panamanian labour legislation. <br/>Depending on the reasons for dismissal, before proceeding to dismissal, the employer has either the obligation to obtain authorization from the labour administration (in case of an economic dismissal) or the option of applying to the labour courts for prior authorization to dismiss when dismissal is based on any other authorized ground.<br/><br/> Americas
written Art. 214 LC. N N Except for those workers listed in art. 212 LC to which the &quot;just cause&quot; requirement does not apply. N N Except for dismissals (individual and collective) on economic grounds: art. 215-216 LC Procedural requirements applicable to such dismissals are dealt with under the theme &quot;Procedural requirements for collective dismissals for economic reasons&quot;. N N N N Except for dismissals (individual and collective) on economic grounds: art. 216 LC Procedural requirements applicable to such dismissals are dealt with under the theme &quot;Procedural requirements for collective dismissals for economic reasons&quot;.<br/>For dismissals based on any other authorized ground, the employer has the option of applying to the labour courts for prior authorization to dismiss. Such judicial authorization is however not compulsory. N N
2019 Paraguay Paraguay Americas
written According to article 93, at the termination of any employment contract, whatever the reason that motivated it, the employer must give the worker free of charge a signed certificate that only expresses: a) The date of initiation and conclusion of the work; b) The type of work performed; and, c) Salaries accrued during the last payment period. If the worker requests it, the proof must also express: a) The efficiency and behavior of the worker; and, b) The cause or causes of the termination of the contract. Y
Y According to article 90, the employer who has not given the notice or gave it without complying with the legal requirements, is obliged to pay the worker an amount equivalent to the workeru00b4s salary during the term of the notice.<br/>In the event that the worker omits this requirement, th worker must pay his employer an amount equivalent to half the salary that corresponds to the end of the notice. N N There is no obligation to notify the public administration, apart from the situations provided by the law concerning redundancies (Articles 78 (h) Labour Code). <br/>According to article 88, the prior notice might be given through the Administrative Labor Authority, but there is no obligation.<br/> N N N N According article 320, in the event of a claim regarding violation of union stability, the Judge shall order as a precautionary measure the immediate reinstatement of the leader in his previous workplace, or the reestablishment of the modified conditions, within forty-eight hours. .<br/> <br/>Moreover, according to article 321, to dismiss a worker protected by Union Stability, the employer shall previously prove the existence of just cause imputed to him, or that the invoked condition of leader, manager or candidate is false. Taking into account the seriousness of the facts imputed to the worker, the Judge may order his preventive suspension. In this case, the employer must judicially deposit the worker&apos;s salary every month until the resolution or final agreement. N N
2019 Peru Peru Americas
written Art. 32 LPCL N N N N N N N N N N
2019 Philippines Philippines Asia
written Art. 292 b) LC. See aslo Omnibus Implementing Rules, Rule XIV, sec. 6. (in cases of regular employment). N N N N No general obligation to notify the administration. <br/>- No notification required in the event of a dismissal for a just cause.<br/>Note: for a dismissal based on the grounds of disease, there is no mandatory notification at the time of dismissal. However, before the employer can terminate on the ground of disease, he must obtain from a competent public health authority a certification that the employeeu2019s disease is of such a nature and at such a stage that it can no longer be cured within a period of six months even with medical attention (art. 299 LC; sec. 8 of Implementing Rules of Book VI, LC)).<br/> N N Art. 298 LC (former art. 283 LC):: Notice shall be served to the workers and the administration. No mention of worker&apos;s representatives. <br/><br/>However, &quot;YES&quot; for parties to a collective bargaining agreement (CBA). Although there is no provision in LC requiring notification to workersu2019 representatives, mandatory grievance machinery is applicable to parties to a collective agreement. This means that, as a first step, handling disputes must involve union shop stewards/unions.<br/>Art. 273 of LC (grievance machinery and voluntary arbitration) : It is mandatory for the parties to a collective bargaining agreement to establish a machinery for the adjustment and resolution of grievances arising from the intepretation or implementation of their collective agreement and those arising from the intepretation or enforcement of company personnel policies. <br/>Art. 267 of LC : Without undermining unionu2019s exclusive bargaining representation of the employees for the purpose of collective bargaining, and individual employee or group of employees shall have the right at any time to present grievances to the employer [...] Workers shall have the right to participate in policy and decision-making processes of the establishment where they are employed insofar as said processes will directly affect teir rights, benefits and welfare. For these purposes, workers may form labour-management councils (LMC) provided that the representatives of the workers insofar as said processes will directly affect their rights, beneftis and welfare. N N N N
2019 Poland Poland Europe
written The dismissal decision is to be delivered in writing (art.30, para.3 LC), specifying the reasons (art. 30, para. 4 LC) Y
Y Article 36.1., para. 1 LC provides that if the termination of an indefinite contract of employment is caused by declaration of the bankruptcy or liquidation of employer, or other reasons unconnected with the employees, the employer may, in order to terminate the contract of employment earlier, reduce the three months&apos; period of notice, however, to a period not shorter than one month. In such a case, the employee shall be entitled to compensation equal to the remuneration for the remaining period of notice. N N Y
Y Article 38, para. 1, LC provides that the employer&apos;s intention to terminate an indefinite time contract of employment with an employee shall be notified in writing to the establishment&apos;s trade union body representing the employee together with the declaration of reasons for termination of the contract. If the establishment&apos;s trade union body believes that the termination would be unjustified, it shall notify the employer in writing of its reasoned objections within five days after receiving the notification (Art. 38, para. 2, LC). Having examined the position of the trade union body, or if the latter does not take any position within the specified time limit, the employer shall make the decision on termination. (Art. 38, para. 5, LC)<br/><br/>In the case of the termination of employment without a notice due to the employee&apos;s fault, Art 52, para. 3, LC provides that the employer shall decide on the termination of the contract after having consulted the establishment&apos;s trade union body representing the employee concerned, which shall be notified of the reason justifying the termination of the contract. If there are objections as to the justiciability of termination, the establishment&apos;s trade union<br/>body shall state its post immediately, and in no case later than within three days. N N N N
2019 Portugal Portugal Europe
written Any dismissal decision shall be in writing.<br/>(see art. 357(6) LC - disciplinary dismissals, art. 378(1) LC - dismissal for unsuitability, art. 371(2) - individual redundancy, and art. 363(1) - collective dismissals) N N The LC does not allow for pay in lieu of notice in the event of an individual dismissal.<br/><br/>(Please note that for collective dismissals, art. 363(4) provides that if the employer does not comply the notice period, the employment contract will not terminate immediately but only at the expiry of the statutory notice period (as if notice requirements have been observed) and the employer has to pay compensation equal to the salary corresponding to the missing period of notice. This rule also applies to dismissal for unsuitability (art. 372 LC). Y
Y There is no general requirement to notify the administration in the event of a disciplinary dismissal (except for the dismissal of protected workers (i.e pregnant women or workers on parental leave - see above).<br/><br/>However, the administration is always notified in the event of dismissal for unsuitability of the worker or individual redundancy since a copy of the dismissal decision shall be sent to the relevant services of the Ministry of Labour (art. 378(2) and 371 (3) LC).<br/><br/>In addition, in case of individual redundancy, the administration may be involved at an earlier stage (and not only at the time of the final decision). Indeed, in the course of the consultation procedure, the workers&apos; representatives or the workers affected (and the trade union if a union member is affected by the dismissal) may, within 3 working days, after the initial communication request the intervention of the Labour inspection. If such request is made, the Labour inspection will verify compliance with the applicable statutory requirements and present a report within 7 days of the reception of the request (art. 370 (2) and (3) LC).<br/><br/> Y
Y Intervention of workers&apos; representatives is required in all types of individual dismissals.<br/><br/>- Unsuitability:<br/>Mandatory notification to the employee and the union if the employee is a union representative of the need to terminate the contact based on justified motives, the changes introduced in the workplace, the results of the training and the adaptation period. Lastly, the employer must prove that there are no other positions available in the company compatible with the employee&apos;s qualification (art. 376(1) LC). <br/><br/>As from Law 23/2012 the works council (or in its absence the inter-trade union committee) will be informed after 3 days of the notification to an employee who is not a worker representative (this communication had to be notified directly to the works council before this reform). <br/><br/>The works council (together with the employee concerned and the trade union, if applicable) has 10 days to issue a reasoned opinion (art. 377 LC).<br/><br/>Within 5 days after the 10-day period has elapsed, the employer shall issue a substantiated decision, the a copy of which shall be submitted to the employeesu00bf representatives (art. 378 LC).<br/><br/>- Disciplinary dismissal:<br/>Disciplinary dismissals are always preceded by a formal disciplinary process involving the worker&apos;s representatives. A copy of the written statement detailing the reasons for dismissal based on specific facts (statement of guilt - &quot;nota de culpa&quot;) shall be submitted to the works council, (and a trade union in case of dismissal of a trade union representative) (art. 353-2 LC) which can within 5 days, submit its (non-binding) opinion on the proposed dismissal (art. 356(5) LC). <br/>The final dismissal decision shall also be communicated to the works council (and the trade union, if applicable). (art. 357(6) LC)<br/>However, the intervention of the works council in disciplinary dismissal does is not applicable in enterprises with less than 10 workers (art. 358(1) LC)<br/><br/>- Elimination of the post (redundancy):<br/>Mandatory notification to the works council (or in its absence the inter-trade union committee) and the union if the employee is a union representative of the necessity to eliminate the position and consequently to terminate the employment contract as well as the reasons behind this decision (art. 369 LC).<br/>The workers&apos; representatives and the employee have 10 days to reply to the proposed dismissal and may within 3 days from the employer&apos;s communication request the intervention of the Labour Inspection (art. 370 LC)<br/>Five days after the 10 day period has elapsed, the employer may issue his decision in writing indicating the reasons for the elimination of the post and other elements such as the impossibility to find alternative adequate employment and proof that the selection criteria has been duly observed if objections have been made. A copy of that decision is to be sent to the employee concerned, the worker&apos;s representatives and the relevant services of the Ministry of Labour (art. 371 LC) N N N N
2019 Romania Romania Europe
written N N N N No general obligation to notify the administration.<br/>However, notification is requested in some specific cases as provided by art. 64 LC:<br/>Before carrying out a dismissal based on professional inadequacy or on mental or physical disability, the employer must offer the employee other vacant positions within the company, which are compatible with his/her professional background or, with the work capacity, as established by the occupational health doctor. <u>When no such vacancy is available, the employer must inform the competent territorial employment agency an request its support for redeploying the employee</u>. N N N N N N
2019 Russian Federation Russian Federation Europe
written Article 84-1 of the Labour Code Y
Y Article 180 of the Labour Code provides on the pay in lieu of notice in case of dismissals for economic reasons. N N N N N N N N Article 82 of the Labour Code: in case of termination of employment for economic reasons or for worker&apos;s conduct or performance, an employer cannot dismiss a worker, member of a trade union, without having taken into account the motivated opinion of the entreprise trade union.
2019 Rwanda Rwanda Africa
written Art. 24 LL provides that a notice of termination must be given in writing to the interested concerned party and must specify the reasons for the dismissal. However, Art. 29 provides that the notice is not required if so agreed between the parties. Y
Y u2022Art. 25 provides that any contract termination without notice or without having fully observed the notice period results in the party responsible for termination paying the other party the compensation provided for by this Law. Y
Y No general obligation to notify the administration of any dismissal. This only applies in case of the dismissal of a worker for economic and technological reasons (art. 34 LL - see below under collective dismissals). N N N N N N
2017 Saint Lucia Saint Lucia Americas
written Labour Act, section 153: (1) Where a valid reason for termination exists in accordance with this Code, a contract without reference to limit of time, except during the probationary period, may be terminated by the employer upon giving to the employee the following minimum periods of notice in <b> writing </b>-<br/>(a) one week’s notice if the period of continuous employment is more than twelve weeks but less than two years;<br/>(b) two weeks’ notice if the period of continuous employment is two years or more but less than five years;<br/>(c) four weeks’ notice if the period of continuous employment is five years or more but less than ten years; and<br/>(d) six weeks’ notice if the period of continuous employment is more than ten years.<br/> Y
Y Section 155 Labour Act: (1) In lieu of providing notice of termination, the employer may opt to pay the employee a sum equal to the employeesu2019 wages and other remuneration and confer on the employee all other benefits up to the expiry of any period of notice N N N N N N N N
2017 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Arab States
written Art. 75 LL. Y
Y Art. 76 LL. N N N N N N N N
2019 Senegal Senegal Africa
written Art. L50 LC Y
Y Art. L53 LC N N Except in case of an individual dismissal based on economic grounds (art. L60 to L62 LC) and any dismissal of a workers&apos; representative (art. L214 LC). N N Except in case of an individual dismissal based on economic grounds: art. L60 and 62 LC. N N However, approval is mandatory prior to the dismissal of a workers&apos; representative: art. L214 LC. N N
2019 Serbia Serbia Europe
written Article 185 (1) of Labour Law: An employment contract is cancelled by a decree in writing which must include explanation of reasons and legal recourse instruction. Y
Y Article 189 (1) Labour Law:<br/><br/>An employee whose employment contract has been cancelled due to unsatisfactory work performance, i.e. lack of necessary knowledge and skills in terms of Article 179, paragraph 1, item 1) of this Act, is entitled to a notice period to be determined by a bylaw or employment contract, depending on length of social insurance coverage, but which may neither be shorter than eight, nor longer than 30 days. N N N N Exception: Trade union must be notified in case of dismissal of trade union member: art. 181 LL. N N N N
2019 Singapore Singapore Asia
written Sec. 10 (5) EA. Y
Y Sec. 11 (1) EA. N N N N N N N N
2019 Slovakia Slovakia Europe
written Sec. 61 (1) and (2) LC. Y
Y When an employee is terminated on the grounds of the winding-up of the employer or its relocation or on the grounds of redundancy or based on the loss of his/her medical ability to carry out work, he/she is now entitled to <b>either notice or severance pay but no longer both. </b><br/><br/>If an employee is given notice for the above mentioned reasons, the employee has the right to ask the employer to terminate employment relationship by agreement before the start of the notice period and the employer must comply with this request. In such cases, the employee must be entitled to a severance allowance equal to not less than his/her average monthly earnings multiplied by the number of months of the notice period (sec. 76(2) LC).<br/>Where, on the other hand, there is no agreed termination, the employee is not entitled to any severance pay and the statutory notice periods apply.<br/>Lastly, if upon agreement, the employee continues to work for only a part of the notice period, he/she will be entitled to some severance payment for the time he/she has not worked (sec. 76(3) LC).<br/><br/>(2) If employment relationship is terminated by agreement for the reasons stipulated in Sec.63 paragraph 1 letter a) or b) or because the employee&apos;s health condition has, according to a medical opinion, caused the long term loss of their ability to perform their previous work, the employee shall be entitled to a severance allowance at termination of employment relationship equal to at least a) their average monthly earnings, if the employee&apos;s employment relationship lasted less than two years, b) two times their average monthly earnings, if the employee&apos;s employment relationship lasted at least two years and less than five years,, c) three times their average monthly earnings, if the employee&apos;s employment relationship lasted at least five years and less than ten years, d) four times their average monthly earnings, if the employee&apos;s employment relationship lasted at least ten years and less than twenty years, e) five times their average monthly earnings, if the employee&apos;s employment relationship lasted at least twenty years.<br/><br/>(3) If an employer terminates an employee&apos;s employment relationship by notice or by agreement on the reasons that the employee must no longer perform their work as a result of an occupational accident, occupational disease or the risk of such a disease, or that the employee has already received the maximum permitted level of exposure in the work place as determined by a decision of a competent public health body, the employee shall be entitled to a severance allowance equal to at least ten times their monthly earnings; this shall not apply if an occupational accident was caused by the employee breaching, through their own fault, legal regulations or other regulations for ensuring occupational safety and health or instructions for ensuring occupational safety and health despite having been duly and demonstrably familiarized with them and knowledge of them and compliance with them systematically required and checked, or if an occupational accident was caused by the employee under the influence of alcohol, narcotic substances or psychotropic substances and the employer could not prevent the occupational accident. N N N N N N However, prior approval by the relevant office of labour, social affairs and family is required in the event of a disabled employee: sec. 66 LC. N N However, pursuant to sec. 240 (9) LC: &quot; The employer may give notice to or terminate immediately the employment of a member of the relevant trade union body, a member of a works council or a works trustee only with the prior consent of these employees&apos; representatives. As previous agreement shall be considered as also failure by the employees&apos; representatives to grant consent in writing to the employer within 15 days of receiving the employer&apos;s request. The employer may only make use of this previous consent within a period of two months from its being grantedu201d
2019 Slovenia Slovenia Europe
written Art. 86 (1) ERA Y
Y Art. 96 ERA (Compensation instead of period of notice)<br/>(1) Instead of enforcing a part or the entire notice period, the worker and employer may agree on appropriate compensation. <br/>(2) The agreement under the preceding paragraph must be in writing. N N N N Article 86 ERA (Role of trade union and works council and/or worker representative)<br/>(1) If so requested by a worker, the employer must inform in writing the trade union of which the worker is a member at the time of the institution of proceedings for intended ordinary or extraordinary cancellation of the employment contract. If the worker is not a member of a trade union, the employer, upon the request of the worker, must inform the works council and/or the worker representative. <br/>(2) The trade union, works council or worker representative referred to in the preceding paragraph may give its opinion within six days. In the event that it does not give its opinion within that period, it shall be deemed that it does not object to the cancellation. <br/>(3) The trade union, works council or worker representative referred to in paragraph one of this Article may deliver a negative opinion if it considers that there are no substantiated reasons or that the procedure was not implemented in accordance with this Act. It must explain its opinion in writing. <br/>(4) Irrespective of an unfavourable opinion of the trade union, works council or worker representative, the employer may cancel the employment contract with the worker.<br/><br/>Article 112 ERA (Workersu2019 delegates)<br/>&quot;(1) An employer may not cancel an employment contract <br/>-with a member of a works council, a worker representative, a member of a supervisory board representing workers, a workersu2019 delegate in the council of the institute or <br/>-with an appointed or elected trade union representative <br/>without the consent of the works council or the workers who elected him or without the consent of the trade union if this person acts in accordance with the law, the collective agreement and the employment contract, except if for a business reason he rejects the offered appropriate employment with the employer or in the event of cancellation of the employment contract due to the procedure of winding-up of an employer. (...)&quot; N N N N Exception:<br/>Article 112 ERA (Workersu2019 delegates)<br/>&quot;(1) An employer may not cancel an employment contract<br/>- with a member of a works council, a worker representative, a member of a supervisory board representing workers, a workersu2019 delegate in the council of the institute or<br/>- with an appointed or elected trade union representative<br/>without the consent of the works council or the workers who elected him or without the consent of the trade union if this person acts in accordance with the law, the collective agreement and the employment contract, except if for a business reason he rejects the offered appropriate employment with the employer or in the event of cancellation of the employment contract due to the procedure of winding-up of an employer. (...)&quot;
2019 South Africa South Africa Africa
written See sec. 37(4) BCEA: Notice of termination must be given in writing and explained orally to an employee who is not able to understand it. Y
Y Sec. 38 BCEA. N N N N Except for individual dismissals based on operational requirements (see sec. 189 LRA).<br/>See also sec. 4(2) of the Code of Good Practice on Dismissal - schedule 8 of the LRA: Disciplinary proceedings against a trade union representative should not be instituted without first informing and consulting the union. N N N N
2019 Spain Spain Europe
written - Dismissal based on objective reasons: art. 53(1)a) ET.<br/>- Disciplinary dismissal: art. 55(1) ET. Y
Y As a result of law 35/2010, if the employer fails to observe the notice requirements, he or she shall be liable to pay compensation in an amount equivalent to the period of notice that was not given (art. 53(4) ET). N N N N No general obligation to notify the worker&apos;s representatives in the event of dismissal.<br/>However, notification is required in the following cases:<br/>- In the event of objective dismissal based on technical, organizational, economic or production-related grounds which is not part of a pattern of collective dismissal, copy of the notice of dismissal shall be given to the worker&apos;s representatives (art. 53(1)c) ET).<br/>- Where a trade unions member or trade union representative is dismissed by way of disciplinary dismissal (art. 55 (1) ET - see also above &quot;worker&apos;s enjoying special protection&quot;)<br/> N N N N
