Valid reasons for FTC use: objective and material reasons


Art. 16 LC

Maximum number of successive FTCs: no limitation


Exceptions however are provided in art. 17: when starting-up an enterprise or launching a new product for the first-time in non-agricultural sectors, fixed-term contracts can be concluded for a maximum of 12 months, renewable once.

Maximum cumulative duration of successive FTCs: 2year(s)


Art. 17 LC

Maximum probationary (trial) period (in months): 6 month(s)


The duration of the probationary period is governed by art. 14 LC as follows:
- Contract of indefinite duration:
* 3 months for executives and similar positions
* 1,5 months for white collars
* 15 days for blue collars
This trial period can be renewed once.

- Fixed-term contract:
* Max. 2 weeks for contract concluded for less than 6 months
* Max. 1 month for contracts concluded for more than 6 months

Obligation to provide reasons to the employee: Yes

Valid grounds (justified dismissal):

Prohibited grounds: marital status, pregnancy, maternity leave, family responsibilities, filing a complaint against the employer, race, colour, sex, religion, political opinion, social origin, nationality/national origin, trade union membership and activities, disability


Art. 9 and art. 36 LC
Art. 152 LC: pregnant women and women on maternity leave.

Workers enjoying special protection: workers' representatives, pregnant women and/or women on maternity leave

Art. 58 LC: severance pay is doubled for workers' representatives.
Art. 457 LC: approval by the labour administration is required in case of a disciplinary dismissal of a workers' representative.
Art. 152 LC: prohibition to dismiss women during pregnancy and women on maternity leave.

Notification to the worker to be dismissed: written


* Disciplinary dismissal, mandatory procedural requirements:
Prior oral interview with possible representation by a workers' representative followed by a written decision: art. 62 and 63 LC
*Art. 44 LC applicable to any dismissal.

Notice period:


Art. 1 of the Decree n°2-04-469 of 29 December 2004 : notice period varies according to the category of workers and the length of service as follows:
1) For white collars and blue collars
- less than one year of service: 8 days;
- 1 to 5 years of service: 1 month:
- more than 5 years of service: 2 months.

2) For managerial and similar positions:
- less than one year of service: 1 month;
- 1 to 5 years of service: 2 months;
- more than 5 years: 3 months.

Pay in lieu of notice: Yes

Art. 51 LC

Notification to the public administration: Yes

Disciplinary dismissals: art. 64 LC.
Individual economic dismissals: art. 67 LC.

Notification to workers' representatives: No

Except in case of an individual economic dismissal: art. 66 LC.

Approval by public administration or judicial bodies: No

Except in case of individual dismissal on economic grounds (art. 67 LC) and dismissal of worker's representatives (art. 457 LC).

Approval by workers' representatives: No

Definition of collective dismissal (number of employees concerned) Dismissal affecting all or part of the workers in undertakings with 10 or more workers.


Art. 66 LC

Notification to the public administration Yes


Art. 66 LC

Notification to trade union (workers' representatives) Yes


Art. 67 LC

Notification to workers' representatives: Yes


Art. 66 LC

Approval by trade union (workers' representatives) Yes


Art. 67 LC

Approval by workers' representatives No

Priority rules for collective dismissals (social considerations, age, job tenure) Yes


Art. 71 LC provides a list of criteria to be considered: tenure, professional values, family responsibilities. However, no order is specified.

Employer's obligation to consider alternatives to dismissal (transfers, retraining...) Yes


Art. 71 and 508 LC: preferential right to re-employment for 1 year.

Priority rules for re-employment Yes


Art. 66 LC: measures concerning alternatives to dismissal and mitigation of the negative effects are examined in the framework of the consultation process but no formal agreement is required.


Art. 53 LC establishes rules on severance pay as follows:
- Severance pay is due after 6 months of service.
- It corresponds to a number of hours per year that varies according to the length of service:
* 96 hours pay per year for the first 5 years
* 144 hours per year between the 6th and the 10th year
* 192 hours per year between the 11th and the 15th year
* 240 hours after the 15th year.
For the purpose of calculation, the yearly average yearly work duration used here is 2288 hours as set in art. 184 LC.

: 0.25 month(s)

: 0.33 month(s)

: 0.5 month(s)

: 1 month(s)

: 2 month(s)

: 2.5 month(s)

: 6.25 month(s)

: 17.5 month(s)


Art. 70 LC: Redundancy payment shall be the same as severance pay.

: 0.25 month(s)

: 0.33 month(s)

: 0.5 month(s)

: 1 month(s)

: 2 month(s)

: 2.5 month(s)

: 6.25 month(s)

: 17.5 month(s)

mine workers: No

Art. 41 LC

Compensation for unfair dismissal - Legal limits (ceiling in months or calculation method): 1,5 months&apos; pay per year of service but cannot exceed 36 months&apos; pay.<br/>

Art. 41 LC

managerial / executive positions: Yes

Art. 41 LC

police: No

No mandatory conciliation before the court.
However, possibility to resort to extra-judicial conciliation before the Labour Inspectorate to claim reinstatement or damages (art. 41 LC)

Art. 41 LC refers to the competent tribunal. No labour court in Morocco.

Existing arbitration: No