FTC regulated: Yes


Article 25 of Labour Code provides that the individual employment contract may be:
a) For an indefinite time, when no date is specified for its termination.
b) For a fixed term, when a date is specified for its completion or when the occurrence of some fact or circumstance such as the completion of a work has been foreseen, which must necessarily end the employment relationship. In this second case, the worker's activity itself must be taken into account as the object of the contract, and not the result of the work; and
c) For a specific work, when the price of the worker's services is adjusted globally or in elevation from the time the work begins until the work is completed, taking into account the result of the work, that is, the work carried out.

Although the worker receives advanced payments on account of the work performed or to be performed, the individual employment contract must be understood for a specific work, provided that the conditions indicated in the preceding paragraph are met.

Valid reasons for FTC use: objective and material reasons


Article 25 (b) and (c) of Labour Code above described.

Maximum number of successive FTCs: no limitation


Article 26 of Labour Code provides that if the nature and cause of the work remain at the end of the work contract for a certain time and the hiring is not renewed, it will be interpreted for the benefit of the worker as an a contract for indefinite time and payment of the workers' compensation will proceed.
Contracts for a fixed term and for the execution of a specific work are of an exception nature and can only be concluded in cases that are required by the accidental or temporary nature of the service to be provided or of the work to be executed.

Maximum cumulative duration of successive FTCs: no limitation

The maximum cumulative duration that may mediate between the successive conclusion of contracts for a defined time is not specified in the law.

Maximum probationary (trial) period (in months): 2 month(s)


Article 81 of Labour Code provides that In all indefinite period contracts, the first two months are considered trial period, unless by mutual convenience the parties agree to a shorter period. During the trial period, either party may terminate the contract, of their own free will, with or without just cause, without incurring any liability.
The simulation of the trial period is prohibited, with the purpose of evading the recognition of the inalienable rights of the workers and those derived from the employment contract for an indefinite period. If one or more companies hire workers to provide their services to another company, the latter will be liable to the affected workers, in accordance with the law.

Excluded from protection against dismissal: No


See Article 81 above.

Obligation to provide reasons to the employee: Yes

Valid grounds (justified dismissal):

Prohibited grounds: pregnancy, maternity leave, race, religion, political opinion, trade union membership and activities, financial status


Art. 14 bis: prohibits discrimination of workers based on race, religion, political creeds and economic situation, in social welfare, education, culture, entertainment or commerce establishments that work for the use or benefit of workers, in companies or work places of private owned, or in establishments that the State creates for workers in general.

Workers enjoying special protection: workers' representatives, pregnant women and/or women on maternity leave

Women in a state of pregnancy or lactation period (art. 151 (c) of Labour Code), workers in formation of a union (art. 209 Labour Code), the members of the Executive Committee of the Union during the exercise up to 12 months after of their mandate has ended (art. 223 (d) Labour Code) and the workers participating in a collective economic and social conflict (art. 380 Labour Code).
The foregoing implies that it is required to process and obtain a judicial or administrative authorization prior to the application of the dismissal.

Notification to the worker to be dismissed: written


Article 78 of Labour Code provides that the termination of the employment contract in accordance with one or more of the causes listed in Article 77, takes effect as soon as the employer communicates it in writing to the worker indicating the cause of the dismissal and the worker effectively ceases working. The worker has the right to challenge the dismissal before Labor and Social Security Courts.

Article 87 of Labour Code provides that at the expiration of all employment contracts, for whatever reason it terminates, the employer must give the worker a document that expresses only:
a) The date of their entry and exit;
b) The type of work performed; and
c) The ordinary and extraordinary salary accrued during the last payment period.
If the worker wishes, the certificate must also determine:
a) The way it worked; and
b) The cause or causes of the termination of the contract.

Notice period:


No statutory provision for notice periods.

