CDD reglementés: Oui

Motifs autorisés de recours au CDD: raisons matérielles et objectives


Part two, Article 23 CLL of Ukraine allows using fixed-term employment agreement only when labour relations cannot be established for an indefinite term considering the character of the work to be done or its conditions or the worker's interests, and in other cases provided for by law.

Nombre maximum de CDD successifs: aucune limitation


According to Article 39 CLL, if labour relations actually continue after expiration of the employment agreement and none of the parties demands their termination, validity of such agreement is deemed as extended for an indefinite term. Labour agreements that were re-concluded for one or more times, except as provided for by part two, Article 23 CLL, are deemed as extended for an indefinite term.

Durée cumulée maximum de CDD successifs: aucune limitation

Durée maximale de la période d'essai (en mois): 3 mois


Art. 27 LC provides for the probationary period which can not be longer than 3 months. However it can be prolonged for 3 months more in some special cases and in consultation with appropriate representative body. In case that the employee was absent from work because of the temporary disability or other valid reasons, probation period may be extended for the number of days the employee has been absent. (Art. 27 LC)

Obligation d'informer le travailleur des raisons du licenciement: Oui



Motifs autorisés (licenciement justifié): conduite du travailleur, capacité du travailleur, motifs économiques


Termination of a labour agreement on the initiative of the owner or authorized agency according to Art. 40:

1) changes in production and labor organization, including liquidation, reorganization, bankruptcy or conversion of enterprises, institutions, organizations, downsizing or staff;

2) revealed inconsistencies in employee's professional duties or work performed as a result of inadequate training and health, which hinder the continuation of this work, as well as in the case of refusal of access to state secrets or cancel access to state secrets, if the fulfillment of its responsibilities 'Relations requires access to state secrets;

3) systematic failure of an employee in performing duties, without a good reason, imposed by the labor contract or internal regulations, if applied to an employee before disciplinary action or civil penalty;

4) absence (including absence from work for more than three hours during the working day) without good reason;

5) absence from work for more than four consecutive months due to sick leave, excluding maternity and lineages, if the legislation does not set a longer term preservation of jobs (positions) at a certain disease. For workers who have lost capacity due to industrial injury or occupational disease, workplace (office) is kept to a rehabilitation or a disability;
6) reinstatement of an employee who previously performed this work;

7) appearance at work drunk, or by the influence of drugs or toxic substances;

8) committing theft in the workplace

Dismissal on the grounds specified in paragraphs 1, 2 and 6 of this Article shall be allowed, if you can not transfer an employee with his consent, to another job.

{Part three of Article 40 is excluded on the basis of Law N 6/95-VR on 19/01/95}

The dismissal on the initiative of the owner or authorized body is not allowed during employee's temporary disability (other than dismissal under paragraph 5 of this article) and for the period while the employee is on vacation. This rule does not apply in case of complete liquidation of the enterprise, institution or organization.
Also, art. 41 LC states that additional reasons for termination may be:
1.A gross violation of duty by the CEO, his/hers deputies, chief accountant etc.
2.Violation of duties of an employee who directly deals with with
money, commodities or cultural valuables if such
actions resulted in the loss of his employer's confidence
3.Immoral actions by a tutor
Workers on probation may be dismissed without the consent of the relevant trade union if they are not suitable for the work for which they were hired (Article 28 LC)

Motifs prohibés: grossesse, race, sexe, religion, opinion politique, origine sociale, nationalité/origine nationale, affiliation et activités syndicales, statut financier, langue, lieu de résidence


Art. 2.1 of the Labour Code provides equal labor rights for all citizens regardless of origin, social status, race, nationality, sex, language, political opinions, religious beliefs, type and nature of occupation, residence and other circumstances.

However in the cases of pregnant women, women who have children under the age of three, (or, in special circumstances supported by medical evidence, under the age of six), and single mothers who have disabled children or children under the age of 14, pursuant to Article 184 of the Labor Code, this rule does not apply in case of liquidation of an enterprise, or if the woman was on a fixed-term contract that expired. However, in these two cases, the employer is obliged to find alternative employment for employees who fall into this category.
Article 25 of the Labor Code prohibits an employer, while concluding an employment agreement with a prospective employee, from requiring any additional documentation not specified in the Labor Code.
Art. 22 LC

Travailleurs bénéficiant d'une protection particulière: représentants des travailleurs, femmes enceintes ou en congé de maternité, travailleurs avec des responsabilités familiales


Pregnant women, women who have children under the age of three, (or, in special circumstances supported by medical evidence, under the age of six), and single mothers who have disabled children or children under the age of 14 (Art. 184 LC)
Art. 22 LC

Forme de la notification du licenciement au travailleur: écrite

Délai de préavis:


Art. 49

ancienneté ≥ 6 mois:

  • Tous: 2 mois.

ancienneté ≥ 9 mois:

  • Tous: 2 mois.

ancienneté ≥ 1 an:

  • Tous: 2 mois.

ancienneté ≥ 2 ans:

  • Tous: 2 mois.

ancienneté ≥ 4 ans:

  • Tous: 2 mois.

ancienneté ≥ 5 ans:

  • Tous: 2 mois.

ancienneté ≥ 10 ans:

  • Tous: 2 mois.

ancienneté ≥ 20 ans:

  • Tous: 2 mois.

Indemnité compensatrice de préavis: Non

Notification à l'administration publique: Non

Notification aux représentants des travailleurs: Non

Autorisation de l'administration publique ou d'un organe judiciaire: Non

Accord des représentants des travailleurs: Non

ancienneté ≥ 6 mois: 1 mois

ancienneté ≥ 9 mois: 1 mois

ancienneté ≥ 1 an: 1 mois

ancienneté ≥ 4 ans: 1 mois

ancienneté ≥ 5 ans: 1 mois

ancienneté ≥ 10 ans: 1 mois

ancienneté ≥ 20 ans: 1 mois

Indemnité de licenciement pour motif économique:

ancienneté ≥ 6 mois: 1 mois

ancienneté ≥ 9 mois: 1 mois

ancienneté ≥ 1 an: 1 mois

ancienneté ≥ 2 ans: 1 mois

ancienneté ≥ 4 ans: 1 mois

ancienneté ≥ 5 ans: 1 mois

ancienneté ≥ 10 ans: 1 mois

ancienneté ≥ 20 ans: 1 mois

Notes / Remarques


At least 1 month of payment is foreseen by the Labour Code in case of redundancy or worker-related dismissals. Higher payment is foreseen in several other cases, such as employment termination to fulfill a military duty, or employer's breach of the labour legislation.

Compensation pour licenciement injustifié - montant librement déterminé par la cour: Oui

Compensation for unfair dismissal - Are there legal limits?:


Compensation pour licenciement injustifié - limites légales (plafond en mois ou methode de calcul définie): Article 235 of the Labour Code: in case of reinstatement of an unfairly dismissed worker, the compensation for idle time is limited to one-year wages. However, if the worker is not guilty of the fact that the trial lasts more than one year, the court may afford compensation of lost wages for the whole idle period.

Possibilité de réintégration dans l'emploi: Oui


Article 235 of the Labour Code

Conciliation préalable obligatoire: Non

Courts ou tribunaux compétents: juridiction ordinaire


Article 232 of the Labour Code

Règlement des litiges individuels par arbitrage: Non

Charge de la preuve: employeur