2019 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Asia
no specific form required
no specific form required - No specific form expressly required for individual termination other than by way of retrenchment. There is a prior approval mechanism by the Labour Commissioner upon application by the employer.<br/>The TEWA does not specify the form of the employer&apos;s application, however it stipulates that a copy of that application shall be communicated to the workman concerned who shall be afforded the opportunity to be heard. <br/>The decision of the Labour commissioner granting or refusing dismissal must be in writing and must be communicated to both the employer and the employee (sec. 2 TEWA)<br/>- Under the IDA, when contemplating termination by way of retrenchment, the employer is required to give the employee notice of such intention in writing (sec. 31 F IDA). N N Y
Y - Any termination (other than for disciplinary reasons): see sec. 2 TEWA: prior approval mechanism by the Labour Commissioner if the employer has not obtained the prior consent of the employee in writing.<br/>- In the event of retrenchment of any employee not covered by the TEWA, who has been employed for more than a year, who is not a seasonal employee and works for an establishment of more than 15 workers, the employer must send a copy of the written notice to the Labour Commissioner (sec. 31F IDA). N N - No mandatory notification. However, art. 17A TEWA provides for the possibility for the employee who is a trade union member to be represented by a trade union officer in any proceedings before the Labour Commissioner.<br/>- In the event of retrenchment of a trade union member (when the TEWA does not apply), notice shall be sent to that trade union. art. 31F IDA Y
Y - Any termination (other than for disciplinary reasons): see sec. 2 TEWA: prior approval mechanism by the Labour Commissioner if the employer has not obtained the prior consent of the employee in writing. The Labour Commissioner shall decide on the employer&apos;s application within 2 months from the date of receipt (sec. 11 of Industrial Disputes (Hearing and Determination of Proceedings) (Special Provisions) Act, No. 13 of 2003). N N
2017 Sweden Sweden Europe
written Sec. 8 EPA: “Notice of termination by the employer must be given in writing”. N N N N N N Exception as provided in sec. 30 EPA: u201cAn employer who wishes to summarily dismiss an employee or to give notice terminating employment for reasons relating to the employee personally, shall inform the employee of this in advance. Information concerning termination shall be given at least two weeks in advance. Information concerning summary dismissal shall be given at least one week in advance. If the employee is a union member, the employer shall notify the local organisation of employees to which the employee belongs at the same time as notice is given to the employee. The employee and the local organisation of employees to which the employee belongs are entitled to consultations with the employer concerning the measure to which the information and the notice relate. This shall apply provided that such consultations are requested not more than one week after information or notice was given. Where such consultations have been requested, the employer may not give notice of termination or summarily dismiss the employee until the consultations have been concludedu201d. (available at: N N N N
2019 Switzerland Switzerland Europe
written However, according to Art. 335 (2) CO, the party giving notice should state the reason for terminating employment in writing if requested by the other party.<br/>The same rule applies in case of dismissal with immediate effect : art. 337 CO. N N However, frequently the employer decides to release the dismissed employee from the obligation to work during the notice period. The release from the obligation to work is a unilateral legal act, exercised by the employer by virtue of his right to give directives and instructions, within the meaning of Article 321d CO. The release from the obligation to work does not imply the end of the employment relationship. The contract shall continue to have effect until the end of the notice period. N N N N N N N N
2013 Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Arab States
written Art. 56 (a) LL: Either the employer or the worker may terminate the unspecified-term contract provided they send the other party written notice prior to termination.<br/> Y
Y - Art. 56(b) LL: The party terminating the employment contract without notice or before the completion of the notice period shall pay the other party compensation equal to the wage of the worker for the whole or remaining duration of the notice period, unless the worker is dispensed from the notice period.<br/>- Art. 60 LL: Employers may dispense workers from working during the notice period and consider their service uninterrupted until the end of the notice period, with all accruing effects, in particular the amount of wages for the notice period. N N N N N N N N
2019 Tajikistan Tajikistan Europe
written Art. 45 LC Y
Y In this case according to the Art. 45 LC the employee shall be paid the compensation in the amount not lower than the average daily wage for each day remaining before the expiration. Y
Y Update as of 2016: Art. 45 (4) LC states that the employer must notify relevant authorities on labour on impending dismissal of employees by indicating their qualification and salary. Y
Y Update as of 2016: Art. 44 LC: Workers representatives should be notified at least 2 weeks before the termination of the contract. N N Y
Y Update as of 2016: Art. 44 LC does not clearly state that the employer cannot proceed with the termination of the contract without workers representatives&apos; approval. The article, however, sets procedural clarity for notification/coordination between the parties. <br/>The employer must notify workers representatives two weeks in advance (Art 44(1)); the workers representatives must reply back in 10 days (Art 44 (2)); the employer has a right to terminate the contract not later than one month after receiving the agreement of the workers representatives. <br/>So technically the employer should get the agreement from workers representatives. However, it does not say what happens if workers representatives do not agree.<br/>
2019 Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of Africa
written Art. 41(3) ELRA provides that notice of termination shall be in writing. Y
Y Art. 41(5) ELRA provides that instead of giving an employee notice of termination, an employer may pay the employee the remuneration that the employee would have received if the employee had worked during the notice period. N N N N Except in the event of termination based on operational requirements (retrenchment): art. 38(1) ELRA. N N N N
2019 Thailand Thailand <u>On notice periods:</u> The employer wishing to terminate shall give the employee notice of termination at least &quot;one full wage payment cycle&quot; before such termination is to take effect. However, notice need not be given more than three months prior to the termination being effective (where, for example, a wage cycle was longer than three months).<br/>(source: Thailand Business Blog Law) Asia
no specific form required
no specific form required <b>Notification to the worker to be dismissed: oral or written</b><br/>Art. 17 LPA, as amended by LPA-No.2 of 2008 (art. 8): The prior notice of termination <i>can</i> be given in writing. Y
Y See Sec. 17(3) as amended by LPA No. 7 (2019) (Sec. 5) and Sec. 121 LPA (economic dismissals). <br/>See also art. 582(2) CCC. N N N N N N However, the Labour Relations Act requires the approval of the Labour Court when the employer intends to dismiss (and otherwise punish or reduce wages of) a member of an employees&apos; committee (art. 52 LRA).<br/>Such committees are set up by employees in establishments employing at least 50 employees (art. 45 LRA).<br/> N N
2019 Tunisia Tunisia Africa
written Art. 14bis LC. Y
Y The LC is silent with respect to pay in lieu of notice.<br/>However, art. 16 of the CFA stipulates that, in the event notice is not observed, the amount of compensation to be paid must at least be equal to wages payable for the length of notice period or for the remaining period of notice (art. 16 FCA).<br/>___________________________<br/>Le Code du travail ne fait pas ru00e9fu00e9rence u00e0 l&apos;indemnitu00e9 compensatoire de pru00e9avis. Toutefois, l&apos;art. 16 de la Convention Collective (1973) stipule que&apos; &quot;en cas d&apos;inobservation du du00e9lai - congu00e9 par la partie qui a pris l&apos;initiative de la rupture, l&apos;indemnitu00e9 sera au moins u00e9gale au salaire effectif correspondant u00e0 la -duru00e9e du du00e9lai - congu00e9 ou u00e0 la pu00e9riode du du00e9lai - congu00e9 restant u00e0 courir.&quot; N N Except for protected workers.<br/>__________________<br/>Sauf pour les catu00e9gories de travailleurs protu00e9gu00e9s N N N N Except for protected workers.<br/>__________________<br/>Sauf pour les catu00e9gories de travailleurs protu00e9gu00e9s N N
2019 Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Europe
written Art. 44 LC Y
Y Art. 44(2) LC N N Y
Y Art. 45 LC: Any dismissal for economic reasons or worker&apos;s incapacity must be authorised by the trade union or another body of workers&apos; representatives N N Y
Y Art. 45 LC: Any dismissal for economic reasons or worker&apos;s incapacity must be authorised by the trade union or another body of workers&apos; representatives.
2019 Türkiye Türkiye The notice requirements apply to both employees covered by the job security provisions (termination with a valid reason) and those not covered by such provisions (no justification required). <br/>As mentioned above, the job security provision applies to employees who fulfil all the following criteria:the employee is engaged for an indefinite period, and; the employee has worked for at least 6 months, and; the employee works in an establishment with at least 30 employees.<br/>When terminating a contract for a just cause (&quot;breaking of the contract) for reasons related to health, misconduct, force majeure, arrest and custody, as listed in Art. 25, the employer does not have to observe any notice requirements. Europe
written Art. 19 LA provides that the notice of termination for employees, who are covered by the job security provision, shall be given by the employer in written form. Besides, the employer is obliged to specify the ground of termination clearly and definitely. <br/>[Art. 19 LA also requires the employer to allow an employee under a contract with an indefinite duration to defend himself against the allegations made against him or her in the event of dismissal for reasons related to the worker&apos;s conduct or performance].<br/><br/>The notice form for the termination of employees excluded from the job security provisions is not specified.<br/><br/>The 2012 Code of Obligations -that regulates the contract of workers not covered by the Labour Act- provides that, in relation to termination of employment related to the marketing facilities agreements, if the commission paid to the employee comprises at least one-fifth of the salary and the commission is influenced by seasonal fluctuations, the employer is entitled to terminate the employment contract as of the expiration of the former season with two months&apos; notice prior to the start of the new season. At the same time, the employee is also entitled to terminate the contract with two months&apos; notice before the start of the new season if he or she has worked until the end of the former season and also continued to work after the season. Nevertheless, the new Code of obligations doesn&apos;t provide any specific form of notification to the worker to be dismissed. Y
Y Art. 11 LA. Y
Y According Art. 9 of the Code of Social Insurance and Universal Health, the Presidency of the Social Security Institution shall be notified by the employer within maximum ten days after termination of the employment contract. <br/>Note: This notification obligation also applies to any recruitment. N N N N N N
2019 Uganda Uganda Africa
written Art. 58(2) EA: establishes a requirement for written notice of termination, which must be in a form and language that the employee it relates to can be reasonably expected to understand.<br/><br/>In addition, according to Art. 66 EA, the employer must conduct a preliminary hearing with the employee and another person of his or her choice before reaching a decision to dismiss that employee on the grounds of misconduct or poor performance. During, this hearing, the employer shall explain to the employee the reasons for which he or she is considering dismissing him or her. Y
Y Art. 58(5) EA. N N N N No general obligation to notify the worker&apos;s representatives. However, prior to any dismissal on the grounds of misconduct or poor performance, the employer must explain the reason for the planned dismissal to the employee, and the employee is entitled to have another person of his/her choice present during the explanation. Before reaching a decision on the dismissal, the employer must hear and consider any representation the employee and the person chosen by him/her, if any, may make (sec. 66(1) and (2) EA). N N N N
2019 Ukraine Ukraine Europe
written N N N N N N N N N N
2013 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Arab States
written Art. 117 FLLR. Y
Y Art. 119 FLLR. N N Notification is however required in the event of a dismissal of national employees (which only account for a small percentage of the workforce in the private sector). Under art.1.3 of the Ministerial Resolution No. 176 of 2009 &quot;Restricting the Dismissal of UAE National Employees&quot;, the dismissal of a UAE national in unlawful if the employer failed to inform the Ministry of Labour at least 30 days prior to the dismissal or fails to comply with the Ministry&apos;s instructions within the designated times. N N N N N N
2019 United Kingdom United Kingdom Europe
no specific form required
no specific form required No specific form required for dismissal notification.<br/>The ERA only provides for the right to a written statement of the reasons for dismissal upon request (sec. 92). N N There is no statutory right to pay in lieu of notice. However, a pay in lieu of notice clause can be inserted in the employment contract or it may be paid to cover any potential damages for breach of contract<br/>See also sec. 88 (1) a) ERA that provides that &quot;If an employee has normal working hours under the contract of employment in force during the period of notice and during any part of those normal working hours the employee is ready and willing to work but no work is provided for him by his employer (...) the employer is liable to pay the employee for the part of normal working hours a sum not less than the amount of remuneration for that part of normal working hours calculated at the average hourly rate of remuneration produced by dividing a week&apos;s pay by the number of normal working hours.&quot;<br/><br/> N N N N N N N N
2017 United States United States Americas
no specific form required
no specific form required As a general matter, there is no legislative requirement for notice of any kind when an employer dismisses an individual employee. Such notice requirements may be incorporated into a private contract of employment or a collective-bargaining agreement for employees represented by a union. N N N N N N N N N N
2019 Uruguay Uruguay It appears that there are no requirements to serve a notice to dismiss a worker. Americas
no specific form required
no specific form required N N N N N N N N The only situation provided by Law, in which an approval of a judicial authority is needed, concerns the dismissals of trade union members. N N
2019 Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Europe
written Art. 102 LC Y
Y According to the Art. 102 LC in cases of termination of employment by the employer the notice period can be replaced with the monetary compensation corresponding to the duration of notice, at the employer&apos;s discretion. Y
Y Art. 102 LC states that the employer is obliged to inform the local authority of labour, not later than two months before the termination, on the upcoming dismissal and to provide data of each employee, indicating his profession, qualifications and wages Y
Y Art. 101 LC N N Y
Y Art. 101 LC states that the termination of the employment contract by the employer is not allowed without the prior consent of the trade union committee or other representative body of employees, in the case when the obligation for such consent is provided by collective agreement.<br/><br/>The trade union committee or other representative body of employees must notify the employer in writing of its decision within ten days of receipt of the written submission on the intention of termination. <br/>An employer may terminate an employment contract within one month from the date of the trade union&apos;s committee or other representative&apos;s body of employees decision to consent to the termination of employment.
2019 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Americas
no specific form required
no specific form required N N There is no pay in lieu of notice because there is no notice foreseen in OLL. N N u2022Under the OLL, there is no general obligation to notify the labour administration prior to any dismissal.<br/>However, any dismissal of a worker protected by job stability must be notified to the competent labour judge within five business days of the date of the dismissal, with an indication of the reasons. . (= post-dismissal notification to a judicial body)<br/>In the absence of such notification, the dismissal will be deemed unjustified (art. 89 OLL).<br/>The employer is not bound to observe such requirement when dismissing managers and permanent employees with less than 1 month&apos;s service.<br/><br/>Notification to and authorization from the Labour Inspector is required for workers enjoying special protection (see art. 449 OLL on the general special protection against dismissal for trade union related activities (fuero sindical), on the categories of workers entitled to such protection see: art. 419 OLL ; on special protection not related to trade union activities see art. 420 OLL; on special protection for pregnant women, women on maternity leave and paternity leave, see: art. 335 and 339, on special protection during the authorized period of suspension of the employment relationship, art 420 together with art 72 OLL.<br/><br/><b><u>HOWEVER</u>, the above mentioned protection has been extended to a large number of workers by the so-called &quot;Immunity Decrees&quot; (Decree No. 3.708 for the year 2018). These are: all workers covered by the Labour Code except managers, workers with less than three months&apos; seniority, employees in positions of trust, and workers who earn more than three times the minimum wage. Under the immunity decree, a worker can only be dismissed for a just cause previously approved by the Labour Inspector.</b><br/> N N N N Art. 89 OLL: When the employer dismisses one or more workers protected by employment stability), he/she will have to notify it to the pertinent judge stating the causes that justify the dismissal in the following five working days, otherwise it will be considered a dismissal without just cause by the employer itself.<br/>Art. 90 OLL: The judge will have to orally decide on the dismissal, and state if there is right to reinstatement and if the worker must be paid a compensation.<br/>______________________<br/>In Spanish:<br/>Artu00edculo 89 OLL. &quot;Cuando el patrono o patrona despida a uno o mu00e1s trabajadores o trabajadoras amparados o amparadas por estabilidad laboral deberu00e1 participarlo al Juez o la Jueza de Sustanciaciu00f3n, Mediaciu00f3n y Ejecuciu00f3n de su jurisdicciu00f3n, indicando las causas que justifiquen el despido, dentro de los cinco du00edas hu00e1biles siguientes, de no hacerlo se le tendru00e1 por confeso, en el reconocimiento que el despido lo hizo sin justa causa. (...)&quot;<br/>Artu00edculo 90. &quot;El Juez o Jueza de Juicio deberu00e1 decidir de manera oral sobre el fondo de la causa y declarar con o sin lugar la solicitud de reenganche y el pago de los salarios cau00eddos.&quot; <br/> N N
2012 Viet Nam Viet Nam Asia
no specific form required
no specific form required Art. 38 (3) LC stipulates that the employer shall notify the worker of the dismissal but does not specify whether such notification shall be written. Y
Y Art. 41 (4) LC N N No general obligation to notify.<br/>However, before dismissing an employee due to poor performance, disciplinary measures, or illness, the employer must consult with the executive committee of the enterprise trade union with the aim of coming to an agreement. In case of disagreement, the two parties must report to the local branch of the State administration of labour: art. 38 (2) LC. Y
Y Art. 38 (2) LC: Before an employer can dismiss an employee due to poor performance, disciplinary measures, or illness, he must consult with the executive committee of the enterprise trade union with the aim of coming to an agreement. N N N N
2013 Yemen Yemen Arab States
no specific form required
no specific form required No specific form of notice required in Art. 38 LC. This provision only stipulates that &quot;a party wishing to terminate the contract shall give the other party prior notice of termination&quot;. Y
Y Art. 38(1) LC. N N No mandatory notification. However, art. 38(2) LC stipulates that &quot;if either party refuses to receive notice of termination of the contract, the notice may be deposited with the Ministry or one of its offices&quot;. N N N N N N
2019 Zambia Zambia - This section deals with individual terminations of oral contracts. <br/>Termination of written contracts is regulated by sec. 36 EA which reads as follows: &quot;(1) A written contract of service shall be terminated<br/>(a) by the expiry of the term for which it is expressed to be made; or<br/>(b) by the death of the employee before such expiry; or<br/>(c) in any other manner in which a contract of service may be lawfully terminated or deemed to be terminated whether under the provisions of this Act or otherwise except that where the termination is at the initiative of the employer, the employer shall give reasons to the employee for the termination of that employee’s employment.<br/>(2) Where owing to sickness or accident an employee is unable to fulfill a written contract of service, the contract may be terminated on the report of a registered medical practitioner.<br/>(3) The contract of service of an employee shall not be terminated unless there is a valid reason for the termination connected with the capacity, conduct of the employee or based on the operational requirements of the undertaking.<br/>(4) Reasons that are not valid for termination of contracts include <br/>(a) union membership or participation in union activities outside working hours or, with the consent of the employer, within working hours;<br/>(b) seeking office as, acting or having acted in the capacity of, an employee’s representatives;<br/>(c) the filing of a complaint, the participation in proceedings against an employer involving alleged violation of laws or recourse to administrative authorities;<br/>(d) race, colour, sex, marital status, family responsibilities, pregnancy, religion, political opinion or affiliation, ethnicity, tribal affiliation or social status of the employee; or<br/>(e)absence from work during leave or a rest period in accordance with a written law. &quot;<br/><br/>No further information is given as to termination of a written contract.<br/>- Individual terminations for reason of redundancy are dealt with under the section on collective dismissals.<br/> Africa
no specific form required
no specific form required Sec. 20(3) EA: Notice to terminate an oral contract may be either verbal or written.<br/>In the legislation reviewed, no information has been found with regards to written contracts.<br/> Y
Y Sec. 21 EA: <br/>&quot;Either party to an oral contract of service may terminate such contract-<br/>(a) in the case of a contract which may be terminated without notice, by payment to the other party of a sum equal to all wages and other benefits that would have been due to the employee if he had continued to work until the end of the contract period;<br/>(b) in any other case, by payment to the other party of a sum equal to all wages and other benefits that would have been due to the employee at the termination of the employment had notice to terminate the same been given on the date of payment.&quot;<br/>See also sec. 19 (b) EA: &quot;Each party to an oral contract for a period not exceeding one month shall, on the termination of such contract, be conclusively presumed to have entered into a new oral contract for a further period of the same duration and subject to the same terms and conditions as those of the contract then terminated unless-<br/>(b) the contract has been terminated by payment in lieu of notice&quot;.<br/><br/>In the legislation reviewed, no information has been found with regards to written contracts.<br/> N N Except in the event of individual termination by reason of redundancy (sec. 26B(2) EA, see below - collective dismissal) N N Except in the event of individual termination by reason of redundancy (sec. 26B(2) EA, see below - collective dismissal) N N N N