Pay in lieu of notice: No

Notification to the public administration: No

Notification to workers' representatives: No

Approval by public administration or judicial bodies: No

In the private employment regime, due process is not required before dismissal. Only in the case of workers with special protection is it necessary to process and obtain judicial or administrative authorization prior to applying the disciplinary dismissal

Approval by workers' representatives: No

Definition of collective dismissal (number of employees concerned) No statutory definition of collective dismissal for economic reasons.<br/>However, article 85 Labour Code states that it is possible to terminate an employment contracts: force majeure or fortuitous case; insolvency, bankruptcy or judicial or extrajudicial liquidation of the company; or the incapacity or death of the employer. This rule applies when the events described above produce as a necessary consequence, the absolute impossibility of fulfilling the employment contract.<br/>In these cases, the General Labour Inspectorate, or the Labour and Social Welfare Courts, if litigation has arisen, must discretionary graduate the amount of the company&apos;s obligations as regards for dismissal, considering the parameters set out by articles 82, 83, 84 and 85 of Labour Code, without in any case these being less than amount of two days of salary, or greater than 4 months of salary, for each worker. For this purpose, the economic capacity of the respective company must be taken into account, in harmony with the time that each contract is in force.<br/>However, greater compensation may be imposed in favour of workers in the event that the insolvency or bankruptcy of the company has been caused in a guilty or fraudulent manner by the employer.

Notification to the public administration No

Notification to trade union (workers' representatives) No

Notification to workers' representatives: No

Approval by trade union (workers' representatives) Yes


As previously described, when the work contract is terminated without a cause due to insolvency, bankruptcy or partial or extrajudicial liquidation of the company; it is the General Labour Inspectorate, or the Labour and Social Welfare Courts, if litigation has already arisen, that must discretely graduate the amount of the company's obligations as regards for dismissal, considering the parameters set out bu articles 82, 83, 84 and 85 of Labour Code.

Approval by workers' representatives No

Priority rules for collective dismissals (social considerations, age, job tenure) No

Employer's obligation to consider alternatives to dismissal (transfers, retraining...) No


There is no statutory rule in relation to re-employment after economic reasons dismissals.
However, in accordance with article 13 Labour Code, it is forbidden employing less than ninety percent of Guatemalan workers and paying them less than eighty-five percent of the total wages accrued in their respective companies, except as established in particular by special laws and also according to the exclusions established in the article itself.

Priority rules for re-employment No


Article 82 provides that if the employment contract for an indefinite period ends after the trial period has elapsed, due to the unjustified dismissal of the worker, or for any of the causes provided for in Article 79, the employer must pay a compensation for time served equivalent to one month's salary for each year of continuous service. If the services do not last one year, proportionally to the term worked. For the purposes of calculating continuous services, the date on which the employment relationship began, whatever it is, must be taken into account.

Article 84 provides that in fixed-term contracts and for the execution of a determined work, each of the parties may terminate them, without just cause, before the end of the term or the completion of the work, paying the other the corresponding damages and losses, under the discretion of a labor inspector or Labour Judge, if a litigation has already arisen.
If the premature termination of the contract has been determined by the employer, the damages to be paid to the worker cannot be less than one day's salary for each month of continuous work performed, or a smaller fraction of the time, otherwise that term has been adjusted. This minimum of damages must be satisfied at the time of termination of the contract and is deductible from the greater amount of damages that may subsequently be determined by the labor authorities.

: 15 day(s)

: 22.5 day(s)

: 1 month(s)

: 2 month(s)

: 4 month(s)

: 5 month(s)

: 10 month(s)

: 20 month(s)


o statutory provision for redundancies. However, article 85 Labour Code states that it is possible to terminate an employment contracts: force majeure or fortuitous case; insolvency, bankruptcy or judicial or extrajudicial liquidation of the company; or the incapacity or death of the employer. In these cases, the General Labour Inspectorate or the Labour and Social Welfare Courts, if litigation has arisen, must discretionary graduate the amount of the company's obligations as regards for dismissal, considering the parameters set out by articles 82, 83, 84 and 85 of Labour Code, without in any case these being less than amount of two days of salary, or greater than 4 months of salary, for each worker. For this purpose, the economic capacity of the respective company must be taken into account, in harmony with the time that each contract is in force.
However, greater compensation may be imposed in favour of workers in the event that the insolvency or bankruptcy of the company has been caused in a guilty or fraudulent manner by the employer.

