FTC regulated: No

Valid reasons for FTC use: no limitation


No statutory limitation on the use of FTC in the LL.

Maximum number of successive FTCs: no limitation


No statutory limitation on the renewals of FTC in the LL.
However, the LL provides that: "If the work contract was for a limited period, then it shall be terminated by the expiry of its period, if the parties have continued to implement the work contract after its expiry, then this shall be considered as a renewal of the contract for unlimited period from the beginning of employment" (art. 15 C) LL).

Maximum cumulative duration of successive FTCs: 5year(s)


No statutory limitation on the use of FTC in the LL.

Maximum probationary (trial) period (in months): 3 month(s)


Art. 35 LL.

Obligation to provide reasons to the employee: No


The LL does not require the employer to provide the reasons for termination. The party who intends to terminate the contract is only requested to notify the other party in writing of his or her intention to terminate the contract (art. 23 LL).

Valid grounds (justified dismissal):

Prohibited grounds: pregnancy, maternity leave, filing a complaint against the employer, race, religion, trade union membership and activities, performing military or civil service, language, lawfully taking leave


- The employer shall not terminate the services of an employee in any of the following cases:
* from the sixth month of the employee's pregnancy or during her maternity leave.
* the employee is performing military or reserve service.
* the employee is on annual, sick leave or on leave granted for the worker's education, purposes of learning, pilgrimage, or on leave agreed by both parties to take up trade union office or studies in a recognized institute, college or university (art. 27 LL).

- Race, language and religion are listed in the Constitution as prohibited grounds for discrimination. They are however not mentioned in the LL as prohibited grounds for dismissal.
Art. 6 of the Constitution reads as follows: "(i) Jordanians shall be equal before the law. There shall be no discrimination between them as regards to their rights and duties on grounds of race, language or religion.
(ii) The Government shall ensure work and education within the limits of its possibilities, and it shall ensure a state of tranquility and equal opportunities to all Jordanians."

Workers enjoying special protection: workers' representatives, pregnant women and/or women on maternity leave, workers performing military/alternative service

Art. 27 LL: The LL prohibits the employer from terminating the employment of a pregnant woman from the sixth month of the employee's pregnancy or during her maternity leave and of an employee who is performing military or reserve service.

Notification to the worker to be dismissed: written


Art. 23 A) LL.

Notice period:


Art. 23 A) LL: If one of the parties intends to terminate the employment contract, he or she shall notify the other party of his or her intention in writing at least one month in advance.

Pay in lieu of notice: Yes

Art. 23 C) LL: "If the notification was provided by the employer, then the employer may exempt the employee from working during the period of notification [...] the employee shall be entitled to his/her wage for the period of notification in all such cases."

Notification to the public administration: No

Notification to workers' representatives: No

Approval by public administration or judicial bodies: No

Approval by workers' representatives: No

Definition of collective dismissal (number of employees concerned) The LL refers to : &quot;economic or technical conditions of the employer that entail reducing the size of work force, replacing a production system with another, or stopping work completely which may result in <b>terminating unlimited period work contracts or suspend all of some of the contracts</b>&quot;.


See art. 31 A) LL.

Notification to the public administration Yes


Art. 31 B) LL provides that "The Minister shall form a committee of the three production parties [= tripartite committee] to verify the validity of the procedures taken by the employer and provide its recommendation in this regard to the Minister within a period not exceeding fifteen days from the date of providing the notification".

Notification to trade union (workers' representatives) Yes


Art. 31 A) LL: The employer shall notify the Minister of Labour of any intended collective termination or suspension of employment contracts in writing and indicate the reasons justifying it.

Notification to workers' representatives: Yes


Art. 31 B) LL provides that "The Minister shall form a committee of the three production parties [= tripartite committee] to verify the validity of the procedures taken by the employer and provide its recommendation in this regard to the Minister within a period not exceeding fifteen days from the date of providing the notification".