Year(s) Country Region Workers types Dismissal types
2019 Afghanistan Afghanistan Asia All all
2019 Angola Angola Art. 212 GLA: The period of notice for individual economic dismissals is 30 days.

No notice is required for disciplinary dismissals.
Africa All economic dismissal
2019 Argentina Argentina Art. 231 (b) LCL: establishes various statutory notice periods

According to article 231 LCL this is the compulsory minimum notification period, but the parties can agree on a longer one.

Fixed term contracts must follow article 94 LCT, according to which parties need to inform the other party of the end of the contract between 1 and 2 months before the agreed deadline, except if the contract is for the duration of less than one 1 month. If the advance notice is not observed, it will be presumed the conversion of the contract to an indeterminate one, except if an explicit renovation of the contract has been agreed.

Please note, however, that these rules do not apply to small and medium sized companies which are defined as those companies which up to 40 employees and a maximum annual turnover of such an amount set out by a special monitory commission (Comisión Especial de Seguimiento) for each activity or sector (art. 83 SMEL).
In those companies, the employer is only required to give an advance notice of one month to the employee, regardless of the length of service (art. 95 SMEL).
Americas All all
2019 Australia Australia Notice of termination is - together with other rights and entitlements set out in part 2.2 of the FWA - part of the new "National Employment Standards", in force since 1st January 2010.
s117(3) establishes the statutory minimum notice periods which varies according to the length of service and the age, as follows:
- If the employee has been continuously employed for not more than 1 year, the notice period shall be 1 week;
- If the length of service is more than 1 year but not more than 3 years, the notice period shall be 2 weeks;
- If the length of service is more than 3 year but not more than 5 years, the notice period shall be 3 weeks;
- If the length of service is more than 5 years, the notice period shall be 4 weeks.

In addition, the notice period shall be increased by 1 week if the employee is over 45 years old and has completed at least 2 years of continuous service with the employer at the end of the day the notice is given.

However, according to s123 FWA, the provisions on notice of termination do not apply to the following employees:
- Employees not covered by Division 11 of the FWA (both notice of termination and redundancy pay):
"(1) (a) an employee employed for a specified period of time, for a specified task, or for the duration of a specified season;
(b) an employee whose employment is terminated because of serious misconduct;
(c) a casual employee;
(d) an employee (other than an apprentice) to whom a training arrangement applies and whose employment is for a specified period of time or is, for any reason, limited to the duration of the training arrangement;
(e) an employee prescribed by the regulations as an employee to whom this Division does not apply.
(2) Paragraph (1)(a) does not prevent this Division from applying to an employee if a substantial reason for employing the employee as described in that paragraph was to avoid the application of this Division"
- Other employees not covered by notice of termination provisions:
"(3) (b) a daily hire employee working in the building and construction industry (including working in connection with the erection, repair, renovation, maintenance, ornamentation or demolition of buildings or structures); or
(c) a daily hire employee working in the meat industry in connection with the slaughter of livestock; or
(d) a weekly hire employee working in connection with the meat industry and whose termination of employment is determined solely by seasonal factors; or
(e) an employee prescribed by the regulations as an employee to whom that Subdivision does not apply."
Asia All all
2019 Australia Australia Notice of termination is - together with other rights and entitlements set out in part 2.2 of the FWA - part of the new "National Employment Standards", in force since 1st January 2010.
s117(3) establishes the statutory minimum notice periods which varies according to the length of service and the age, as follows:
- If the employee has been continuously employed for not more than 1 year, the notice period shall be 1 week;
- If the length of service is more than 1 year but not more than 3 years, the notice period shall be 2 weeks;
- If the length of service is more than 3 year but not more than 5 years, the notice period shall be 3 weeks;
- If the length of service is more than 5 years, the notice period shall be 4 weeks.

In addition, the notice period shall be increased by 1 week if the employee is over 45 years old and has completed at least 2 years of continuous service with the employer at the end of the day the notice is given.

However, according to s123 FWA, the provisions on notice of termination do not apply to the following employees:
- Employees not covered by Division 11 of the FWA (both notice of termination and redundancy pay):
"(1) (a) an employee employed for a specified period of time, for a specified task, or for the duration of a specified season;
(b) an employee whose employment is terminated because of serious misconduct;
(c) a casual employee;
(d) an employee (other than an apprentice) to whom a training arrangement applies and whose employment is for a specified period of time or is, for any reason, limited to the duration of the training arrangement;
(e) an employee prescribed by the regulations as an employee to whom this Division does not apply.
(2) Paragraph (1)(a) does not prevent this Division from applying to an employee if a substantial reason for employing the employee as described in that paragraph was to avoid the application of this Division"
- Other employees not covered by notice of termination provisions:
"(3) (b) a daily hire employee working in the building and construction industry (including working in connection with the erection, repair, renovation, maintenance, ornamentation or demolition of buildings or structures); or
(c) a daily hire employee working in the meat industry in connection with the slaughter of livestock; or
(d) a weekly hire employee working in connection with the meat industry and whose termination of employment is determined solely by seasonal factors; or
(e) an employee prescribed by the regulations as an employee to whom that Subdivision does not apply."
Asia employees ≤ 45 years old all
2019 Australia Australia Notice of termination is - together with other rights and entitlements set out in part 2.2 of the FWA - part of the new "National Employment Standards", in force since 1st January 2010.
s117(3) establishes the statutory minimum notice periods which varies according to the length of service and the age, as follows:
- If the employee has been continuously employed for not more than 1 year, the notice period shall be 1 week;
- If the length of service is more than 1 year but not more than 3 years, the notice period shall be 2 weeks;
- If the length of service is more than 3 year but not more than 5 years, the notice period shall be 3 weeks;
- If the length of service is more than 5 years, the notice period shall be 4 weeks.

In addition, the notice period shall be increased by 1 week if the employee is over 45 years old and has completed at least 2 years of continuous service with the employer at the end of the day the notice is given.

However, according to s123 FWA, the provisions on notice of termination do not apply to the following employees:
- Employees not covered by Division 11 of the FWA (both notice of termination and redundancy pay):
"(1) (a) an employee employed for a specified period of time, for a specified task, or for the duration of a specified season;
(b) an employee whose employment is terminated because of serious misconduct;
(c) a casual employee;
(d) an employee (other than an apprentice) to whom a training arrangement applies and whose employment is for a specified period of time or is, for any reason, limited to the duration of the training arrangement;
(e) an employee prescribed by the regulations as an employee to whom this Division does not apply.
(2) Paragraph (1)(a) does not prevent this Division from applying to an employee if a substantial reason for employing the employee as described in that paragraph was to avoid the application of this Division"
- Other employees not covered by notice of termination provisions:
"(3) (b) a daily hire employee working in the building and construction industry (including working in connection with the erection, repair, renovation, maintenance, ornamentation or demolition of buildings or structures); or
(c) a daily hire employee working in the meat industry in connection with the slaughter of livestock; or
(d) a weekly hire employee working in connection with the meat industry and whose termination of employment is determined solely by seasonal factors; or
(e) an employee prescribed by the regulations as an employee to whom that Subdivision does not apply."
Asia employees > 45 years old all
2019 Austria Austria - White-collar workers:
Sec. 20 (2) White-collar Employees Act:
In the absence of an individual agreement that is more favourable for the employee , the notice period is 6 weeks which increases with the length of service (2 months after 2 years of service, 3 months after 5 years, 4 months after 15 years and 5 months after 25 years).

- Blue-collar workers:
The notice period is 14 days in the absence of any other arrangement: sec. 77 Commerce Regulations (for industrial workers).

- See also: sec. 1159 and 1159b CC: minimum 14-day notice unless the employee is paid on a daily basis or by piece-rate, in which case only one day's notice needs to be given.
Europe white-collar workers all
2019 Austria Austria - White-collar workers:
Sec. 20 (2) White-collar Employees Act:
In the absence of an individual agreement that is more favourable for the employee , the notice period is 6 weeks which increases with the length of service (2 months after 2 years of service, 3 months after 5 years, 4 months after 15 years and 5 months after 25 years).

- Blue-collar workers:
The notice period is 14 days in the absence of any other arrangement: sec. 77 Commerce Regulations (for industrial workers).

- See also: sec. 1159 and 1159b CC: minimum 14-day notice unless the employee is paid on a daily basis or by piece-rate, in which case only one day's notice needs to be given.
Europe blue-collar workers all
2019 Austria Austria - White-collar workers:
Sec. 20 (2) White-collar Employees Act:
In the absence of an individual agreement that is more favourable for the employee , the notice period is 6 weeks which increases with the length of service (2 months after 2 years of service, 3 months after 5 years, 4 months after 15 years and 5 months after 25 years).

- Blue-collar workers:
The notice period is 14 days in the absence of any other arrangement: sec. 77 Commerce Regulations (for industrial workers).

- See also: sec. 1159 and 1159b CC: minimum 14-day notice unless the employee is paid on a daily basis or by piece-rate, in which case only one day's notice needs to be given.
Europe workers paid on a daily basis or by piece-rate all
2019 Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Art. 77 (1) LC
Amendments were made on this in 2017.
Europe All economic dismissal
2019 Bangladesh Bangladesh - In the event of a retrenchment, the employer shall give the employee one month's notice (sec. 20(1) LA).

- In the event of termination without cause (sec. 26 LA), the employer shall give the employee the following notice period:

1) For permanent workers:
- 120 days' notice if the worker is paid on a monthly basis;
- 60 days' notice to other workers.

2) For temporary workers (when termination is not due to the completion, cessation, abolition or discontinuance of the temporary work for which he was appointed):
- 30 days' notice if the temporary worker is paid on a monthly basis;
- 14 days' notice to other temporary workers.

- No statutory notice requirements for conduct and capacity-related dismissals (referred to respectively in the LA as 'dismissal' and 'discharge'), except for dismissals based on unjustified absence from the work place. (In case a worker remains absent from work without notice for at least 10 days, the employer shall serve him or her a notice to explain the reasons for the absence. If the worker does not submit a written justification for the absence or returns to work within 17 days, he or she is considered terminated, sec. 27(3A)).
Asia All economic dismissal
2019 Bangladesh Bangladesh - In the event of a retrenchment, the employer shall give the employee one month's notice (sec. 20(1) LA).

- In the event of termination without cause (sec. 26 LA), the employer shall give the employee the following notice period:

1) For permanent workers:
- 120 days' notice if the worker is paid on a monthly basis;
- 60 days' notice to other workers.

2) For temporary workers (when termination is not due to the completion, cessation, abolition or discontinuance of the temporary work for which he was appointed):
- 30 days' notice if the temporary worker is paid on a monthly basis;
- 14 days' notice to other temporary workers.

- No statutory notice requirements for conduct and capacity-related dismissals (referred to respectively in the LA as 'dismissal' and 'discharge'), except for dismissals based on unjustified absence from the work place. (In case a worker remains absent from work without notice for at least 10 days, the employer shall serve him or her a notice to explain the reasons for the absence. If the worker does not submit a written justification for the absence or returns to work within 17 days, he or she is considered terminated, sec. 27(3A)).
Asia permanent (monthly-paid) workers termination without cause
2019 Bangladesh Bangladesh - In the event of a retrenchment, the employer shall give the employee one month's notice (sec. 20(1) LA).

- In the event of termination without cause (sec. 26 LA), the employer shall give the employee the following notice period:

1) For permanent workers:
- 120 days' notice if the worker is paid on a monthly basis;
- 60 days' notice to other workers.

2) For temporary workers (when termination is not due to the completion, cessation, abolition or discontinuance of the temporary work for which he was appointed):
- 30 days' notice if the temporary worker is paid on a monthly basis;
- 14 days' notice to other temporary workers.

- No statutory notice requirements for conduct and capacity-related dismissals (referred to respectively in the LA as 'dismissal' and 'discharge'), except for dismissals based on unjustified absence from the work place. (In case a worker remains absent from work without notice for at least 10 days, the employer shall serve him or her a notice to explain the reasons for the absence. If the worker does not submit a written justification for the absence or returns to work within 17 days, he or she is considered terminated, sec. 27(3A)).
Asia permanent (non-monthly-paid) workers termination without cause
2019 Bangladesh Bangladesh - In the event of a retrenchment, the employer shall give the employee one month's notice (sec. 20(1) LA).

- In the event of termination without cause (sec. 26 LA), the employer shall give the employee the following notice period:

1) For permanent workers:
- 120 days' notice if the worker is paid on a monthly basis;
- 60 days' notice to other workers.

2) For temporary workers (when termination is not due to the completion, cessation, abolition or discontinuance of the temporary work for which he was appointed):
- 30 days' notice if the temporary worker is paid on a monthly basis;
- 14 days' notice to other temporary workers.

- No statutory notice requirements for conduct and capacity-related dismissals (referred to respectively in the LA as 'dismissal' and 'discharge'), except for dismissals based on unjustified absence from the work place. (In case a worker remains absent from work without notice for at least 10 days, the employer shall serve him or her a notice to explain the reasons for the absence. If the worker does not submit a written justification for the absence or returns to work within 17 days, he or she is considered terminated, sec. 27(3A)).
Asia temporary (monthly-paid) workers termination without cause
2019 Bangladesh Bangladesh - In the event of a retrenchment, the employer shall give the employee one month's notice (sec. 20(1) LA).

- In the event of termination without cause (sec. 26 LA), the employer shall give the employee the following notice period:

1) For permanent workers:
- 120 days' notice if the worker is paid on a monthly basis;
- 60 days' notice to other workers.

2) For temporary workers (when termination is not due to the completion, cessation, abolition or discontinuance of the temporary work for which he was appointed):
- 30 days' notice if the temporary worker is paid on a monthly basis;
- 14 days' notice to other temporary workers.

- No statutory notice requirements for conduct and capacity-related dismissals (referred to respectively in the LA as 'dismissal' and 'discharge'), except for dismissals based on unjustified absence from the work place. (In case a worker remains absent from work without notice for at least 10 days, the employer shall serve him or her a notice to explain the reasons for the absence. If the worker does not submit a written justification for the absence or returns to work within 17 days, he or she is considered terminated, sec. 27(3A)).
Asia temporary (non-monthly-paid) workers termination without cause
2019 Belgium Belgium Art. 37/2 § 1 ECA:
- 2 weeks in case of a tenure of less than 3 months
- 4 weeks in case of a tenure between 3 and less than 6 months
- 6 weeks in case of a tenure between 6 and less than 9 months
- 7 weeks in case of a tenure between 9 and less than 12 months
- 8 weeks in case of a tenure between 12 and less than 15 months
- 9 weeks in case of a tenure between 15 and less than 18 months
- 10 weeks in case of a tenure between 18 and less than 21 months
- 11 weeks in case of a tenure between 21 and less than 24 months
- 12 weeks in case of a tenure between 2 and less than 3 years
- 13 weeks in case of a tenure between 3 and less than 4 years
- 15 weeks in case of a tenure between 4 and less than 5 years

- Starting from 5 years of tenure, the notice period is increased by 3 weeks upon commencement of every additional year;
- Starting from 20 years of tenure, the notice period is increased by 2 weeks upon commencement of every additional year;
- Starting from 21 years of tenure, the notice period is increased by 1 week upon commencement of every additional year.

