CDD reglementés: Non

Motifs autorisés de recours au CDD: aucune limitation


The Labour Act does not refer to any specific legal regime for the use of fixed-term contracts.
Only temporary and casual employment are regulated by special provisions (art. 73 to 78 LA)

(Note: Art. 78: "temporary worker" means a worker who is employed for a continuous period of not less than one month and is not a permanent worker or employed for a work that is seasonal in character; "casual worker" means a worker engaged on a work which is seasonal or intermittent and not for a continuous period of more than 6 months and whose remuneration is calculated on a daily basis".)

Nombre maximum de CDD successifs: aucune limitation


No statutory limitation found in the legislation reviewed.

Durée cumulée maximum de CDD successifs: aucune limitation


No statutory limitation found in the legislation reviewed.

Notes / Remarques


The Labour Act does not refer to any specific legal regime for the use of fixed-term contract.
Only temporary and casual workers are regulated by special provisions (art. 73 to 78 LA)

Durée maximale de la période d'essai (en mois):


No statutory maximum duration. The Labour Act refers to a "reasonable duration". Probationary period is generally provided in collective agreement

*Art. 66 LA refers to workers serving a probation or qualifying period of employment of reasonable duration determined in advance.
*Art. 98 d) LA : A collective agreement may include provisions on the period of probation and conditions on probation.

Obligation d'informer le travailleur des raisons du licenciement Non


No legal provision requiring justification to the employee.
See however art. 63 (4) a) LA:
"A termination may be unfair if the employer fails to prove that the reason for the termination is fair".

Motifs autorisés (licenciement justifié): conduite du travailleur, capacité du travailleur, motifs économiques


Art. 62 LC: "A termination of a worker's employment is fair if the contract of employment is terminated by the employer on any of the following grounds:
(a) that the worker is incompetent or lacks the qualification in relation to the work for which the worker is employed;
(b) the proven misconduct of the worker;
(c) redundancy under section 65;
(d) due to legal restriction imposed on the worker prohibiting the worker from performing the work for which he or she is employed".

Motifs prohibés: grossesse, congé de matérnité, avoir déposé une plainte contre l'employeur, maladie ou accident professionel temporaire, race, couleur, sexe, religion, opinion politique, origine sociale, affiliation et activités syndicales, handicap, statut financier, origine ethnique


Art. 63 LA.

Travailleurs bénéficiant d'une protection particulière: femmes enceintes ou en congé de maternité


Art 57(8): An employer shall not dismiss a woman worker because of her absence from work on maternity leave.
Art. 12 WA: “A whistleblower shall not be subjected to victimisation by the employer of the whistleblower or by a fellow employee or by another person because a disclosure has been made.” According to Art. 12(2), a whistleblower is subjected to victimisaton if they are dismissed.

Forme de la notification du licenciement au travailleur: écrite


Art. 17(3) LA: Notice of termination must be in writing.

Délai de préavis:


Art. 17 (1), (2) LA:
* The notice period varies according to the length of the contract as follows:
- 1 month's notice (or pay in lieu of notice) in the case of a contract of 3 years or more;
- 2 weeks' notice (or pay in lieu of notice) in the case of a contract of less than 3 years;
- 7 days' notice (or pay in lieu of notice) in the case of a contract from week to week.
* A contract of employment determinable at the will of the party may be terminated at the close of anyday without notice.

ancienneté ≥ 6 mois:

  • Tous: 2 semaine(s).

ancienneté ≥ 9 mois:

  • Tous: 2 semaine(s).

ancienneté ≥ 2 ans:

  • Tous: 2 semaine(s).

ancienneté ≥ 4 ans:

  • Tous: 1 mois.

ancienneté ≥ 5 ans:

  • Tous: 1 mois.

ancienneté ≥ 10 ans:

  • Tous: 1 mois.

ancienneté ≥ 20 ans:

  • Tous: 1 mois.

Indemnité compensatrice de préavis: Oui


Art. 18 (4) LA: Notwithstanding section 17(1), either party to a contract of employment may terminate the contract without notice if that party pays to the other party a sum equal to the amount of remuneration which would have accrued to the worker during the period of the notice.

Notification à l'administration publique: Non

Notification aux représentants des travailleurs: Non

Autorisation de l'administration publique ou d'un organe judiciaire: Non

Accord des représentants des travailleurs: Non

Définition du licenciement collectif (nombre d'employés concernés): No legal definition of a collective dismissal. However, Art 65(1) LA defines a redundancy as "the introduction of major changes in production, programme, organization, structure or technology of an undertaking that are likely to entail terminations of employment of workers in the undertaking.


Art. 65 LA. No reference to any number of employees concerned.