Approval by trade union (workers' representatives) Yes


The Minister can approve or reject the procedure followed by the employer. See art. 31 C) LL:
"C. The Minister shall issue his decision in relation to the recommendation [of the so-called "committee of the three production parties" = tripartite committee established by him] during seven days from the date of submitting it whether by approving the procedures of the employer or reconsidering such procedures".

Approval by workers' representatives No

Priority rules for collective dismissals (social considerations, age, job tenure) No

Employer's obligation to consider alternatives to dismissal (transfers, retraining...) Yes


Art. 31 E) LL: "The employees whose services have been terminated in accordance with paragraph (A,B) of this article may return to their work during a year from the date of their leaving work if the work has returned to its previous state and their reemployment with the employer was permissible."

Priority rules for re-employment No


Not in the LL.


Art. 32, § 1 LL provides that "the employee working for unlimited period and not subject to the provisions of the Social Security Law, and whose service is terminated for any reason may acquire the end of service remuneration in a rate of a month wage for each year of his/her actual service, for the parts of year, he/she shall be given a proportional remuneration.
The remuneration shall be calculated on the basis of the last wage that he/she has received during the period of his/her employment, while if the complete wage or part of it was calculated on the basis of commission or taskwork, then the remuneration shall be calculated based on the average of the monthly wage received by the employee during the twelve months preceding the end of his/her service.
If the period of his/her service has not reached that extent, then the monthly average of the total of his/her service period shall be considered, the intermissions not exceeding 60 days (New in 2010: previously 1 month) between one work and another shall be considered as uninterrupted employment period when calculating the remuneration. See: art. 35 LL, as amended by sec. 11 of the Interim Act No. 26 of 2010.

: 0.5 month(s)

: 0.75 month(s)

: 1 month(s)

: 2 month(s)

: 4 month(s)

: 5 month(s)

: 10 month(s)

: 20 month(s)


No specific redundancy payment, but the "end of service remuneration" covers termination for any reason, therefore including economic reasons.
(see art. 32 LL: the end of service remuneration amount to 1 month per year of service)

: 0.5 month(s)

: 0.75 month(s)

: 1 month(s)

: 2 month(s)

: 4 month(s)

: 5 month(s)

: 10 month(s)

: 20 month(s)

mine workers: No

Art. 25 LL sets out legal limits on the compensation to be paid to the employee in the event of arbitrary dismissal (see below).

Compensation for unfair dismissal - Legal limits (ceiling in months or calculation method): Compensation following any dismissal which is arbitrary and violates the provisions of the LL shall be <b>half of the monthly remuneration for each year of service provided that the amount shall not be less than the worker&apos;s remuneration for two months</b>, in addition to compensation in lieu of notice and other entitlements stipulated in the law (including the end of service termination).<br/>

Art. 25, as amended in 2010 LL.
New in 2010: prior to the 2010 amendment, compensation was set as follows: at least 3 months' wages but not more than 6 months' wages.

managerial / executive positions: Yes

Art. 25 LL: remedy for arbitrary and unlawful dismissal shall be either reinstatement or compensation.

police: No

No statutory provision found in the legislation reviewed.
Preliminary conciliation is only foreseen in the settlement of collective labour disputes (see art. 120-123 LL)

Art. 137 A) LL: The Magistrate Court (ordinary civil court) exercises jurisdiction over individual labour disputes with the exception of disputes related to wages in the areas where there is no "Remuneration Authority".

Under the Jordanian labour disputes settlement system, the labour court is an ad hoc organ, constituted by three regular judges delegated by the judicial council for this purpose upon the requirement of the minister of labour. It is only competent to hear collective labour disputes, and will do so if the conciliation board has failed to settle the case (art. 124 LL).

Existing arbitration: No

No statutory provision found in the legislation reviewed.

Length of procedure: 3month(s) (statutory)

Art. 137 A) LL: the settlement of the case shall be made within three months as from the day it has been referred to the Court.
Appeal shall be lodged within 10 days and decided by the Court of appeal within 30 days. (art. 137 B) LL)