Art. 37 (2), para. 3.: The worker, the contract of whom was terminated by the employer with a notice period, may if he/she has has found another job, terminate the employment contract with reduced notice.
Europe All all
2019 Bolivia Bolivia Art. 12 of the LC provides for the following notice periods:

1. Labour contract with workers (”obreros"):
a.) 1 week of advance notice for contracts longer than one month;
b.) 15 days of advance notice for contracts longer than six months;
c.) 30 days of advance notice period for contracts longer than one year.

2. Labour contracts with employees ("empleados") require a notice period of 90 days if the contract has been consecutively longer than 3 months.

Note: the difference between “worker” and “employee” can be found in Article 2 of the Labour Code; the difference is based on the nature of the tasks for which they are contracted.
Americas permanent workers all
2019 Bolivia Bolivia Art. 12 of the LC provides for the following notice periods:

1. Labour contract with workers (”obreros"):
a.) 1 week of advance notice for contracts longer than one month;
b.) 15 days of advance notice for contracts longer than six months;
c.) 30 days of advance notice period for contracts longer than one year.

2. Labour contracts with employees ("empleados") require a notice period of 90 days if the contract has been consecutively longer than 3 months.

Note: the difference between “worker” and “employee” can be found in Article 2 of the Labour Code; the difference is based on the nature of the tasks for which they are contracted.
Americas temporary worker all
2019 Brazil Brazil According to art 487 of the CLL, a party who wishes to cancel an employment contract of an indefinite duration without a just motive ("sem justo motivo") shall give notice to the other party of his or her intention as follows:
* eight days in advance if wages are paid weekly or at shorter intervals;
* thirty days in advance if wages are paid fortnightly or monthly, or if the employee's length of service in the undertaking exceeds 12 months.

According to Law No. 12.506, 11 October 2011, Article 1. Single paragraph. "The prior notice provided for in this article will be added 3 (three) days per year of service provided in the same company, up to a maximum of 60 (sixty) days, making a total of up to 90 (ninety) days."

Note that the 8 days' notice requirement for weekly-paid workers might not be valid anymore since the adoption of the 1988 Constitution as art. 7 XXI of the Constitution provides for "a right to notice of dismissal in proportion to the length of service of at least thirty days, as provided by law".
Americas All dismissal without cause ("sem justo motivo")
2019 Bulgaria Bulgaria Art. 328 (1) together with art. 326 (2) LC
* The notice period for termination of a contract of unlimited duration must be 30 days, unless a longer period has been agreed by the parties, but not longer than 3 months.
*Note: the LC also provides that notice period for FTC shall amount to 3 months, but not more than the remaining period of the contract.
Europe All all
2019 Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Art. 66 LC and 30 of the Inter-occupational Collective Agreement:
The notice period varies according to the category of workers, as follows:
* 1 month for workers paid on a monthly basis who are not executives, supervisors, technicians
* 8 days for workers paid on a hourly or daily basis
* 3 months for executives, supervisors, engineers, technicians and similar workers.
Africa monthly paid workers all
2019 Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Art. 66 LC and 30 of the Inter-occupational Collective Agreement:
The notice period varies according to the category of workers, as follows:
* 1 month for workers paid on a monthly basis who are not executives, supervisors, technicians
* 8 days for workers paid on a hourly or daily basis
* 3 months for executives, supervisors, engineers, technicians and similar workers.
Africa hourly, daily or weekly paid workers all
2019 Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Art. 66 LC and 30 of the Inter-occupational Collective Agreement:
The notice period varies according to the category of workers, as follows:
* 1 month for workers paid on a monthly basis who are not executives, supervisors, technicians
* 8 days for workers paid on a hourly or daily basis
* 3 months for executives, supervisors, engineers, technicians and similar workers.
Africa first-line supervisors, technicians, engineers, executives all
2019 Cameroon Cameroon Art. 34 LC

Art. 1 of the Order No. 15 of 1993.
The notice period varies according to the professional category to which the worker belongs and the length of service.

* Categories I to VI and domestic workers:
- less than one year of service: 15 days;
- 1 to 5 years of service: 1 month;
- more than 5 years of service: 2 months.

* Categories VII to IX:
- less than one year of service: 1 month;
- 1 to 5 years of service: 2 months;
- more than 5 years of service: 3 months.

* Categories X to XII:
- less than one year of service: 1 month;
- 1 to 5 years of service: 3 months;
- more than 5 years of service: 4 months.
Africa worker's categories I to VI and domestic workers all
2019 Cameroon Cameroon Art. 34 LC

Art. 1 of the Order No. 15 of 1993.
The notice period varies according to the professional category to which the worker belongs and the length of service.

* Categories I to VI and domestic workers:
- less than one year of service: 15 days;
- 1 to 5 years of service: 1 month;
- more than 5 years of service: 2 months.

* Categories VII to IX:
- less than one year of service: 1 month;
- 1 to 5 years of service: 2 months;
- more than 5 years of service: 3 months.

* Categories X to XII:
- less than one year of service: 1 month;
- 1 to 5 years of service: 3 months;
- more than 5 years of service: 4 months.
Africa worker's categories VII to IX all
2019 Cameroon Cameroon Art. 34 LC

Art. 1 of the Order No. 15 of 1993.
The notice period varies according to the professional category to which the worker belongs and the length of service.

* Categories I to VI and domestic workers:
- less than one year of service: 15 days;
- 1 to 5 years of service: 1 month;
- more than 5 years of service: 2 months.

* Categories VII to IX:
- less than one year of service: 1 month;
- 1 to 5 years of service: 2 months;
- more than 5 years of service: 3 months.

* Categories X to XII:
- less than one year of service: 1 month;
- 1 to 5 years of service: 3 months;
- more than 5 years of service: 4 months.
Africa worker's categories X to XII all
2019 Central African Republic Central African Republic Art. 148 LC:
The duration of the notice period varies according to the worker's category as follows:
- 8 days for workers paid on a hourly, daily, weekly, fortnightly or piece rate basis;
- 1 month for workers paid on a monthly basis;
- 2 months for first-line supervisors ("agents de maîtrise") and similar positions;
- 3 months for managerial positions ("cadres").
Africa managerial and similar positions all
2019 Central African Republic Central African Republic Art. 148 LC:
The duration of the notice period varies according to the worker's category as follows:
- 8 days for workers paid on a hourly, daily, weekly, fortnightly or piece rate basis;
- 1 month for workers paid on a monthly basis;
- 2 months for first-line supervisors ("agents de maîtrise") and similar positions;
- 3 months for managerial positions ("cadres").
Africa monthly paid workers all
2019 Central African Republic Central African Republic Art. 148 LC:
The duration of the notice period varies according to the worker's category as follows:
- 8 days for workers paid on a hourly, daily, weekly, fortnightly or piece rate basis;
- 1 month for workers paid on a monthly basis;
- 2 months for first-line supervisors ("agents de maîtrise") and similar positions;
- 3 months for managerial positions ("cadres").
Africa first-line supervisors and technicians all
2019 Central African Republic Central African Republic Art. 148 LC:
The duration of the notice period varies according to the worker's category as follows:
- 8 days for workers paid on a hourly, daily, weekly, fortnightly or piece rate basis;
- 1 month for workers paid on a monthly basis;
- 2 months for first-line supervisors ("agents de maîtrise") and similar positions;
- 3 months for managerial positions ("cadres").
Africa fortnightly, weekly, daily or hourly paid workers all
2019 Central African Republic Central African Republic Art. 148 LC:
The duration of the notice period varies according to the worker's category as follows:
- 8 days for workers paid on a hourly, daily, weekly, fortnightly or piece rate basis;
- 1 month for workers paid on a monthly basis;
- 2 months for first-line supervisors ("agents de maîtrise") and similar positions;
- 3 months for managerial positions ("cadres").
Africa fortnightly, weekly or hourly paid workers all
2019 Chile Chile - Dismissal without cause (desahucio) of persons in positions of trust, representatives or certain categories of domestic workers ("trabajador de casa particular") must be carried out in writing, 30 days in advance except if the employer pays the worker cash compensation equivalent to the last monthly remuneration earned. Copy of the notice shall be sent to the relevant labour inspectorate (art. 161 LC)
- Dismissal based on the requirements of the undertaking: the worker must be given notice, copied to the relevant inspectorate, at least 30 days in advance (art. 162 LC).
- If the employee is dismissed for conduct-related reasons as listed in art. 160 LC then notice must be sent promptly after the occurrence of the conduct.
Americas All specific dismissal without cause ("Desahucio")
2019 Comoros Comoros Article 48 of the Labour Code (former art. 50): the period of notice is to be defined by decree after consultation of the Advisory Council of Labour and Employment (previously: the Supreme Council of Work) to take into account, namely, worker's tenure and professional categories. No Decree has been adopted as of 2019.
Africa All all
2019 Congo, Democratic Republic Congo, Democratic Republic Under the LC, the statutory minimum notice period is 14 days, increased by 7 days for each year of service (Art. 64).
However, the Ministerial Order no 12/CAB.MIN/TPS/117/2005 dated 26 October 2005 sets out notice periods which vary according to the category of workers concerned.
- For workers belonging to categories 1 to 5 (ranging from unskilled to highly skilled workers), the notice period is the same as the one set out in art. 64 LC (minimum 14 days, increased by 7 days for each completed year of service) (Art. 6 MO no 12).
- For first-line supervisors ("agents de maîtrise"), the notice period is minimum 1 month, increased by 9 days for each completed year of service (Art. 7 MO no 12).
- For managerial positions ("cadre de direction et cadre de collaboration"), the notice period is minimum 3 months, increased by 16 dyas for each completed year of service (Art. 8)
[Note for the purpose of the calculation 1 month was considered as 30 days].
Africa managerial and similar positions all
2019 Congo, Democratic Republic Congo, Democratic Republic Under the LC, the statutory minimum notice period is 14 days, increased by 7 days for each year of service (Art. 64).
However, the Ministerial Order no 12/CAB.MIN/TPS/117/2005 dated 26 October 2005 sets out notice periods which vary according to the category of workers concerned.
- For workers belonging to categories 1 to 5 (ranging from unskilled to highly skilled workers), the notice period is the same as the one set out in art. 64 LC (minimum 14 days, increased by 7 days for each completed year of service) (Art. 6 MO no 12).
- For first-line supervisors ("agents de maîtrise"), the notice period is minimum 1 month, increased by 9 days for each completed year of service (Art. 7 MO no 12).
- For managerial positions ("cadre de direction et cadre de collaboration"), the notice period is minimum 3 months, increased by 16 dyas for each completed year of service (Art. 8)
[Note for the purpose of the calculation 1 month was considered as 30 days].
Africa first-line supervisors, technicians, engineers, executives all
2019 Congo, Democratic Republic Congo, Democratic Republic Under the LC, the statutory minimum notice period is 14 days, increased by 7 days for each year of service (Art. 64).
However, the Ministerial Order no 12/CAB.MIN/TPS/117/2005 dated 26 October 2005 sets out notice periods which vary according to the category of workers concerned.
- For workers belonging to categories 1 to 5 (ranging from unskilled to highly skilled workers), the notice period is the same as the one set out in art. 64 LC (minimum 14 days, increased by 7 days for each completed year of service) (Art. 6 MO no 12).
- For first-line supervisors ("agents de maîtrise"), the notice period is minimum 1 month, increased by 9 days for each completed year of service (Art. 7 MO no 12).
- For managerial positions ("cadre de direction et cadre de collaboration"), the notice period is minimum 3 months, increased by 16 dyas for each completed year of service (Art. 8)
[Note for the purpose of the calculation 1 month was considered as 30 days].
Africa worker's categories 1 to 5 all
2019 Costa Rica Costa Rica According to article 28 of Labour Code, in case of dismissals without valid grounds in open-end contracts, the worker should be given a prior notice, if the employment contract lasts at least 3 months.
On the other hand, the employer is not obliged to provide prior notice in case the dismissal is due to disciplinary reasons. The employer is also not obligated to provide prior notice in fixed term contracts, unless the contract is being terminated before the term or the conclusion of the work, provided that the period of one year has not been exceeded.
Americas All termination without cause
2019 Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire L'article 1 du Décret No. 96-200 établit ce qui suit:
Sous réserve de dispositions plus favorables prévues par convention collective ou contrat de travail, la durée du préavis visé à l’article (...) du Code du Travail est fixée pour l’ensemble des travailleurs comme suit:
1) Travailleurs payés à l’heure, à la journée, à la semaine ou à la quinzaine et classés dans les cinq premières catégories :
• 8 jours, jusqu’à 6 mois d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 15 jours, de 6 mois à 1 an d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 1 mois, de 1 an à 6 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 2 mois, de 6 ans à 11 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 3 mois, de 11 ans à 16 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise
• 4 mois, au-delà de 16 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;

2) Travailleurs payés au mois et classés dans les cinq premières catégories :
• 1 mois, jusqu’à 6 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 2 mois, de 6 ans à 11 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 3 mois, de 11 ans à 16 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 4 mois, au-delà de 16 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise.

3) Travailleurs classés en 6ème catégorie et au-delà :
• 3 mois, jusqu’à 16 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise
• 4 mois, au-delà de 16 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;

4) Travailleurs de toutes catégories frappés d’une incapacité permanente partielle estimée à plus de 40 %.

Délai normal de préavis jusqu’à 6 mois d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise;
Deux fois le délai normal de préavis après 6 mois d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise.
In English:
Art. 1 Decree N°96-200, 7 March 1996 reads as follows:

1) Monthly-paid workers belonging to categories 1 to 5, the length of the notice period is:
- up to 6 years of service: 1 month;
- 6 to 11 years of service: 2 months;
- 11 to 16 years of service: 3 months;
- above 16 years of service: 4 months.

2) Monthly-paid workers belonging to categories 5 to 10:
- up to 16 years of service: 3 months;
- above 16 years of service: 4 months.

3) Workers paid on a hourly, daily, weekly and fortnightly basis:
- up to 6 months of service: 8 days;
- between 6 months and 1 year of service: 15 days;
- 1 to 6 years of service: 1 month;
- 6 to 11 years of service: 2 months;
- 11 to 16 years of service: 3 months;
- above 16 years of service: 4 months.

Notice period is doubled for workers having at least 6 months of service and suffering from permanent partial disabilities (over 40%).
Africa monthly paid workers (categories 1 to 5) all
2019 Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire L'article 1 du Décret No. 96-200 établit ce qui suit:
Sous réserve de dispositions plus favorables prévues par convention collective ou contrat de travail, la durée du préavis visé à l’article (...) du Code du Travail est fixée pour l’ensemble des travailleurs comme suit:
1) Travailleurs payés à l’heure, à la journée, à la semaine ou à la quinzaine et classés dans les cinq premières catégories :
• 8 jours, jusqu’à 6 mois d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 15 jours, de 6 mois à 1 an d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 1 mois, de 1 an à 6 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 2 mois, de 6 ans à 11 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 3 mois, de 11 ans à 16 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise
• 4 mois, au-delà de 16 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;

2) Travailleurs payés au mois et classés dans les cinq premières catégories :
• 1 mois, jusqu’à 6 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 2 mois, de 6 ans à 11 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 3 mois, de 11 ans à 16 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 4 mois, au-delà de 16 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise.

3) Travailleurs classés en 6ème catégorie et au-delà :
• 3 mois, jusqu’à 16 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise
• 4 mois, au-delà de 16 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;

4) Travailleurs de toutes catégories frappés d’une incapacité permanente partielle estimée à plus de 40 %.

Délai normal de préavis jusqu’à 6 mois d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise;
Deux fois le délai normal de préavis après 6 mois d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise.
In English:
Art. 1 Decree N°96-200, 7 March 1996 reads as follows:

1) Monthly-paid workers belonging to categories 1 to 5, the length of the notice period is:
- up to 6 years of service: 1 month;
- 6 to 11 years of service: 2 months;
- 11 to 16 years of service: 3 months;
- above 16 years of service: 4 months.

2) Monthly-paid workers belonging to categories 5 to 10:
- up to 16 years of service: 3 months;
- above 16 years of service: 4 months.

3) Workers paid on a hourly, daily, weekly and fortnightly basis:
- up to 6 months of service: 8 days;
- between 6 months and 1 year of service: 15 days;
- 1 to 6 years of service: 1 month;
- 6 to 11 years of service: 2 months;
- 11 to 16 years of service: 3 months;
- above 16 years of service: 4 months.

Notice period is doubled for workers having at least 6 months of service and suffering from permanent partial disabilities (over 40%).
Africa monthly paid workers (categories 6 to 10) all
2019 Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire L'article 1 du Décret No. 96-200 établit ce qui suit:
Sous réserve de dispositions plus favorables prévues par convention collective ou contrat de travail, la durée du préavis visé à l’article (...) du Code du Travail est fixée pour l’ensemble des travailleurs comme suit:
1) Travailleurs payés à l’heure, à la journée, à la semaine ou à la quinzaine et classés dans les cinq premières catégories :
• 8 jours, jusqu’à 6 mois d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 15 jours, de 6 mois à 1 an d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 1 mois, de 1 an à 6 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 2 mois, de 6 ans à 11 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 3 mois, de 11 ans à 16 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise
• 4 mois, au-delà de 16 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;

2) Travailleurs payés au mois et classés dans les cinq premières catégories :
• 1 mois, jusqu’à 6 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 2 mois, de 6 ans à 11 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 3 mois, de 11 ans à 16 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;
• 4 mois, au-delà de 16 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise.

3) Travailleurs classés en 6ème catégorie et au-delà :
• 3 mois, jusqu’à 16 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise
• 4 mois, au-delà de 16 ans d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise ;

4) Travailleurs de toutes catégories frappés d’une incapacité permanente partielle estimée à plus de 40 %.

Délai normal de préavis jusqu’à 6 mois d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise;
Deux fois le délai normal de préavis après 6 mois d’ancienneté dans l’entreprise.
In English:
Art. 1 Decree N°96-200, 7 March 1996 reads as follows:

1) Monthly-paid workers belonging to categories 1 to 5, the length of the notice period is:
- up to 6 years of service: 1 month;
- 6 to 11 years of service: 2 months;
- 11 to 16 years of service: 3 months;
- above 16 years of service: 4 months.

2) Monthly-paid workers belonging to categories 5 to 10:
- up to 16 years of service: 3 months;
- above 16 years of service: 4 months.