: 15 day(s)

: 22.5 day(s)

: 1 month(s)

: 2 month(s)

: 4 month(s)

: 4 month(s)

: 4 month(s)

: 4 month(s)


o statutory provision for redundancies. However, article 85 Labour Code states that it is possible to terminate an employment contracts: force majeure or fortuitous case; insolvency, bankruptcy or judicial or extrajudicial liquidation of the company; or the incapacity or death of the employer. In these cases, the General Labour Inspectorate or the Labour and Social Welfare Courts, if litigation has arisen, must discretionary graduate the amount of the company's obligations as regards for dismissal, considering the parameters set out by articles 82, 83, 84 and 85 of Labour Code, without in any case these being less than amount of two days of salary, or greater than 4 months of salary, for each worker. For this purpose, the economic capacity of the respective company must be taken into account, in harmony with the time that each contract is in force.
However, greater compensation may be imposed in favour of workers in the event that the insolvency or bankruptcy of the company has been caused in a guilty or fraudulent manner by the employer.

: 15 day(s)

: 22.5 day(s)

: 1 month(s)

: 2 month(s)

: 4 month(s)

: 4 month(s)

: 4 month(s)

: 4 month(s)

mine workers: No

Article 78 of Labour Code provides that the termination of the employment contract according to one or more of the causes listed in the preceding Article77, takes effect as soon as the employer communicates it in writing to the worker indicating the cause of the dismissal and the worker effectively ceases his work, but the worker has the right to challenge the employer before the Labor and Social Security Courts, before the statute of limitations expires, in order to prove the just cause on which the dismissal was founded. If the employer does not prove this cause, he must pay the worker:
a) The indemnities that according to this Code may correspond to severance pay; and
b) As damages, the wages that the worker has ceased to receive from the time of dismissal until the payment of the respective compensation, up to a maximum of twelve (12) months of salary and court costs.

: Yes

See Article 78 of Labour Code.


See Article 78 of Labour Code.

Compensation for unfair dismissal - Legal limits (ceiling in months or calculation method): See article 78 above.

In cases of dismissals due to force majeure or fortuitous case; insolvency, bankruptcy or judicial or extrajudicial liquidation of the company; or the incapacity or death of the employer. In these cases, the Labour and Social Welfare Courts must discretionary graduate the amount of the company's obligations as regards for dismissal, considering the parameters set out by articles 82, 83, 84 and 85 of Labour Code, without in any case these being less than amount of two days of salary, or greater than 4 months of salary, for each worker. For this purpose, the economic capacity of the respective company must be taken into account, in harmony with the time that each contract is in force.
However, greater compensation may be imposed in favour of workers in the event that the insolvency or bankruptcy of the company has been caused in a guilty or fraudulent manner by the employer.

managerial / executive positions: Yes

Although there is no statutory provision for reinstatement, the worker may request reinstatement at the judicial level and when it is demonstrated that the workers have a special protection jurisdiction (arts. 151 subsection C, 209, 223 (d) and 380 of Labour Code) or if the employer did not obtain the corresponding judicial or administrative authorization prior to the application of the disciplinary dismissal.

police: Yes

The arts. 340 and 341 LC provide a conciliation stage between the filing of the claim and counterclaim and during the stage of trial hearing.
If the conciliation is partial, the trial will continue regarding the requests not included in the agreement.

Art. 283 of Labour Code provides that conflicts related to Labour and Social Security are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Labour and Social Security Courts, who are responsible for judging and executing the judged.

Existing arbitration: No

Decree 67/95 Arbitration Law, in its art. 3 subsection 4, excludes the possibility of submitting labour matters to an arbitration process. However, in social economic collective conflicts, arbitration is permitted in accordance with the provisions of arts. 397 and following of the Labour Code.

Burden of Proof: both

Article 344 of Labour Code.