Consultation préalable des syndicats (représentants des travailleurs): Oui


Art. 65 (1) b) LA: “the employer shall consult the trade union concerned on measures to be taken to avert or minimize the termination as well as measures to mitigate the adverse effects of any terminations on the workers concerned such as finding alternative employment.u201d

Notification à l'administration publique: Oui


Art. 65 (1) a) LA: “the employer shall provide in writing to the Chief Labour Officer and the trade union concerned, not later than three months before the contemplated changes, all relevant information including the reasons for any termination, the number and categories of workers likely to be affected and the period within which any termination is to be carried out.u201d

Notification aux représentants des travailleurs: Oui


Art. 65 (1) (a) LA: . the employer shall provide in writing to the Chief Labour Officer and the trade union concerned, not later than three months before the contemplated changes, all relevant information including the reasons for any termination, the number and categories of workers likely to be affected and the period within which any termination is to be carried out.u201d

Autorisation de l'administration publique ou d'un organe judiciaire: Non

Accord des représentants des travailleurs: Non

Règles de priorité pour l'ordre des des licenciements collectifs (situation sociale, âge, ancienneté): Non


Art. 65 (1) b) LA: “the employer shall consult the trade union concerned on measures to be taken to avert or minimize the termination as well as measures to mitigate the adverse effects of any terminations on the workers concerned such as finding alternative employment.u201d

Obligation de l'employeur d'examiner des solutions alternatives au licenciement (transferts, formation...): Oui


Art. 65 (1) b) LA: the employer must consider measures aiming at averting dismissals and mitigating their adverse effects such as finding alternative employment must be examined during consultation with the trade union.

Règles de priorité de réembauche: Non

ancienneté ≥ 6 mois: 0 mois

ancienneté ≥ 9 mois: 0 mois

ancienneté ≥ 1 an: 0 mois

ancienneté ≥ 4 ans: 0 mois

ancienneté ≥ 5 ans: 0 mois

ancienneté ≥ 10 ans: 0 mois

ancienneté ≥ 20 ans: 0 mois

Indemnité de licenciement pour motif économique:

ancienneté ≥ 6 mois: 0 mois

ancienneté ≥ 9 mois: 0 mois

ancienneté ≥ 1 an: 0 mois

ancienneté ≥ 2 ans: 0 mois

ancienneté ≥ 4 ans: 0 mois

ancienneté ≥ 5 ans: 0 mois

ancienneté ≥ 10 ans: 0 mois

ancienneté ≥ 20 ans: 0 mois

Notes / Remarques


Art. 65 (2) provides that a worker who has been made redundant “is entitled to be paid by the undertaking at which that worker was immediately employed prior to the close down, arrangement or amalgamation, compensation, in this section referred to as “redundancy pay”.
Subsection (3): “In determining whether a worker has suffered any diminution in his or her terms and conditions of employment, account shall be taken of the past services and accumulated benefits, if any, of the worker in respect of the employment with the undertaking before the changes were carried out.”
Subsection 4: “the amount of redundancy pay and the terms and conditions of payment are matters which are subject to negotiation between the employer or a representative of the employer on the one hand and the worker or the trade union concerned on the other,”

Compensation pour licenciement injustifié - montant librement déterminé par la cour: Oui


Art. 64 (2) c) LA.

Possibilité de réintégration dans l'emploi: Oui


Art. 64 (2) LA provides that the court may (a) order the employer to re-instate the worker from the date of the termination of employment; or (b) order the employer to re-employ the worker, either in the work for which the worker was employed before the termination or in other reasonably suitable work on the same terms and conditions enjoyed by the worker before the termination.
Art. 14(3) WA provides that the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice may order the reinstatement of an employee that has been unfairly dismissed by an employer in retaliation to whistleblowing.

Conciliation préalable obligatoire: Non

Courts ou tribunaux compétents: tribunal du travail


Art. 64 LA.
The competent body is the National Labour Commission. It shall exercise adjudicating and dispute settlement functions in complete independence (art. 138 LA). Moreover, in settling an industrial dispute, the Commission shall have the same enforcing powers as the High Court and enjoy the same privileges and immunities in regard to its proceedings (art. 139 LA).
Art, 13(1) WA: “A whistleblower who honestly and reasonably believes that that whistleblower has been subjected to victimisation or learns of a likely subjection to victimisation because a disclosure has been made, may in the first instance make a complaint to the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice”.

Règlement des litiges individuels par arbitrage: Oui


Mediation: art. 154 LA.
Arbitration: art. 157 LA.

% de litiges relatifs au licenciement par raport au nombre total de litiges: 51.7


Figures for the year 2014.
This figure includes:
- Redundancy/lay-Off/ Severance pay (12.5%)
- Summary dismissals (19.6%)
- Unfair terminations (25.5%)

Source: Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations Statistical Report 2015