3) Workers paid on a hourly, daily, weekly and fortnightly basis:
- up to 6 months of service: 8 days;
- between 6 months and 1 year of service: 15 days;
- 1 to 6 years of service: 1 month;
- 6 to 11 years of service: 2 months;
- 11 to 16 years of service: 3 months;
- above 16 years of service: 4 months.

Notice period is doubled for workers having at least 6 months of service and suffering from permanent partial disabilities (over 40%).
Africa fortnightly, weekly, daily or hourly paid workers all
2019 Cyprus Cyprus Articles 9 of TEA.
Notice to be given to the employee (except in cases giving rise to summary dismissal) is established according to the length of service, as follows:

9.-(1) On or after the minimum period of notice given by the employer to the employee shall be as follows:
(a) where the employee has been employed continuously for 26 or more weeks but less than 52, a period of one week;
(b) where the employee has been employed continuously for 52 or more weeks but less than one hundred and four, a period of two weeks;
(c) where the employee has been employed continuously for a hundred and four-and-a-half weeks but less than one hundred and fifty-six, a period of four weeks;
(d) where the employee has been employed continuously for a hundred and fifty-a-week but less than two hundred and eight, a period of five weeks;
(e) where the employee has been continuously employed for two hundred eight weeks or more but less than two hundred and fifty-nine weeks, a period of six weeks;
(f) where the employee has been continuously employed for two hundred and sixty weeks or more but less than three hundred and eleven weeks, a period of seven weeks;
(g) where the employee has been continuously employed for three hundred and twelve weeks or more, a period of eight weeks.
Europe All all
2019 Czechia Czechia According to the Sec. 51 LC "The notice shall be at least 2 months".However with the amendments which came into force in 2012 one exception to the above mentioned rule has been added. Section 51.a LC now states: "Where notice has been given by an employee in connection with transfer of rights and obligations arising from the labour relations, it shall apply that his employment relationship will latest come to an end either on the day preceding the date when the transfer of the said rights and obligations takes effect or at the date when the transfer becomes effective."
No reference to the length of service.
Europe All all
2019 El Salvador El Salvador Americas All all
2019 Finland Finland Section 3, Chapter 6, ECA, General notice periods
“Unless otherwise agreed, the notice periods to be observed by the employer are the following if the employment relationship has continued uninterruptedly:
1) 14 days, if the employment relationship has continued for up to one year;
2) one month, if the employment relationship has continued for more than one year but no more than four years;
3) two months, if the employment relationship has continued for more than four years but no more than eight years;
4) four months, if the employment relationship has continued for more than eight years but no more than 12 years;
5) six months, if the employment relationship has continued for more than 12 years.
Europe All all
2019 France France According to art. L 1234-1 of the LC, the minimum mandatory notice period (excl. in cases of serious misconduct) is the following:
*1 month for tenure of more than 6 months and less than 2 years.
*2 months for at least 2 year-tenure.
These provisions apply unless the law, a collective agreement, the employment contract or customs set rules that are more favourable to the employee.
*For tenure of less than 6 months, the notice period is to be defined by law, collective agreements or, failing that, customs of the trade.

Note: In case of business closure due to force majeure, no obligation to respect the notice period : art. L 1234-12 LC.
Europe All all
2019 Gabon Gabon According to art. 65 LC, the statutory minimum notice period varies according to the length of service, as follows:
- up to 1 year of service: 15 days;
- from 1 to 3 years of service: 1 month;
- from 3 to 5 years of service: 2 months;
- from 5 to 10 years of service: 3 months;
- from 10 to 15 years of service: 4 months;
- from 15 to 20 years of service: 5 months;
- from 20 to 30 years of service: 6 months.
Above 30 years, an increase of 10 days per year of length of service is granted.
Africa All all
2019 Georgia Georgia Article 38 (1) LC: When terminating a labour agreement on any of the grounds under Article 37(1)(a, f, i, n) of this Law, employers shall be obliged to notify employees about it in writing at least 30 calendar days in advance. Besides, employees shall be granted a severance pay in the amount of at least one month’s salary within 30 calendar days after terminating the labour agreement. (...)
Alternatively, Article 38 (2) LC provides that when terminating a labour agreement on any of the grounds under Article 37(1)(a, f, i, n) of this Law, employers may notify employees about it in writing at least three calendar days in advance. In this case, employees shall be granted a severance pay in the amount of at least two months’ salary within 30 calendar days after terminating the labour agreement.
Europe All all
2019 Greece Greece The statutory notice periods for dismissing white-collar workers were shortened in 2012 by the Act 4093/2012 (art. IA para. 12 sec. 1):
- For employees who have served from 12 completed months to two years, one month's notice is required before dismissal;
- For employees who have served from two to five years, two months' notice is required before dismissal;
- For employees who have served from five to 10 years, three months' notice is required before dismissal; and;
- For employees who have served 10 years or more, four months' notice is required before dismissal.

[Prior to the reform, the notice periods were set , as follows:
- 1 month for employees who have worked for at least 12 months but not more than 2 years;
- 2 months for employees who have worked for at least 2 years but not more than 5 years;
- 3 months for employees who have worked for at least 5 years but not more than 10 years;
- 4 months for employees who have worked for at least 10 years but not more than 15 years;
- 5 months for employees who have worked for at least 15 years but not more than 20 years;
- 6 months for employees who have worked for over 20 years

- No notice period to be observed in order to dismiss a blue-collar worker, they are only entitled to severance pay.
Europe white-collar workers all
2019 Greece Greece The statutory notice periods for dismissing white-collar workers were shortened in 2012 by the Act 4093/2012 (art. IA para. 12 sec. 1):
- For employees who have served from 12 completed months to two years, one month's notice is required before dismissal;
- For employees who have served from two to five years, two months' notice is required before dismissal;
- For employees who have served from five to 10 years, three months' notice is required before dismissal; and;
- For employees who have served 10 years or more, four months' notice is required before dismissal.

[Prior to the reform, the notice periods were set , as follows:
- 1 month for employees who have worked for at least 12 months but not more than 2 years;
- 2 months for employees who have worked for at least 2 years but not more than 5 years;
- 3 months for employees who have worked for at least 5 years but not more than 10 years;
- 4 months for employees who have worked for at least 10 years but not more than 15 years;
- 5 months for employees who have worked for at least 15 years but not more than 20 years;
- 6 months for employees who have worked for over 20 years

- No notice period to be observed in order to dismiss a blue-collar worker, they are only entitled to severance pay.
Europe blue-collar workers all
2019 Guatemala Guatemala Americas All all
2019 Honduras Honduras According to article 116 Labour Code either party can terminate an employment contract of indefinite duration provided that advance notice is given.
The statutory notice period varies according to the worker's length of service, as follows:
- 24 hours, if the length of service is less than 3 months;
- 1 week if the length of service is between 3 and 6 months;
- 2 weeks if the length of service is between 6 and 1 year;
- 1 month if the length of service is between 1 and 2 years;
- 2 months if the length of service is more than 2 years.
Americas All termination without cause
2019 Hungary Hungary •Sec 69 LC provides for a notice period of 30 days, which, in case of dismissal by the employer, shall be extended by:
* 5 days after 3 years of service;
* 15 days after 5 years of service;
* 20 days after 8 years of service;
* 25 days after 10 years of service;
* 30 days after 15 years of service;
* 40 days after 18 years of service;
* 60 days after 20 years of service.

By agreement of the parties the notice periods referred to in Subsections (1)-(2) may be extended by up to six months (LC, sec. 68(3)). The period of notice for the termination of a fixed-term employment relationship by notice may not go beyond the fixed term. (LC, sec. 68(5))
Europe All all
2019 India India Sec. 13(1) MSO provides that permanent monthly paid workers are entitled to one month's notice, while other types of permanent workers shall be given two week's notice.
Also, Sec. 9 of IDA sets one month's notice for employer who proposes to retrench workers.

Sec. 25N IDA provides that (in case of retrenchment in establishments of 100 or more workers):
(1) No workman employed in any industrial establishment to which this Chapter applies, who has been in continuous service for not less than one year under an employer shall be retrenched by that employer until,
(a) the workman has been given three months' notice in writing indicating the reasons for retrenchment and the period of notice has expired, or the workman has been paid in lieu of such notice, wages for the period of the notice; and

Sec. 25F (in case of retrenchment in establishments of 50 or more workers) provides that before retrenching an employee employed for a period of continuous period of not less than one year he/she must be has been given one month's notice in writing.
Asia permanent (monthly-paid) workers all
2019 India India Sec. 13(1) MSO provides that permanent monthly paid workers are entitled to one month's notice, while other types of permanent workers shall be given two week's notice.
Also, Sec. 9 of IDA sets one month's notice for employer who proposes to retrench workers.

Sec. 25N IDA provides that (in case of retrenchment in establishments of 100 or more workers):
(1) No workman employed in any industrial establishment to which this Chapter applies, who has been in continuous service for not less than one year under an employer shall be retrenched by that employer until,
(a) the workman has been given three months' notice in writing indicating the reasons for retrenchment and the period of notice has expired, or the workman has been paid in lieu of such notice, wages for the period of the notice; and

Sec. 25F (in case of retrenchment in establishments of 50 or more workers) provides that before retrenching an employee employed for a period of continuous period of not less than one year he/she must be has been given one month's notice in writing.
Asia permanent (non-monthly-paid) workers all
2019 Indonesia Indonesia Indonesian law does not set out notice periods. If an employer decides to terminate an employee, he/she shall obtain the approval from the institution for the settlement of industrial relations disputes. In practice, this pre-termination statutory procedure involves a delay between the employer notifying the employee of the planned termination and the termination date. Asia All all
2019 Japan Japan Indefinite contracts:

Sec 20(1) and (3) of LSA: In case of terminating an indefinite employment contract, the employer must provide at least 30 days advance notice. An employer who does not give 30 days advance notice is required to pay the average wage for a period of not less than 30 days, provided, however, that this shall not apply in the event that the continuance of the enterprise has been made impossible by a natural disaster or other unavoidable reason nor when the worker is dismissed for reasons attributable to the worker. In the event of circumstances under the second sentence of the provision of the preceding paragraph, the employer shall obtain the approval of the relevant government agency with respect to the reason in question.

The requirement for 30-day advance notice shall not apply to any worker coming under one of the following items; provided, however, that this shall not be the case with respect to a worker coming under item (i) who has been employed consecutively for more than one month, a worker coming under either item (ii) or item (iii) who has been employed consecutively for more than the period set forth in each such item respectively, nor a worker coming under item (iv) who has been employed consecutively for more than 14 days (section 21 of LSA): (i)workers who are employed on a daily basis; (ii) workers who are employed for a fixed period not longer than 2 months; (iii) workers who are employed in seasonal work for a fixed period not longer than 4 months; (iv) workers in a probationary period unless they have been employed consecutively for a period of more than 14 days (not only working days, but also including rest days).
With regard to domestic workers and employers’ family members who are excluded from the scope of LSA, the notice period under the Civil Code applies: Both parties can terminate an employment contract of indefinite duration at will provided that two weeks' notice is given (section 627(1), CC).

Sec 17(1) of LCA provides that an employer may not dismiss a worker until the expiration of the term of such labour contract, unless there are unavoidable grounds.
Asia All all
2019 Jordan Jordan Art. 23 A) LL: If one of the parties intends to terminate the employment contract, he or she shall notify the other party of his or her intention in writing at least one month in advance. Arab States All all
2019 Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Article 53 LC. Procedure for termination of the employment contract by the employer

1. When an employer terminates an employment contract for the reasons provided for in article 52, paragraph 1 (1) and (2), of this Code, the employer must notify the employee in writing of the termination of the contract at least one month in advance, unless a longer notice period is stipulated in the employment contract or collective agreement. With the employee's written consent, the employment contract may be terminated before the expiry of the notice period. (...)
2. In the event of termination of an employment contract on the grounds stipulated in article 52, paragraph 1 (3), of this Code, the employer must notify the employees in writing of the termination of the employment contract 15 working days in advance, unless a longer notice period is stipulated in the employment or collective agreements. (...)

However, each of the grounds for contract termination outlined in Article 52 LC has its own procedure outlined in Article 53. One month notice is not applicable to all of the grounds. Notice period varies from 10 calendar days to 15 working days to 1 month. Some instances do not indicate on notice period (e.g. medical conditions, grounds for alcoholics).

On the basis that Article 53 LC provides for two different length of notice (either 15 days or 1 month) depending on the type of economic dismissal, an average between the two is taken in the table hereunder, i.e. 21 days.

On the basis of Article 53(3-10) LC, notice period is not considered for dismissals based on the non-economic grounds provided under Article 52(4-25).
Europe All economic dismissal
2019 Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Art. 26 LSA: The notice period shall be 30 days regardless of the length of service.

However, exceptionally, notice may not be given to workers who have been employed: 1) on a daily basis for less than three consecutive months; 2) for a fixed period not exceeding two months; 3) as a monthly-paid worker for less than six months; 4) for seasonal work for a fixed period not exceeding six months; 5) as a worker in a probationary period (art. 35 LSA).
Asia All all
2019 Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Art. 85 LC Europe All economic dismissal
2019 Lesotho Lesotho Art. 63 LC.
Statutory notice period is set according to the length of service, as follows:
* 1 or more years of service: 1 month's notice;
* more than 6 months and less than 1 year: a fortnight's notice;
* less than 6 months: 1 week's notice.
Africa All all
2019 Luxembourg Luxembourg According to art. L 124-3 LC, the statutory notice period is:
*2 months for a tenure of less than 5 years
*4 months from 5 years until 10 years of service
*6 months over 10 years of service
Art. 124-7 LC provides that these notice periods can be extended when the employer has less than 20 employees. In that case, the employer may opt either for the payment of the severance pay referred to in Art. 124-7 (1) or for an extension of the notice periods as established by Art. 124-7 (2).
Art. L. 124-3 du Code du travail
(1) L’employeur qui décide de licencier doit, sous peine d’irrégularité pour vice de forme, notifier le licenciement au salarié par lettre recommandée à la poste. Toutefois, la signature apposée par le salarié sur le double de la lettre de licenciement vaut accusé de réception de la notification.
(2) En cas de licenciement d’un salarié à l’initiative de l’employeur, le contrat de travail prend fin:
- à l’expiration d’un délai de préavis de deux mois pour le salarié qui justifie auprès du même employeur d’une ancienneté de services continus inférieure à cinq ans;
- à l’expiration d’un délai de préavis de quatre mois pour le salarié qui justifie auprès du même employeur d’une ancienneté de services continus comprise entre cinq ans et moins de dix ans;
- à l’expiration d’un délai de préavis de six mois pour le salarié qui justifie auprès du même employeur d’une ancienneté de services continus de dix ans au moins.

L'article 124-7(2) du Code du travail prévoit que l’employeur occupant moins de vingt salariés peut opter dans la lettre de licenciement soit pour le versement des indemnités visées au paragraphe (1) de l'art. 124-7, soit pour la prolongation des délais de préavis visés à l’article L. 124-3 qui, dans ce cas, sont portés:
– à cinq mois pour le salarié justifiant auprès du même employeur d’une ancienneté de service continus de cinq années au moins;
– à huit mois pour le salarié justifiant auprès du même employeur d’une ancienneté de service continus de dix années au moins;
– à neuf mois pour le salarié justifiant auprès du même employeur d’une ancienneté de service continus de quinze années au moins;
– à douze mois pour le salarié justifiant auprès du même employeur d’une ancienneté de service continus de vingt années au moins;
– à quinze mois pour le salarié justifiant auprès du même employeur d’une ancienneté de service continus de vingt-cinq années au moins;
– à dix-huit mois pour le salarié justifiant auprès du même employeur d’une ancienneté de service continus de trente années au moins.
Europe All all
2019 Madagascar Madagascar The notice period is regulated by Decree 2007-009.
The statutory minimum notice period is set according to the length of service and varies according to the workers' category. For the purpose of calculating the notice period, workers are divided into 5 groups (see Art. 2 Decree 2007-009).

- Group I covers mainly unskilled blue collar workers, workers performing work which requires limited skills or professional experience, and employees performing tasks which only require limited training.
- Group II includes skilled blue-collar workers and employees with skills and experience but whose work does not involve any specific responsibility.
- Group III includes highly skilled blue-collar workers with limited responsibility, qualified employees with extensive professional training whose work involves taking initiative and exercising specific responsibilities, and junior executives.
- Group IV includes engineers and highly qualified technicians and employees exercising supervisory, coordination or managerial functions.
- Group V covers those workers who do not fall within the previous category, which mainly includes top executives.

The notice periods are set as follows:
* Length of service < 8 days:
Group I: 1 day; Group II: 2 days; Group III: 3 days; Group IV: 4 days; Group V: 5 days.
* Length of service < 3 months:
Group I: 3 days; Group II: 8 days; Group III: 15 days; Group IV: 1 month; Group V: 1 month.
* Length of service < 1 year:
Group I: 8 days; Group II: 15 days; Group III: 1 month; Group IV: 1.5 months; Group V: 3 months.
* Length of service > 1 year:
Group I: 10 days; Group II: 1 month; Group III: 1.5 months; Group IV: 2.5 months; Group V: 4 months.
* Length of service > 3 years: additional 2 days per year of service
* Length of service > 5 years:
Group I: 1 month; Group II: 1.5 months; Group III: 2 months; Group IV: 3 months: Group V: 6 months.
Africa Workers' category I all
2019 Madagascar Madagascar The notice period is regulated by Decree 2007-009.
The statutory minimum notice period is set according to the length of service and varies according to the workers' category. For the purpose of calculating the notice period, workers are divided into 5 groups (see Art. 2 Decree 2007-009).

- Group I covers mainly unskilled blue collar workers, workers performing work which requires limited skills or professional experience, and employees performing tasks which only require limited training.
- Group II includes skilled blue-collar workers and employees with skills and experience but whose work does not involve any specific responsibility.
- Group III includes highly skilled blue-collar workers with limited responsibility, qualified employees with extensive professional training whose work involves taking initiative and exercising specific responsibilities, and junior executives.
- Group IV includes engineers and highly qualified technicians and employees exercising supervisory, coordination or managerial functions.
- Group V covers those workers who do not fall within the previous category, which mainly includes top executives.

The notice periods are set as follows:
* Length of service < 8 days:
Group I: 1 day; Group II: 2 days; Group III: 3 days; Group IV: 4 days; Group V: 5 days.
* Length of service < 3 months:
Group I: 3 days; Group II: 8 days; Group III: 15 days; Group IV: 1 month; Group V: 1 month.
* Length of service < 1 year:
Group I: 8 days; Group II: 15 days; Group III: 1 month; Group IV: 1.5 months; Group V: 3 months.
* Length of service > 1 year:
Group I: 10 days; Group II: 1 month; Group III: 1.5 months; Group IV: 2.5 months; Group V: 4 months.
* Length of service > 3 years: additional 2 days per year of service
* Length of service > 5 years:
Group I: 1 month; Group II: 1.5 months; Group III: 2 months; Group IV: 3 months: Group V: 6 months.
Africa Workers' category II all
2019 Madagascar Madagascar The notice period is regulated by Decree 2007-009.
The statutory minimum notice period is set according to the length of service and varies according to the workers' category. For the purpose of calculating the notice period, workers are divided into 5 groups (see Art. 2 Decree 2007-009).

- Group I covers mainly unskilled blue collar workers, workers performing work which requires limited skills or professional experience, and employees performing tasks which only require limited training.
- Group II includes skilled blue-collar workers and employees with skills and experience but whose work does not involve any specific responsibility.
- Group III includes highly skilled blue-collar workers with limited responsibility, qualified employees with extensive professional training whose work involves taking initiative and exercising specific responsibilities, and junior executives.
- Group IV includes engineers and highly qualified technicians and employees exercising supervisory, coordination or managerial functions.
- Group V covers those workers who do not fall within the previous category, which mainly includes top executives.

The notice periods are set as follows:
* Length of service < 8 days:
Group I: 1 day; Group II: 2 days; Group III: 3 days; Group IV: 4 days; Group V: 5 days.
* Length of service < 3 months:
Group I: 3 days; Group II: 8 days; Group III: 15 days; Group IV: 1 month; Group V: 1 month.
* Length of service < 1 year:
Group I: 8 days; Group II: 15 days; Group III: 1 month; Group IV: 1.5 months; Group V: 3 months.
* Length of service > 1 year:
Group I: 10 days; Group II: 1 month; Group III: 1.5 months; Group IV: 2.5 months; Group V: 4 months.
* Length of service > 3 years: additional 2 days per year of service
* Length of service > 5 years:
Group I: 1 month; Group II: 1.5 months; Group III: 2 months; Group IV: 3 months: Group V: 6 months.
Africa Workers' category III all
2019 Madagascar Madagascar The notice period is regulated by Decree 2007-009.
The statutory minimum notice period is set according to the length of service and varies according to the workers' category. For the purpose of calculating the notice period, workers are divided into 5 groups (see Art. 2 Decree 2007-009).

- Group I covers mainly unskilled blue collar workers, workers performing work which requires limited skills or professional experience, and employees performing tasks which only require limited training.
- Group II includes skilled blue-collar workers and employees with skills and experience but whose work does not involve any specific responsibility.
- Group III includes highly skilled blue-collar workers with limited responsibility, qualified employees with extensive professional training whose work involves taking initiative and exercising specific responsibilities, and junior executives.
- Group IV includes engineers and highly qualified technicians and employees exercising supervisory, coordination or managerial functions.
- Group V covers those workers who do not fall within the previous category, which mainly includes top executives.

The notice periods are set as follows:
* Length of service < 8 days:
Group I: 1 day; Group II: 2 days; Group III: 3 days; Group IV: 4 days; Group V: 5 days.
* Length of service < 3 months:
Group I: 3 days; Group II: 8 days; Group III: 15 days; Group IV: 1 month; Group V: 1 month.
* Length of service < 1 year:
Group I: 8 days; Group II: 15 days; Group III: 1 month; Group IV: 1.5 months; Group V: 3 months.
* Length of service > 1 year:
Group I: 10 days; Group II: 1 month; Group III: 1.5 months; Group IV: 2.5 months; Group V: 4 months.
* Length of service > 3 years: additional 2 days per year of service
* Length of service > 5 years:
Group I: 1 month; Group II: 1.5 months; Group III: 2 months; Group IV: 3 months: Group V: 6 months.
Africa Workers' category IV all
2019 Madagascar Madagascar The notice period is regulated by Decree 2007-009.
The statutory minimum notice period is set according to the length of service and varies according to the workers' category. For the purpose of calculating the notice period, workers are divided into 5 groups (see Art. 2 Decree 2007-009).

- Group I covers mainly unskilled blue collar workers, workers performing work which requires limited skills or professional experience, and employees performing tasks which only require limited training.
- Group II includes skilled blue-collar workers and employees with skills and experience but whose work does not involve any specific responsibility.
- Group III includes highly skilled blue-collar workers with limited responsibility, qualified employees with extensive professional training whose work involves taking initiative and exercising specific responsibilities, and junior executives.
- Group IV includes engineers and highly qualified technicians and employees exercising supervisory, coordination or managerial functions.
- Group V covers those workers who do not fall within the previous category, which mainly includes top executives.

The notice periods are set as follows:
* Length of service < 8 days:
Group I: 1 day; Group II: 2 days; Group III: 3 days; Group IV: 4 days; Group V: 5 days.
* Length of service < 3 months:
Group I: 3 days; Group II: 8 days; Group III: 15 days; Group IV: 1 month; Group V: 1 month.
* Length of service < 1 year:
Group I: 8 days; Group II: 15 days; Group III: 1 month; Group IV: 1.5 months; Group V: 3 months.
* Length of service > 1 year:
Group I: 10 days; Group II: 1 month; Group III: 1.5 months; Group IV: 2.5 months; Group V: 4 months.
* Length of service > 3 years: additional 2 days per year of service
* Length of service > 5 years:
Group I: 1 month; Group II: 1.5 months; Group III: 2 months; Group IV: 3 months: Group V: 6 months.
Africa Workers' category V all
2019 Malawi Malawi Art. 29 (1) EA: Notice period for terminating a contract for an unspecified period of time varies between 1 day and one month depending on the frequency of pay and/or the length of service, as follows:
1) workers paid on a monthly basis: 1 month's notice;
2) workers paid on a fortnightly basis:
- 1 fortnight's notice for less than 5 years of service
- 1 month's notice for at least 5 years of service;
3) workers paid on a weekly basis:
- 1 week's notice for less than 2 years of service
- 1 fortnight's notice between 2 and less than 5 years of service
- 1 month's notice for at least 5 years of service;
4) workers paid on a hourly basis:
- 1 day's notice for less than 6 months of service
- 1 week notice between 6 months and less than 2 years of service
- 1 fortnight's notice between 2 and less than 5 years of service
- 1 month's notice for at least 5 years of service.

Art. 29 (3) EA: The minimum period of notice in respect of a contract of employment for a specified period of time shall be 14 days.
Africa monthly paid workers all
2019 Malawi Malawi Art. 29 (1) EA: Notice period for terminating a contract for an unspecified period of time varies between 1 day and one month depending on the frequency of pay and/or the length of service, as follows:
1) workers paid on a monthly basis: 1 month's notice;
2) workers paid on a fortnightly basis:
- 1 fortnight's notice for less than 5 years of service
- 1 month's notice for at least 5 years of service;
3) workers paid on a weekly basis:
- 1 week's notice for less than 2 years of service
- 1 fortnight's notice between 2 and less than 5 years of service
- 1 month's notice for at least 5 years of service;
4) workers paid on a hourly basis:
- 1 day's notice for less than 6 months of service
- 1 week notice between 6 months and less than 2 years of service
- 1 fortnight's notice between 2 and less than 5 years of service
- 1 month's notice for at least 5 years of service.

Art. 29 (3) EA: The minimum period of notice in respect of a contract of employment for a specified period of time shall be 14 days.
Africa fortnightly paid workers all
2019 Malawi Malawi Art. 29 (1) EA: Notice period for terminating a contract for an unspecified period of time varies between 1 day and one month depending on the frequency of pay and/or the length of service, as follows:
1) workers paid on a monthly basis: 1 month's notice;
2) workers paid on a fortnightly basis:
- 1 fortnight's notice for less than 5 years of service
- 1 month's notice for at least 5 years of service;
3) workers paid on a weekly basis:
- 1 week's notice for less than 2 years of service
- 1 fortnight's notice between 2 and less than 5 years of service
- 1 month's notice for at least 5 years of service;
4) workers paid on a hourly basis:
- 1 day's notice for less than 6 months of service
- 1 week notice between 6 months and less than 2 years of service
- 1 fortnight's notice between 2 and less than 5 years of service
- 1 month's notice for at least 5 years of service.

Art. 29 (3) EA: The minimum period of notice in respect of a contract of employment for a specified period of time shall be 14 days.
Africa hourly or weekly paid workers all
2019 Malawi Malawi Art. 29 (1) EA: Notice period for terminating a contract for an unspecified period of time varies between 1 day and one month depending on the frequency of pay and/or the length of service, as follows:
1) workers paid on a monthly basis: 1 month's notice;
2) workers paid on a fortnightly basis:
- 1 fortnight's notice for less than 5 years of service
- 1 month's notice for at least 5 years of service;
3) workers paid on a weekly basis:
- 1 week's notice for less than 2 years of service
- 1 fortnight's notice between 2 and less than 5 years of service
- 1 month's notice for at least 5 years of service;
4) workers paid on a hourly basis:
- 1 day's notice for less than 6 months of service
- 1 week notice between 6 months and less than 2 years of service
- 1 fortnight's notice between 2 and less than 5 years of service
- 1 month's notice for at least 5 years of service.

Art. 29 (3) EA: The minimum period of notice in respect of a contract of employment for a specified period of time shall be 14 days.
Africa fixed-term workers all
2019 Malawi Malawi Art. 29 (1) EA: Notice period for terminating a contract for an unspecified period of time varies between 1 day and one month depending on the frequency of pay and/or the length of service, as follows:
1) workers paid on a monthly basis: 1 month's notice;
2) workers paid on a fortnightly basis:
- 1 fortnight's notice for less than 5 years of service
- 1 month's notice for at least 5 years of service;
3) workers paid on a weekly basis:
- 1 week's notice for less than 2 years of service
- 1 fortnight's notice between 2 and less than 5 years of service
- 1 month's notice for at least 5 years of service;
4) workers paid on a hourly basis:
- 1 day's notice for less than 6 months of service
- 1 week notice between 6 months and less than 2 years of service
- 1 fortnight's notice between 2 and less than 5 years of service
- 1 month's notice for at least 5 years of service.

Art. 29 (3) EA: The minimum period of notice in respect of a contract of employment for a specified period of time shall be 14 days.
Africa fortnightly, weekly or hourly paid workers all
2019 Mexico Mexico No statutory minimum notice period. Americas All all
2019 Morocco Morocco Art. 1 of the Decree n°2-04-469 of 29 December 2004 : notice period varies according to the category of workers and the length of service as follows:
1) For white collars and blue collars
- less than one year of service: 8 days;
- 1 to 5 years of service: 1 month:
- more than 5 years of service: 2 months.

2) For managerial and similar positions:
- less than one year of service: 1 month;
- 1 to 5 years of service: 2 months;
- more than 5 years: 3 months.
Africa managerial and similar positions all
2019 Morocco Morocco Art. 1 of the Decree n°2-04-469 of 29 December 2004 : notice period varies according to the category of workers and the length of service as follows:
1) For white collars and blue collars
- less than one year of service: 8 days;
- 1 to 5 years of service: 1 month:
- more than 5 years of service: 2 months.

2) For managerial and similar positions:
- less than one year of service: 1 month;
- 1 to 5 years of service: 2 months;
- more than 5 years: 3 months.
Africa white-collars and blue-collars all
2019 Mozambique Mozambique Article 130 Labour Act provides that the employer has the right to terminate one or more contracts of employment, with an advance notice, for structural, technological and market reasons.
Article 131 (2) provides that the previous notice shall not be less than 30 days.
Africa All dismissal not based on conduct
2019 Namibia Namibia Sec. 30(1) LA set forth statutory minimum notice periods according to the employee's length of service, as follow:
- one day, if the employee has been employed for four weeks or less;
- one week, if the employee has been employed for more than four weeks but not more than one year;
- one month, if the employee has been employed for more than one year.

An employer and an employee may agree to a longer notice period provided that it is of equal duration for both parties (sec. 30(2) LA)
Africa All all
2019 Netherlands Netherlands Since the 2015 reform, the employer can no longer choose which procedure to follow.

Article 7:669 CC establishes the procedure to be followed. The employer may terminate the employment contract if there are reasonable grounds for doing so and redeployment of the employee within a reasonable period, whether or not by means of training, to another suitable position is not possible or would not be logical.

The statutory minimum notice period to be respected depends on the worker's length of service, as follows (Art. 7:672(2) CC):
* less than 5 years of service: 1 month
* between 5 and less than 10 years: 2 months
* between 10 and less than 15 years: 3 months
* 15 years or more years: 4 months
Europe All all
2019 New Zealand New Zealand No specific period of notice is required by statute. Notice requirement is a matter for contract. Where notice is specified under the contract of employment or under a collective agreement, failure to provide such notice will be treated as a factor evidencing an unjustified dismissal. Moreover, failure to give the requisite notice is also a breach of contract which is actionable by a claim for breach of contract or by arrears of wages claim. Where notice is not specified in the contract, the adjudicatory bodies will determine what constitutes reasonable notice in the circumstances. Asia All all
2019 Niger Niger No specified duration in the LC (see Art. 88 LC).

However,the 1972 Inter-occupational Collective Agreement in Appendix No 1. establishes the duration of the notice period according to the worker's category, as follows:
- 1 month for monthly paid workers;
- 8 days for hourly, daily or weekly paid workers;
- 1 month for first-line supervisors ("agents de maîtrise") and technicians;
- 3 months for engineers, executives and senior executives.
Africa monthly paid workers all
2019 Niger Niger No specified duration in the LC (see Art. 88 LC).

However,the 1972 Inter-occupational Collective Agreement in Appendix No 1. establishes the duration of the notice period according to the worker's category, as follows:
- 1 month for monthly paid workers;
- 8 days for hourly, daily or weekly paid workers;
- 1 month for first-line supervisors ("agents de maîtrise") and technicians;
- 3 months for engineers, executives and senior executives.
Africa hourly, daily or weekly paid workers all
2019 Niger Niger No specified duration in the LC (see Art. 88 LC).

However,the 1972 Inter-occupational Collective Agreement in Appendix No 1. establishes the duration of the notice period according to the worker's category, as follows:
- 1 month for monthly paid workers;
- 8 days for hourly, daily or weekly paid workers;
- 1 month for first-line supervisors ("agents de maîtrise") and technicians;
- 3 months for engineers, executives and senior executives.
Africa first-line supervisors and technicians all
2019 Niger Niger No specified duration in the LC (see Art. 88 LC).

However,the 1972 Inter-occupational Collective Agreement in Appendix No 1. establishes the duration of the notice period according to the worker's category, as follows:
- 1 month for monthly paid workers;
- 8 days for hourly, daily or weekly paid workers;
- 1 month for first-line supervisors ("agents de maîtrise") and technicians;
- 3 months for engineers, executives and senior executives.
Africa engineers, executives and top executives all
2019 Norway Norway Art. 15-3 WEA states that unless otherwise stipulated in collective agreement, the notice period shall be one month.
Before notice has been given, an agreement on a shorter period of notice may only be concluded between the employer and the employee's elected representatives at undertakings bound by a collective pay agreement. Furthermore, shorter notice periods may be provided for in the regulations issued by the Ministry for participants in labour market schemes.

The same article further provides for the following notice periods:

*if the employee has been employed in the same undertaking for at least five consecutive years: at least two months' notice;
* if the employee has been employed in the same undertaking for at least ten consecutive years: at least three months' notice;
*if the employee has been employed in the same undertaking for more than ten consecutive years:
a) at least four months if the employee is 50 years old,
b) at least five months if the employee is above 55 years old,
c) at least 6 months if the employee is above 60 years old.
Europe All all
2019 Norway Norway Art. 15-3 WEA states that unless otherwise stipulated in collective agreement, the notice period shall be one month.
Before notice has been given, an agreement on a shorter period of notice may only be concluded between the employer and the employee's elected representatives at undertakings bound by a collective pay agreement. Furthermore, shorter notice periods may be provided for in the regulations issued by the Ministry for participants in labour market schemes.

The same article further provides for the following notice periods:

*if the employee has been employed in the same undertaking for at least five consecutive years: at least two months' notice;
* if the employee has been employed in the same undertaking for at least ten consecutive years: at least three months' notice;
*if the employee has been employed in the same undertaking for more than ten consecutive years:
a) at least four months if the employee is 50 years old,
b) at least five months if the employee is above 55 years old,
c) at least 6 months if the employee is above 60 years old.
Europe employee < 50 years old all
2019 Norway Norway Art. 15-3 WEA states that unless otherwise stipulated in collective agreement, the notice period shall be one month.
Before notice has been given, an agreement on a shorter period of notice may only be concluded between the employer and the employee's elected representatives at undertakings bound by a collective pay agreement. Furthermore, shorter notice periods may be provided for in the regulations issued by the Ministry for participants in labour market schemes.

The same article further provides for the following notice periods:

*if the employee has been employed in the same undertaking for at least five consecutive years: at least two months' notice;
* if the employee has been employed in the same undertaking for at least ten consecutive years: at least three months' notice;
*if the employee has been employed in the same undertaking for more than ten consecutive years:
a) at least four months if the employee is 50 years old,
b) at least five months if the employee is above 55 years old,
c) at least 6 months if the employee is above 60 years old.
Europe employees ≥ 50 years old all
2019 Norway Norway Art. 15-3 WEA states that unless otherwise stipulated in collective agreement, the notice period shall be one month.
Before notice has been given, an agreement on a shorter period of notice may only be concluded between the employer and the employee's elected representatives at undertakings bound by a collective pay agreement. Furthermore, shorter notice periods may be provided for in the regulations issued by the Ministry for participants in labour market schemes.

The same article further provides for the following notice periods:

*if the employee has been employed in the same undertaking for at least five consecutive years: at least two months' notice;
* if the employee has been employed in the same undertaking for at least ten consecutive years: at least three months' notice;
*if the employee has been employed in the same undertaking for more than ten consecutive years:
a) at least four months if the employee is 50 years old,
b) at least five months if the employee is above 55 years old,
c) at least 6 months if the employee is above 60 years old.
Europe employees ≥ 55 years old all
2019 Norway Norway Art. 15-3 WEA states that unless otherwise stipulated in collective agreement, the notice period shall be one month.
Before notice has been given, an agreement on a shorter period of notice may only be concluded between the employer and the employee's elected representatives at undertakings bound by a collective pay agreement. Furthermore, shorter notice periods may be provided for in the regulations issued by the Ministry for participants in labour market schemes.

The same article further provides for the following notice periods:

*if the employee has been employed in the same undertaking for at least five consecutive years: at least two months' notice;
* if the employee has been employed in the same undertaking for at least ten consecutive years: at least three months' notice;
*if the employee has been employed in the same undertaking for more than ten consecutive years:
a) at least four months if the employee is 50 years old,
b) at least five months if the employee is above 55 years old,
c) at least 6 months if the employee is above 60 years old.
Europe employees ≥ 60 years old all
2019 Panama Panama No statutory notice periods to be observed.

However, there is an exception for some specific categories of workers to which the "just cause" rule does not apply. Those workers can be dismissed without just cause provided that the employer gives 30 days' prior notice or pay the corresponding amount in addition to a payment amounting to compensation for unfair dismissal.
This rule applies to those workers with less than two years' uninterrupted service; domestic employees; permanent employees of small agricultural, fishing or manufacturing undertakings; seafarers serving on board vessels operating on international routes; apprentices; workers in retail sales establishments and in undertakings with five or fewer workers, except in the case of insurance establishments or real estate (art. 212 LC).
Americas All all
2019 Paraguay Paraguay According to article 87 of Labour Code, in the case of an indefinite-time contract, neither party may terminate it without giving prior notice to the other, except as provided in Articles 81 and 84 of this Code (valid grounds for dismissals), in accordance with the following rules: a) Completed the trial period up to one year of service, thirty days' notice; b) More than one year and up to five years old, forty-five days' notice; c) Over five and up to ten years old, sixty days' notice; and, d) Of more than ten years old and upwards, ninety days' notice.

In the calculation of seniority, prior notice will be understood, if the worker served during that time.

Americas All termination without cause
2019 Peru Peru See art. 31 LPCL:
- The employer must give the worker a reasonable period of written notice, of not less than six calendar days in case of misconduct, so that the worker can present a written defense to any charges brought against him or her.
- If the worker is guilty of flagrant serious misconduct where it would be unreasonable to require the employer to continue the employment relationship, no notice is required.
- In the event of allegations related to capacity of the worker or errors, the employer must give a notice of at least 30 days in order for the employee to prove his or her professional capacities and correct any error.
Americas All dismissal based on worker's capacity
2019 Philippines Philippines Employees with regular employment contracts can only be dismissed for a just cause or an authorized cause (art. 13 (3) of the Constitution and art. 294 LC).
The LC establishes a distinction between dismissal for just cause and dismissal for authorized cause.
- Authorized causes are of two types: business reasons and disease (art. 298 and 299 LC).
- Just causes are blameworthy acts on the part of the employee such as serious misconduct, wilful disobedience, gross and habitual neglect of duties, fraud or wilful breach of trust, commission of a crime and other analogous causes (art. 297, LC).
There is no notice period prior to a dismissal for a just cause or for health reasons under LC.
See however, Art. 292 b) LC: The employer shall furnish the worker whose employment is sought to be terminated a written notice containing a statement of the causes for termination and shall afford the latter ample opportunity to be heard and to defend himself with the assistance of a representative if he so desires in accordance with company rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to guidelines set by the Department of Labour and Employment. The written notice containing an explanation should be provided within 5 days [King of Kings Transport vs. Tinga and Velasco, G.R. 166208]
The employer is only required to give a one-month notice to the employee in the event of termination for business reasons (art. 298 LC).

Art. 148 LC (house helpers): If the duration of the household service is not determined either in stipulation or by the nature of the service, the employer or the house helper may give notice to put an end to the relationships five days before the intended termination of the service.
Asia All economic dismissal
2019 Portugal Portugal The employer must observe a notice period before dismissing an employee in the following cases:
- dismissal for unsuitability (art. 378(2) LC)
- elimination of the post (individual redundancy)(art. 371(3) LC)
- collective dismissals for economic reasons (art. 363(1) LC).

There is no notice requirement when the dismissal is based on the misconduct of the employee.

The notice period is set according to the worker's seniority, as follows:
- 15 days if the length of service is less than 1 years,
- 30 days if the length of service is at least 1 year but less than 5 years;
- 60 days is the length of service is at least 5 years but less than 10 years;
- 75 days from at least 10 years of service.

The LC also provides for specific notice periods in the following cases:

*Probationary period:
During the probationary period, either party can terminate the contract without notice. As an exception, during that period, advance notice is required after a certain time has elapsed:
- if the probationary period has lasted more than 60 days, the employer is required to observe a 7-day notice. (Art. 114(2) LC).
- if the probationary period has lasted more than 120 days, the employer is required to observe a 15-day notice (Art. 114(3) LC).

*Service commission agreements:
A service commission agreement (see above under "workers' categories excluded") which can be concluded with certain categories of workers (mainly those exercising managerial functions) can be terminated without cause provided that the notice requirements are observed. Depending on the period of service under such contract, notice period shall be 30 days (less than 2 years) or 60 days (2 years or more). (see arts. 163 LC).
Europe All all
2019 Romania Romania See art. 75 LC(former art. 73), as amended by Act No. 40/2011:
When the dismissal is based on the following grounds:
- physical or mental inability to work;
- professional inadequacy;
- redundancy (objective reasons);
the employees shall now have the right to a notice of at least 20 working days [instead of 15 days previously].
This does not apply to the dismissal of worker under a probationary period.
No notice shall be observed when the dismissal is based on disciplinary grounds.
Europe All all
2019 Russian Federation Russian Federation Article 180 LC provides that the employees should be notified no less than two months if the reason for the dismissal is liquidation or downsizing of the enterprise.

•if a fixed-term contract for a period of up to 2 months is terminated, a notice must be sent not less than 3 calendar days for the reasons of expiry of the contract (Article 79 LC) and for liquidation or downsizing of the enterprise (Article 292 LC);
•if a seasonal work contract is terminated, a notice must be sent not less than 7 calendar days (Article 296 LC)
•if the employee is a migrant worker or a stateless person, a notice regarding the termination of the contract for liquidation or downsizing of the enterprise reasons must be sent not less than 3 calendar days before the dismissal (Article 327.6 LC)
Europe All economic dismissal
2019 Rwanda Rwanda Art. 24LL: The notice period shall be at least:
- 15 days if the worker has worked for less than a year;
- 1 month if the worker has workers for a period of one year or more.

No notice period shall apply to a worker on probation.

Art. 28(2) LL provides that where a fixed term contract is terminated due to gross negligence, the party causing the contract to be terminated shall notify the same to the other party within fourty eight (48) hours.
Africa All all
2019 Senegal Senegal No specified duration in the Labour Code.
However, art 23 of the Inter-occupational Collective Agreements establishes specific duration of the notice period according to the worker's category.
For non-executive monthly paid workers,the notice period is 1 month.
The duration of the notice period is 3 months for executives and similar workers. For blue collar-workers and permanent staff paid on a hourly, daily or weekly basis, notice period varies according to the worker's category and length of service, as follows:
* Less than one year of service: 8 days (categories 1 to 4) / 15 days (categories 5 to 7)
* From 1 to 5 years of service: 15 days (categories 1 to 4) / 15 days (categories 5 to 7)
* More than 5 years: 1 month (categories 1 to 4) / 1 month (categories 5 to 7)
Africa managerial and similar positions all
2019 Senegal Senegal No specified duration in the Labour Code.
However, art 23 of the Inter-occupational Collective Agreements establishes specific duration of the notice period according to the worker's category.
For non-executive monthly paid workers,the notice period is 1 month.
The duration of the notice period is 3 months for executives and similar workers. For blue collar-workers and permanent staff paid on a hourly, daily or weekly basis, notice period varies according to the worker's category and length of service, as follows:
* Less than one year of service: 8 days (categories 1 to 4) / 15 days (categories 5 to 7)
* From 1 to 5 years of service: 15 days (categories 1 to 4) / 15 days (categories 5 to 7)
* More than 5 years: 1 month (categories 1 to 4) / 1 month (categories 5 to 7)
Africa monthly paid workers all
2019 Senegal Senegal No specified duration in the Labour Code.
However, art 23 of the Inter-occupational Collective Agreements establishes specific duration of the notice period according to the worker's category.
For non-executive monthly paid workers,the notice period is 1 month.
The duration of the notice period is 3 months for executives and similar workers. For blue collar-workers and permanent staff paid on a hourly, daily or weekly basis, notice period varies according to the worker's category and length of service, as follows:
* Less than one year of service: 8 days (categories 1 to 4) / 15 days (categories 5 to 7)
* From 1 to 5 years of service: 15 days (categories 1 to 4) / 15 days (categories 5 to 7)
* More than 5 years: 1 month (categories 1 to 4) / 1 month (categories 5 to 7)
Africa hourly, daily, weekly paid blue-collar workers (categories 1 to 4) all
2019 Senegal Senegal No specified duration in the Labour Code.
However, art 23 of the Inter-occupational Collective Agreements establishes specific duration of the notice period according to the worker's category.
For non-executive monthly paid workers,the notice period is 1 month.
The duration of the notice period is 3 months for executives and similar workers. For blue collar-workers and permanent staff paid on a hourly, daily or weekly basis, notice period varies according to the worker's category and length of service, as follows:
* Less than one year of service: 8 days (categories 1 to 4) / 15 days (categories 5 to 7)
* From 1 to 5 years of service: 15 days (categories 1 to 4) / 15 days (categories 5 to 7)
* More than 5 years: 1 month (categories 1 to 4) / 1 month (categories 5 to 7)
Africa hourly, daily, weekly paid blue-collar workers (categories 5 to 7) all
2019 Senegal Senegal No specified duration in the Labour Code.
However, art 23 of the Inter-occupational Collective Agreements establishes specific duration of the notice period according to the worker's category.
For non-executive monthly paid workers,the notice period is 1 month.
The duration of the notice period is 3 months for executives and similar workers. For blue collar-workers and permanent staff paid on a hourly, daily or weekly basis, notice period varies according to the worker's category and length of service, as follows:
* Less than one year of service: 8 days (categories 1 to 4) / 15 days (categories 5 to 7)
* From 1 to 5 years of service: 15 days (categories 1 to 4) / 15 days (categories 5 to 7)
* More than 5 years: 1 month (categories 1 to 4) / 1 month (categories 5 to 7)
Africa hourly, daily, weekly paid blue-collar workers (categories 1 to 7) all
2019 Serbia Serbia Article 189 of Labour Law foresees i) a notice period only for those employees dismissed for lack of performance, i.e. qualifications and skills; (ii) Notice period is minimum 1 month and maximum 3 months depending on the "duration of the insurance period" (period for which the employee has paid contributions for the retirement insurance), as follows:
- 1 month for up to 10 years of insurance period;
- 2 months for 10-20 years of insurance period;
- 3 months over 20 years of insurance period.
Europe All ordinary dismissal not based on the worker's capacity
2019 Singapore Singapore Notice periods are governed by the terms of the contract (sec. 10 (2) EA), and it is only in the absence of such a stipulation that the statutory notice periods apply.
Sec. 10 (3) EA establishes statutory minimum notice periods as follows:
- one day for less than 26 weeks' service;
- one week for 26 weeks to less than two years' service;
- two weeks for two to less than five years' service;
- four weeks for five or more years' service.
Notice of termination of contract
10.—(1) Either party to a contract of service may at any time give to the other party notice of his intention to terminate the contract of service.
(2) The length of such notice shall be the same for both employer and employee and shall be determined by any provision made for the notice in the terms of the contract of service, or, in the absence of such provision, shall be in accordance with subsection (3).
(3) The notice to terminate the service of a person who is employed under a contract of service shall be not less than — (a) one day’s notice if he has been so employed for less than 26 weeks; (b) one week’s notice if he has been so employed for 26 weeks or more but less than 2 years; (c) 2 weeks’ notice if he has been so employed for 2 years or more but less than 5 years; and (d) 4 weeks’ notice if he has been so employed for 5 years or more.
(4) This section shall not be taken to prevent either party from waiving his right to notice on any occasion.
(5) Such notice shall be written and may be given at any time, and the day on which the notice is given shall be included in the period of the notice.

14 EA.—(1) An employer may after due inquiry dismiss without notice an employee employed by him on the grounds of misconduct inconsistent with the fulfilment of the express or implied conditions of his service except that instead of dismissing an employee an employer may —
(a) instantly down-grade the employee; or
(b) instantly suspend him from work without payment of salary for a period not exceeding one week.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), where a relevant employee considers that he has been dismissed without just cause or excuse
his employer, he may, within one month of the dismissal, make representations in writing to the Minister to be reinstated in his former employment.
(2A) For the purposes of subsection (2), a relevant employee means —
(a) an employee employed in a managerial or an executive position —
(i) who is dismissed with notice; or
(ii) who is dismissed without notice but receives payment of any salary in lieu of notice, after having served that employer for at least 12 months in any position (whether or not a managerial or an executive position);
(b) an employee employed in a managerial or an executive position who is dismissed without notice and without salary in lieu of such notice; or
(c) an employee not employed in a managerial or an executive position.
(3) The Minister may, before making a decision on any such representations, by writing under his hand request the
commissioner to inquire into the dismissal and report whether in his opinion the dismissal is without just cause or excuse.
(4) If, after considering the report made by the Commissioner under subsection (3), the Minister is satisfied that the employee has been dismissed without just cause or excuse, he may, notwithstanding any rule of law or agreement to the contrary —
(a) direct the employer to reinstate the employee in his former employment and to pay the employee an amount that is equivalent to the wages that the employee would have earned
had he not been dismissed by the employer; or (b) direct the employer to pay such amount of wages as compensation as may be determined by the Minister, and the employer shall comply with the direction of the Minister. (...)
Asia All all
2019 Slovakia Slovakia (1) Where notice has been given, the employment relationship shall terminate upon expiration of the period of notice.

(2) The period of notice shall be at least one month, unless this Act stipulates otherwise.

(3) The notice period for an employee who is given notice for the reasons stated in Sec.63 paragraph 1 letter a) or b) or because the employee's health condition has, according to a medical opinion, caused the long term loss of their ability to perform their present work, shall be at least
a) two months if the employer in employment relationship has employed the employee for at least one year and less than five years as at the date of delivery of notice,
b) three months if the employer in employment relationship has employed the employee for at least five years as at the date of delivery of notice,

(4) The notice period for an employee who is given notice for reasons other than those stated in paragraph 3 shall be at least two months if the employer in employment relationship has employed the employee for at least one year as at the date of delivery of notice.
Europe All dismissal based on economic reasons and health grounds
2019 Slovenia Slovenia Art. 94 ERA establishes statutory minimum notice periods that vary according to the reason for dismissal and the length of service as follows:

"(...) (3) In the event of ordinary cancellation of the employment contract by the employer for a business reason or reason of incompetence, the notice period shall be:
-15 days for up to one year of service with the employer,
-30 days for a period exceeding one year of service with the employer.
After a two-year period of employment with the employer, the 30-day notice period shall increase for each year of employment with the employer by two days, but shall not exceed 60 days.
After a period of 25 years of service with the employer, the period of notice shall be 80 days unless a different notice period is specified by a branch collective agreement, and in no circumstances less than 60 days.

(4) In the event of cancellation of the employment contract by the employer for reasons of misconduct, the notice period shall be 15 days. (...)"
Europe All dismissal based on conduct (excl. serious wrongdoings)
2019 South Africa South Africa Sec. 37(1) BCEA establishes minimum notice periods to be observed by the employer when he or she intends to dismiss an employee, as follows:
- 1 week's notice if the employee has been employed for 6 months or less,
- 2 week's notice if the employee has been employed for more than 6 months but not more than 1 year;
- 4 weeks if the employee has been employed for one year or more (or is a farm or domestic workers employed for more than 6 months)
Collective agreements only provide shorter notice periods than those stipulated by the BCEA for workers with more than 1 year of service. In such cases, the notice period can be reduced to 2 weeks (sec. 37(2) BCEA).
Africa All all
2019 Spain Spain As a result of Law Act 35/2010, the notice period to be observed in the event of dismissal for an objective cause (e.g economic reasons, capacity-related reasons - see 'valid grounds') is now reduced to 15 days (instead of 30 days) (see art. 53(1)c) ET).
With respect to disciplinary dismissal, no notice is required.

Europe All all
2019 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - No statutory notice period to be observed under the TEWA. Termination of employment of workers covered by the TEWA for any reason other than disciplinary is subject to the prior approval the Labour Commissioner (sec. 2(1) TEWA) . The decision to grant or refuse approval shall be made within 2 months from the date of receipt of the application (sec. 11 of Industrial Disputes (Hearing and Determination of Proceedings) (Special Provisions) Act, No. 13 of 2003)
- Under the IDA, those employees not covered by the TEWA, who are not seasonal employees and work for an establishment of more than 15 workers, and who have been employed for more than a year (sec. 31E IDA), are entitled to one month's notice in writing of any retrenchment. The employer may not effect the dismissal until the expiry of two months after notice has been given, unless an agreement to the contrary has been reached with the worker or his or her representative (sec. 31G IDA). The application of this provision has been limited since the enactment of the TEWA which also applies to retrenchment and specifically provides that provisions of the IDA on retrenchment do not apply to any worker covered by the TEWA.
Asia All economic dismissal not covered by the TEWA
2019 Switzerland Switzerland 1) For ordinary dismissals:
According to art. 335c CO, the general rule on the notice period is the following:
*1 month during the first year of service;
*2 months between 2 and 9 years of service;
*3 months over 9 years of service.

These timeframes can be modified by written agreement, collective agreement but shall not be less than 1 month.
Exceptions to this rule are permitted only during the first year of service and if set by a collective agreement (art. 335c (2) CO).

2) Specific rules apply to FTC:
No notice period is prescribed except for FTC concluded for up to 10 years (art. 334 (1) CO).
For FTC concluded for more than 10 years, a notice period of 6 months should be respected by either party (art. 334 (2) CO).
Europe All all
2019 Tajikistan Tajikistan Art. 45 (1) LC: Employer must in written form let the worker know about employers' intentions to terminate the labour contract.
- The worker should be notified no less than two months prior to the termination of the contract if the reason for that termination is the liquidation of the organization or the termination of the activity of the employer (individual, reduction in the number or staff of employees);
- The worker should be notified no less than a month prior to the termination of the contract if the reason for that termination is due to worker’s lack of qualifications or for health reasons.
Europe All dismissal based on worker's capacity
2019 Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of Art. 41(1) ELRA: if a contract of employment can be terminated on notice, the required period of notice is at least:
* 7 days if given in the first month of employment and after that;
* 28 days if the employee is employed on a monthly basis;
* 4 days if the employee is employed on a daily or weekly basis.
A longer notice period may be agreed upon by the parties, provided that the notice period is of equal duration for the employer and employee.
Africa monthly paid workers all
2019 Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of Art. 41(1) ELRA: if a contract of employment can be terminated on notice, the required period of notice is at least:
* 7 days if given in the first month of employment and after that;
* 28 days if the employee is employed on a monthly basis;
* 4 days if the employee is employed on a daily or weekly basis.
A longer notice period may be agreed upon by the parties, provided that the notice period is of equal duration for the employer and employee.
Africa daily or weekly paid workers all
2019 Thailand Thailand -Dismissal not based on economic reasons:
See art. 17 LPA, as amended by LPA-No2 of 2008 (art. 8): " Where the period is not specified in the contract of employment, an employer or an employee may terminate the contract by giving advance notice in writing to the other party at or before any due date of wage payment in order to take effect on the following due date of wage payment, with no requirement for advance notice of more than 3 months". Therefore, if a worker is paid on a monthly basis, the notice period shall be at least 1 month. See also art. 582 CCC.
See also: Remark box (below)

- Dismissal for economic reasons:
According to art. 121 LPA, the employer shall give at least a 60-day notice to the labour inspection when he or she intends to terminate an employee due to the restructuring of the work unit, the production process, or the distribution or provision of services, resulting from the introduction or change of machinery or technology.

Note: Article 11 of ILO Convention No. 158 refers to the notice to be given to the worker.
In Thailand, since Article 121 LPA refers to the 60-days notice to be given to the labour inspectorate (not to the worker), it is not reported in the table below.
Asia monthly paid workers non economic dismissal
2019 Tunisia Tunisia Employers and employees are required to give one month's notice in writing. If there are provisions which result from a contractual or collective agreement, general practice or vested rights that require a longer period of notice, these provisions are applied (art. 14bis LC). For example, the period of notice for journalists (art. 398 LC) and commercial travellers and sales representatives (art. 410 LC) varies between one and three months.
Les employeurs et les employés sont tenus de donner un préavis écrit d'un mois. L'article 14bis du Code du travail dispose que "le préavis de rupture du contrat de travail à durée indéterminée est notifié par lettre recommandée adressée à l'autre partie un mois avant la rupture du contrat (...) le tout sans préjudice des prescriptions plus avantageuses pour le travailleur résultant de dispositions spéciales prévues par l'accord des parties, la convention collective ou l'usage."
Par exemple, le délai de préavis pour les journalistes (art. 398 LC) et les voyageurs commerciaux et représentants commerciaux (art. 410 LC) varie entre un et trois mois.
Africa All all
2019 Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Europe All economic dismissal
2019 Türkiye Türkiye Art. 17 LA:
The notice period to be observed by the employer before terminating a contract of indefinite duration varies according to the employee's length of service, as follows:
- 2 weeks if the employee has been employed for less than 6 months;
- 4 weeks if the employee has been employed for at least 6 months but less that one-and-a-half years;
- 6 weeks if the employee has been employed for at least one-and-a-half years but less than 3 years;
- 8 weeks if the employee has been employed for more than 3 years.
These are minimum periods and may be increased by contracts between the parties.
Europe All all
2019 Uganda Uganda Art. 58(3) EA: Statutory minimum notice period are established according to the length of service, as follows:
- at least 2 weeks, for a period of service of more than 6 months but less than 1 year;
- at least 1 month, for a period of service of more than 12 months but less than 5 years;
- at least 2 months, for a period of service of more than 5 months but less than 10 years;
- at least 3 months, for a period of service of 10 years or more.
Africa All all
2019 Ukraine Ukraine Art. 49 Europe All all
2019 United Kingdom United Kingdom Sec. 86 ERA establishes minimum notice periods according to the length of service, as follows:
- one week, if the employee has been continuously employed for at least 1 month but less than two years;
- one week for each year of continuous employment if the period of continuous employment is between two and 12 years; and
- 12 weeks if the period of continuous employment is 12 years or more.
No notice needs to be given if the employee has been employed for less than 1 month.
Europe All all
2019 Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Art. 102 LC provides for the following notice period: 2 months in cases of the termination due to changes in technology, production and labor organization, reduced volumes of work that resulted in changes in the number of (state) employees, or the changing nature of work, or in connection with the liquidation of the company as well as in connection with reaching the retirement age when the employee has the right to receive the state pension; 2 weeks when the termination occurred due to employees' incapability to perform the work because of lack of qualifications or health status; 3 days when terminated due to the employee's own culpable conduct (a single gross or a systematic violation of labour discipline).

However, art. 102 also states that the two-month and three-day notice period may be replaced by corresponding compensation at the employer's discretion. The two-week notice stipulated above shall not be given when an employment agreement is terminated due to the employee's inability to perform the duties of his or her job for health reasons where there is a medical certificate confirming that the job is contraindicated to the employee. In this case, the employee shall be paid compensation in the amount of two weeks' wages.
Europe All dismissal based on worker's capacity
2019 Zambia Zambia Oral contract:
- Sec. 20 (2) EA provides that in the absence of any agreement providing for a period of notice of longer duration, the length of such notice shall be-
(a) subject to the provisions of paragraph (b), twenty-four hours where the contract is for a period of less than a week;
(b) fourteen days where the contract is a daily contract under which, by agreement or custom, wages are payable not at the end of the day, but at intervals not exceeding one month;
(c) thirty days where the contract is for a period of one week or more".
- The notice period to be given to the employee in the event of termination by redundancy is 1 month (see sec. 10 MWCEGO and sec. 9 MWCESO).

In the legislation reviewed, no information has been found with regards to written contracts.
Africa All economic dismissal
2019 Zambia Zambia Oral contract:
- Sec. 20 (2) EA provides that in the absence of any agreement providing for a period of notice of longer duration, the length of such notice shall be-
(a) subject to the provisions of paragraph (b), twenty-four hours where the contract is for a period of less than a week;
(b) fourteen days where the contract is a daily contract under which, by agreement or custom, wages are payable not at the end of the day, but at intervals not exceeding one month;
(c) thirty days where the contract is for a period of one week or more".
- The notice period to be given to the employee in the event of termination by redundancy is 1 month (see sec. 10 MWCEGO and sec. 9 MWCESO).

In the legislation reviewed, no information has been found with regards to written contracts.
Africa oral contract ≥ 1 week non economic dismissal
2018 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda See sec. C9(3) LC.
- The period of said advance notice shall be at least equivalent to the interval of time between the affected employee's paydays. It shall not exceed 30 days unless a longer notice period is stipulated in an employment contract.
- With respect to an employee serving a probation period, an employer must give at least 24 hours advance notice of his intention to terminate that person's employment.
Americas monthly paid workers all
2018 Armenia Armenia Article 115 LC as amended by Law No. 117-N of 24 July 2010 reads as follows:
“(...) the employer is obliged to notify in written form
the worker who has worked up to one year not later than 14 days prior,
the worker having worked from a year to five years- 35 days prior,
the worker having worked from 5 to 10 years - 42 days prior,
the worker having worked up to 15 years- 49 days prior,
the worker having worked for more than 15 years - 60 days prior. (...)"
Europe All all
2018 Botswana Botswana Sec. 18 EA. Termination of contracts of employment for unspecified periods of time
"(...) (2) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the contract of employment, the minimum length of any notice referred to in subsection (1)(b) shall-
(a) where the wages are payable in respect of any period exceeding a day but less than a week, be one day; or
(b) where the wages are payable in respect of any period not less than a week, be equal in length to the period:
Provided that-
(i) where an employee whose wages are payable in respect of any period not less than a week but less than two weeks have been in continuous employment for two or more but less than five years, the minimum length of notice shall be two weeks;
(ii) where an employee whose wages are payable in respect of any period not less than a week but less than a month has been in continuous employment for five or more but less than 10 years, the minimum length of notice shall be one month; or
(iii) where an employee whose wages are payable in respect of any period exceeding a day has been in continuous employment for 10 or more years, the minimum length of notice shall be six weeks.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2), where the contract of employment provides for a minimum length of any notice such as is referred to in subsection (1)(b) which is longer than the appropriate minimum length prescribed by subsection (2), the minimum length of any such notice shall be that for which the contract of employment provides.
(4) Nothing in this section shall prohibit either party to a contract of employment from waiving his entitlement to notice in any particular case. (...)"
Africa All all
2018 Cambodia Cambodia 1) For workers under a contract of unspecified duration:

Sec. 75 LC: The minimum period of a prior notice is set as follows:
- 7 days, if the worker's length of continuous service is less than six months;
- 15 days, if the worker's length of continuous service is from six months to two years;
- 1 month, if the worker's length of continuous service is longer than two years and up to five years.
- 2 months, if the worker's length of continuous service is longer than five years and up to ten years.
- 3 months, if the worker's length of continuous service is longer than ten years.

2) Specific rules apply to fixed term contracts:

Sec. 73 LC: A labor contract of specific duration normally terminates at the specified ending date. It can, however, be terminated before the ending date if both parties are in agreement on the condition that this agreement is made in form of writing in the presence of a Labor Inspector and signed by the two parties to the contract. If both parties do not agree, a contract of specified duration can be cancelled before its termination date only in the event of the serious misconduct or acts of God […] If the contract has a duration of more than six months, the worker must be informed of the expiration of the contract or of its non-renewal ten days in advance. This notice period is extended to fifteen days for contracts that have a duration of more than one year. If there is no prior notice, the contract shall be extended for a length of time equal to its initial duration or deemed as a contract of unspecified duration if its total length exceeds the time limit specified in sec. 67
Asia All all
2018 Malaysia Malaysia Sec. 12 (2) EA lays down statutory minimum notice periods applicable to all dismissals, including those for operational reasons, but except dismissals for misconduct, as follows:
- 4 weeks for employees with less than 2 years of service;
- 6 weeks for employees with 2 to 5 years of service;
- 8 weeks for employees with more than 5 years of service.
Asia All all
2012 Canada (Federal only) Canada (Federal only) Sec. 230 CLC: An employer who dismisses a worker who has worked continuously for at least three consecutive months is obliged to give the worker notice of termination in writing at least two weeks in advance, or to pay compensation in lieu of notice except when the employee is dismissed for just cause (summary dismissal) (sec. 230, CLC).
Americas All all
2012 Viet Nam Viet Nam Art: 38 (3) LC: The employer must give at least 45 days' notice for an indefinite duration contract, 30 days' notice for a fixed-term contract, and three days' notice for a seasonal or specific-task contract. These requirements apply to all forms of unilateral termination, except when the employer is using dismissal as a disciplinary measure. Asia permanent workers all
2017 China China Art. 40 ECL: The notice period shall be 30 days regardless of the job tenure. Asia All all
2017 Denmark Denmark Sec. 2 (2) ESEA. The notice period shall be:
* 1 month during the first 6 months' employment;
* 3 months after 6 months' employment
* increased by one month for every three years of service, subject to a maximum of 6 months.
Europe white-collar workers all
2017 Egypt Egypt As regards the termination of an open-ended employment contract, either party shall observe a notice period which varies according to the employer's length of service as follows:
- 2 months if the worker's uninterrupted period of service with the employer is less than 10 years, and
- 3 months if that period exceeds 10 years (Art. 111 LL).
Africa All all
2017 Estonia Estonia Art. 97(2) ECA:
The notice period to be given by the employer in the event of termination of employment (referred to 'extraordinary cancellation') varies according to the employee's length of service, as follows:
1) less than one year of employment: at least 15 calendar days;
2) one to five years of employment: at least 30 calendar days;
3) five to ten years of employment at least 60 calendar days;
4) ten or more years of employment: at least 90 calendar days.

Note advance notice for terminating the employment of an employee during the probationary period must be at least 15 days (art 96 ECA).
Europe All all
2017 Germany Germany Sec. 622 CC (applicable, unlike the PADA, to all cases of ordinary dismissals notwithstanding the size of the undertaking).
The notice period should be at least 4 weeks and increases according to the length of service as follows:
* 1 month, for at least 2 years of service;
* 2 months, for at least 5 years of service;
* 3 months, for at least 8 years of service;
* 4 months, for at least 10 years of service;
* 5 months, for at least 12 years of service;
* 6 months, for at least 15 years of service;
* 7 months, for at least 20 years of service.

(Note: during the probationary period (maximum 6 months), the notice period should be 2 weeks).
Europe All all
2017 Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Art. 184 LC.
Notice period varies according to the ground for dismissal:
* 2 months minimum in case of dismissal based on economic grounds (enterprise liquidation or staff reduction
* 1 month minimum for dismissals based on the worker's capacity (health condition or insufficient qualifications)
* No mandatory notice when dismissal follows infringements of the employee's work responsibilities.
Europe All economic dismissal
2017 Mongolia Mongolia The employer is required to give at least one month's notice to any employee who has been dismissed on the following grounds:
- failure to meet the job requirements due to the lack of professional qualifications or skills or for health reasons; or
- dissolution of a branch or a unit of the undertaking, reduction of the number of employees, elimination of a position within the company. (art. 40.5 LC)
Asia All dismissal based on worker's capacity
2017 North Macedonia North Macedonia Art. 88 (2) LRA stipulates that in the case of an individual dismissal or in the case of a dismissal of a small number of workers, the statutory minimum notice period is one month. The individual employment contract or a collective agreement may stipulate a longer period of notice. However, it cannot exceed 3 months. If the dismissals affect more than 150 employees or 5% of total number of workers, the notice period is two months. (Art. 88.2 LRA)
The LRA provides a list of justified grounds for termination without notice and these include: unjustified absence from work for three consecutive days or 5 days within one year, misuse of sick leave; failure to comply with the workplace regulations on health, safety and environmental protection, use of alcohol and drugs, robbery at the workplace or negligence causing damages to the employer, disclosure of business, official or state secrets (art. 82 LRA).
Europe All all
2017 Saint Lucia Saint Lucia Labour Act, section 153: (1) Where a valid reason for termination exists in accordance with this Code, a contract without reference to limit of time, except during the probationary period, may be terminated by the employer upon giving to the employee the following minimum periods of notice in writing-
(a) one week’s notice if the period of continuous employment is more than twelve weeks but less than two years;
(b) two weeks’ notice if the period of continuous employment is two years or more but less than five years;
(c) four weeks’ notice if the period of continuous employment is five years or more but less than ten years; and
(d) six weeks’ notice if the period of continuous employment is more than ten years.
Americas All all
2017 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Art 75 LL: the notice period shall be at least 60 days for monthly paid workers and 30 days for the others. Arab States monthly paid workers all
2017 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Art 75 LL: the notice period shall be at least 60 days for monthly paid workers and 30 days for the others. Arab States non-monthly paid workers all
2017 Sweden Sweden Sec. 11 EPA:
- The minimum notice period is 1 month.
- The notice period shall be:
* 2 months for tenure of at least 2 years but less than 4 years;
* 3 months for tenure of at least 4 years but less than 6 years;
* 4 months for tenure of at least 6 years but less than 8 years;
* 5 months for tenure of at least 8 years but less than 10 years;
* 6 months for tenure of at least 10 years.
Europe All all
2017 United States United States There is no legislative requirement in regard to notice of termination for an individual employee, regardless the employee's tenure. However, collective-bargaining agreements and private employment contracts may contain such provisions. Americas All all
2013 Ethiopia Ethiopia Art. 35 1) LP:
The notice period varies according to the length of service or the ground for dismissal, as follows:
- 1 month if the length of service does not exceed 1 year;
- 2 months if the length of service is between 1 and 9 years;
- 3 months if the length of service exceeds 9 years;
- 2 months when the contract is terminated due to reduction of the workforce.

Note: The notice period for terminating a fixed-term contract shall be agreed upon by the parties (art. 35 2) LP).
Africa All economic dismissal
2013 Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Art. 56 a) 1) LL: Notice shall be sent two months prior to termination.
In the event of termination of a disabled worker, the notice period shall be doubled (art. 140 LL).
Arab States All all
2013 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Art. 117 FLLR provides that either party may terminate a contract of unlimited duration for a valid reason at any time provided that written notice is given to the other party at least 30 days prior to termination.
In respect of employees paid on a daily-basis, the period of notice is as follows:
- one week in the employee has worked for more than six months but less than one year;
- two weeks if the employee has worked for at least one year;
- one month if the employee has worked for at least five years.
Arab States All all
2013 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Art. 117 FLLR provides that either party may terminate a contract of unlimited duration for a valid reason at any time provided that written notice is given to the other party at least 30 days prior to termination.
In respect of employees paid on a daily-basis, the period of notice is as follows:
- one week in the employee has worked for more than six months but less than one year;
- two weeks if the employee has worked for at least one year;
- one month if the employee has worked for at least five years.
Arab States workers paid on a daily basis or by piece-rate all
2013 Yemen Yemen The length of the notice period to be observed by either party is not set according to the length of service but according to the pay period, as follows:
- 30 days for workers with monthly wages;
- 15 days for workers with half-monthly wages,
- one week for workers working on the basis of production or piece work, or hourly or daily or weekly rates (art. 38(3) LC).
Arab States monthly paid workers all
2013 Yemen Yemen The length of the notice period to be observed by either party is not set according to the length of service but according to the pay period, as follows:
- 30 days for workers with monthly wages;
- 15 days for workers with half-monthly wages,
- one week for workers working on the basis of production or piece work, or hourly or daily or weekly rates (art. 38(3) LC).
Arab States hourly, daily or weekly paid workers all
2013 Yemen Yemen The length of the notice period to be observed by either party is not set according to the length of service but according to the pay period, as follows:
- 30 days for workers with monthly wages;
- 15 days for workers with half-monthly wages,
- one week for workers working on the basis of production or piece work, or hourly or daily or weekly rates (art. 38(3) LC).
Arab States fortnightly paid workers all
2020 Ghana Ghana Art. 17 (1), (2) LA:
* The notice period varies according to the length of the contract as follows:
- 1 month's notice (or pay in lieu of notice) in the case of a contract of 3 years or more;
- 2 weeks' notice (or pay in lieu of notice) in the case of a contract of less than 3 years;
- 7 days' notice (or pay in lieu of notice) in the case of a contract from week to week.
* A contract of employment determinable at the will of the party may be terminated at the close of anyday without notice.
Africa All all
2020 Montenegro Montenegro Article 177(1) The employee has the right and duty to remain at work for at least 30 days from the day of delivery of the termination of the employment contract, ie the decision on termination of employment (notice period). Europe All all
2020 Nigeria Nigeria Sec. 11(2) LA sets out statutory minimum notice periods as follows:
* for less than three months of service, one day;
* for three months to two years of service, one week;
* for two to five years of service, two weeks; and
* for more than five years of service, one month.
The above periods are statutory minima which can be improved upon by collective agreements or contracts of employment.
Africa All all
2010 Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of No statutory notice period to be observed. Asia All all